Two Moms, Two Laps: Innocence Lost p2

byTx Tall Tales©

"Hey Mom and Dad, he's about to blow," we heard her announce. I watched her bring me to the edge, the camera shot getting wobbly when I climbed off the bed, following her, taking a last few strokes in her mouth before bathing her face in my cum, and watching her clean herself.

"If you were here Alice, I'd let you clean them for me. I'd let you lick my whole face clean," she said to the camera.

Dad managed to tear his eyes off the video long enough to look at Mom, questioningly.

"Mom stopped by to drop off snacks and offer encouragement," I told Dad, giving Mom a peck on the cheek. "Totally hands off. I kind of told Penny that I got to watch Mom blow you last night, so she thought it would be kind of cool to let you see us together. She's a tease, isn't she?"

Dad nodded, starting the video over. "You're sure she's new to this?"

"Completely. You saw what the other picture was like. Trust me, it was easy to tell a couple of months ago. Today? Wow, like a whole new girl."

Mom was leaning into Dad. "Atmosphere, baby. No back of the car, uncomfortable, worried someone might walk in on you, awkward BJ. On a bed, relaxed, naked, in the privacy of your room; it frees her, sets her loose."

Dad gave Mom a squeeze. "Not that there's anything wrong with the occasional public BJ, with the excitement of getting caught, huh Alice?"

Mom blushed. "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about."

Dad grinned. "Of course you don't. Just like having an audience can't be a hell of a motivator to do your best either."

Mom giggled. "Depends on the audience."

He pulled her close for a kiss. A long passionate one. It felt odd, with me sitting on the arm of his chair, my arm around Mom's shoulder, while he kissed her like that, his free hand reaching down and fondling her bottom.

When he came up for air, I spoke, while I had the chance. "Dad, I want to get a decent video camera. Something with better lighting control and easier close-up focusing."

He grinned at me. "Do I want to know what for?"

"I think you know what for. With high-resolution, image stabilization, and better auto-focus. Wouldn't you like to see that video on a 60" screen? Without the shakes, and dark moments?"

"What's something like that cost?" he asked.

"I think around $300."

He whistled. "A lot to pay for a simple BJ video," he said.

I laughed. "Trust me Dad. It'll be worth it. How about it?"

He looked at Mom. "Family camera, right? Your Dad can use it if he feels the urge," she asked.

"Family camera. Anyone can use it."

She turned back to Dad. "I have no problem with that."

Dad nodded. "Use your Mom's credit card. Don't go crazy though." He didn't even look up from the video.

Mom was watching it as well. "Don't you love the way she keeps glancing up at him, those big blue eyes looking all innocent?"

Dad groaned, and I could see Mom was rubbing between his legs. "Alice," he murmured almost desperately.

She slid down between his legs, rubbing her face against his hardness.

Dad looked up at me. "Your Mom's going to blow me now," he said. "You're welcome to stay and watch. Pick up some pointers for your cute little girlfriend."

Mom looked up at him. "Again?" she asked nervously.

Dad stroked her hair. "I'll be gentle tonight. I promise." He lifted his hips, and Mom pulled his pants down, freeing his thick erection.

I moved to the side. "Need another beer?"

Dad smiled, while Mom licked his cock. "Sure. That would be nice."

I rushed out and grabbed two beers, returning to find Mom with most of Dad's cock down her throat. The old horn-dog was holding the video next to her face, watching both at the same time.

Mom gave us a hell of a show, and I was surprised to find Dad ready to come by the time I was about to do so on camera. "On your face," he gasped.

She leaned back, and he stood up.

"Hey Mom and Dad. He's about to blow," I heard Penny say as Mom took Dad back in her mouth. He grabbed her head and starting fucking her face roughly.

"Come for me, Jeremy. Shoot all over my face for Mom and Dad."

"Fuck," Dad groaned, pulling his cock out of her mouth and stroking it fast, while she posed for him, mouth open wide, waiting.

"Am I pretty, Jeremy? With your cum all over my face, marking me, making me yours?"

"Alice," he gasped, his hand a blur. He grunted and shot his load, splashing her face, before finishing in her mouth.

Mom took his cock in her mouth, sucking him.

"If you were here Alice, I'd let you clean them for me. I'd let you lick my whole face clean."

She leaned back, pulling off Dad's cock and showing her empty mouth. She reached up and scraped the cum off her cheek, sucking her finger clean.

Dad watched her, no longer paying attention to the video. "Would you do it, Alice? Lick her face clean?"

Mom grinned. "From his cum?" she said with a nod of her head toward me, "Or yours?"

"Either," he said, his voice catching.

"Both," Mom told him, scraping her other cheek clean and sucking her fingers. "Only if it was Ok with you."

Fuck, that was hot. "It's Ok by me," I said.

It seems like they'd almost forgotten about me. Dad looked over and laughed. "I'm sure. So what do you think? Your girlfriend have a chance to catch up to that?"

Mom was grinning, leaning in and licking Dad's cock teasingly.

"Maybe not yet, but you have to admit, she's a hell of a learner."

Dad laughed, pulling Mom's face onto his cock. "I'll give you that. She's a pretty little cocksucker, and looks eager enough to please. That's worth a lot."

Mom watched me, still sucking Dad. I was getting seriously jealous, and hard as a rock.

