Two Moms, Two Laps: Rage

byTx Tall Tales©

Lap Moms 8: Two Moms, Two Laps: Rage

by Tx Tall Tales ©


Things get out of hand.

*Note* to anyone confused about the order of these stories. It starts with Two Moms, Two Laps, Two Hours, and moves forward in alphabetical order. They are in correct order on my submissions page. It was never intended to be a series. The first entry was a stand alone, but I got too much feedback to continue.

I'll admit it. I wrote myself into a corner, and had a hell of a time finishing. I can't remember who, but some author commented on writing to the point where you didn't know what was going to happen next, and your readers never would. Hit the worst case of writer's block. I'd find myself working on anything else, since I was having so much difficulty on this one. I'm not sure why.

I've gone through several iterations of the finish. I'm still not 100% happy, but it is what it is. I can't drag it out any longer, I already feel guilty as hell taking this long, but I felt bad short-changing what I thought was a good premise.

The last three chapters are being submitted. I may end up with a fourth chapter epilogue, but not now. It's not all love and roses, at least not to start, but I've tried to pull everything together, and hope you enjoy it. Thank you for you patience.

BTW - editing may not be the best ever. During the edits I keep making revisions, trying different things. I had to stop, or it would never get out. Sorry for any mistakes.


I was in bed, enjoying the new sheets, and listening to Mom and Dad go at it. I wasn't the only one having their share of fun that day. Not at all.

It was late enough that I figured it was alright to call Penny. I could use the distraction. I was feeling more than a little jealous of Dad at the moment. Mom was on fire, and he was feeding the flames.

Penny picked up after the first ring. "Jeremy?"

"How'd it go, gorgeous?"

"Jeez, we have some weird, screwed up families, don't we?" she laughed.

"That bad?"

"Naw. Pretty good. Good thing you didn't come in. Dad was sitting in his chair wearing nothing but his robe, and it was wide open. Mom was wearing some kind of sleazy see-through nightie and was on her knees gobbling him down, while he watched the video of me giving you head. The old perv."

"That's funny. I remember seeing a similar scene over here."

"Maybe, but it wasn't your Dad!" she whined.

"Actually, it was my Dad... and Mom."

She chuckled. "I guess. Still it was super weird."

"You freak them out, showing up when you did?"

"A little. Mom got off him quick, blushing redder than a tomato, lipstick all smeared. Dad pulled his robe closed, but it didn't do much to hide what was sticking up. He's not big like you, but pretty substantial. Mom's not doing without." I heard another giggle. "I was a real shit. I walked in like nothing was going on, the video still playing. 'Anything good on TV?' I asked."

"You didn't! Evil girl."

She laughed. "Oh yeah I did. I don't know what got into me. Y'all are a bad influence! I went over and sat on his lap, carefully pushing his big stick to the side. I put my arms around his neck, gave him my best innocent baby girl look, and said 'You're not disappointed in me, are you Daddy?'"

"Go on. Don't leave me hanging, rotten thing," I told her.

"You're not going to get upset or jealous, are you?"

Upset? Jealous? "Do I have any reason to?" I asked quietly. Then again, with what had been going on in my house, I sure as hell didn't have any moral high ground.

"No. I swear. Just a little teasing. Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course."

She laughed, and continued. "Alright, like I said, I was giving him the Little Miss Innocent look, the video of me sucking you off still running in the background..."


"Of course I'm not disappointed. A little surprised, maybe. I... I thought, I didn't know, maybe you had already done it."

"Nope. Daddy's little virgin baby girl, until a few nights ago."

"Mom was sitting on the couch, doing her best to cover up with that ridiculous see-through outfit. I mean, it showed everything, Jeremy."

"Are you trying to make me jealous?"

Penny chuckled. "Now who's teasing? Dad was stiff and awkward, the video still playing. Mom grabbed the remote and turned it off."

"Too bad for Dad," I chuckled.

"Not really..."


"You want to watch the other video with me Daddy?"

"Uhh... I don't know," he mumbled, while I settled into his lap, wiggling.

"I want you to. Talk to me. Ask me anything you want. I don't mind. I don't want to keep anything from you, ever. Please?"

"You sure? You won't feel uncomfortable?"

I teased him, reaching down and wiggling his hard-on with my hand. "Just a little. We can deal with it. Mom can take care of you if things get too crazy, alright?"

