The MILF Next Door


New story... Just hit me when I was watching the tube one night.



You've seen those ads on TV right?

You know the ones I mean, with the ultra-hot, ultra-stacked, lingerie chick holding a phone, and purring in a sultry voice about how "this is where erotic adults meet", and how "you'll instantly be talking to women just like me in your community."

Yeah, that's them. Bullshit, right?

There are no women like you I my community, you might say. Or, women like you don't talk to guys like me.

That's what I always thought, and so I never bothered to call. Now I'm starting to wonder if I might have been incorrect in my opinion.

It really doesn't matter that much, as I've only turned eighteen six short months ago, and wouldn't have been able to join anyway, but recent events have made me consider it more seriously in the future.

Of course, that depends on how things work out tomorrow night. Now that I know what I know, the sky's the limit.

Right now, I'm sure you're as confused as I was, so let me explain...


I'm just like any teenage guy, which is to say horny 24/7, and always on the lookout for a chance to satisfy that horniness. Actual female companionship, with a woman I liked, was attracted to, and who felt the same way about me, would be preferred, but that was not always available. Depending on my desperation, I could do without the feelings, or even the attractiveness. Eventually, even the actual woman became a luxury, and I would make do with a nude photo and my right hand.

So, when I came across ads in my email for websites that featured 'lonely wives', 'horny young mothers ', or 'MILFs', and offered photos of these women, I was just gullible enough to bite.

I mean, really... if someone was offering nude photos, and all you had to do was sign up with an email and a name... well, I could set up a fake name, and go for it. So, I did.

I needed a screen name. Studmuffin was taken. In fact, there were several dozen, all with a numerical suffix. Very unique and original... Not. I wanted something different, that would set me apart, and be memorable, because I still held out hope that I might get more out of this than mere photos.

It took me a while, but I finally came up with one, and thus became 'RUnaughty2'. I entered the site, and immediately got responses from women who were online then.

There were tabs at the top of the page, and one of them said 'All', so I touched it, and a few seconds later, the screen filled with thumbnail photos of hundreds of women. I clicked on one.

Blonde, relatively pretty, but a little too, um, well fed, for my tastes, I moved on. Click. No. Click. Nice tits, but she's dressed. Come on honey, show us those puppies. Click. Really? Passing off a porn star as yourself? I recognize her from a movie in my collection.

So it went. I clicked away, saving photos that interested me, and weeding out those that didn't have what I was looking for. I paused and read a few of the bios. Then I noticed the little gear-shaped icon at the top of the page.

On the settings menu, there was a question about proximity. I set it for 'twenty miles'. The next question was about relationship goals. I clicked on 'sex', bypassing the longer-term options. I clicked 'save', and exited the menu.

"Ah, new pictures," I smiled, as the filters took effect, sorting through the thousands of possible women. It left me with a smaller, but still daunting list of a few hundred. "Okay. I'll get back to this another day," I said, satisfied with the first day's haul... several dozen nude photos of women willing to show their bodies, for the possibility of meeting someone fun.


I made use of my new pictures, satisfying my urges for now. If this was all I got out of the site, I'd still be happy... but one could always hope for more.

Anyway, with today's needs met, and a drink in hand, I grabbed my basketball and went outside. I'd shoot some hoops, and see if any of my friends were around.

It didn't take long for my presence outside to pay dividends, and I heard a voice from behind me.

"Hi Ronnie!" the voice called. It was female, and very sweet, and I recognized it immediately. I flipped the ball blindly over my head, and took a step toward the backboard.

As I jumped, the ball miraculously appeared, bouncing off the backboard. I rebounded it, and slammed it through the hoop.

"Nice one!" she giggled, and high-fived me. It was Amy, a friend of mine from school, who also lived across the street and two doors down. She was the girl of my dreams, but for some reason, had chosen me as a friend. I couldn't work up the courage to tell her I would like our relationship to be much, much more.

I passed her the ball, and she began to dribble, turning her back to me, but moving toward the bucket. She bumped her sexy ass into me while I guarded her, then did it again, before spinning, and putting up a nice little jump shot.

My eyes didn't follow the ball, instead locking onto two objects that held more immediate interest for me. Amy had nice tits, very full, round, and bouncy, and she didn't seem to mind me checking them out. In fact, she would sometimes decoy me with a deliberate jiggle, before faking me out of my socks, and making a basket.

"You're so easy," she laughed. "Playing against girls is tougher. They're not interested in my chest, and don't fall for it like you do."

A honk from the road made us turn, and a hand popped up through the sunroof of a passing Mercedes sedan. It pulled into Amy's driveway.

"Hi Mom!" she waved.

"Hi, Mrs. Coleman," I called across the street, and she returned the wave. She disappeared into the house.

"How's everything, anyway?" I asked Amy, referring to the continuing saga of her parents pending divorce.

"Pretty much the same," she smiled, making another shot. "My Dad's still fucking some bimbo, and still being an asshole to my Mom. The lawyers are dealing with it, since my parents can't be in the same room without causing a huge fight. It's frustrating. I wish it was just... Over." She flipped her blonde hair aside, and looked at me with her blue eyes. "I should go see if mom needs help with dinner. See ya later!"

With that she was off, flipping me the ball, and leaving me to watch her firm ass as she jogged across the road. She really was hot. Maybe someday...


A few days later, I was again perusing the site, sorting through the photos. One caught my eye, and required another look.

The picture was very artistic, which immediately made it stand out from the scores of crappy selfies on here. Shot against a dark background, the photo showed only a portion of her, wearing a black dress. Her face was hidden by her hand, but one eye peeked out through her spread fingers, and most of her smile was visible. The neckline of her dress showed her large breasts, bulging up deliciously.

The photo was enough to make me mark her profile as a favourite, and read her bio more carefully. Her screen name, 'MILFun36FF', piqued my interest, and I assumed the last four digits were her bra size, which really piqued my interest. I had always been a breast man, ever since I first noticed that women had those wonderful, soft spots on their bodies.

So, every day, I would check for new pics of her, and about once or twice a week, I would be rewarded.

I clicked on her latest picture. As selfies go it was a pretty good picture, artistically framed to exclude the most identifiable portions of her face, but show the bits I was most interested in.

The top left corner showed just a corner of her smiling mouth, and pouty, lipstick-enhanced lips. Centred in the frame, her finger dragged the scoop neckline of her t-shirt lower, revealing a teasing portion of black, lacey bra, and cleavage as deep as a crevasse in the Himalayas. God, she had great tits, and wasn't afraid to show them, at least in teasing glimpses. I was hoping future postings would show them just a little more, but this one was good anyway, so I saved it.

Every few days, a new photo of the mysterious, mature woman would appear in her account, and I would have my appetite for her body increased just a little bit more.