"I...I think I'm going to go upstairs now," I told Dad, watching Mom taking him deep. I was sitting on the couch next to them. Mom got up, pushing me back on the couch. She sat on my lap sideways, giving me a kiss.

"You didn't enjoy the show?" she asked teasingly. "Didn't learn anything?"

I adjusted her in my lap, embarrassed. "I think I'm enjoying it too much," I confessed.

She turned in my lap, facing forward, pressing her ass down into my crotch. "I thought you liked me sitting in your lap. You certainly did last time."

Dad walked over to us, standing between my feet. He pulled Mom's face forward, and she took him in her mouth. He reached out and pulled the straps on her shoulders down her arms. Her top slid down, exposing her tits. "That's much better," he said.

Mom was rubbing her ass against my cock, moaning beautifully. I held her hips, pressing against her. I slid my hands down her thighs, rubbing her legs, sliding to the inside of her thighs. Dad was grinning, watching his hot little wife, my sexy Mom, blow him.

Mom opened her legs for me, and I eased my hands higher, pressing against her panties.

"Uh-uh," Dad said, staring down at me. "Let's keep it above the waist." I was suddenly nervous. He grinned. "She's a little sore today."

I moved my hands upward, placing my hands on her breasts, watching for my Dad's reaction. He grinned at me. "Your Mom's a pretty hot number, wouldn't you say?"

I pinched her nipples, tugging on them. "The hottest woman I've ever seen."

He smiled, holding Mom's head and fucking her face aggressively. "Your not as dumb as you look."

I kissed Mom's bare shoulder, feeling her tight ass clenching around my cock. "I get my brains from the hottie. I get my looks from you."

I bit down on her neck, and she moaned around Dad's cock, her body shaking as she came for us.

"You like our boy holding you, while I fuck that sexy mouth, don't you?" Dad teased Mom.

She pulled off his cock, gasping, staring up at Dad. "I need more, Harold. I need you to fuck me," she gasped.

He grabbed her head, and stuck his cock back in her mouth. "Soon, Alice. I promise."

I was playing with her tits, squeezing them, playing with her hard nipples. Biting on her shoulders, I saw one of Dad's markings and I smiled, sucking her skin hard. My hickey was going to obliterate his.

Mom's ass was going to town against my cock. Her butt-cheeks were tensing, teasing me, squeezing my staff.

Dad held up my camera, replaying the Penny video. He turned it toward me. "We appreciate this. I appreciate it." He brushed Mom's hair aside, looking down at her. "It doesn't make up for everything, but it's a hell of a nice start."

I released Mom's skin, giving her neck a nibble. "I know Dad. I'm sorry we went behind your back."

He nodded. "I know. Coming clean helps."

"I'm going to keep making it up to you Dad. I promise."

He grinned. He pulled Mom off his cock, and slapped it against her cheek. "Kiss your boy goodnight, Alice."

Mom turned in my lap, throwing her arms around my neck. She kissed me hard and deep, her tongue exploring my mouth. "That was sweet, making that video for us. You had a good time today?"

"Jesus, Mom. It was an amazing day."

"Even after Penny left?" she asked teasing, kissing my lips softly, grinding against my stiff cock.

"Especially after she left." I looked up at Dad. "I am so fucking jealous." I squeezed Mom's tit, making her moan.

"You should be," Dad laughed. "Although Penny's a sweet little alternative."

He pulled Mom off my lap, hugging her. "This one's mine, Jeremy. I hope you can accept that."

I stood, my cock sticking out in front of me, aching. "I understand Dad."

"Good." He turned her around, facing me, reaching down and grabbing her breasts, squeezing them hard, making her groan. "I'm going to take this hot little piece upstairs and fuck her like she needs." He tugged on her nipples, and she squirmed deliciously. "Don't worry, I'll be easy on her tonight."

I grinned. "Good. Give her what she needs. Give her one for me too."

He chuckled. "You do the same with Penny."

"I will. I'm going to fuck her soon. I'll make sure to get us a nice video."

"You'd do that for us?" Mom asked.

"For Dad. Sorry Mom. He gets to choose if he'll share it with you."

She rubbed her ass against him. "That's fine. I know how to get him to share."

I laughed, bending over and kissing her. "I'm sure you do. Now go upstairs and give him a thank you for me. He deserves it. He's the best man I've ever known, too."

She gave me a hug. "I love you, Jeremy."

"Love you too, Mom. I love you both."

I turned and ran upstairs. Couldn't let Dad see me gettin' all sappy. The whole 'I love you both' was pretty much over the line as it was.

I listened to Dad make love to Mom, both our doors wide open. I stroked myself easily, imagining taking a turn on Mom myself. I heard her cry out, and Dad's chuckle. "That one was for you, Jeremy," he called out.

I got myself off, one last time, barely hard enough to manage it. It had been a pretty intense day. I could still smell Penny on my sheets. She really was amazing. Not Mom, but hell, nobody was.

* * *

I woke with Mom's arms around me, kissing my shoulder. "Time to get up, lazybones. Daylight's burning.

I turned and found myself holding a naked Mom. She pressed her lips against mine briefly. "Breath of death," she whispered.

"Sorry. I wasn't expecting company."