Mom leaned over. "Maybe it's best if I finished taking care of it first," she said. "Why don't you go change into something comfortable? Give us a few minutes."

Penny laughed. "I didn't give 'em much time. Stripped down to a t-shirt and panties, and a couple of minutes later I walked in on Mom blowing him again."

I laughed. "You really are trouble, aren't you? You couldn't give them five minutes?"

"I could have. I didn't."

"Bad girl."

"Your influence. Now where was I? Oh yeah, Mom was back blowing him..."


"Don't let me interrupt," I told them. "Not like you haven't seen me doing that."

Mom didn't even slow down, and I guess Dad had gotten over his nervousness.

"Mom's good, isn't she," I asked.

"The best," Dad groaned.

I laughed, told him that maybe she could teach me a thing or two. "I bet this isn't the first one of those she's had to take care of tonight."

Dad shook his head.

"How many?" I teased.

Mom acted like nothing was going on. Gotta give her credit. One track mind. Seems like I'm learning more about Mom every day.

"Third," Dad said, then he gave me a little self-satisfied grin.

"All blowjobs?"

He shook his head.

"Good for you Dad! So this one might take a while?"

He shook his head again.

"No? Because I'm here?" I leaned over and pulled her hair back out of the way.

His face was turning red, and he nodded.

"Jesus, Penny! When did you become such a little tease?" I asked.

"Look who's talking. You teased me to death today."

"Did it take long?"

"What do you think?"


"Maybe I could help?" I told him, and his eyes got big, fast.

I stood behind Mom, and took off my shirt, standing there in just my panties. It was so cute. He didn't want to look, but he did. He turned away twice, then couldn't help himself, staring at my titties. Weird, since Mom's are so much bigger. I gotta confess, Jeremy, I kinda liked it.

"There not too small, are they Daddy?" I asked.

"No baby, perfect," he gasped. I saw Mom was really working on him, trying to get him off.

"You like them?" I asked. I bounced on my toes, watching his eyes follow my breasts.

He nodded, moaning, thrusting his hips up at Mom.

I cupped them both, pulling on my hard little nipples. "They're really sensitive."

It was too much for him. He groaned, grabbed Mom's head, and shot off for her. When he was done, Mom stood up and turned to me, wiping her mouth with her hand.

"Don't tease your father like that, rotten thing," she said, but I knew she didn't mean it.

"Not even just a little?"

She smiled, and gave me a hug. "A little is fine. Too much and I won't be able to walk for a week." She gave me a kiss, and I wouldn't let her go until I got a small taste of Dad.

"Jesus! Really?" I asked

"Just a hint. I guess I still wanted to tease him. I hopped into his lap, and told Mom to put on the video. It only took her a second to change it, and we were off and running."

"What about your shirt?" I asked.

She giggled.

"Oh, yeah, my shirt..."


"Uh... Your shirt, Angel?" Daddy whispered.

"No biggie, Daddy. You're going to see all of me on screen aren't you?"

"It's not the same," he said.

"It's just titties. I don't mind. I know they're not as good as Momma's."

"No, Angel. Your breasts are perfect. You're a beautiful young woman."

I gave him a kiss for that. "Thank you."

The first time video was already starting in the background. He didn't say much, and I didn't encourage him. I leaned against his chest, occasionally whispering how I felt, when I was nervous or scared. How lucky I was to have both the mom's there. Things like that. When he watched our mom's licking my face clean, he moaned.

"You're not mad at her are you?" I asked.

"No, Angel. I understand she was trying to make it special for you."

"I didn't know Momma was so naughty."

He chuckled. "Very naughty sometimes."

"You like that, don't you? Having a naughty slut-mommy all your own."

"I do."

"He seemed to be getting over his nervousness. He laughed with me, when you tossed me back on the bed, getting grief from the moms," she added.

"I was just playing," I reminded her.

"I know. It was perfect. Took away the stress of the moment. I really was nervous."

"You didn't seem like it. What was it you said?"

"It's not going to lick itself?" she chuckled.

"Yeah, that."

"It didn't have to, did it?"

"Never will, as long as I'm around," I told her.

"You don't mind doing it? I always feel a little guilty afterward."

