Here Cums the Bride Pt. 02


Several readers asked for more from this story. It took me a while to figure out where these two were going, but it did eventually come to me.

I hope you enjoy it. Please send me your thoughts.


Now that Erica and I were together, life became much simpler. Also more complex. It just depends on the day.

For example, when Mom calls, we have to pretend we haven't just been fucking each other into oblivion. Usually we just let the answering machine get it, but there were a couple of early pickups that might have gotten us busted. So, more complicated in that way.

Simpler between us, though. Clothing was no longer optional... it was discouraged, unless we were expecting company. Erica would wander the apartment gloriously naked, with her big breasts jiggling and swaying it time to her sexy strides, and I was free to get as many full blown boners as I wanted to around her. I didn't need to hide them or be embarrassed, at all, as she was constantly checking me out as well.

I admit, there was a teenie, tiny voice in the back of my brain that was trying to remind me that the woman I was fucking daily was my sister. That voice was getting harder to hear every day, especially when she was on her knees sucking my cock with such obvious glee, which is what she was doing right now.

Oh. My. God. What an incredible cocksucker my big sister was! The best part was that she often did it completely unannounced, and without any wish for me to do anything but gush down her throat. I know my experience with the subject is limited, but it seemed to me that most women viewed a blowjob as a preparatory exercise, before they spread their legs to accept a good fucking. If they got a mouthful to swallow, it was a disappointment.

Erica quite obviously didn't share that viewpoint, and enjoyed getting me off, to the point where she sometimes had a gentle orgasm of her own. If her fingers were free to probe her gash, that 'sometimes' became 'always', and 'gentle' became 'gut wrenching'.

So, I'm here, sitting on the couch, arching my hips up to meet her lips as she sucks me like no other woman ever has. She's moaning, and stroking me with one slobber soaked hand, while the other is circling her clit furiously. I've got two handfuls of her beautiful red hair, humping her mouth eagerly, and... the phone rings.

If you're thinking 'this would be a time to let the machine get it', you're right. I had no plans to answer, and neither did Erica... but we still listened as the message was left.

"Hi kids... It's Mom calling," she began, while we both tried to continue quietly, as though Mom could somehow hear us. "Just thought I'd see how you two are getting along, since we haven't spoken in a while. Don't be too hard on each other. Give me a call back when you can. Love you, bye."

Erica giggled, and gave me a huge suck, finally flipping my switch. I groaned loudly, and spewed into her mouth, gushing hot semen that she swallowed happily.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Nice timing Mom!" I gurgled, gasping for air. Erica vacuumed up the last few drops, and smiled.

"Don't listen to her," she laughed. "You can be as... hard... on me as you like. In fact, I prefer it that way!"

She winked, and wiggled her ass at me, heading into the bedroom.

"Coming, darling?"

"Already did, Hugs. You, of all people should know that," I laughed. I did eventually follow, once I regained the use of my legs. My steps were unsteady, but there were enough pieces of furniture to lean on along the way. When I arrived at the bedroom doorway, I saw my sister laying back, her legs spread wide, with three fingers busy in her slippery pussy. The motion of her arm made her boobs dance enticingly. Despite having just been pleasured to completion, my dick couldn't ignore the sight, and twitched. It might be a few minutes before I was ready, but I could see a very attractive time killer to fill those minutes with.

All I had to do was get her fingers out of it.

I positioned myself between her thighs, and watched for a few seconds. It was a spectacular show, complete with scents and sounds, a sensory smorgasbord of sensuality. It was really fucking hot, too.

She pulled her fingers out, coated with delicious pussy gravy to the second knuckle. I was perfectly willing to clean them up, but she wanted the job herself, and sucked each digit with a moan of enjoyment. That left me to take care of the source of the mess ; her beautiful, bald pussy, already pouting open, and dripping wet.

Ever since that first night, just a few weeks ago, I had become addicted to my sister's pussy, unable to resist her. Truthfully, I really wasn't trying very hard to resist her. It's difficult to remind yourself that your perfect woman is actually your sister, when faced with the prospect of fulfilling all your fantasies by just excluding that fact. That little voice didn't even bother clearing his throat. He knew there was no winning the argument when I was already between her legs, and was picking his battles.

My tongue tasted her sweet secretions, and I sighed happily. Hugs did the same, harmonizing unconsciously. I went to town, licking, sucking and nibbling on her slippery folds, engorged labia, and aroused clit.

"Mmmmm, you're really good at that, Gig," she moaned. "Who taught you to eat pussy, anyway?"

"I, um... I kind of... Well... I watched a lot of girl-on-girl porn," I admitted with a shrug. "Seemed like another woman would know how to do it best."

I didn't anticipate that my sister would find the revelation funny, but she sure did, and began to chuckle, then it escalated into a full, raucous belly laugh. I actually had to stop tonguing her clit, and ask what she found so humorous.

"Oh, nothing... Except I keep picturing you as some nerd researcher, in glasses and a lab coat, with a clipboard and a pencil... Madly taking notes while some blonde dyke chews on her lover's juicy pussy," she laughed. "Volumes and volumes of notes!"

Ha, ha, ha! You think you're pretty clever, don't you sis? Well, I learned all sorts of tricks from those, um, 'instructional videos', like this one... I pressed two fingers inside her dripping cunt, palm up, and hooked the fingertips upward. There it is. I pressed firmly.

Erica's eyes popped open wide, and she lifted her head to look down at me.

"What the...? Holy shit, Stevie!" she gasped, squirming on the bed eagerly.

I put my tongue back to work on her clit, and she went ballistic. She had two handfuls of my hair, and was holding on tight, obviously not planning on letting me leave until I got her off. Her heels were digging into the middle of my back, urging me to continue. Just in case that wasn't enough to indicate her enjoyment, she was also screeching into the corner of her pillow. Muffled words of bliss filled the room.

I was sawing my fingers rapidly in and out of her slippery gash, maintaining the pressure against her g-spot, just the way the, um, 'instructors' did in the videos. Erica's slightly muted screams grew louder, and she arched her back, as my fingers prompted a flood of warm juices. I slurped them up as fast as her pussy could ooze the delicious honey out. Her thighs were quivering around my head, and her orgasm continued unabated, as did her screams. I kept plunging my fingers home, and she kept gushing ambrosia for me to lap up. Finally, she pulled the pillow away, and gasped for mercy.

"Stop! Please STOP!" she panted, her face flushed red. "Too much! Too much! I give! You win!"

Oh, there's no doubt I win. Every time we're together, I win, and so does she.

During my time between her legs, feasting on her yummy cunt, my cock had risen again, and was now eager to play his part in the festivities. I crawled up her body, dragging my erection up her leg.