She rolled back on the bed, stretching, letting me see her beautiful body. "God, Jeremy, last night was incredible."

"You two had a good time?" I teased, fondling her breast.

"The best. He was so loving, so gentle, and still, when I needed it hard, he gave it to me." She arched her back, pressing her breast into my hand. "It was all about me last night. It was wonderful."

"You deserve it, Mom."

She turned on her side, her hand on my chest, looking at me. "You don't mind that I talk to you about it?"

"I love it Mom. I'll never get enough of hearing how much you two love each other."

She smiled. "You really love your old man, don't you?"

"Of course. Almost as much as I love you."

"You never say it."

"Mom! We're men. We don't have to say it. We know."

She leaned in and kissed me warmly. "That video of Penny. I don't know if you can understand how much that meant to him. The way she sucked you, talking to us. Doing it for us. Openly sharing it with him."

"That part was her idea," I admitted.

"You owe her one." She moved against me, throwing her leg over mine, kissing me warmly. "Your Dad is very private. Much more than me. What he's doing, letting you watch us, it's not like him. We've never done anything like that. We've never been swingers or fooled around. We're enough for each other. Sharing that video, it's intensely personal to him. He couldn't stop talking about it last night."

"This whole thing is intensely personal to me, too. I would never do this for anyone else. I wanted Dad to see those pictures of her. Nobody else."

"Is this because of the car ride?" she asked.

"Partly. What we did was so incredible." I pulled her close, hugging her. "Life altering. Doing it behind Dad's back, was the worst thing I've ever done. I'm going to make it up to him."

She pressed her lips to mine, kissing me slowly, her tongue exploring my mouth. I caressed her soft skin, reaching down for that amazing ass, letting it fill my hands, cupping it, feeling the firmness. Jesus, what an ass.

I reached lower, feeling between her legs. She stopped kissing me, and pulled my hands upward. "The rules haven't change Jeremy. I might bend them a little, letting you fondle my butt, but you can't go any further. Keep it above the waist."

"You climb into my bed naked, and tell me that?"

She glared at me. "I could leave."

I pulled her close and hugged her. "No. Please. I'll be good. I promise."

She kissed my neck. "I'm not trying to tease you, Jeremy. I just love being with you like this. If it's too much, I'll understand."

"No Mom. It's not too much. I can deal with this." I went back to fondling her sweet ass. "You guys were bad last night. Dad made you come so loudly, and then yelling out that one was for me."

She giggled. "You have no idea, Jeremy. He was so naughty. He made me act like his Mommy, and pretended it was you fucking the living daylights out of me. I had to wear a blindfold and everything. Sucking that big cock while he called me Mom, begging for it. Such a rotten bastard. He made me come so hard I thought I was going to pass out."

"Seriously? He pretended to be me?"

She giggled. "That was the one that was for you. Literally. I almost screamed your name. I had to be Penny afterward. He came in my mouth so damn fast. I even cried when he took my virginity."

"Mom! Really?"

She wriggled against me, nibbling my shoulder. "What did you expect, after that video?"

"I don't know. Not that!"

She sat up, pressing her naked crotch against my hardness, grinding against me. "Please, Mr. Davis, we really shouldn't," she said in a little girl's voice. "Ok, just the tip, for a second...No, Jeremy will never know. I won't tell I promise." She rose up, holding my cock against her, rubbing it between her wet pussy lips. "Oh, God! It's too big," she whined, pushing it against her opening. "So big," she gasped, pressing it inside. "It's stretching me too much. I can't. We have to stop."

She grabbed my hands, and put it on her hips, then started wiggling. "No, Mr. Davis. We can't. That's enough. I can't take any more," she begged in that high-pitched teasing tone, meant to imitate my girlfriend. "Yes, I promised, but I didn't know," she whined. "No! Please, don't make me take it all. It's impossible. You're so huge. Not my first time!"

She settled down onto my cock about halfway, groaning. "Stop. You have to stop. It's tearing me open. Please. I...I'll blow you. I'll suck you so good. Even better than her. We have to stop. At least let me get used to it."

She had her hands covering mine, still on her hips. Moaning, while she rose up and down on the last few inches of my cock. "It hurts too much. We have to stop. No more!" she cried out, sinking a little further. "God, Mr. Davis, you're killing me. Please stop. Please. We can do something else, anything else. Whatever you want. Please." She leaned over pressing her head against my shoulder, fucking herself with most of my cock.

"Yes, it still hurts. Too much," she whined softly. "Oh FUCK," she groaned. "Stop! You're really hurting me. You're way too thick. Let me suck you, Mr. Davis." She paused, about half-way down my length. "Mrs. Davis?...Yes, she's pretty...Uh-huh, very pretty and sexy. Of course I'd kiss her for you." She slowly slid off my cock, sighing. "Oh God! Thank you." She hesitated at the tip, driving me crazy. "Down there? Kiss her down there? Oh, no! I couldn't."

She slammed down on my cock, crying out loudly. "Ow! No more! I'll do it. I will. I promise. Whatever you want. Whenever you want. You just have to stop."

She started pounding down on my cock, screaming. "No! You promised! You're destroying me! Don't! Don't come in me! I'm not on the pill. I'll get pregnant! You have to stop."