"Guilty? Don't be silly. I love doing it. If anyone should feel guilty it's me. You don't have any problems sucking me, do you?"

"I love it. I'm going to be the best you know. You better not leave me, 'cause I swear, you're never going to find anyone else even close."

Except Mom. "No, I think I'm going to keep you. If that's alright with you."

"More than alright. Now stop interrupting my story..."


"You guys looked like you were having fun," Dad said, his brazen hand rubbing way up high on my thigh.

"Was your first time fun, Daddy?"

"Not like that. We were nervous. Both of us virgins. In her parent's basement, hoping nobody would come down and interrupt us. It was awkward, and there was a lot of clumsy fooling around, but once I was inside of her, it was all worth it."

"Who was it? It wasn't Mom, was it?"

He shook his head. "Jessica Beauregard."

"The little tramp," Mom teased.

"Momma! Don't interrupt! This is me and Daddy time. I don't want him to be afraid to tell me anything."

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "No secrets, baby girl."

When he kissed me, I could smell his aftershave. It made my nipples hard. "Thanks, Daddy, that means a lot to me." I grabbed his hand and put it on my breast, when Jeremy on the TV finished going down on me. "I was really scared here," I explained. "Hold me?"

"He... he didn't hurt you, did he?"

On the screen, the moms had finished getting me positioned for the big event, and it was about to happen.

"A little. It had to hurt a little. I was a virgin."

I realized then, that Mom hadn't shown the version where she sucked Jeremy. We both stayed quiet while we watched that big fat cock get ready to penetrate me and inch its way in. Daddy was squeezing my boob real nice.

"He's big," Daddy said softly.

"Huge. Couldn't even get all of it in. Not at first."

I realized then that Daddy was hard again. I laughed, wrapping my fingers around it. "Again, Daddy? What are you 18?"

"You jacked him off?" I asked.

"No, baby. Just held it. He never came for me or nothin'. It wasn't about that. Mom took care of him later. Matter of fact, it sounds like she still is, or I should say he's taking care of her. Can you hear them? They're really loud."

I laughed. "No, I can't hear anything. Same thing's going on over here. For at least the last hour."

"That's good, isn't it?"

"Very good."

"Let me finish my story, and I'll go check on them..."


We were quiet, until the action paused for a moment. It was when I was about to get the whole thing, captured on video for all eternity. Mom apologized for being mean.

"She was mean to him?" Daddy asked.

"A little. Before we started. You saw how she looked at the beginning. She got over it."

"I wasn't mean," Mom said. "I was just, I don't know, really nervous."

"You were mean, Mom. You know it. Now hush up," I told her.

On the screen, your mom was lubing up your cock.

"This is when it starts Daddy. I was scared. I tried to hide it, but I knew he was really going to fuck me."

We were quiet, while your mother coached you on how to treat me.

"You were lucky to have her there. With just the two of you, it could have been a disaster," Daddy whispered.

"I know. She wanted to make sure it was good for me. Her first time wasn't so good. He was big like Jeremy. She wanted better for me."

"Was it her idea for your mother to be there too?"

"Yeah. That was the greatest you know? Mom there to help me, take care of me?" I turned to face Mom. "You were perfect Momma. Just what I needed."

"I was glad to help. It was beautiful to share with you."

"And now we get to share it with Daddy."

He was still focused on the screen. "A little rough," he mumbled, as my body shook with each deep stroke.

"No, never! It was perfect. Alice made sure."

Things got quiet, as my moans on screen started up.

"See? Perfect. He made me come for him. It was really nice. I wasn't expecting that, not the first time."

I could feel Daddy's cock swelling in my hand. I'd almost forgotten I was holding it.

You were hammering me on screen, getting ready to make me come again.

"Look Daddy. What he does for me. It was incredible, perfect. I took all of it, all of that great big cock and came all over it."

"Your first time, like that," he whispered.

"Only because everyone helped. I was pretty spoiled huh?"

He chuckled. "My girl deserves to be spoiled."

"I'm still your baby girl, right Daddy? This doesn't change anything."

"Always, Angel. My perfect baby girl."

We stopped talking, until the big one started. "Watch now. Watch me make him come for me."

I tugged on his cock a little, while he played with my nipple. I could feel his heavy breath. Daddy was enjoying it a little too much. I took my hand off his cock, and he moaned.