One of my favourites was a full length shot of her in profile, obviously taken in a mirror. Once again, her face was obscured, this time by the phone in her hand, which blocked it out with maddening perfection. It did reveal a little more about her hair, though. Long, wavy and deliciously auburn in colour, it tumbled over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. In the picture, she was wearing a short black skirt. Just a short, black skirt, which hugged her ass nicely, and showed her shapely legs very well, all the way down to the high, sexy heels on her pretty feet. She had one foot up on its toes, making her calf tighter and more athletic looking.

Above the waist, she had her arm wrapped around her chest, with the spread fingers of her hand curved around her near breast. Those full globes bulged out above and below her arm, belying their volume. It must have been a difficult pose to accomplish, getting everything just so. She was making a serious effort, and had some seriously impressive tits.

I finally decided that it was time to do more than just download her photos. I would send her a message, but I wanted to be sure it wasn't just any message. Nothing that she would just read and delete without a second thought. I finally decided on humour.

>What's a nice girl like you doing on a site like this? I sent. Her icon told me she was online, and she responded soon after.

>So who says I'm a nice girl? Maybe I'm a bad girl. I like your name. Are you naughty, too? ;-) she replied.

>Ooooo, bad girls are even better! I like your name, too, especially the last part I typed.

>So... You like older women, with big tits, do you? she asked.

>Mmmmm, yes. Love 'em, I answered.

>Well, I certainly qualify. How old are you, Naughty? she queried.

>Twenty, I lied, padding my age a year. Okay... Two.

>Mmmmm. You like big boobed MILFs, and I like young stallions like yourself. Sounds like heaven to me. Tell me, my Naughty... can you keep it up all night long? I really like to fuck, for hours and hours. Will you keep me happy in bed? she probed.

>I'll die trying, I replied.

>That's not the kind of stiff I'm interested in, honey! LOL, she answered.

>Can we meet? I asked, eager to get going.

>Not so fast, stud! I think a little anticipation is a good thing, and I have to go out for the day. I want you to think about my big, soft, natural tits, and I'll think about that beautiful big cock of yours. I'll be in touch. Kisses.

Shit! So close, and yet so far!


She left me hanging for two whole days. I was just about to write her off as a loss when she resurfaced, in the evening of the second day.

>Hi, Naughty! Miss me? she asked.

>Yes! I thought you lost interest, I answered.

>Hah! Hardly. Been thinking about you a lot. Just been very busy with life. she replied.

>I've been thinking about you too I typed.

>How about I make it up to you? Would you like a personal picture? she sent.

The site had no rules about posted pictures. There were plenty of tits available for viewing, but some women held the good stuff in reserve, until they had reason to let them out. MILFun36FF was one of those.

>Love one. Are you shy? I asked.

>Oh yes, terribly shy. Wink, wink. Check your box, she teased.

I clicked the icon, and cursed, as the little circle cursor told me it was downloading.

"Come on! Come on! Hurry!" I gasped impatiently. Finally, the screen was filled with a picture.


In truth, it didn't really show much more than her other pics, but it was different. She was holding her top up, showing me her huge breasts, cradled in the cups of a lacey bra. The bra was black, always sexy, and almost covered her nipples. Almost, as a little bit of darker coloured skin showed above the edge of the lace, and the holes in the coverage let me see the extent of her large, round areolas. A distinct bump in the centre showed her arousal.

>Got it? she asked.

>Oh yeah! Very nice! I replied.

>Glad you like them. I'm very proud of them. Wanna see more?

>Hell yes! I typed.

>Good. Come back tomorrow, about this time, and I'll send you another one. Then you can tell me what you want to do to me. Deal?

Damn! She was stringing me along, but I had nothing better to do.

>See you tomorrow, I replied.


Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

As for me, I came plenty. That picture of her bountiful chest, and her promise of more, had me very wound up. I made several trips to the bathroom to relieve the stress. Thankfully, no one in my family noticed.

When the clock told me it was time, I logged on to the site, and drummed my fingers impatiently. Within minutes, her name popped up on the list of those online, and I clicked it.

>Hi Naughty! she responded. Prompt, aren't we? Perhaps a little excited?

>Never keep a lady waiting, I replied.

>Aww, you're sweet. Been thinking about me? she asked.

>Constantly. I typed.

>May I ask you a personal question? she sent back.

>Certainly. Whatever you want to know, I said, smiling as I typed it. There was a pause while she composed her message. Finally, I heard the bing as it arrived.

>You say you like my tits. Did you masturbate last night, looking at the picture I sent you?

Well, I did say 'whatever', didn't I? I debated on how honest I was going to be, then sent my reply.

>Absolutely. Five times. A new record.

>Mmmmm, I like that. Just thinking about you stroking your cock makes me very wet. So you came five times? That's a lot of cum, you naughty boy. So sad to waste it on a picture, when the real things are ready to be sprayed on. Tell me about your cock. Is it big? Is it hard now? If I was there, sucking it, would I be able to swallow it all, or is it more than a mouthful?

Is it hard now? Are you kidding me? After all those images you planted in my head? Titanium should be so stiff!

>Yes, it's hard, just thinking about you. It's about seven inches, and pretty thick. You might choke on it.

>Take it out. Stroke it for me.

>You promised me a picture, I reminded her.

>Yes, I did. Check your box, she replied.

I clicked the envelope icon, and my screen filled with an image of her breasts. Her right hand cupped her right breast, holding the huge globe up for my inspection. The left breast, unsupported, hung slightly lower, but not as much as you might expect, given the size of them. Her areolas were large and dark coloured, and a pink tip the size of my fingertip stood tall on each delectable sphere.

>Oh my god! Those are incredible! I typed with one hand. The other was busy, freeing my cock and jerking it smoothly. Okay. It's out, and I'm stroking it. God, you are so beautiful.

>Tell me what you want to do to me. Tell me what you'd do, if I were there with you, right now, and don't be shy.

>Well, the first thing I'd do is bury my face between those soft tits. I just love big breasts in my face. That was speculation. I'd never had anything even remotely like a pair such as hers in my face, but I was sure I'd like to. I'd suck those nipples for hours.

>Mmmmm, yes, I love having my nipples sucked. You could bite them a little, if you like. They're all yours. Would you like me to wrap them around your big cock? I give a great titty-fuck, if I do say so myself.

>I'll bet. You're certainly qualified. Yes, I'd like that.

>Is your cock drooling yet? I just love a cock dripping with that yummy pre-cum.

>What are you wearing? I know it's very cliché, but I'm a visual learner. Are you wearing something sexy? I asked.

>That depends... Is naked sexy? she typed.

>Hell yeah! Do you always chat naked?

>Only when I'm horny. So yeah, I suppose I do always chat naked. Recently, anyway.