"Ooooo, it's awake," she smiled, reaching down and grasping my stiffy. She gave it a few confirmation tugs, and rubbed it between her well lubricated lips, wordlessly telling me that she was ready to go. I pushed, and her pussy stretched open to accommodate my shaft. Every time we had sex, it went in a little easier, and the pleasure replaced the pain quicker.

"Mmnnnagggn! Shit!" she hissed. "Damn, that's a big dick! Does Dad have one like that?"

"I have no idea," I laughed, settling in deeper. "Why don't you ask Mom? Be sure to tell her why you're asking, too."

The fact that she was able to joke about it was proof it wasn't hurting her anymore.

"Yeah, sure," she giggled, holding her hand up in the universal thumb-and-pinky phone gesture. "Hi Mom. So I was fucking Stevie the other day, and I wondered where he got such a big dick. Does Dad have a big one, too? Hello? Mom? Are you there? We'd be going to her funeral."

"Well then the mystery shall remain just that," I smiled, beginning to stroke her gently. She moaned, and pulled me closer, finding my lips with hers.

The source of her beautiful, kissable lips... and the rest of the body I was currently taking great pleasure in penetrating... was much more obvious. Mom was similarly equipped, with even bigger tits than her oldest daughter. The twins were probably going to be equally spectacular.

I hoped I would still be alive when Sarah and Sylvia grew up. Not because I had any designs on sampling them as well, but because I knew if Dad ever found out I was fucking his first born daughter, he'd kill me. That little voice had found a bullhorn, and was trying to make himself heard over the moans and groans that were filling the room. I heard him, but my cock was running the show right now.

"Mmmmm, yeah, baby... Fuck me! It's so good, baby!" Erica moaned, hooking her hands behind her knees. She spread her legs wider, and pulled her knees back toward her shoulders, giving me completely unfettered access to pound her pussy as hard as I wanted, and as hard as she wanted me to.

My sexy sister never did anything by accident. She knew that giving me such a fabulous blowjob before she lured me into bed would lead me to eat her out for a few minutes, while I was recovering. She also knew it would take the edge off my urgency, and let me fuck her for a longer, more protracted period of time. She had set herself up to be thrashed mercilessly, because she liked it that way.

I was happy to give her what she wanted. It was fun to occasionally just cut loose, and use her body as though she was a cheap hooker, but I usually preferred to treat her like the treasure she truly was. As my sister, I had always loved her, but now I had fallen in love with her as well. The complications just kept piling up, but we chose not to see them.

Right now, all I could see was my sister's succulent cunt, stretched open around my cock, and her big, beautiful breasts, swaying joyously as I stroked into her firmly. Her sexy green eyes were focused on my face, and her spectacularly kissable lips were expressing the emotions she was feeling.

I was absolutely screwed, and I knew it. There was no winning in this situation. Sure, I was getting to live out all my fantasies. Sure, I was enjoying a sex life that any man would kill to have. I had a partner who was undoubtedly among the most beautiful and sexy any guy could ever hope for, and she would do anything for me. She loved me, and I loved her, all of which sounds like heaven, because it was.

It was also hell, because I couldn't see a way we could possibly come out of this unscathed. My choices were limited; if the relationship my sister and I were living became known, we were destroyed. Our family would never understand. It seemed the only way to avoid that fate was to stop, and go our separate ways, but that carried with it its own obvious level of pain.

Of course, these thoughts were pushed way down the priority list at the moment, as my brain had no room in it for anything but Erica right now. I could only focus on the pleasure she was giving me, and the pleasure she was hopefully feeling in return. Actually, I didn't need to worry about that part. She was making her enjoyment clear.

"Oh god, baby, yes! Yes! YES! FUCK MY PUSSY! JUST LIKE THAT!" she shrieked, among other expressions of joy that were only partially muffled by the corner of the pillow she was biting on.

My sister was the vocal one, and I usually confined my commentary to the animalistic grunts and groans of sex, at least until the end, when I would sing along side her happily during orgasm. The squeaking bedsprings rang out in the otherwise quiet apartment as I drilled down into her juicy cunt, pummelling her with each stroke of my hips. She liked it slightly on the rough side of the line separating love from lust, and we spent as much time fucking furiously as we did making love.

I watched her tits bouncing, and saw the flush beginning to grow on her chest and neck, marking her climax as it arrived. She screamed, but I just kept pounding her, holding her near the peak and pushing her along from one orgasm to the next, and the next.

I had read that some women never experience orgasm. Most can't have more than one, but my luscious sister was one of the fortunate few who can cum, and cum, and cum, proving that her uniqueness was far more than skin deep. I was so lucky to be able to sample her incredible blend of raw sexuality and striking beauty, even once. To do it every day was like winning the lottery.

We fucked like this for quite a while... long enough that having sex became an extremely effective workout, and caused me to sweat heavily, and that sweat began to drip down onto Erica's equally overheated body. She loved the complex perfume of our combined scents, I must admit I found it pretty hot as well, but not as arousing as she did. What I did find erotically charged was her reaction to it, as she moaned louder, and came again.

I suppose even a multi-orgasmic woman can reach her saturation point, and Erica did, finally melting under me. Her legs dropped to the bed, as did her arms, and her body stopped being an active participant, merely bouncing between my hips and the mattress. Her eyes lost focus, and I knew she was worn out.

It's much more fun to have her with me while we fuck, so I slowed, then stopped my thrusts completely, pulling out to lay beside her. She was still breathing heavily, slowly recovering, when she spoke.

"I need... a break. Wanna... fuck... my tits?... I... love... your hot... cum... all over... them," she smiled.

Hmmm, do I want you to wrap your big, soft tits around my cock, and slide back and forth in that heavenly slice of cleavage until I shoot my load across your face, neck, and chest? Well, gee, I don't know...

I smiled back, and moved to straddle her chest. She was sweaty, and my dick was still lathered with her slippery pussy juice, but she spat on it anyway before sandwiching her boobs on either side of my shaft. We didn't do this that often, and it was still a special treat to feel the resilient flesh of her breasts against my erect penis. It was totally selfish for me, and very, very visually stimulating, watching my cock peek out the soft 'Y' at the top of each stroke.

Erica held her tits together and smiled up at me, her eyes darting from my face to her cleavage and back again. Just in case the exquisite sensation and visual treats weren't sufficient, she was providing a narration that was hot enough to melt iron.

"Mmmmm, yes, honey, fuck my tits," she groaned. "Your cock is so hard, and so hot! I love the way it feels between my boobs, sliding back and forth. Do you like it, baby? See your cockhead? Are you going to cum, Gig? Is my baby brother gonna shoot his hot cum all over my tits? Please, baby, I love your cum on my nipples. Do it! Spray me!"