"Shh, watch," I told him, while you drove me crazy on screen.

We were quiet, long after the huge finish.

"I'm not a virgin anymore." I told him.

"No kidding. You kids could go pro."

I giggled. "I think Mom should take care of you now. Thanks for watching that with me." I pulled his head down and kissed him. Not a daughterly kiss at all. "We'll have to do this again sometime."

I climbed off his lap, and he grabbed Mom's hand and practically ran to their bedroom.

"You were really pushing the 'Daddy' thing, weren't you."

"What? No! I always call him Daddy."

"Pretty wild day all around, it sounds like," I told her.

"Oh, yeah. Can you hear them now? I'm right outside their door."

I listened carefully. She must have pointed the phone toward them, because I could hear them going at it. Colleen was getting very vocal.

"I'm going to tease him a little more."


"Just a little," she whined.

The phone got quiet, and I listened to her father gasp. "Penny!"

"Don't stop, Daddy," I heard her as if she was a little ways from the phone. "I don't want you guys to hide it from me anymore. If Momma needs to scream, let her. I want to know you guys have a great sex life, Ok?"

I heard her Mom. "No more hiding. And yes, we have an excellent sex life. Your father is very, very good. But I don't want you walking in on us like this. That's a little over the top, don't you think?"

"I think it's beautiful, what you guys are doing. It's how you made me. I... I'm really happy to see you together. I didn't know if you guys even still did it. You're always so secretive."

"It's private," I heard her father say. "Intimate. We're not exhibitionists."

"It's just me Daddy. If my being here bothers you, I'll go away now. She's a great Momma. Make her come really good, Ok? She deserves it."

He laughed. "I'll do my best."

Mom spoke up. "Wear some clothing next time, rotten thing. Seeing your titties like that is going to leave me bowlegged."

"These little things? When he has yours?" There was quiet for a second. "Fuck her, Daddy. Hard. Let me see just for a moment."


"Please? You saw me. My first time. All of me. Do Mom good."

I heard Colleen's moan, and her father's grunt. "Yeah, like that," Penny said. "Pound that Momma pussy."

The sound of flesh-on-flesh was loud and clear. The bed was creaking, and I heard a soft moan. "A little suck, Daddy. Not too hard, they're very sensitive."

Shit! What was she doing?

"Mmm. Like that. Don't stop fucking her. Suck my titty 'til one of you comes."

God, she was worse than me! Where was the innocent Angel of a week ago?

I heard Colleen's familiar keening, and knew she was close.

"God, Momma's sexy like that, isn't she? She's gonna come hard for us."

"Big comes," I heard her father growl.

Colleen cried out, and I heard Penny's giggle.

"Like that," her father said. "So good."

"I'm gonna leave you guys now. Thank you. I... I'm really happy right now. That was beautiful." I heard kissing, a couple of times, and then her voice was loud and clear again.

"Wow! Did you hear all that?" she asked.

"Pretty much. You are a very naughty girl."

"Not as naughty as you. Not nearly as naughty. Maybe someday."

"Someday?" I asked, feeling that old jealousy creep up.

"No screwing. I won't do that. I thought I might have Momma do some BJ training with me, using Dad. Would you mind much?"

"I... I don't know."

"Imagine if I learned everything both moms know, and brought it back to you. Pretty incredible, huh?"

"Let me think on it awhile, Ok? I'm having a hard enough time right now."

"I wish I was having a hard time. Wish you were here. They got me really horny."

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"You'll wake up with me naked in your bed."

* * *

For four days everything was wonderful. Mom and Dad were almost like old times. Penny and I were inseparable. We spent time at both of our houses. Nothing started up with Colleen, the whole video watching night seemed to put the brakes on anything we had going. We still kissed, and there might have been a little playful touching, but no more naked visitor with us in Penny's bed.

Six of us went to the matinee again. This time Colin replaced Drew. Big improvement. Aunt Marie even gave me a couple of twenties, and a big kiss for getting Colin his first date.

"It's not really a date, Aunt Marie. We'll see what happens."

"I've been coaching him a little. You watch over him, make sure he doesn't screw things up, Ok?"

I laughed. "It's a movie and a snack, that's all."

It turned out to be a little more than that for Colin. A few minutes into the movie I had my arm around Penny, kissing her neck.

"Didn't get enough this morning?" she teased.