>Why only recently?

>Because my asshole husband is in the process of becoming my ex-husband. He's found a younger model to fuck, and I'm alone for the first time in decades.

>Sorry I brought it up, I apologized. Are you okay?

>Yes. Sorry. I didn't mean to be a buzz-killer. Can we just pretend I didn't mention that? We were talking about why I was chatting naked.

>Yes, we were. So, you're horny? I sent. Fortunately, my erection was deaf, and only heard what I told it to hear.

>Mmmmm hmmm. I'm VERY horny, and VERY wet. I have one leg up over the arm of my chair, and the hand I'm not typing with is playing with my pussy. Do you like oral? Giving, I mean. All men like getting head. What about you, my bad boy? Do you lick a girl and send her to paradise?

>Absolutely. Do you taste good?

>Oh yes. Delicious. Mmmmm. If only you were here, I'd give you plenty to taste.

I had a picture in my head of her, fingers buried in her juicy twat. My cock was throbbing, forcing me to slow down if I wanted to last a little longer.

>Okay, so you know I love to suck pussy. Do you swallow, or spit? I probed.

>SWALLOW! I also love facials, and getting my tits covered in spunk. Just a sec... Need bothh hannds... she clicked.

I had a feeling that I knew why she needed both hands. I was alternately stroking and squeezing my shaft, holding back the flood. The long pause finally ended.

>O. M. G. That was soooooo good! I haven't cum like that in years. Are you gonna cum, too?

>Oh yeah!

>Do it! Jerk that cock, and shoot your hot cum! Pretend I'm there, kneeling in front of you, holding my big tits out for you to blast your jizz all over them! Look at the picture! Look at the picture!

I did, and that was it. Blammo! Cum leapt out of my cock, landing in thick stripes across the image on my tablet. Until I could persuade her to meet, this would have to do. My hands were shaking as I wiped the screen with several tissues.

>Does the silence mean you came, honey? she asked.

>Yup. Busted my nut all over the place. I think I'll need a nap. After I clean up, of course.

>Until tomorrow, then? I'll send you some more pics.

>Certainly. I'll be here. I typed.

>XOX, the screen displayed, and her icon disappeared from the screen.

It took me ten minutes to track down all the renegade semen. Better not let Mom find it.


The pictures started arriving early. I had my phone set to alert me when photos were sent to my box, and after the first two arrived, I turned off the ringer. My friends were pretty nosey, and I didn't need my teachers taking my phone for being disruptive. Even the vibrate setting was dangerous.

Amy was in several of my classes, and we sat beside each other in a few of them. She was casting little glances at me when she heard the faint buzz, a total of six times during the day.

"What's with the phone today, buddy?" she giggled, punching me in the shoulder as we walked down the hall. "Got a new girlfriend, who just can't do without you?"

"I like the way you think," I smiled, "but no, it's not a girlfriend. Just spam."

It was a lie, of course, but I didn't think she'd understand what I was doing. It's a guy thing. Besides, I hadn't given up on getting into her pants yet, and didn't want to give her more reasons to say no.

During a visit to the restroom during lunch, I took a quick peek at the pictures she had sent. I had to stop myself from jerking off, right there in the stall.

Six photos. I wondered if the number was coincidental, or if she was intentionally suggesting that I go for a new record of self-abuse. Either way, it would have to wait until later this afternoon, when I got home.

When classes ended, I walked home as quickly as possible. I didn't even wait for Amy, as was the usual plan, I just raced home, hoping to catch my new favourite MILF online. Alas, even though there were other women available to chat, my busty sexpot wasn't among them, and I was focused on her. I perused her pictures, and got an instant erection, but wanted to save it for later. I had an idea of my own.

I heard the distinctive, metallic 'thump' of a ball hitting the rim, from outside, and peeked out my window. Amy was bouncing her ball, and gesturing for me to come out and play. That usually meant she wanted to talk, but today she was going to be a bigger distraction than usual. She was wearing a white t-shirt, and the shorts from her volleyball uniform.

Ah, those shorts. Many times I had watched her leap into the air, and drive a rocket spike into the opponents' court, as a star player on our girls volleyball team. The shorts were of the ass-hugging variety, skin tight, and barely enough to cover her beautiful posterior. They were constantly riding up, and she would reflexively tug them back over her muscular behind, after giving us all a little sample of the delights inside. I watched her for other reasons, as well. Two of them, and those two were currently bouncing nearly as much as the ball, under her t-shirt.

"Jesus, Amy," I breathed, watching her sink a jump-shot, and wobble deliciously. She waved again. I sighed, and adjusted myself in my pants, hoping she wouldn't notice the bulge.

As I walked out the front door, she was bent over, tying her shoe. In those shorts, that just wasn't fair. I swear, I could see the crease of her pussy, covered by the tight fabric. I stood there, watching her ass, for the duration of her task, feeling my cock swell again. She stood, lifted her foot off the ball, and deftly flicked the ball up and off the backboard, passing it to herself as I approached.

"Nice outfit," I smiled, and she wrinkled her nose at the comment.

"Yes, I know. You like the shorts, don't you?" she giggled. I think I saw her eyes dart downward to my crotch, but my own gaze was on the way up from her chest, so I couldn't be sure. I could see she was wearing a bra, but it wasn't the sports model she usually wore for athletic events. It was merely one of her daytime versions, and not made to stop her young, firm, round, mouthwatering boobs from causing a commotion under the thin cotton. She shot me the ball, and took a defensive stance.

"So, why'd you take off so fast after school? I was waiting for you, until someone told me you had already left," she said, pouting a little. "I had to walk home all alone."

"Sorry. I had something I needed to take care of," I lied. "I was focused on that." I was dribbling the ball as I spoke, and she made an unsuccessful lunge for it, drawing my eyes to her chest again. She was in full-tease mode, and bounced on her toes, under the guise of athletic readiness. I knew better.

"Well, did you... take care of it... or are you still distracted?" she asked, a mischievous grin showing she was fully aware of the distraction she presented. She lunged again, and I pivoted away, feeling her softness against my back for an instant.

"Foul!" I laughed, bumping back against her, then spinning left for a hook shot, that bounced harmlessly off the garage wall. Amy retrieved the ball, then backed away, now on offense.

The familiar honk signaled Mrs. Coleman's arrival, and we both waved as she passed. She stopped short of their driveway, and put the window down, waving Amy closer. I just stayed where I was, treated again to a view of Amy's ass as she bent from the waist to talk to her mother. Conversation completed, Amy returned, dribbling the ball.

"Mom sold a house today! She's ordering pizza for us for dinner, and you're invited, if you want," she smiled, shifting from side to side. "We've got about an hour. Think you can beat me this time?"