That about did it. Despite the fatigue this long session had engendered, my hips went on autopilot, moving faster and faster until I couldn't hold back the flood for another second. While I watched, transfixed on her cleavage, the first shot erupted from the soft crease onto her chest, oozing into the pearl necklace formation as I pulled my cock out and stroked myself to completion. She wanted my cum on her nipples, and I had plenty enough left to coat her stiff buds as requested. Finally spent, I shook the last drops out across her full globes, while she began to play with the gooey discharge.

"Mmmmm hmmm," she giggled, licking her fingertips repeatedly. "You taste delicious... not as good as my pussy, of course, but you're a guy. We're the ones made of sugar, spice, and all things nice, so we're supposed to taste better."

The incongruity of that childhood description being used to describe the orgasmic products of our incestuous couplings wasn't lost on me. Yet another reminder that we were on the road to hell.

Then why did it feel like heaven?

Another complication for the pile.


My sister came home from work early one night, and found me still up. I was watching TV, and she sat beside me on the couch.

I may not have been the most experienced guy in the world when it comes to women in general, but I did know this woman in particular very well. She didn't say anything, but I knew she was upset. I just wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and pulled her close. She would tell me when she was ready, and until then, I would just hold her.

Even my patience had limits. Eventually, I had to drag it out of her.

"Rough night?" I probed. "Someone get grabby? Bad tippers?"

Erica just snuggled deeper into my arms, and pouted.

"No," she sniffed. "Everyone behaved, and I did better than usual on tips."

"So what's got you looking so sad? Eddie again?" I asked. He had been appearing on a regular basis, alone, since that first night. There was little we could do, other than learn to accept it, as he wasn't being unruly. His only crime was his presence.

"No, not Eddie again," she said, growing more angry than sad.

"Sorry I asked," I replied. "I'll leave you alone." I began to retract my arm, but she grabbed it and held me in place.

"Don't go. I'm not mad at you," she smiled. "I can always use the hug. I'm sorry."

"No problem, Sis. I just don't like seeing my pretty girl's face looking so down," I laughed, hoping the compliment would lubricate her to speak. It took a few seconds, but did the trick.

"You were close," she finally volunteered. "It wasn't Eddie, but the next worst thing."

I thought that one through. Who would be on the same plane as Eddie? It dawned on me, literally.

"Really? By herself?" I asked, surprised.

"No. She brought a group of her slut friends. I'm sure I was the topic of conversation," Erica growled.

Dawn was Eddie's girlfriend... the one he had cheated on my sister with. The same blonde bitch who had accompanied Eddie at Erica's bar weeks back. Now I could understand her mood.

It made me angry, too, because it appeared that Dawn was doing it on purpose.

I mean, really, what other reason could she have? Sports bars are a predominantly male domain to start with, and sports bars that feature scantily clad women would have to be even more so. I suppose lesbians might find them appealing as well, but it would appear that Dawn was straight, if her involvement with Eddie was any indication. That didn't leave many logical conclusions, except that she was intentionally trying to torment my sister.

I was still stewing about it when Erica twisted in my embrace, and kissed me.

"If you're in the mood, I could sure use some positive image reinforcement?" she giggled.

Make you feel desirable? Yeah, I could do that. Any day, any time. I don't even need a reason.

I kissed her back, and pulled her over to lay on her back across my lap, immediately palming her left breast appreciatively. She moaned, and helped me by tugging her zipper lower. It loosened the tight, metallized black fabric of her uniform, and let it gap open more. She was wearing a sexy pink bra tonight, and I slid my hand inside, feeling the warm, firm weight of her breast.

"Erica, my darling," I said softly, "I hate seeing you upset. You are my best friend, and my sister. I know it's painful to see these people, but Eddie is history. Dawn is history. Try to remember that... and that I always love you."

"I know, and I do remember it, and that you love me," she smiled. "It doesn't upset me nearly as much, now that I know you're here waiting for me."

"Just a phone call away," I laughed, recalling the late night rescue mission of the recent past.

"Yes!" she giggled, "with an ass-kicking ready for use!"

"With great power comes great responsibility," I nodded, flexing my muscles jokingly. The humour helped her relax, and put the day in perspective. That was good for her, and good for me too. I had found that a relaxed Erica was a horny Erica.

"So, Gig, I'm your best friend?" she asked coyly.

"Absolutely," I nodded.

"The sister part is a given. I have a feeling you left something out. Is there anything else?" she prodded, taking a deliberately large breath, causing her breast to rise into my hand fully.

"Let's see," I thought, tapping the fingers of my free hand against my lips. The other hand remained attached to her big, round breast, fondling it absentmindedly. She wanted me to play with her, so I was... just not the way she had it planned. "Nope. That's it. Friend. Sister. That's the whole list."

"You're sure?" she giggled, pressing her hand over mine. "There isn't something more... physical?"

"Gee, no," I replied. She pouted theatrically. "Just kidding, baby. You know you're the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I can't ever get enough of you. I love you."

Erica grinned, and sat up, wrapping an arm around my neck to pull me in for a kiss. She spent several seconds sucking on my tongue. At last, she broke away.

"Thank you. I love you too, now take me to bed, please," she whispered. "I need you."

I picked her up, holding her close. Moments later, I put her down on our bed, and laid atop her. Resuming the kiss, we spent a few minutes rolling around, and peeling off various pieces of clothing, until we were both nude, and under the covers.

I meant what I said about never getting enough of her, specifically her body. She had always been my perfect woman, and the object of all my fantasies. Now that we had decided to be everything each other needed, in the bedroom and in life, I was happy to be her partner.

We made love all night, sleeping when we needed to, and pleasing each other throughout.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?


Nearly a week later, I woke with my sister cuddled deep in my arms. She had come home late last night, and I had barely noticed her sliding into bed next to me. Now I was spooned behind her, my morning wood wedged between her butt cheeks, while I had a handful of her big, soft breasts. I gave her a little squeeze, and she wriggled her bum back against me.

"What's that I feel back there?" she giggled.

"I rather like what I'm feeling up here," I whispered in her ear, fondling her firmly. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but my sister has really nice tits. She turned in my arms.

"I have to tell you about last night," she beamed. "I wanted to tell you when I got home, but you were asleep, and it's been driving me crazy."

"Good news?" I asked.

"Sort of. More like pleasing, if not actually good," she laughed. "It really doesn't effect us at all, but it made me smile."

"Okay," I smiled. "I'm all ears."

"Right. So, Eddie and Dawn were there again last night," she began.

"Son of a bitch!" I frowned. "What's with this asshole?"

"It's okay, honey," she said, touching my face softly. "I'm getting used to it, and besides... I think there's trouble in paradise. They had a fight."

Now I understood her mood. She had no interest in Eddie any longer, other than a desire for retribution. It appears that he might be getting some.

"I wasn't serving them," Erica continued. "All my friends there now know about him, and they swap out tables with me when he shows up so I won't have to deal with him. Anyway, I noticed that their conversation was getting a little loud, and animated. Dawn was definitely not happy with him. Do you remember Amber?"