"Never enough. This isn't about that. Sort of follow the leader for Colin."

She laughed, glancing sideways. "You planned this out?"

"Not really. He told me he didn't know what to do, right before we went in. I said he could watch what we do."

"You're not going to bend me over the seat in front of us, and fuck my brains out are you? That would be a hell of an example."

"No, naughty girl. Although the idea is tempting. We're taking it slow. Very slow."

An hour into the movie he had left us behind. I knew he was going too fast, and it took me a few minutes to get enough of his attention to slow him down. I waved my popcorn bucket, and nodded to the back of the theater. He took the hint.

"Too much, too soon," I warned him.

"She seems to like it," he argued.

"Trust me Colin. What did your Mom say?"

He thought about it a bit. "I should stop?"

"Don't go in her clothes. Not this time. If she feels she was too easy you might not get a second shot. You'll scare her off. Second base and kissing. Take a few breaks. Let her make a bit of a move. Got it?"

"Alright. You think I can get a real date with her?"

"Get her number when we eat. Tell her you'll call. Phone her tomorrow. You should be fine."

He was, and Penny and I were as proud as new parents. Aunt Marie was especially happy, and made sure I knew it. Not as much as we had in the past, but it was a really nice little make-out session.

Mom seemed to be in a great mood all week, except there was still that distance between us now. She was nervous if I even touched her. We had a little talk about it.

"We can't do anything, Jeremy."

"I know Mom. I'm not talking about that. What we had before it all went south. The hugs. Little kisses. That's all. It's like there's a wall between us."

"I can't take the chance. God I want to, you have no idea how hard it is not to fall into your arms. I can't get started. I won't be able to quit."

I was disappointed but I could be patient.

"How're things with Aunt Marie?"

"Getting better. We had lunch. She's really happy about you guys helping Colin out. You know he has a date Saturday?"

"Yeah. Just the two of them. We'll talk. He gets carried away."

"You're teenagers. You're allowed to get a little carried away."

"He was opening her pants and trying to get into her panties, an hour into the movie."

"Talk to him. But be gentle, this is a big deal for Colin."

Penny was dealing with the other half of the equation, gabbing to her friends, breaking Kelly in, telling her how lucky she was to have Colin. She seemed to be going for it.

Like I said, four days of near bliss. I should say three-and-a-half.

* * *

It was Friday afternoon. Penny was going shopping with her parents. Looked like her Mom was right about her getting the car if she buttered up her father. To hear her tell it, the atmosphere at their house was like a second honeymoon, and her parents weren't being subtle at all. Open blowjobs had become the new norm. She'd been on the phone with her older sister Dani, warning her about the changes at home.

I was home in my room. I heard my parents arguing. It sounded like it was coming from their bedroom.

Dad walked down the hall, his arms full of Mom's things. He was headed for the guest room. It upset me to see the relationship turning sour again. It had been going so well.

"You always have to push, push, push," Dad growled, going back for another load, while Mom paced him, whining.

"Is this how you're going to handle everything?" she yelled. "Every time you're unhappy, you're going to throw me out of our bedroom?"

"Until you learn to love and respect me, I don't see I have any other choice," Dad answered, carrying a drawer of her things.

"Jesus, Howard. I only asked to loosen up your damn rules. Be reasonable!"

"No, Alice! That's over. Done with," Dad was returning with the empty drawer.

"I'm not asking for what we had. I just need to feel comfortable around him. I'm nervous all the time. I'm afraid to touch him."

"You shouldn't be touching him."

"Don't be an ass, Harold! Hugs, an arm around the waist. Kisses like we had before. Affection, not passion. That's all I'm asking. You said you were going to trust me."

"We both know how you are. You don't know when to stop."

"He'll stop me, if he has to. You know he will."

"He shouldn't have to, should he? Am I not enough for you? What the hell is the problem?" His voice rose for a second, then quieted again.

I felt awkward listening in, but I didn't want to interrupt. I had the door cracked, and watched them march back and forth with her things. This was the worse fight yet. I didn't understand it. Each little thing seemed to be blowing up bigger and bigger.

"It's not that," Mom whined. "You're wonderful. Perfect. I don't want anyone but you. I need Jeremy back. I feel like I'm losing him."

"He's got a girlfriend. They're happy. You don't need to be stealing him from her."