She sighed, groaning, "So big. You fill me up so much." She got quiet, riding me slowly, taking my whole length. I moved with her, thrusting into her, listening to the whimpers and soft moans. "A...little better," she murmured, kissing my chest. She had stopped her own moving, letting me pound into her. "No, it's Ok, a little longer, but you can't come in me." Mom pushed my hips down, riding me gently. "Yes, that's better. It still hurts a little. Oh, God! Not so deep, please, it hurts at the end. Yes, like that, that's better. Much better, thank you." She gasped, grinding against me. "Do you like that, Mr. Davis? Being my first? Stretching out my poor virgin pussy to fit your huge cock?"

It was too much, Mom fucking me like that, pretending to be Penny. "I'm going to come," I warned her through clenched teeth.

"No, Mr. Davis! Not inside of me. I'm not on the pill, and it's the worst time of the month. You can't!" She rode me fast and hard, grinning, driving me crazy. "Please, in my mouth. You can come in my mouth. Just don't fill my poor virgin pussy with your nasty cum." Mom was breathing hard, digging her fingers into my flesh. "God, yes...Alright? Yes, I want your cum. Your nasty hot burning cum all the way up inside of me, making me pregnant. Give it to me, Mr. Davis. Gimme."

I grabbed Mom's hips and slammed into her, filling her just as she'd begged. I don't know if her orgasm was real or part of her game, but it was huge. "FUCK!" she screamed, slamming her hips down and grinding against me.

She laid down on me, settling all the way down. "You were so mean, Mr. Davis," she said softly kissing my chin. "You said just the tip. That was a huge tip! What if I get pregnant?...You'll keep me? Promise?" She kissed my lips. "Again? What if they come home?...You will? You'll make her lick me? Ok, one more time. But that's it. You promise, right?...Mmm. Good. Thank you Mr. Davis. Can I call you Daddy?...Yes, thank you Daddy. Fill up my poor little pussy again. Give me your baby, Daddy."

She rose up on her hands, looking down at me with a wicked grin. Mom was back. "That one doesn't count, you understand. That was naughty little Penny, not your sweet Mom. Right Jeremy? It didn't happen."

I pulled her down and kissed her. "Of course Mom. You'd never do anything so evil." I thrust up into her, still hard.

She smacked me on the chest. "Enough. You know our rules. That's not allowed." She lifted up off of me, my cum draining out of her messily. She turned sideways, licking up the pooling mess. "One moment, Ok, while I clean up poor Penny's face." She licked me for more than a minute, sucking me clean, even going down on me for a while.

She finally sat up blushing, and laid down next to me, quiet.

"Good thing Mom wasn't here," I said softly. "Just me and my naughty girlfriend, playing."

She gave me a squeeze. "I'm sorry, Jeremy. That was wrong of me. Can we pretend that didn't happen? I'll never be able to explain it to your father."

"Mom, nothing happened. You told me a naughty story. That's all. I'm not going to do anything with you behind Dad's back."

She hugged me tightly, almost painfully. "Win me, Jeremy. You can win me from him, I know. I don't know how, but he'll share me with you if you do. Win Mommy, baby."

"I will Mom. I promise. I'll figure out a way."

She kissed me softly, making a face. "Clean up, and brush your teeth, whatever you do. I'll get your breakfast for you."

She climbed out of my bed, so beautiful, my cum running down the inside of her thighs. She turned at the door, watching me as I got out of the bed. "I love you, Jeremy," she said softly.

"I love you more, Mom. You'll see."

* * *

I made the call to Penny, and she agreed to go shopping with me. I wanted her there when I bought the camera.

We had a great time, and I found it so comfortable to be with her, holding her when I wanted, giving her the occasional kiss. Patting her bottom. We didn't talk much about the previous day. The future was what mattered at the moment.

I took her to look over the cameras, and she was definitely curious. "Do I want to know what that's for?" she asked.

I grinned teasingly. "You know what it's for."

She blushed. "I didn't say there was going to be another one."

I turned and kissed her hard, surprising her. "You're last one was Academy Award winning. You were an enormous hit."

She leaned her head into my shoulder, "Not here, Jeremy. Please. Don't embarrass me."

"Of course not. Help me pick out the best one. I want image stabilization so the picture isn't so shaky, and easy to use zoom and close-up, and really good auto focus."

We played with the cameras, taking practice pictures. She was getting into it, teasing me. We eventually found the one we both liked best. It was almost $400, a bit more than I'd told Dad. I was willing to pay for the difference if needed.

I broke out the camera and filmed her eating lunch. She was shy at first, then started teasing me, playing with her food, sliding her fries between her lips, licking them, moaning in pleasure.

"Jesus, Penny. You keep that up, and I'm going to have to do you in here."

"They really liked the video?" she asked, grinning shyly.

"Holy shit. I had no idea." I leaned forward, my voice little more than a whisper. "After they watched it the first time, Dad made Mom blow him while he watched. He held the picture right next to her head, and at the end, he came all over her face, just like in the video."

She was clearly excited, squirming in her chair. "You watched them?"

"Oh yeah. That bit, when you told Mom you'd let her lick your face clean? I swear it almost gave him a heart attack."

"Twenty years to catch up?" she asked, grinning slyly.

"I told them it wouldn't take twenty days. Dad's still not completely convinced. Not that you're anything less than spectacular, but Mom's just that good."