Score was something we rarely kept during our games, but if she wanted to compete, I was happy to kick her delicious ass. I was taller, and stronger, but she was pretty athletic, and had the distraction advantage. I would have to curb my eyes if I was going to win.

So, for the next hour, we played. I admit, despite my best intentions, she was having an easy time getting past me. At school, she was well known as the possessor of two of the biggest tits in the senior class, easily in the top four, behind three other girls who couldn't hold a candle to her beauty, but whose own chests were larger. As I said, I have a weakness for big breasts, and Amy knew it. She knew I knew she knew it. I knew she knew I knew she knew it.

Yet despite the obvious flirtatious nature of our games, she still remained unresponsive to my moves, dating other guys, but never me. She was part of the reason I went on the website in the first place.

I was still ahead, but the score was very close, when Mrs. Coleman called to Amy.

"Pizza's almost here. Next, basket wins?" Amy smiled, her hair sticking to her sweaty forehead. We were both pretty warm, although my sweat might have had another reason.

"You're on!" I nodded, and focused on her face. She dribbled from side to side, faking one way, then the other, with a shake of her shoulders. I managed to keep my composure, not falling for the booby-bait this time, but appreciating the jiggle with my peripheral vision. She smiled, and stepped back.

"Damn! I see my usual offensive strategy has lost its effectiveness. I'll have to come up with something new."

"Give it your best shot," I grinned back, as she moved forward again.

I don't know what I was expecting. All I can say for sure, is that I certainly wasn't expecting what happened next.

She faked right, and when I blocked her path... She kissed me! Right on the mouth!

My brain locked up. Even though it was only a quick peck, I froze in place long enough that she could have walked around me to make the winning layup. I didn't even turn to watch.

When I did finally turn, she was in the middle of a victory celebration, leaping in the air, and cackling happily.

"I won! I won!" she pointed. "I kicked your a-ss!" she sang. The dance that accompanied the song was worth the loss, as I was free to watch her tits try to escape her bra. She finally stopped dancing, and her boobs stopped a second later.

"I'm not sure that move is strictly legal," I laughed, wiping my mouth of her moisture.

"Legal, shmegal... I won!" she giggled. She sniffed herself. "Ewww. I stink. I'm going to have a shower before pizza. You might want to do the same. Come over when you're done." She cast a playful glance over her shoulder, and jogged across the street, leaving me alone with my thoughts, and an erection that was not going to be denied.


Amy answered the door, looking freshly laundered and smug. Maybe she knew what I had just done in my shower, but she probably didn't know that she wasn't the whole reason why.

I had checked on the site. There was a message from... I still just knew her as 'MILFun36FF'. I'd have to ask for her name, sometime soon. Anyway, the message was just a note, saying she had been on, and was eager to chat more tonight. While I was there, I clicked on the second picture she sent today. The first one had been a crotch shot, with her wearing lace panties. In the second one, the panties were pulled up tight... and wedged between her thick, juicy, hairless labia. Those lips looked just so fucking hot, with that image in my head, I blew my load all over the shower wall within seconds.

I must admit, I did feel more relaxed afterward. I dressed, and scooted across to the Coleman's, after leaving my mother a note.

Amy walked me in. I had been in their house before, plenty of times, but not since things had fallen apart for her parents. I noticed a few things missing, presumably taken by her father when he moved out. It felt different.

"I hope you're hungry, Ronnie," Mrs. Coleman smiled. There were two big boxes of pizza on the counter. "I may have ordered too much, but it's a celebration! Did Amy tell you? I sold a house today!"

"Yes Ma'am, she told me," I smiled back. "Congratulations."

Emmaline Coleman was a real estate agent, and reasonable successful, as far as I knew. Her face was on bus benches all over town, so I would have known her as a beautiful woman even if she wasn't a neighbour. She had long, wavy blonde hair, lovely blue eyes, and very kissable lips. How her husband could have cheated on her, I don't know.

They had a pool in their yard, and while that meant I had seen Amy in a bikini often enough to fuel plenty of adolescent fantasies, I had never seen Emma, as she called herself, dressed in any way but proper. Her business attire was all business, and she seemed to carry that over to home as well. Still, I could discern enough to know that Amy's chest was a family trait. Tonight, she was dressed to relax, in comfortable jeans and a baggy sweatshirt.

Amy and I were loading our plates in the kitchen, when Mrs. Coleman came in, holding another box. This one was not pizza.

"What's that, Mom?" Amy asked.

"Oh, just a trinket I picked up. The place is looking a little sparse, so I splurged." She opened the lid, and pulled out a large styrofoam cube, placing it carefully on the counter. Setting the box aside, she gently opened the cube, lifting off the top half. She extracted the contents, and sat it on the breakfast bar, stepping back to admire it.

It was a piece of hand-blown, artisan glass. Rounded at the bottom, it split into two arms that spiraled upwards, intertwined. It was a flaming orange colour, with streaks of red, yellow, and blue swirling through the glass. It looked almost sexual, the way the two limbs twisted together, but that might have been my own warped impression.

"It's beautiful, Mom. Where are you going to put it?" Amy asked.

"I'm not sure. Someplace where it won't get knocked over, I think," Mrs. Coleman replied. "It's one of a kind, hand-made, and kind of expensive, but I felt like getting it, so here it is." She turned it slightly, then turned it back. "I'll find the right place, later. Until then, please don't break it?"

We ate pizza, and watched TV. Mostly, I just listened to the two of them chatting with each other, and killed time until I had to go home. Amy took great delight in telling her mother that she beat me in our game.

"She beat you?" Mrs. Coleman smiled, arching her eyebrows.

"Well, I suppose, yes, technically. I'm not sure it should count though. She kind of cheated," I laughed.

"Cheated? How?" Mrs. Coleman asked.

"Um," I glanced at Amy, who was trying to suppress a giggle. "Let's just say, I've never seen Lebron James use that particular move," I replied.

Amy lost it, howling with laughter, which made me join in. Mrs. Coleman did, too, although she was probably still in the dark about why. It was nice to be a part of happy emotions, in a house where there had been so much pain recently.


I excused myself as the time of my 'date' approached. Full of pizza, and eager to talk with my lusty, mature friend, I hustled home. Mom was back from her after-work yoga class, and eating dinner with Dad, who nodded as I came into view.

"Hi honey," Mom smiled, as I passed them in the kitchen. "Did you get enough to eat, or would you like something else?"

"No, I'm fine, Mom," I laughed. "Stuffed with pizza, I couldn't eat another bite. I'm just going to do my homework, and hit the sack. If I don't see you again, then goodnight." I grabbed a drink from the fridge, and headed up to my room.

I grabbed my tablet off the charger, and laid on my bed, logging in as I did. At precisely the agreed time, her icon appeared.