Let's see... Amber? Blonde... Tall, with huge tits? Yes, I think they, um... she rings a bell.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Well, she had their table, and Eddie was drooling over her every time she brought them a round of drinks," she said. "Most guys do. It's hard to miss those boobs of hers."

True. They were like torpedoes. Very expensive torpedoes.

"I guess he was showing a little too much interest in her tits," she giggled. "Suddenly, Dawn screams at him, slaps him hard across the face, and throws her drink at him. She stormed out, and left him sitting there with the entire room staring at him."

"Good. It's too bad she had all the fun," I laughed. "I would have liked to have a shot at him, as well."

"I'm just glad he's finally getting his just desserts, even if it's from someone else," she smiled. "Perhaps you'll settle for getting a shot at his ex-wife? How about a shot in his ex-wife?"

As I had said, Eddie was history. She pressed her body against mine, reminding me what was important, and what could be left behind. We kissed, and were soon making love again. A small part of me actually felt sorry for Eddie. He would never again experience the joy I did every day.

Okay, it was a very, very small part.


The next day, Erica had more news, and it was shocking.

It seems that Dawn was at her bar again, alone this time, and looking specifically for my sister.

"At first, I didn't want to talk to her, but something made me do it," Erica said. "I don't know why."

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Well, first of all, she apologized for stealing my husband. Of course, she claims that she didn't know he was married," she replied.

"Could be true," I nodded. "Eddie's a scumbag. He lied to you, so it's not beyond belief that he lied to her as well. Doesn't really make her an angel."

"No it doesn't. Anyway, Dawn said she knows we will never be friends, and she doesn't blame me for that. She did make an interesting offer, though," Erica answered. "It should come as no surprise that he is now cheating on her. He's been trolling on a dating site, and she caught him."

"That's fair. She should feel it from both sides of the cheating coin. So what's her offer," I prompted.

"She's pissed, and she wants revenge," Erica smiled. "She's offering to let me play a part. I'm considering it. I'd love to see him squirm."

"What's her plan?" I asked.

"She doesn't really have one yet, but she's open to suggestions," she giggled. "I figure between the three of us, we should be able to come up with a suitable punishment. You, me, and our new fr-enemy Dawn."

I'm sure you've heard that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, haven't you? In my limited experience, it's true. It goes without saying that having two women pissed at you, and after your cheating ass, is hell times two, if not squared. Eddie was finally going to get his.

Now all we needed was a plan.


It took a few days, but I woke from a nap with a brainstorm. Erica thought it sounded like a good start, but was lacking a little bite. She was probably right, so I mulled it over a bit. I had other concerns about the whole situation.

While exacting a measure of revenge against the asshole who broke my sister's heart sounded like a great idea emotionally, there was a logical conflict. It carried with it an element of danger that I'm not sure Erica had considered. The problem was me.

It occurred to me that there were three types of people in the world. The first and shortest list were those who knew me only as Erica's roommate. They may or may not assume there is a physical component to our relationship, but nothing could be proven. The third and most comprehensive list was those who didn't know me at all. It was the second list that worried me.

That's the group of people who knew I was her brother, and most dangerous among those was Eddie himself. Dawn was on the third list, but under no circumstances should people on list one confer with those on list two. In other words, those who knew me as her roommate, and that we might be intimate, must never know I'm her brother. Those who know I'm her brother must never know that we are intimate. If Eddie found out I was living with his sister, and then heard about her new live-in boyfriend from somewhere, I'm sure he'd rat us out in a heartbeat. Especially after we finish fucking up his life.

"You're right," Erica nodded when I told her my worries. "You need to stay out of it, or at least stay hidden behind the scenes. We really need to compartmentalize this thing. Dawn can't know about you at all. She has to think it's just the two of us girls after him."

"Agreed," I replied. "Now as far as that additional bite goes, I think I have an idea." I explained it to her.

"Oh my god! You're evil! I love it! That son of a bitch is going to be sorry!" she gasped. "I can think of someone to enlist for photos and the meeting, but that last bit is beyond my scope."

"I think I might know somebody. He's even good with computers, so he can do that part, too. I know his secret, so we don't need to worry about him figuring out ours," I assured her. "I'll call him."

"I'll talk to my helper tonight," Erica smiled. "I think we've got it!" I held my hand up, and she gave me a high-five happily. "I'm excited!"

"Hugs, you're always excited," I smiled. "Don't overstate the obvious."


Over the next few days, we began to assemble the items needed for Eddie's demise. Dawn had been briefed on the plan, and was on board. She had a few items to shop for herself.

Erica was happy to finally get even with her ex-husband, but not so thrilled at having to partner with Dawn to do it. True, they were both women, and now shared an unfortunate history with the same man. However, forgiveness wasn't in the cards, despite Dawn's apology.

"I'm not doing this for myself," she frowned, deep in thought. "Okay, I am, but not only for myself. Not even for Dawn. In my opinion, it's only fair that she get cheated on; if he cheated with her, how can she be surprised he cheated on her? No, I'm doing this to stop him. The next woman might be a completely innocent soul, with no idea what a monster she's allowing into her life."

I agreed. He did deserve it, and hopefully this would teach him a lesson about deceit.

I was flipping through the photos my sister had taken of her friend at work. Antonia was happy to help, and more than qualified to attract Eddie's attention. A blue-eyed blonde who did a little dancing on the side, she had upgraded her natural endowment to a head turning level, comparable to Erica's fabulous and totally original pair. She wasn't shy about using them, either.

These pictures will get Eddie's juices going, I thought, and with the profile we're putting together, he's almost certain to take the bait, especially since he has no idea he's the fish.

"Nice work on the pictures," I smiled. "Maybe you have a future as a photographer."

"Yeah, well, Toni will take her clothes off at the drop of a hat, so it wasn't hard to talk her into it," she giggled. "She does have nice tits, doesn't she?"

The pictures were taken in the ladies locker room, and showed Antonia in various states of undress, starting in a skin tight t-shirt, and finishing with her bra and panties on the floor. It was more than we needed, but better to have extras.

We were going to set a honey trap for Eddie. Dawn had caught him with a woman he had met online, and she told us he was still on the same site, hunting for his next victim. It was simple enough to merely set up a fictional woman on the site, using Toni's picture, and wait for Eddie to come calling.

That portion of the plan was being handled by a friend of mine, Paul, who was a whiz on the computer. He was going to alter the photos slightly, just enough to maintain Antonia's anonymity, and play the part of the bait online, responding to posts. The character's name was 'Paula'. It was his idea to make Paula's occupation known; she was a 'dancer', and the cleavage in her photo made it clear it wasn't with the ballet.