"Jesus, Jeremy! How good is she?"

I shrugged. "Looks pretty damn good. Dad's the expert."

She pushed her tray away. "Things are good between us now, aren't they? Better than ever. I know you feel it, too."

I nodded. "Everything feels so right, being with you. Wandering around with you, no weirdness, no uncertainty. It's wonderful."

She grinned. "I know, right? I'm happy now. Really happy. Thank you."

We dumped our trays, and I took her in my arms. "Forgive me for being so stupid for so long?"

She kissed me softly. "If you'll forgive me."

"Done. I love you, Penny."

Her eyes opened wide. "Oh, Jeremy. I love you too. So much."

I held her for a long time. She finally pulled away. "You're going to make me late again. I told Mom I'd be home by 2:00, we have an appointment."

"Can I see you later?"

"I'll be over as soon as I can. Probably around 6:00. Dinner?"

I nodded. "And dessert."

* * *

I dropped her off at her door, getting a nice long kiss before she left. "I love you," she whispered softly.

I was surprised at myself for saying it first. I didn't love her like Mom, or even like Aunt Marie. What I felt for her was different than anything else I'd ever felt before. It was good, and real, and if it wasn't love, it was as close as I'd ever been.

Which made me feel just a little bit guilty when I grabbed my phone.

"Aunt Marie? Would it be Ok if I came over for a while?"

"Give me about twenty minutes, alright handsome?"

* * *

Aunt Marie answered the door wearing the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. Lacy and transparent, it barely covered her at all, and what it did cover was more accentuated than hidden.

I took her in my arms and kissed her. She was so damn hot, those big tits of hers begging for attention.

"The afternoon is ours, sugar," Aunt Marie said. "Come play."

I followed her into her bedroom. I'd been there many times before, but never like this. It took on a whole different meaning. The huge 4 poster king size bed. The dresser mirror and closet mirrors both visible from the bed. The thickly padded pillow top mattress, beautiful bedspread, turned down on one side, the smooth satin sheets. I got hard just thinking about it.

Aunt Marie took my bag from my hand and put it on the bed-stand. She started unbuttoning my shirt. "Rules?"

I nodded. "The same. For a little longer."

She kissed my chest, pulling the shirt off, and dropped to her knees, opening my pants. "We could bend them a little. Nobody would have to know," she said softly.

I ran my fingers through her hair. "Like you wouldn't tell Mom," I said.

"Not if you don't want me to," she answered, pulling my pants down to my ankles and helping me step out of them.

"I wish I could believe that," I said.

She slid my boxers down, freeing my hard cock. She took it in her hand, and stroked me once, then took the head in her mouth for a quick, easy suck. "I can keep a secret, Jeremy. I can. Ask your Dad."

Ask Dad? Shit.

I pulled her to her feet, and hugged her again. I tilted her chin up and kissed her softly. "I love you so much, Aunt Marie."

"I love you, Jeremy. As much as I've ever loved anyone."

I opened up the bed, and pulled her in with me. "Tell me about you and Mom. Everything."

She tensed up, suddenly nervous. "What did she say?"

"A lot. Everything about your past. I want to hear it from you."

She bowed her head. "I can't, Jeremy. Please don't ask me."


She heaved a huge sigh, leaning against me. "I'm ashamed."

"I love you. You know that. I know what you've done. Now I want to know how we're going to make it better. Once and for all."

She pulled out of my arms, lying back on the bed, her hands covering her face. "I don't know if we can. I wish we could. I do."

"We can, and we will. I'll help. I'll do everything I can. So will Dad. First, you need to tell me everything."

She turned to me, cuddling in. "Can't we just have our fun?"

"I don't want fun. I want you. All of you. All the time. That's not going to happen until we work out things between you and Mom."

"If we could work things out?"

"You'll be mine."

I listened to my aunt tell her side. About her jealousy. Pretty Alice, perfect Alice, Daddy's pet, who could do no wrong. Good grades, never in trouble, so impossible to be compared to, which her parents did all the time. Why couldn't she be more like Alice? Why couldn't she work harder in school? Why couldn't she do what she was told? Keep her room clean. Dress proper. Be on time. Stay out of trouble. Get better friends. Like perfect Alice.

Aunt Marie rebelled. Fooled around. Stayed out late. Did drugs. Skipped school. Got drunk. Dressed like a slut. Bad Marie, slutty Marie, stupid Marie, she'd heard it all the time.

She did her best to live up to it.

Taking Mom's boyfriends was so easy. Mom didn't put out. Marie would give them one look at her tits, drag them off to her room and fuck them. Didn't matter if her parents were in the house. She once stole Mom's boyfriend while her sister was making dinner.

She didn't want them. Didn't even keep them for long. Just long enough to rub Mom's nose in it.

"Why?" I had to ask. "It wasn't her fault."

"I know that now. Then, she just pissed me off. Why couldn't she screw up just once? Get suspended. Bring home a B. Stay out past curfew. At least get high or drunk. Something. Even the few things she did wrong, she got away with. It wasn't fair."

"She wrecked Mom's car you know? Ran a red light. Had to go to the hospital. Everyone was so worried about her. Treated her like a princess. I backed into a pole and had my driving privileges taken away for a month. God, sometimes I hated her."