>Hello, Naughty. I see you're here. How was your day? Did you have trouble concentrating today? Did your professors catch you daydreaming, about my pictures?

Professors? No. You think I'm in college, but I'm just about to graduate high-school. As for my teachers, well, no, they didn't catch me, but I certainly was thinking about those pics you sent.

>I'm not sure, I typed. All the blood left my brain. Those were some pretty hot photos.

>Which one was your favourite? she sent.

Besides the two crotch shots, she had sent three more of her tits, from various angles, and one of her ass, showing that the panties wedged between her pussy lips were indeed a thong.

>Well, you know I love your breasts, but I'd have to say, the one of your panties yanked up between the lips of your pussy was the most impactful.

>'Impactful?' Why, I can't say anyone has ever used that word about my cunt before. By 'impactful', may I assume you mean... B-)

I laughed, and typed my response.

>Um, yeah. I did, but only once today.

>Only once? Bored of me already?

>Ha! Hardly. Saving it up for your surprise. I replied.

>I do love surprises. You know, we might have to meet soon. I'm not sure my fingers can take this much action. I was pretty horny all day today. I'm afraid I tied your record. That's a lot of masturbation, for me. I'd rather have your cock do the work.

>Well, he's out, and ready for duty, right now, I answered. Talk to me, hot stuff. Oh. You know... you call me Naughty, but I don't really have a name for you yet, other than 'Goddess of all that is Sexual'. Calling you MILFy just doesn't sound right. What shall I call you?

>Ooooooo, I like the 'Goddess' thing. Flattery like that will get you anywhere you want, honey. Hmmmm, let's see... Call me Angel. Close to Goddess, but easier to type.

>Angel it is.

>So, what's this surprise you have for me? she asked.

>I thought I'd send you something back, if that's alright? I asked.

>You want to send me a dick-pic? Why, Naughty, you really are a bad boy. Please do. I look forward to seeing your big cock. :-P

>Well, I had something slightly different in mind. Something a little more... Interactive. I teased.

>Intriguing. Tell me more.

>The picture of your pussy... I'd like another one, please? But pull those panties aside? Maybe slip a finger in there, too, and play with your clit?


>And I'll send you a video of me, stroking myself, while we chat. Does that sound okay? I begged.

>Naughty, you are a filthy little man, and I love it! Give me a second. I'll send you a little video, too. Do you have a particular colour underwear you'd like?

>The black lace ones were nice. How about them?

>Sorry, honey. Those are in the laundry. I was just soaking wet all day. Can I interest you in something blue? How about red? she offered.

>I trust your judgement. Surprise me.

One thing was certain. I was as hard as a rock, and despite my attempts to control my urges, my balls were already tight. I wasn't going to last long. I waited patiently. It took about a minute for her to respond.

>Okay honey. I'm ready. I think you'll like my choice. Now, I can't type, and record, and masturbate all at once, so you'll have to be patient with me.

>Certainly, Angel. I'll have the same problem. A third hand would be... handy, wouldn't it? After a lengthy pause, she was back, and a new item appeared in my box.

>I hope this meets your approval. Enjoy. she sent.

I clicked the item, and it began to download. Videos are bigger than pics, and take longer, testing my patience. It was worth the wait.

My screen filled with an image of her crotch, covered by a tiny pair of purple panties. They were silky-looking, and just covered her pussy. I clicked the play button, and it began. A fingertip moved in from the top of the screen, and ran over the hidden lips, revealing something I didn't initially see. The panties opened up, allowing her pussy to pout out through the slit in the fabric. Crotchless! More fingers appeared, spreading her lips open, and dipping into the obviously wet interior. I heard a soft moan, and turned up the volume as her fingers pumped in and out a few times, making wet, squishy noises. Now moistened, two fingers moved to pull back the hood on her clit, which was bright pink, and very prominent. She rubbed it gently.

My cock was throbbing. I realized that I'd better do my own video, before I had a spontaneous orgasm. I propped up the tablet so I could see it, then took my phone in my left hand. Tapping the tablet screen, I restarted her video, and pressed record on my phone.

My hand moved slowly, for the first few strokes. No lube was necessary, as I had plenty of pre-cum dripping down the shaft. About the time her fingers slipped into her cunt, my hand went into overdrive, and seconds later, I spurted, straight up.

Over the years, I've jerked off a few times. Okay, a few thousand times... but even for me, this was impressive. Cum shot up, then splattered down on my belly and hand, even as more was racing upward. It was even messier than last night, and devastatingly satisfying. When I was done, there was cum oozing down my hand, cock, and balls, and puddles of it on my stomach and chest. I had somehow kept from bellowing at the top of my lungs, and was catching my breath, when I ended the recording. I wiped myself with a towel.

>Naughty? You alive?

>Barely. I typed with one finger, while continuing the cleanup.

>So, you like?

>Oh, Angel, honey... you just made me cum like a fucking horse. Yes, I like.

>Do I get to see, horsey?

>Absolutely. Just sent it. It's messy. Have as much fun as I did.

>Oh, I'm sure I will. Give me a few minutes, she directed.

I went to the bathroom, and wiped myself again, finding still more semen I had missed. By the time I finished, I only had a minute to wait.

>Wow! Naughty, your cock? Oh my god! Promise me you'll cum all over me like that! That was incredible. I'm going to save that one, and use it to get myself off again, and again, and again.

>So, it was good for you, too? ;-)

>Fuck yeah! I think I squirted! I'm drenched, honey. I think there's only one direction left for us, you stud. We need to meet, so you can fuck my brains out. God, I want it. It's been too long since I felt this way. Please. Fuck me. Say you will?

My cock read the same thing I did, and despite having just blown the biggest load of my life, he was signaling in the affirmative.

>You'll get no argument from me, I typed, smiling wide. Name the time and place. I'll be there.

>I'll get back to you. Check your box for more pics tomorrow, stud. Goodnight for now, lover. XOXOXOX

Lover. I liked that. I had a feeling that my sum total of sexual experience, which numbered at two, was about to increase exponentially, in the bed of a mature, busty mystery woman.

I couldn't wait.


I woke up early. Even though it was earlier than usual, I was quite refreshed. After last night's orgasm to end all orgasms, I had slept like a proverbial log, or rock, or whatever the proverbial thing is. I'm not even sure I moved during the entire night.

After a long shower, I was back in my room getting dressed when my phone pinged. It was telling me that Angel had just sent me more pictures, so I quickly logged in to see what delights she had for my eyes.

The first one was another crotch shot, although this one took it to another level. Her legs were spread wide, and the stump of what appeared to be a huge vibrator was sticking out of her cunt. It was captioned 'thinking of you'.

The next one was the same, except the vibrator was gone, leaving her vagina gaping open, glistening with wetness. It looked delicious.