Paul didn't know Eddie, but he knew men. He was gay, and that was his brilliance. He reasoned that most men would be intimidated by a woman who has enough confidence to dance nude in public. He was probably right. Any man who wasn't intimidated wouldn't be able to resist taking a shot at Paula, for bragging rights alone.

The newest members always get the most activity; if you're only looking for a woman to fuck, why sift through the thousands of long-time members, when there were eager newbies to be had. Eddie wouldn't be the only reply, but her was almost certainly among them. We left it to Paul to sort him out of the chaff.

All of this was just the preliminaries. We were just isolating him, so we could lure him into the real trap. Until then, we waited patiently.


It was my job to keep my sister occupied while we waited. It was a task I took upon myself, selflessly sacrificing my wellbeing to keep her happy.

Yeah... I know. 'Keeping her happy'... also known as fucking her brains out... was hardly an onerous thing. Still, I didn't have much else to do, so I took my job seriously. Erica and I went at it like rabbits.

I was behind my sister, watching my cock plunge into her pussy as I fucked her doggy style. I was standing, and she was on her knees and elbows at the corner of the bed. It was very athletic.

"Mnaaaaaahhhn, yes, fuck me, Gig! I just love your big dick in my cunt!" she grunted, bracing herself with two fistfuls of comforter. I had my legs outside of hers, keeping her knees from sliding off the corner of the mattress. It raised her butt higher, and made her tighter as well. My hands held her hips for safety and pulled her back to meet my thrusts.

In addition to the image of my penis splitting her labia wide, I couldn't help but notice the way Erica's tight little butt hole flexed as I stroked her. It made me wonder how she would react if I did... This.

I slid my I right hand across her rump, and ran my thumb over her sphincter. Erica's head popped up in surprise, and her moans changed to a more suggestive pitch. A quick pass through the excess pussy froth that had collected around the base of my dick provided lubrication, and my thumb went back to her back door, pressing in slightly.

"Gig..." she whispered, pushing back against me, "... I've been keeping a secret from you. I didn't want you to think less of me."

It took me a few seconds to put that one together. Once I did, the irony was not lost on me.

"Hugs, are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" I asked. So I'm here, with my cock buried balls deep in my sister's succulent pussy, and she's worried I will think less of her if I knew this secret. It seems my right to be judgemental disappeared the second I first penetrated her. I thumbed her asshole again. "Your ass-cherry has been taken, hasn't it?"

She nodded sheepishly.

"And you like it, don't you?" I added, pushing the tip of my thumb deeper, until the tight ring relaxed, and let it in.

"Oh fuck, yes!" she nodded again, with a groan. "I love it!"

"Do you want me to fuck your ass now?" I questioned, pushing my thumb all the way in.

"Mmmmm, oh yes," she purred, "but I'm afraid. Your dick is so much thicker than, um, uh... well, I'm afraid it will hurt too much. Would you be disappointed if we waited for a while?"

"Not at all, Sis," I smiled wiggling my thumb as I resumed my rhythm of strokes into her dripping snatch. "You tell me when."

"Thank you, Gig," she moaned. "Until then, you can play with my ass. I like it this way."

"You got it," I laughed, pounding her harder. The thought of someday getting to partake in fucking her ass was an exciting one. I hadn't done it before with any of my previous girlfriends, and none of them had such delicious looking posteriors either. It was definitely something to look forward to, but her pussy was certainly enough to keep me happy until then.

Speaking of her pussy, it was clutching my cock tight as she rolled through another orgasm, biting the comforter to mute her shrieks. That snug grip was bringing me closer to the peak as well. It wouldn't be long now.

Erica heard me grunt, and knew I was going to cum soon. She really liked my cum, in her, on her, or dripping down her throat. Where she wanted it was just a question of mood, and she didn't make me wonder for long.

"Cum in me, honey," she smiled over her shoulder. "Fill me with your warm juice."

I slammed into her for a few dozen more furious strokes, until I felt the switch trip in my balls. There was no stopping it now. I exploded, gushing inside her while she moaned softly. I pumped her full.

Erica pulled forward, dislodging both my cock and thumb. She laid on her side, with one leg bent and angled upward. Her pussy gaped open, oozing pearly goo down her thigh, while she looked up at me lovingly.

"Mmmmm, thank you," she smiled. "Thank you for making me feel so good... Thank you for being my best friend... Thank you for being behind me when things are rough. I love you."

"I love you too, Hugs," I smiled back, easing down beside her into her arms. We embraced, more as true soul mates than siblings. We were still holding each other when my phone pinged. "Should I get that?" I asked her.

"Go ahead," she giggled. "I need to hit the shower anyway."

I watched her butt as she strode into the bathroom, then reached over and grabbed my phone. It was a text from Paul. I read it, and rolled out of bed.

"Ready for some news?" I asked, as I joined her in the shower, wrapping my arms around her from behind. She was soapy, slippery, and oh so much fun to hold.

"That depends," she laughed, turning in my grasp. She put her arms around my neck. "Is it good news, or bad news? You still love me, right?"

"Of course," I replied, kissing her softly.

"Then it doesn't matter. What's the news?" she smiled, returning the kiss.

"Eddie has taken the bait," I grinned. "Paul says he wants to meet Paula. All it took was the picture of Antonia in her bra, and he popped up, along with a few dozen other guys that Paul had to weed out. You need to talk to Dawn."

"I'll call her as soon as we get out of the shower," she nodded. Another kiss, and she rested her head against my chest. "We're gonna get the son of a bitch, aren't we?"

When Eddie broke my sister's heart, he made an enemy. Part of me wanted to beat him to a pulp, and say to hell with the plan. It would be more emotionally satisfying, but it would give him the power back. No, the plan was the way to get him without him knowing he was getting got. It was the way to really fuck him up.

"He's ours," I smiled, stroking her hair. "He's all ours."


The call to Dawn was placed, and the wheels set in motion. Then Erica called Antonia to check on her availability for the meeting with Eddie. She was looking forward to playing her part. I suppose no woman wants to be cheated on, even those who use sex as part of their occupation. Antonia was nearly as angry with Eddie as I was.

I called Paul and told him to go ahead. He would string Eddie along for a few more days, then finally give in, and set up a date between Paula and Eddie.

The real fun was about to begin.


I was going to stay behind the scenes, but there was no way in hell I was going to miss the action completely. Erica and I were going to be there when 'Paula' had her date with Eddie. We'd be hiding behind disguises, and cloaked in shadows, but we would be there to watch him.

It had been years since Eddie had seen me, so it wasn't going to take much to make me invisible to him. Erica was going to take a bit more work. That hair, those curves, and her distinctive eyes, would all make her instantly recognizable.

The night of the operation arrived, and we both felt the curious mix of nervousness and excitement as we headed out. We planned to be in position long before Eddie arrived, and wanted a few minutes with Antonia in advance.