"Damn it, Harold! You know that's not what I'm talking about."

"What are you talking about?" he sneered.

"You know. Affection. Not sex. It's killing me to be around him all the time, after what we had, and not be able to do anything."

"I don't want to hear about what you had. This conversation is finished."

"No it's not! I'm going to do it. I have to. I won't go too far."

"No you won't, Alice." I recognized that tone. His 'and-that's-final' tone.

"I will! It's only for a couple of weeks until he leaves anyway. What's the harm?"

"You will, will you?" he asked, his voice scary calm. That was a bad sign.

"Yes. It's my body, and he's my son. I'm not going to let you stand between us. I'm tired to you ordering me around. I'm sick of you playing this game with where I sleep. Kicking me out of our bedroom. I'm not your possession!"

"You're going to fuck him again, aren't you?"

"Why would you say that? I told you, affection only. That's all I'm asking for. You don't have to be crude."

"Do what you want. Fuck him if you want. I'm tired of all this shit. I don't care anymore." I heard him walking away, his voice fading.

"MAYBE I WILL!" Mom screamed at him.

Mom ran past, directly to their bedroom and slammed the door.

* * *

When she hadn't come out after an hour, I knocked. "Mom?"

"Go away, Jeremy. Just go away."

Not happening. I opened the door. "I heard it. I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"Why? Why can't he even try to understand?" Her face was a mess, red, teary eyed.

I sat down beside her. Aunt Marie style, holding her, not saying anything.

"See, baby? Even this. We're not allowed to do this. How is it wrong for my boy to hold me?"

"It's not wrong, Mom, but we have to give him time. We both hurt him badly."

"We don't have time! You're going off to school. You're leaving me. I'll never have you again. Not like now."

"Sure you will. Weekends, summers, holidays for the next four years, at least."

"But you'll be with her."

Those words surprised me. "Penny? You're not jealous of Penny are you?"

"She gets all of you, and I get nothing! Nothing! What happened, Jeremy? I thought you loved me? I was number one. You loved me the most. You don't even have time for me anymore."

I kissed her neck, sliding behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "I love you, Mom. You'll always be number one. We have to cool it. Give Dad time. Let him accept us back together."

"He'll never do it. You were supposed to win me, baby. Me. Make me yours. Why did you give up on me?" She pulled out of my arms, turning around and wrapping her arms and legs around me. "I thought you loved me. Really loved me."

She was breaking my heart. I kissed her lips softly, breaking away before it could get too intense. "Of course I love you. I'll talk to Dad, alright? There's nothing wrong with this. What we're doing now. I'll make sure he knows it. That I know where to draw the line. Let me take care of it, Ok?"

"He kicked me out of our bedroom. He walked out on me. He never does that."

I hugged her, feeling her breasts press against my chest. I could smell her hair, her skin. Her lips caressing my neck. God, I wanted her.

"We hurt him. Now you defied him. Like he didn't matter. That's not the way and you know it."

"Just hold me, Jeremy. Let me pretend."

That's how Dad found us.

"I knew you two wouldn't waste any time. Couldn't wait to jump in her bed could you, you little fuck!"

Yep. He was angry.

Mom was slow getting off of me, staring back at him in open defiance.

"We didn't do anything, Dad. She was crying. I came in to comfort her."

"I know how you comfort her. She's got her own bedroom now. Take her there. I don't care anymore. Take her and fuck her. Just not here. I need my bedroom."

He'd been standing in the doorway, and I only then realized that Aunt Marie was peeking around the door.

I got out of the bed, as pissed off as he was. "What the fuck, Dad? You have an argument and this is how you handle it? What about all that bullshit advice you keep handing me?"

"My advice is get your ass out of my room, and take your whore mother with you."

I heard Mom gasp.

"No Dad. Not like this. I'm not going to let you."

"Like you can stop me. Let it go, Jeremy. Your Mom's a hot piece. She's single now. Enjoy her."

"What are you going to do, Harold?" Mom asked nervously, standing at my side, clinging to my arm.

"What I should have done long ago. You want to screw around? Go right ahead. I can do the same, right Marie?"

Marie had her head down. I couldn't believe it when she nodded.

"NO!" I yelled at him. "You're not going to fuck things up like this. Not this way. We didn't do anything!"