It was the third one that caught my attention. The pic was a full-length nude, with only her head cut off, and proved that she had a truly smokin' body. I used my fingers, to zoom in on her nipples, standing tall in profile. That's when I saw it.

In the background, on the edge of what appeared to be a tall dresser...

A piece of hand-blown, artisan glass...

Rounded at the bottom, with two arms that spiraled upwards...


One... of... a... kind...

Oh my god! Angel was... Mrs. Coleman?!

I sat on my bed, stunned.

What do I do now?


All day Friday, I was at school, but I wasn't there.

No, I was a million miles away, and right across the street from my house.

MILFun36FF, or Angel, as I knew her, was not just some random, frustrated mature hottie, looking for a younger man to make her toes curl. She was the mother of my best friend, a young woman previously known as my perfect girlfriend. Now, I had a huge problem, one there was no way around.

My mind was totally fried. Ever since I recognized that damn piece of glass, I'd been trying to figure it out.

Okay. So, let's say I'm wrong. It just looks like the same piece of glass. There's more than one. Then I'll just meet her, when she wants me to, and fuck the crap out of her. I'll just use her for pleasure, just like she's using me. It'll be a blast.

Except... I'm pretty sure I'm not wrong. That means I've been chatting online, masturbating with, and fantasizing about my friend's mother. She doesn't know it's me, but she's already said she really wants to fuck me, as soon as possible. Let's not even get into how Amy will react to it. The question is... how will Emma react to it? When she finds out that the guy she's been flirting with isn't twenty, isn't unknown, and is her daughter's classmate, she's going to shit a brick.

The best thing to do would be nothing. Just delete my profile from the website, and disappear. Don't tell her I knew about her needs. Don't tell her she has the most spectacular tits I'd ever seen. Don't tell her that her pussy makes my mouth water, and my dick ache to be inside it. Don't tell her that I'd kill to share a bed with her, because I will never be able to look Mrs. Emmaline Coleman in the face again without wondering what it would have been like to experience that body.

Certainly, don't tell anyone else about it, especially Amy.


That gives me an idea.


I decided to go for it, with a little twist. I was still holding out hope that I was wrong, and Angel was really from another town nearby, and we were going to meet up and enjoy each other, without reservation.

Failing that, it occurred to me that anonymity was something to be embraced. As long as she didn't know it was me, she wouldn't know that I knew her, and she wouldn't need to feel weird about it. We could live across the street from each other, and I would be the only one who knew anything was different.

I would get my answer soon enough.

Angel had us set to meet, tomorrow night, at a little no-tell motel on the other side of town.


Saturday night, I was as ready as I'd ever be. Hard as a rock, and scared shitless. I arrived early, and persuaded the desk clerk to let me into the room before Angel / Emma showed up. She, the clerk, had no idea who I was meeting here, but gave me a knowing look anyway. I don't suppose it was the first time she'd seen it.

Once inside, I wrote a note for my soon-to-be bed mate, turned out all the lights but the one next to the bed, and went into the bathroom. I waited for her in there, pacing nervously in the small room. I heard a key in the lock, and listened closely as she entered the room.

Turning out the light in the bathroom, I peeked out through the crack in the door, watching her read the note.

"I'm here," I had written. "I'm in the bathroom. Please kick off your shoes, and lay down on the bed. Close your eyes, and let me come take care of you. No peeking. You've waited this long to meet me; a few more minutes won't hurt."

I heard her giggle, and she tossed her purse on the chair. Her hair was auburn, so maybe I really was in for a fun night with a stranger. I couldn't tell from behind in this light. She sat, causing her short skirt to ride up a bit, and kicked off her high heels. At last, she laid back, her huge breasts sitting up proudly under her silky blouse. She put one arm over her eyes, and spoke quietly.

"I'm ready," she sighed. "Come take care of me. I've been waiting for this all day."

Earlier in the day, I had gone to a local party store, and purchased two masquarade masks. I covered the eye holes in one, and left the other open for me to wear, at least until I was sure she was wearing the blindfolded one. Now, having stripped in the bathroom, I walked out with my mask on, and covered the distance to the bed quickly. With only the one, weak light on, I still couldn't tell if it was Emma or not.

I knelt beside the bed, with her mask in hand.

"Eyes closed?" I whispered. She nodded. I lifted her arm away, and put the blindfold mask in place. Only now, this close, could I say for certain.

It was Emma. Auburn hair or not, it was her. Unless she had a twin sister, and the universe was a decidedly twisted place, it was her. Oh boy.

"Touch me," she purred, in a voice I'd never heard before. I mean, there's no doubt this was Mrs. Coleman, but it sure wasn't the Mrs. Coleman I knew. This voice dripped sexuality like a beehive drips honey. "Oh god, touch me, please. Touch my breasts."

Um, sure Mrs. Coleman... I'll just grab your tits now, I thought. Oh, what the hell. I'll never get a chance like this again.

My hand was shaking as I reached out, and touched her, not on the breast, but on her flat, narrow waist. I felt her trembling as much as I was, but the contract seemed to calm both of us. Now I could appreciate the slippery, satiny texture of her blouse, and the firm body underneath.

I slid my hand up her body slowly, and paused for a second just before my palm reached the full, lower curve of her breasts. As my hand was filled with the softness of her feminine globe, she shuddered.

"Oh fuck, yes. Squeeze my boobs, honey. Fondle them," she shivered. I could see the bumps of her nipples rising under the fabric. She was about ready to explode.

I moved to unbutton her blouse, plucking one button after another, until her torso was laid bare, aside from the sexy purple bra which struggled to contain her magnificent chest. Purple. Could this be the bra that matched those tiny, crotchless panties? I looked forward to finding out.

Emma squirmed on the bed, getting more excited by the second. Suddenly, she sat up, and shucked the blouse, laying down again when it was gone.

"It was, um, getting a little warm in here," she giggled, and settled in place. "Please, continue."

I smiled, and hooked a finger under the strap of her bra, easing it off her shoulder. I repeated it on the other side, then tugged the cups lower.

"Oh god," she breathed, as her nipples came into view. I could now feast my eyes again on those spectacular boobs. Her nipples looked even bigger in person, and I leaned closer. She felt my breath on her, and groaned. "Yes. Yes. Do it, please?"

I licked one of the rubbery nubs, and her hand came up, pulling my head against her chest, and my mouth to her nipple. I latched on, and suckled gently. She ruffled my hair, and sighed happily, as I sucked harder.

I didn't even realize her other hand had been busy unzipping her skirt, until she was sliding it off down her legs. She kicked it off, and spread her legs wide.

"That's it, baby. Suck my tits. It's so good," she moaned. I reached between her legs, and found her hand already working there, so I grabbed her wrist and lifted her hand away, placing it on her other breast. She twisted her nipple, letting me return my hand to the warmth of her pussy.