Dawn had booked a room in the hotel attached to the bar where 'the date' was happening, and Paul was up there now, getting Antonia ready. He was helping her with her makeup, but not in the normal sense of the word. Makeup was usually done to improve a woman's appearance, but tonight it would be meant to butch up her looks a little. Just enough to work with the dim lighting and glasses to make her less feminine above the neck, while her breasts kept him from looking too closely.

We met Antonia in the hallway after Paul was done. She was perfect, dressed in a tight sweater that emphasized her breasts, but showed nothing. She was nervous, but ready to set him up for us. She checked her bag for Dawn's other contribution, and found it.

"Thank you for helping with this," Erica smiled, hugging her friend.

"I'm happy to help. Bastards like him need to be dealt with," Antonia said, rubbing my sister's shoulders. "Here goes." She walked down the hallway, and turned to corner into the lounge.

"We'd better get in there, too," I said softly. "Just in case he's early."

"Right. Let's go," Erica nodded, and we followed in 'Paula's' footsteps.

When we entered the bar, we stayed to the right, and took a booth in the corner that gave us a view of the table where Antonia was settling in. I noticed that several other men also saw her at the table, and one of them immediately tried to pick her up. She declined politely, then repeated herself to the next one who tried to do the same. Thankfully, Eddie arrived in time to preempt any others. He recognized her, and took his seat, while she smiled and welcomed him.

"Damn! I wish we could hear what he's saying," Erica giggled.

I felt pretty safe that Eddie wasn't going to even see us, let alone recognize us. I was at the same table as my sister, and I barely knew it was her. Temporary black dye transformed her hair, baggy clothes obscured her magnificent shape, and horn-rimmed glasses hid her eyes. Mom would have a tough time telling it was her. I was wearing a cap, and had let my beard grow for a week. We were invisible.

We picked at the finger foods we had ordered, and kept an eye on things at the centre table. They seemed to be getting along. Drinks were ordered. There was a lot of laughing and touching of hands. Antonia was doing a great job of leading him right where we wanted him, and somehow not throwing up when he touched her.

I saw her gesture to his mouth, and he excused himself to go to the restroom.

"Nicely done, Toni," Erica laughed. "Did you see that?"

"Yup," I nodded. She had implied that he had something stuck in his teeth, and he had fallen for it. Left alone at the table, she was now able to empty the contents of the small vial in her purse into his drink. I don't know what it was, but Dawn said it would put him out for a while.

He came back, and took a sip of his drink.

"Okay. The clock is ticking, Toni," my sister warned. "Better get him upstairs soon, or you'll have to carry him."

As though she could hear us, Antonia soon drew him in, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, and clearly suggesting that they retire to her room, which she had rented to avoid any problems with her roommate. It was a plausible story for a woman who was expecting to get laid, and Eddie was certain not to decline the invitation.

Indeed, he paid the cheque, and followed her out the door. We did the same, but we took the stairs up eight floors, rather than the elevator. The plan was to get him into the room for more drinks, until the drugs took effect, and he was unconscious. Antonia would call us when that happened.

Until she called, we were relaxing in our own room, one floor above and just a few doors down from Antonia's. It was a last minute addition, and Erica and I were going to spend the night here after we were done with Eddie. We were able to get close enough that I could pick up the Wi-Fi feed from a small video camera hidden in the other room. Within minutes, we were able to see the goings on between Eddie and 'Paula'.

Eddie was obviously feeling the effects of the drug, and was already a bit unsteady on his feet. Antonia sat on the bed, and he sat beside her, trying to make his move.

Subtle he wasn't, and went directly for her big tits, while simultaneously attempting to taste her tonsils. She took it like a champ, and leaned back letting him follow her down. His hands mauled her boobs aggressively, then slowed and stopped. The drug was doing its job.

Antonia tipped her head up. Eddie was unconscious, laying three-quarters on top of her, with his hand on her left breast.

"About time," she groaned, grabbing his hand like a dead rat and dragging it off her. She pushed his shoulder, and rolled him off, letting her stand up. She patted his face. "Yoo hoo? Eddie? Nope he's out. Good." She put her knee between his legs and gave him a moderate shot to the junk. "That's for cheating on my friend..." a second shot followed, "... and that's for grabbing me, scumbag."

Erica was on her way out the door before Antonia even called.

"If I need help, I'll call you," she smiled. "Keep watching."

As I watched, Antonia unpacked the contents of a small overnight bag onto the armoir; A wig, in her colour and style; one of her bras; two large false breasts. There was a knock on the door, and she answered it, letting my sister in.

"Yeah, he's done," Erica said into her phone. "You should head over here right away. See you soon." She turned, and hugged Antonia. "Thank you so much, Toni. We couldn't have done it without you. He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No," Antonia smiled, "I've been groped by worse. So have you, honey, but we usually get a tip afterwards."

"Hmmm, good point," Erica nodded, tapping her lips in thought. "Well, he grabbed you, didn't he? So he can tip you, too." She rolled him over, and fished his wallet out of his pants. She pulled a twenty out, and handed it to Toni, then added another one. "He's a big tipper."

Antonia stuffed the cash between her boobs, hugged my sister once more, and left, her part done. Erica was alone. She walked over to the bed, and stood above him.

"You know," she said quietly, looking down at him with disgust, "just a couple of months ago, if I was here like this, I'd probably claw your eyes out. You hurt me, you piece of shit. But things have changed. I've moved past you now, and I'm happier than I ever was with you. So, you can thank Stevie for saving your eyes. I'm not as angry as I was, but you're not going to get away clean."

"Ooooo, jeez, he's gonna be sore in the morning," I winced, as she kneed him in the balls for the third time. Her words weren't lost on me. I made her happy. What more could I ask?

A few minutes later, Erica answered the door, and let Dawn in, along with Paul. The rest of the evening was in their hands.

Speaking of in their hands, Eddie was. Erica and Dawn dragged him up the bed, and peeled the covers back, while Paul went to work on himself in the bathroom. This is where that extra bite Erica requested comes in.

The girls undressed him. Well, they had both seen it before anyway, so it was hardly new to them. Once they had him naked, they covered him up, and let him sleep. They weren't ready for him yet.

Erica poured a drink for herself, then one for Dawn. They took seats opposite each other.

"I'm sorry," Dawn said, sipping her drink. "I was wrong. What I did to you was unforgivable. I was wrong about him. He wasn't worth it."

"No he wasn't," Erica replied softly. "Actually, I owe you some thanks, for bringing his character flaws out into the open. I hope that someday you find someone who makes you as happy as I am now."

"Right," Dawn nodded. "Someone who won't cheat, and who has a bigger dick!"

"Yeah!" Erica laughed. "He never was any good in bed. Too much about him!"

Paul opened the bathroom door, and stepped into the room. He was made up a little like Antonia had been, and wearing a robe.

"Ready?" Erica asked him.