"Daddy's little girl. In his eyes she was perfect. She played him. Even at 18 years old, she still sat on his lap all the time, watching TV, reading a book. He'd hold her. Kiss her goodnight. When I tried to hug him he'd shrug me off. If I sat in his lap, he'd put up with it for a few minutes, then tell me I was too heavy. Mom would get mad at me. I figured it out later. He got hard when he held me. Not sweet innocent Alice, at least not that I could tell."

She looked in my eyes. "They didn't love me. Just the Princess. Jenny later, of course, the cute little baby. I was the problem child, and they had very little patience for a sad, confused, teenager."

I held her in my arms. She sounded so sad, like it was still hurting her. "Their loss. You're a wonderful, loving, generous person, and I'll challenge anyone to say different."

She lay in my arms, trembling, thinking back to the bad days. Broke my heart. Happy, cheerful, loving Aunt Marie, an unloved, sad and confused, troubled teen. I couldn't reconcile the two images.

I sat up and started taking off her outfit. "Let's get this off you. It's a shame to cover up any part of your amazing body."

She giggled. "That's all I had, you know. The only place where I could one-up her. The boys always loved my body. All of them." I had her outfit off and pulled her into my arms.

"I can see why. Pretty damned spectacular. Best tits in the world."

She gave me a squeeze. "You should have seen them twenty years ago, sweetie. Back then they were really spectacular. Irresistible. To everyone. Except your Dad."

"He thinks they're amazing. The best ever. Told me so himself."

She looked up at me. "Really? I know he likes them. I see him looking at me."

"Told me how jealous he was that I got to do what we did. How he'd love to trade places with me, if not for Mom."

"How much does he know?" she asked nervously.


"She would tell him," Aunt Marie said, irritation creeping into her voice.

"I told him everything. Every little detail. What these tits are like. How you came for me. All about coming in your mouth that first time. What it was like to hold you, play with you, kiss you."

She buried her head in my shoulder. "Jeremy, how could you?"

"He wanted me to be with you. He made sure you got to sit in my lap. He hit every damn bump in the road, so we'd get to have fun. He would have let me ride with you the whole way home, if Colin hadn't gotten so damn frisky with Mom."

"Really? He wanted me to be with you?"

"That's what he said. That, and he wished he could trade places with me."

"I didn't think he liked me very much."

"He loves you. Like I love you. But he loves Mom, and knows what it would do to her, the way things are now. That's why we're going to fix things. And then I'm going to give you to him."

"He won't," she said nervously.

"He will. With Mom's blessing by the time I'm done."

"Do you honestly think so?"

"Tell me about you and him. That first time."

She was fondling my cock, getting me hard. "He wasn't like the others. Older, confident, manly, so God damn handsome. Better than she deserved. Yes, I wanted him the moment I saw him. I wanted to take him from her and keep him. Not like the others. I loved your father the first time I laid eyes on him."

"I did what I could. Rubbed against him, showed him my tits, even climbed into the shower with him. He didn't know it was me at first, calling me Alice, and telling me we shouldn't. I was behind him and reached around, grabbed that huge cock of his and started stroking him, rubbing my tits against his back, kissing him. He groaned and leaned against the wall, letting me jack him off."

My aunt was stroking me, looking down at my cock. "God, you're so much like him back then. It's uncanny." She leaned down and sucked me once. "I should have done that to him. I should have sucked him off. I didn't do that in those days. Never. Tits and pussy were enough. Or so I thought."

She climbed on top of me, kissing me softly. "I should have finished him. Instead I turned him around and pulled him down for a kiss, grabbing his hands and putting them on my tits. I was convinced that was all he needed. Get a hold of these babies, and he'd be mine."

Aunt Marie sat up, holding her tits out for me. "Irresistible, right? He resisted. He pushed me away. He was gentle about it, I'll give him that. 'No,' he said firmly. I hugged him, grabbing his cock stroking it. He groaned for me. 'We can't. She's your sister,' he told me."

"'We can,' I told him. 'Anything you want. Right now if you want. You can fuck me now and all night long,' I said. I almost had him. I was so close. He pushed me down to my knees. I knew what he wanted. But I didn't do that. I stroked his cock, rubbing my tits against his legs. 'Fuck me', I pleaded."

She leaned over, her tits hanging down and brushing against my chest. "We were that close," she said. "I was stroking him, and he was staring at me with those hungry eyes of his. 'Suck me,' he said. I was a fucking idiot. 'I don't do that,' I told him. He glared at me. He grabbed me by the hair, tilting my head back. He took that big dick in his hand, stroking it rapidly, and grunted, coming all over my face, slapping my cheeks with it when he was done, rubbing the head of his cocks against my lips. 'Alice does,' he said. He lifted me to my feet, and turned me to face the shower-head, rinsing his hot cum off of me, while squeezing my tits. Then he pushed me out of the shower, naked. 'Don't do that again,' he told me. God, Jeremy, I was so embarrassed. I wanted him more than ever after that. I wanted him to stick his cock in my mouth and make me suck him. I needed him to use me. Instead I lost him."

She laid down on me again, grinding her crotch against my hardness. "Fucker went and told her I came onto him, got in the shower with him. He didn't mention asking me to suck him, or coming on my face, did he? No mention of playing with my tits. See, I can keep a secret. Twenty years now, you're the only person I ever told."