As I thought, I found a pair of panties with no barrier keeping my fingers out of her dripping wetness. I eased one finger into her, eliciting another moan, as did the second finger. I pumped them in and out gently, using my thumb on her clit.

"GNNAAAHHHHHNNNNNNN!" she gasped, as her first orgasm hit her at full speed. I guess she really was thinking about it all day. My hand was coated with her abundant juices, and she pushed it away as she panted. "Too much. Too much."

I was still sucking her nipples, when she spoke again.

"Your cock. Please. Let me suck it. I want it."

Oh yeah. My cock. That's what that throbbing thing was. I'd been so busy with her, and that fact that I was suckling my best friend's mother's nipples, that I hadn't even noticed the piece of granite my dick had become. I stood up and leaned over her, guiding my cock toward her lips. It was dripping as well, oozing drops of pre-ejaculate, just as she ordered.

The head of my cock touched her cheek, and she quickly turned her head, slurping it into her mouth without hesitation. Her moans reverberated through my balls, and she pulled me deeper, forcing me to straddle her face. She gagged a few times, then settled into rhythm of head bobs that took most of my shaft into her wet, sucking mouth, stretching her lips tight around it.

I almost moaned something along the lines of 'oh, Mrs. Coleman, yes. Suck my cock. You do it so well', but caught myself before I did. It certainly would have blown my cover.

Speaking of blowing... I was about ready to empty my balls down her throat. Her mouth, combined with my own elevated level of excitement, had me teetering on the razor's edge.

"I'm gonna cum, Angel," I whispered, warning her. She grabbed my ass with both hands, and sucked harder, unleashing the flood. "FUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I grunted, spewing forcefully, while she swallowed, gulping down all I could send her.

I rested my head against the wall above the headboard, while she vacuumed the dregs from my dick, which hardly softened at all, such was the power of this whole weird, but arousing situation. Once I caught my breath, I pulled out of her mouth, depriving her of her soother,

"Your turn," I whispered softly, as I moved lower on the bed. She gasped, and spread her legs wider, excitedly giggling in delight.

Once I was positioned on my stomach between her legs, I discarded my mask. It was going to be a hindrance to my next move. I inhaled her scent, letting the unmistakable aroma of female arousal fill my head, then tasted her directly for the first time.

"Oh shit, Naughty," she sighed. "I've been wanting you to do this since we first talked. I love getting licked. Take all the time you like."

Well, I had no intention of rushing it, especially since I had already cum once, and had the urgency dealt with. Now I could relax, and truly appreciate her most feminine attributes. I'd seen her pussy in the pictures, but up close, even in the dim light, it was something else altogether. Maybe it was the total sensory experience, adding smell and taste to the visual I had previously held. Touch and sound, too, with her moans of enjoyment wafting through the room. Emma Coleman had a fantastic vagina, and right now, it was my whole world.

Delicious doesn't begin to describe it. She was sweet and salty, all at once, and her juices flowed freely from depths I tried to probe with my tongue, suddenly wishing mine was longer. I buried my face in her gash, worming as deep as I could reach with my limited taster, then pulled back to suck on her lips individually. Once my thirst for her syrupy goodness had been somewhat satisfied, I moved on to the main event.

Emma's clit protruded from the top of her slit, but the panties, as sexy as they may have been, were getting in the way. Lifting her legs, I began to slide them up and off. She very deftly completed the process, flicking the tiny underwear away with her foot, and resumed her splayed position, eagerly anticipating my tongue on her sensitive bump.

I licked it, and she drew in a hissing breath of joy, urging me to do more. I was only too happy to comply, and went to town, licking, sucking and massaging her pink pearl like a madman. I thought I was doing pretty well, but I appreciated her words of direction. After all, this was about her pleasure, and I had plenty to learn.

"Mmmmm, yes, right there, baby... Mmmmm hmmm, like that... A bit higher... Oh yes, swirl it around like that... Suck it... More... Uh huh... Oh yeah, that's the spot... Right there... Right there... RIGHT THERE! OH FUCK, YES! RIGHT THERE, BABY! OH FUCK! DO IT! UHNNN! UHHHHNNN! OH GODDDDDDDDD!"

Emma's thighs clamped around my head as she came, gushing sweet honey into my mouth. I slurped up as much as I could, but the distinct possibility of drowning came to mind. Finally, her body went limp, and I could breath. I rested my chin on her mound, and watched her big tits quiver through her ragged breaths, nipples so tall they looked about to burst.

I think it's time I fuck this woman. I really want to.

I crawled up her body, dragging my hard cock with me, until it bumped against her dripping pussy. She moaned, and reached down, pointing it into her, and rubbed the head through her swollen lips a few times. I pushed, and slipped in smoothly.

Oh god, I'm fucking her. I'm inside my best friend's mother. And it's goooood!

"Oh yes!" she hissed, as I pressed deeper, and settled my body atop hers. "It is a thick one, isn't it? It feels so good in my cunt!" her hands clawed at my ass, pulling me all the way in, until our bodies were pressed together, from crotch to chest. Her boobs, crushed between us felt fabulous.

"Kiss me!" she suddenly demanded, and I did, plunging my tongue into her mouth to wrestle with hers, as her legs lifted and wrapped around my waist. She giggled, and I pulled back. "You taste like me. I like it. Now fuck me, stud. Pound me with your wonderful cock, and don't stop until I'm unconscious!"

I kissed her again, and began, using full length strokes in and out of her snug, wet pussy. It was the best pussy I'd ever been inside, no question.

"Oh Emma, your pussy is divine," I whispered between kisses. She froze.

Oh. Shit. What I just said.

Her hands went from pulling my ass down, to pushing my chest up, in an instant, and she ripped her blindfold mask off.

"Ronnie?" she gasped. "RONNIE?! GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" she screamed, suddenly very angry. I didn't move immediately.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, "because thirty seconds ago, you wanted more of it."

"Get... Off... Me... Now!" she snarled, her eyes glaring up at me. Her legs unwound from around my waist, completing the demand. I bridged up, extracting my dick from its warm home. It was dripping with her secretions. She squirmed out from under me, furious.

"Ronnie? How could you? Oh, my god, the things we've said..." Her eyes dropped for an instant to my still hard cock. "The things we've done! Oh my god! Ronnie? What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Coleman," I began, but she cut me off.

"You!" she pointed at me accusingly. "You will delete all those pictures I sent you! And the video! Oh my god, Ronnie? How could you?" she repeated, flustered. She began to search for her clothes, pulling her bra back up to cover her breasts. She self-consciously covered her pussy with her hand.

"Mrs. Coleman..." I said, only to be cut off again.