"Pretty much. What about him?" he responded, pointing to Eddie's slumbering form.

"Just about," Dawn nodded. She fished a bottle of lube out of her bag, and walked over to the bed. She pulled the covers back and squirted some on Eddie's dick... just enough to make him think it had been used.

"Roll him over," Paul said, kneeling on the bed. "I've got just the thing to really fuck with his head." He reached into the robe pocket, and came out with a small jar. He scooped a daub of the contents out with his finger. He grinned.

"Tiger balm. A little of this on his ass and he'll swear he's been fucked by a buffalo," he laughed. "It'll burn for a week, and water just makes it worse." Paul didn't wait for the okay... he just slathered it between Eddie's cheeks. "Take that!"

I heard everyone laughing as the three of them wrestled Eddie into position under the covers. The ladies turned their backs, and Paul dropped his robe, crawling into bed beside Eddie. Everything was ready. Now we just had to wait for him to wake up.

Erica and Dawn took Eddie's clothes into the bathroom, then took their seats to wait quietly and finish their drinks. The room fell silent.

I took advantage of the lull in the action to use the bathroom. My timing was perfect, and as I came back out to check the display on my tablet, Eddie was stirring. The girls hid in the bathroom, and closed the door.

"Oh boy, this should be good," I said to myself, in the privacy of my own room. Eddie was going to freak out, and it was mostly my plan that was going to cause that freak out. I just hoped the batteries in the camera held out, or I would miss the fun.

Paul watched as Eddie became more aware and awake. He rubbed against Eddie's body, and Eddie moaned, draping his arm across Paul's chest. His hand searched for the breasts he expected to find. Even though he had nothing to remember, he had to assume it was Paula that he was in bed with, but there were no breasts. He opened his eyes, and found Paul looking back at him.

"Hi honey," Paul said softly, leaning in to kiss Eddie, the way a lover would.

Eddie reacted like he was struck by lightning, lurching back away from Paul, and nearly falling out of bed.

"Careful, sweetie," Paul smiled. "You'll hurt yourself."

"Who the fuck are you?!" Eddie gasped. "I don't remember... Who... Where's, um, where's Paula?" he finally managed to stammer out.

"Oh, she's over there, on the armoir, honey," Paul replied, gesturing toward the furnishings. "At least until the surgery, then she'll be right here." Paul leaned up, closing the gap to Eddie again.

Eddie recoiled in horror once more, and looked over to where the wig sat on its form, and the bra hung by one strap off the knob of the drawer. The falsies sat like gelatinous blobs next to the wig.

I could see Eddie's wheels spinning, trying to do the math. He kept coming up with an answer he really, realllllllly didn't like.

"No. No... Paula? The blonde with the big tits? Where did she go?" he asked again, not willing to believe it.

Paul just smiled, and fluttered his fingertips at Eddie. I laughed, watching Eddie squirm.

"No!" he gasped again, stumbling out of the bed naked. "No, that's not... No! NO! JESUS! WHY AM I NAKED?! WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!"

"Come back to bed, honey," Paul smiled, playing his role perfectly. "We've got lots of time for round two."

"Round two? ROUND TWO?!" Eddie screamed. I assume the pain of the Tiger balm on his ass, and his bruised testicles finally pushed the confusion aside. "JESUS! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY ASS?! WHY DO MY BALLS HURT?!" he yelled, trying to cover his crotch with his hands. The stickiness of the dried lube made him look at his hands incredulously.

In my room, I jumped up.

"Do it, Paul!" I laughed, leaning closer to the screen. "He teed it up for you! Do it!"

"Oh honey, there's NOTHING wrong with your ass! It's divine! The best I've ever had!" Paul smiled, crawling closer. He was naked, and his dick was stiff. "Come on. Let's do it again!"

"Home run!" I yelled. "HOME, FUCKING, RUN!" I thrust my arms up in victory, and did a happy dance.

"AGAIN?! I DON'T REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME?!" Eddie screamed, looking for a way out.

"That's okay, honey. I'll remember for both of us," Paul said, blowing a kiss.


"But we were so good together," Paul pouted.

"You... You... You said you were a woman!" Eddie pointed accusingly. "Jesus! I kissed you!" he spat.

His mind wasn't fighting it anymore. He bought the sting, but was hoping to keep it quiet. He desperately wanted out of that room.

"Where... Are... My... Clothes," he said through clenched teeth. He'd obviously drank to much, because his head was spinning His ass was burning. The wig was just like Paula's hair. The guy in the bed even had lipstick on. Shit! He'd been suckered by a transvestite. How could this happen?

"Do you want me to suck your cock again?" Paul asked, standing up. His erection bobbed before him, attracting Eddie's eyes for a second. "Or maybe you'd like to suck mine again?"

I could see Eddie cringe. That word... 'again'... implied that he had already done so once. He looked ill, and beaten.

"Look, I, um... what's your real name?" Eddie asked quietly.

"Paul," Paul smiled.

"Of course," Eddie sighed. "Okay, so Paul, I, uh, I don't know how this happened. I guess I drank too much, and somehow... Well, Paul, I'm not gay."

"That's okay," Paul nodded. "Bi-sexual is fine with me. I'm going to become a woman soon anyway. It will all work out."

Eddie gritted his teeth again.

"You don't understand," Eddie said evenly, looking away from Paul's nude form. "I'm not trying to work things out. I'm saying that I don't want this. I can't believe this happened. Paul, where are my clothes, please? I'd like to leave."

"Okay, fine," Paul shrugged. "You came out of the bathroom naked before I sucked your cock, so I suppose they're in there."

Eddie cringed again at the thought that another man had sucked him. It was almost as good as if it actually happened.

He walked to the door and opened it.

"Hello, Eddie," Erica smiled, flipping the light on as the door swung open.

"Fuck! What are you doing here?" Eddie asked, startled. Then he saw Dawn, and knew he was fucked.

"Hi Eddie," Dawn snarled, moving around him. "How's your ass? I gotta say, you took it in the back door better than I did the first time. Are you sure you haven't done this before?"

"Yeah, I'd say you have," Erica said, uncovering the camera. "Maybe after we post this online, someone will recognize you and tell us all about it."

"So, that's how it is, huh? You're together on this?" Eddie asked, eyeing the camera.

"Yup," Erica nodded. "You know, I always thought it was just a cliché, but the enemy of my enemy really is my friend, or at least a tolerable acquaintance. So how's it feel to get fucked with?"

"Yeah, whatever," he snarled back. "Give me the camera."

"Not a chance. Besides, it's not mine to give you," Erica shook her head. "And even if I did, and you destroyed it, you don't think we'd be stupid enough to let you at the recording, do you?"

"No," Dawn chimed in. "It's being recorded elsewhere. In fact, we're all getting a copy. You're not getting away with it this time, you shit stain."