She sighed. "I didn't try again. I let her have him. I've never made a move on him in all this time."

"You still love Dad, don't you?"

She nodded. "I always have. Everything I always wanted in a man, and never got. It's not fair, Jeremy."

"What would you do with him, if Mom said it was Ok?"

She kissed my neck softly. "Everything. Anything he wanted. All the same things I'd do with you, if we could. If you wanted."

I held her head, kissing her lips gently. "Do you think I don't want you?"

"Not enough, I guess. You could be having your way with me right now, doing anything you wanted. Things I've never done with anybody else."

"Aunt Marie, I love you, but you don't think things out. We could do it now, do everything. I'd love that. Sooner or later Mom would find out. Probably Colin and Dad too. It would be over, ruined, forever."

I kissed her again, slower, deeper, fondling her soft body. "Or...we could be smart about it, win over Mom and Dad, and do everything we want, with everyone we want, for as long as we want, all of us happy for ever. Which do you want?"

"Do you think it's possible? Really?" she asked hesitantly.

"I do. How much are you willing to do to make it work out?"

"Anything Jeremy. I swear. Whatever it takes."

"I'm going to hold you to that." I eased her off of me, and passed her that sexy little teddy. "Put it back on. Time to start."

She looked at me confused, sliding the outfit back over her head. "Start how?"

I opened the bag I'd brought, and pulled out my camera. "Time for you and me to make a movie. A special movie for Dad's eyes only. You're going to tell him all the things you would do for him if you could, and enlist his help in making it come true."

"If Alice saw that, she'd kill all of us."

"No. When she sees it, she'll understand. Now get between my legs and pretend I'm him. Tell him what you want, how long you've wanted him, what you'll do for him, given a chance. And beg for his help."

I expected a little push-back, not complete capitulation. She got on her knees, facing the mirror, and shook out her hair. She adjusted her sexy nothing of an outfit, and moved between my legs. I was semi-hard, but suspected she'd be able to fix that easy enough.

"Ready?" she asked, sitting up. "Camera up here to start, Ok?"

"Ready." I hit the record button. "Recording," I whispered, framing her pretty face in the display.

"Harold? It's me. I think I owe you an apology. More than one, actually," she brushed her hair back. "Twenty years ago. I was bad. I tried to steal you away from Alice. I did. I had done it before, and I was confident I could do it again. But you were different. I knew it the first time I saw you. Different in every way. Not like those boys. Different with her, too. I wasn't ready for someone like you."

I zoomed the image out, showing more than her face, bringing her amazing tits into the viewfinder.

"Touching you in the shower, feeling you, I can't forget it. How you were, your hardness in my palm." She moved lower, taking my cock in her hand, stroking it. I made sure the camera got all of it. "Pressing my body against your smooth, slippery skin, feeling how hard you got, so quickly. So big in my hand." She looked down at my cock, firming up for her. "I'd never had one so big. I wanted it. I wanted it in me, stretching me. I don't think I ever wanted anything so bad. It's true, at first I just wanted to take you from Alice. I hadn't known you for more than a couple of hours before I knew it was more than that. I wanted you more than I'd ever wanted anyone."

She sat up and removed her top, holding her tits for the camera, before going back to stroking me. Damn, she was hot. "I only knew one way to get boys. Flash 'em the tits, and fuck 'em. I threw myself at you, and for a moment I thought I had you, the way you looked at me. You pushed me to my knees, telling me to suck you. I didn't, and I lost you."

She lowered her head to my cock, kissing it. "I wish I'd done differently. I wish I'd taken that big fat cock of yours and wrapped my lips around it. I'd do it over if I could. I would do whatever you asked. Anything you wanted. I let the best man I ever met slip through my fingers because I was a stupid, immature, scared little girl. This is what I wish I had done."

Aunt Marie licked me slowly, staring into the camera. She kissed the head, moaning softly as she took me in her mouth, teasing me with her tongue, while sucking the last few inches of my cock. She stroked me, tenderly. She had never been like this before. She was making love to my cock, gently, adoringly. This was a different Aunt Marie. Dad's Marie. If he wanted her.

I let her have her way, slowly driving me crazy. I focused on her mouth, sliding up and down my shaft, leaving a slick sheen behind as she pulled upward. She dragged her teeth against my skin, giving me shivers, scraped with her fingernails, teasing with her tongue.

"I'd beg you to come for me, Harold. Come in my mouth. You could have been my first. Should have been my first. Filled my mouth with your delicious cream. I wanted that so badly. I still do." She sucked me hard, popping her head off noisily. "Come for me, Harold? Let me taste you?"

She went back to sucking faster, her hand moving quickly, desperate for my seed. She looked up at the camera, her eyes pleading. I was hardening in her mouth, coming close, and she responding by moaning for me. She had a wonderful rhythm going, maybe a dozen strokes of her head, before pressing me to the back of her throat, holding me there for a few seconds. She would pull off, lick my length and do it again. She was driving me crazy.