"You lied to me!" she growled, still looking for her panties. Her eyes fell on me again, and she shut them tight. "Ronnie, will you... Please... Put some clothes on!"

"Oh. Right," I said, realizing my being naked wasn't helping the situation. I ducked into the bathroom, and came out wearing my underwear. My cock still bulged dangerously, but at least it was covered. "Sorry."

"You lied!" she repeated.

"No I didn't," I shook my head.

"Oh really? When did you turn twenty?" she asked, sarcastically putting her hand on her hip. Turning on the main light, she saw her panties on the top of the TV, where her frenzied flip had placed them. She snatched them up, and hurriedly pulled them on.

"Oh. Yeah. I guess I did lie about that, but I didn't know it was you," I answered. "I swear, I didn't know it was you!"

"Oh right! So, all this blindfold shit was an accident?! You called me by name!" she yelled. "What the hell are you doing on a site like that, anyway? I thought you were after my daughter." Her own words sunk in, and she turned from her search to glare at me once more. "Are you fucking my daughter? Are you fucking Amy?" She stepped closer, menacingly, despite her sexy attire.

"No, Mrs. Coleman, I swear, I've never touched Amy," I replied looking her straight in the eyes. But I'd really like to, I didn't add. "As for what I was doing on the site? Pretty much the same thing you were. Looking for sex, with someone who wanted the same thing."

She found her skirt behind a chair, and put it on in silence, obviously thinking about what I said. Her blouse was the easiest item to find, and she grabbed it. She started to put it on, then paused, and sat heavily on the bed, hanging her head.

"I'm so embarrassed," she said softly, and began to cry.

Tears. Not the emotion I'd been hoping for, but my plan never really went beyond getting her into bed. I should have known the shit would hit the fan eventually. I sat gently beside her.

"Mrs. Coleman, I swear on my life, I didn't know that you were MILFun36FF," I said softly. "I just thought you were... I don't know... Anyone else. You were just fun, and flirty, and I was intrigued. It was a total accident that it was you. I swear, I didn't know... Until the last picture you sent me. I wasn't trying to embarrass you, or trick you. I just wanted some fun. With her."

"The last picture?" she sniffed, looking up at me with red eyes.

"Yeah, I, um... I recognized that piece of art glass you bought. It was in the background," I told her.

"Ha!" she giggled. "Very observant, Ronnie." she patted my knee, and stood up, buttoning her blouse. Her anger was gone. Now she just seemed... Sad.

I stood up, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, attempting to comfort her. I was surprised when she didn't pull away immediately, and more surprised when she actually turned into me, pressing her face against my chest. I felt her sobbing as I completed the hug.

"I promise, Mrs. Coleman, I haven't told anyone else about this," I whispered, "and I never will. The only two people who will ever know about what happened here, are in this room. You have my word."

She pulled away a little, and looked up at me. A weak smile crossed her lips, and she pecked me on the cheek.

"I appreciate that, Ronnie," she said softly, and turned toward the door. She picked up her shoes and purse, ready to leave. "I have a name in this community, and that kind of thing could end my career. Now that my husband is gone, I have to support Amy, so I need my job undamaged."

"Is that why you changed your hair?" I gestured.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah," she twirled a lock around her finger. "I'm in disguise. Can't have people recognizing me, from all those bus benches. It's, um, temporary hair dye. Washes right out."

"Well, it worked. I didn't recognize you... Until I saw the glass thing. I was hoping there was another one, so the sexy woman I was chatting with wasn't someone I knew. Oh well. I think I like you better blonde, anyway."

She paused, with her hand on the doorknob.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie. This could have been fun. If it had been anyone else but you, or if I'd been anyone else but me, we could have had a great time," she said, still facing away from me. She turned the knob, and opened the door...

And stopped. For several seconds, I heard the outside world, but nothing else. Then... She closed the door. She still had her back to me.

"Ronnie, are you sure you told no one about this?" she asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Coleman. No one," I replied.

"And I have your word that you will never breath a word of this to anyone, even Amy? Especially Amy," she continued.

"Yes Mrs. Coleman. You have my word," I nodded.

"No one but us knows about any of this?" she added.

"No one, Mrs. Coleman," I smiled, hoping I was right about what she was thinking.

She rested her head against the door, and banged it symbolically.

"Oh, what the hell," she smiled, turning to face me. "Still interested?"

"Yes, Mrs. Coleman," I grinned.

"Good," she giggled, unbuttoning her blouse again, and stepping closer. "Now get those shorts off, and STOP calling me Mrs. Coleman. It's Emma, or whatever pet-name strikes your fancy, when we're alone. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am, um, Emma," I smiled, as my shorts hit the floor. She was mere seconds behind me in getting naked, and pointed.

"You... On your back, on the bed," she giggled, patting my butt. "You really do have a nice cock, you know? I might enjoy this, after all."

Once I was on the bed, she wasted no time in sucking me back to full hardness. With the lights on, I could see her eyes as she did. It was much better this way. Satisfied I was ready for action, she straddled me, and skewered herself.

"Oh, yeah. I'll definitely enjoy this," she groaned. "Ronnie, my naughty boy, I'm gonna fuck you senseless. I hope you can at least tie your record, because I am one horny MILF tonight. I was going to fuck... whoever was here... into oblivion anyway, but now that I know it's you, and that it's just us, well it's just so... BAD. I like bad, and bad with a big cock is even better."

She stopped talking, and started bouncing on my shaft, setting her huge tits jiggling with life. Her eyes saw mine, entranced by the movements, and she pressed her boobs to my face.

"I believe someone wanted to bury their face in these," she smiled, fucking herself happily. I slobbered all over her jugs, biting her nipples and sucking them eagerly, while she rode me hard, getting herself off twice.

Rolling on her back, she let me take the lead. Now that we were out in the open, and had agreed that this was purely about pleasure, neither of us held back. I pounded her furiously, and she happily took my second load all over her tits.

She barely let me catch my breath before sucking me back to life again, and offering her backside, on all-fours, for a resounding doggy session. One thing was certain.

Emmaline Coleman was a fucking demon in the bedroom.


The good news is that I didn't have to take the bus home. At this time of night, they don't run a full schedule, and I would have had a long wait.

The bad news is that Emma kicked me out of her Mercedes two blocks from home. She didn't want to risk someone seeing me get out of her car at three in the morning, so she dropped me off, and made me walk the rest of the way.

My legs were, to say the least, un-cooperative. Since she had, as promised, fucked me senseless a total of four times, walking was an adventure. It took me much longer than usual to get home.

When I did, I was greeted by Mom and Dad. They were not happy to see me, strolling in, two hours after my curfew. They gave me the whole 'I know you're an adult, but as long as you live under my roof, you'll follow my rules' lecture, and grounded me for a week. Oh well.

It was worth it.