Of course, there really wasn't anything to record, other than our deception, and his apparent acceptance of it, but he didn't know that. I suppose we could post his naked ass for a giggle, since he was still walking around starkers.

I watched Erica scoop up the pile of Eddie's clothes. She appeared ready to hand them to him, but when he reached for them, she spun away, and whipped open the door to the outer hallway. With a flourish, she unceremoniously tossed them out of the room. Paul and Dawn pushed Eddie out into the hallway, and Erica slammed the door.

"Good riddance!" she giggled, and exchanged high fives with Dawn and Paul.

It was done. Even though it didn't really happen, Eddie thought it did, and that just might make him think twice before cheating again. At the very least, both Dawn and Erica could say they got the better of him this time, and we did have video of him in bed with another man. A little creative editing could make that very difficult for him to dismiss, if it came to that.

Personally, I hoped it wouldn't. I would be happy if he would just disappear, and leave my sister alone.


Dawn was checking out Paul's dick. In truth, he was more bi-curious than fully gay, so perhaps he and Dawn would make use of the room after Erica came back to ours. I suppose she deserved some fun.

The three of them exchanged hugs and congratulations were dispensed all around. After enough time had passed that Eddie was probably gone, Erica opened the door carefully. The coast was clear, so she said goodbye, and headed my way.

By the time she arrived, I had a new interest in the view from the camera. Indeed, Dawn was making a move on Paul, and was on her knees, stroking his erection with both hands in preparation for sucking it.

"What are you...? Oh my! Dawn! You slut!" Erica giggled. "Turn it off. They obviously forgot about the camera. Give them some privacy."

She was right. Besides, we had our own fun to have. I turned off the screen.

"Honey?" she said softly, wrapping her arms around me from behind. "Now that you don't need to hide anymore, could you do me a huge favour?"

Of course, Hugs," I nodded.

"Shave," she smiled. "I prefer your skin on mine, without the stubble."

I smiled back, and went into the bathroom. When I came back, five minutes later, Erica was naked. She was also watching Dawn and Paul, who were now fully engaged in an energetic fuck, while her fingers played with her pussy.

"Give them some privacy?" I laughed.

"I did say that, didn't I?" she moaned. "It's just so nasty. I couldn't help myself. Here..." she giggled, handing me the tablet and rolling out of bed, "... you watch for awhile. I'm going to wash this shit out of my hair, unless you want to fuck a brunette with big tits."

"I'll take the original version, thank you," I nodded.

"Good answer," she grinned. "Whatever you do... don't cum. Your dick is mine. I'll be back in five."

Actually, she took more like ten minutes. She missed Dawn taking Paul's load in the face after a few minutes of doggy style. As porn goes, it was pretty tame, because there were no closeups. I did as asked, saving myself for her, and was waiting patiently under the covers.

"No more entertainment?" she asked, towelling her wet hair, which had been restored to its natural red.

"They finished," I replied. "Maybe they'll go for more later."

"Oh well. I guess we'll just have to entertain each other then, won't we?" she smiled, easing into my arms. Her lips were soft, and found mine quickly. There was an undeniable passion in her embrace, as though a part of her that had been missing was back. It was a palpable change, and I liked it. So did she. "I feel free. Thank you so much for helping."

"I didn't really do much," I told her. "I just watched."

"Nice try, mister humility, but I remember whose idea this whole thing was," she reminded me, a playfully naughty look on her pretty face. "I would have just kicked him in the balls."

"I think you did that, didn't you?" I laughed.

"Oh, you saw that, did you?" she giggled. "Well, he deserved it."

"No doubt. I might have hit him harder," I said.

"I almost did. Anyway, he's done, and out of our lives, so I don't want to talk about him," she grinned. "I'd much rather talk about us, or better yet, not talk at all."

Yes, there are times when conversation is overrated. We were alone, naked, in each other's arms, in a nice, comfortable bed. This would appear to be one of those times.

Our tongues danced with each other, and our hands caressed with reverent passion. Soft sounds of desperate need came from her as we rolled about the bed. She took the top position, and her hand reached down to find my soldier more than ready for action. She straddled me, and rubbed the head across her dripping wet opening, before inserting it between her lips.

"Need your cock, now," she breathed, a quiver of urgency in her voice. She sat up and impaled herself smoothly. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yessss," she groaned. "I have been waiting for this all day."

Now that she was fully stuffed, she leaned forward, resting her incredible breasts on my chest. I had always loved the sensation of those full, resilient globes squashed against me. She kissed me softly, and toyed with my hair as she looked into my eyes.

"How can anything that feels so right be wrong?" she asked rhetorically. "You're the only man for me."

With that, her hips began a slow rhythm of gentle strokes, rising and falling amid her soft moans of joy.

"Oh god, honey, your cock fills me so perfectly," she whispered, a look of bliss on her face. "Promise me you'll never stop, Gig. I need you with me, forever."

Hmmm, let's see. If I were to look at this logically... Gorgeous partner, who already fulfils all my fantasies, and will soon grant me access to her ass, versus the rest of the female population. Seems to me that the 'bird in the hand' rule should apply. Perhaps it's more of a 'bird on the cock' rule, but either way, I'm not stupid. There was only one negative, and though I tried to ignore it, it was a big one.

She was still my sister, no matter how perfect she was for me.

Oh... Fuck it!

"I promise," I smiled.

"No matter what?" she asked, sitting up again. She shook her tits at me, as though I needed enticing.

"No matter what," I nodded.

"Good," she smiled. Her eyes closed, and she braced her hands on my chest. "Such a nice, big cock. So thick, and hard..."

Her words trailed off as she concentrated on her task, fucking herself harder on my shaft. I just let her set the pace, and other than a few strokes here and there, I was happy to watch her. She went faster, and harder. It was a wonderful sight, with her huge tits bouncing unfettered in response to her movements. She was moaning louder now, obviously enjoying herself.

I was enjoying herself, too. The earlier peep show from Paul and Dawn had primed the pump, and now my sisters succulent pussy and fabulous, dancing boobs were moving me ever closer toward the mountaintop. A little too close, and a little too fast. I clenched my jaw, and tried to hold back, hoping to last until she came.

Ah, there she is now. Erica sat up taller, and ground her clit hard against my cock, one of her favourite finishing moves.

"Oh god," she hissed. "OH FUCK YES! YESSSS! YESSSSS!" she shrieked, cumming hard. I was only a heartbeat behind her, and pumped my load up into her clutching cunt. She smiled. "Mmmmm, yes baby. Cum inside me. It feels so nice."

She laid forward, resting on my chest while I held her close. Our breathing returned to normal gradually, and now that Eddie was out of the way, so would our lives.

Normal for us, anyway.

I couldn't help wondering how we would deal with the next roadblock. If we were going to stay together, there was no avoiding it.

We would have to tell Mom and Dad.