"Yes," she moaned, stroking me, holding the head at the edge of her mouth, moments before I came. I groaned, shooting hard, rope after rope into that teasing warm opening. She sucked me gently, until I stopped, then pulled the head away, showing a mouth full of my cum. She moved her tongue around, then tilted her head back and swallowed. Opening her mouth again, you could see she'd finished most of it. She smiled, taking my cock in her mouth, and pulling it out, messy with my cum. She sucked it back in cleaning it, and when she opened her mouth again, it was empty.

"I would do that for you if I could. As often as you wanted. Not for anyone else but you and your boy. But for you, Harold, anything." She got up and straddled me, holding her tits out. "These would be yours. Completely. Kiss them, lick them, suck them, fuck them. Whatever you want. Love them or abuse them, I wouldn't complain. She scooted forward before leaning back and spreading her legs.

"This would be yours, Harold. My hot little pussy. Trust me when I say it's hot. I may not suck as good as Alice, but you'd love this. It's as magical as her lips. And it would be all yours, if I was allowed." She rubbed it, spreading the lips, showing off her clit. "You could fuck me all you want. Like my sister, I'd never say no."

Aunt Marie rolled over, getting on her knees, tilting her butt back to the camera. "I know it's not as nice as Alice's, but it's yours if you want. I'm a virgin back here. Your virgin. If I was allowed, I'd beg you to fuck my dirty little ass, drill it until I screamed. Teach me what I've been missing all these years." She pressed a finger against her opening, groaning as it slowly sank in. "That's it. The most that ever has gone in there. It would frighten me, but I'd take your big fat juicy prick and take it to the root. I'd scream and cry, and suffer for you. I'd beg you to fill my ass over and over again, until I couldn't take any more. If only I was allowed."

She rolled back over and climbed back between my legs, stroking me again. "I'd be yours Harold. However you wanted me. Twenty years I've behaved, ever since you turned me away. I've loved you and wanted you from that moment. Twenty years, and I've never hit on you, as bad as I wanted to. I love my sister, and I wouldn't hurt her. I will never cheat on her with you. Never. But if she would let me, I would be whatever you wanted. Anything the two of you would let me. I will do anything, I swear, to be a bigger part of your life."

She sucked my cock, rubbing her face against it. "I love your son, you know that. I've never hidden it. I adore him. So much like you. I know Alice thinks I was trying to take him, but nothing could be further from the truth. I know I couldn't. I wouldn't even try. I only want to share him, share both of you with her."

She looked up at the camera, her eyes glistening. "Please, Harold. Help me. I want to make everything better between me and Alice. I'll do anything to regain her trust. Let her know I've been good, all these years. And that I wouldn't betray her. Help me, Harold. Nobody but you has ever been able to influence her. Let me in. Let me part of your lives. Let me share your bed. Your love. I promise you, I'll never make you regret it, and I'll be whatever you need, whatever you want. Totally yours. Your family's love toy."

She sucked me sweetly, eyes closed, lovingly. She looked up. "Everyone thinks I'm a strong woman. I'm not. I need a strong man. Someone to take care of me, and use me hard. Discipline me when I need it. Reward me when I'm good. I'm not too proud to beg. Be that man for me Harold. Help me with Sissy, so I can be your little slut. Please, I'm begging. There's nobody like you. I know that. Make me yours." She went back to sucking my cock.

After several more seconds, she lifted up. "Cut." She grinned. "What do you think?"

"I think that was amazing. Soon, very soon, you'll be lying on me, my cock buried in that magical pussy of yours that I've been dreaming of, and Dad will be fucking your virgin ass. With Mom's blessing."

"God, I hope you're right."

"I am. Ready for video number two?"

"Two?" she asked.

"Where you convince Mom. This is going to be a lot harder."

Harder, and more complicated. We went through three different versions before we thought we had it right, and then redid the last one until we were both happy.

Happy might not be the right word. Exposing your soul like she did was painful, and she was crying in my arms. I held her gently, rocking her, reminding her how much I loved her. I rolled her onto her back, my erection pressed against her. I reached down and rubbed my cock-head against her pussy lips, opening her.

"I'd bend the rules for you, Aunt Marie, if you want."

She shook her head. "God, Jeremy. I want it so bad, but I can't. Not after that. I couldn't betray her like that."

I smiled. "Right answer. I'm going to let her know. I'll tell her I tried, and you said no. It should help."

She looked at me angrily. "Were you testing me?"

"Of course. I love you, but I had to know. I'm going to enjoy having you around the house, my willing little play toy. Of course we're going to have to figure out what to do with Colin."

She smiled at me, pulling me down for a kiss. "You'll figure it out. You're the smartest of all of us. I know you can do it. I trust you."

I got up, sitting next to her, caressing that amazing body. "I have to go. I'm going to set things in motion. It might get ugly, but I don't think so. We have to try. I know that much."

"I'm here whenever you need me."

"I need you all the time, Aunt Marie. Time for me to go make sure I can have you. Wish me luck."

"Good luck, sugar. I love you."

"I know. You might want to start practicing opening up that rear passageway of yours. Dad's going to be using it hard, pretty soon."

She grinned. "I'll see what I can do. Are you going to use it too?"

"All the time. Dad and I are going to tag team your ass until you pass out. Probably a good bit longer. Get ready for us."

She nodded. "I'm going to go shopping now. I think I need some new toys. Let me know how it goes. Don't leave me in the dark."

"Of course."