"You didn't fuck her three times?"

"Harold!" Mom shrieked.

"Three times. And now you want more. You'll do it whether I like it or not. Well go ahead then. I'm going to screw your gorgeous sister's sexy brains out. Fuck those outrageous titties..."

This was ridiculous. "MARIE!" I shouted. "GO TO MY ROOM!"

She looked up in shock. "J...Jeremy?"


Dad stepped toward me. "You don't get to tell anyone what to do in my house. She's not going anywhere." His voice was icy, eerily calm.

I ignored him. "GO, MARIE! I WON'T SAY IT AGAIN!"

She stepped back a couple of steps, and Dad went ballistic. I didn't see it coming until I was picking myself up off the floor, cheek aching.

"Get the fuck out of my house, you little prick!" he screamed.

I guess he didn't expect me to stand up to him. I never had. I never thought I would. I launched myself at his waist, driving him into the corner of the dresser beside the door. It wasn't intentional, but I could tell it hurt by his grunt. His fist came down on my back, punishing me.

Mom was screaming at us both, but I wasn't listening. I stood just before his knee would have taken my head off, and drove my fist into his gut, forcing him back awkwardly over the dresser. I got a couple of good shots in, before he rang my bell. Shit, he hit harder than I could imagine possible.

It got ugly. I went for his throat, and he tried to knee me in the nuts. Neither of us hit our targets, but it was obvious there was no holding back. Punching him wasn't working, and he got another shot in while I threw him to the side, knocking over the tall upright dresser.

He fell and kicked out at my knee, folding it. A few inches forward and he might have taken it out. I was furious and swept all the items off the dresser onto him, including the TV. He put his arm up to stop it, and I kicked him as hard as I could, right in the ribs, while he was distracted.

Mom started pulling me away, and he took advantage of the fact to get off the ground and ram his shoulder into my gut. We rolled on the floor, kicking, gouging, punching. He got up before I could and kneed me in the side of the head, a glancing blow, making me see stars. Mom must have intervened. When I could see again, she was standing between us screaming.

I stood up, and could taste the blood in my mouth. "You too, Mom." I spit a mouthful of blood on her floor.

She stopped yelling and looked at me. It must have not been good, because I could see the concern in her eyes. "Stop it. Both of you," she pleaded.

"Go to my room, Mom. Now. Take your sister with you."

"You're going to kill each other!" she shrieked.

"NOW! GO!" I grabbed her arm and yanked her aside.

Dad was breathing hard. Bleeding from the side of his head, holding his side awkwardly. "I don't want to hurt you, boy."

"Too bad."

"You get the whore. Isn't that what you wanted?"

I launched myself at him, and we exchanged punches. My ears were ringing, and I collapsed to one knee. I saw him shift his weight, and I knew he was going to kick me. I went with it, rolling backward, and managed to catch his calf, pulling him down. His head hit the wall hard, as he fell. I was on top of him swinging wildly, then I was under him, getting the worst of it. I managed to kick him off, and he stood back, glaring at me, as I slowly rose to one knee again.

"You're going to get hurt, we keep this up," he growled.

"Bring it on, old man," I told him, standing.

He did, and I got the worst of it again. I couldn't even feel my left arm. Didn't stop me from driving my fist into his crotch from my knees. Twice.

He fell back against the bed, hunched over.

I got up again. Had to use the wall to help me.

"It's broken. Your arm," he sneered.

"Only need one to kick your ass, old man."

"You're the one getting your ass kicked, junior."

"That was wrong, bringing Marie here like that."

"Fuck you," he growled, and leaped off the bed.

He was slowing down. Maybe it was the crotch shot. I saw it coming. He missed me, driving his fist into the wall with all his weight. He caught a stud, and I could hear the crack. I hit him on the side of the head with all I had, and he dropped to his knees. I followed that up with a knee to the cheek, and he hit the ground.

I straddled him, full mount, and drove my right hand into his head repeatedly. He tried to block it with his arms, and twist out from under me, but he was gassed. With one last burst of energy, he arched his back, pushed my hips downward, squirming, freeing one of his, to get me into half-guard. A mistake. This wasn't wrestling. I drove my knee between his legs, hard. When I lifted to do it again, he rolled away giving me his back. I was straddling him again, and started pounding him. He covered his head, but I was out of control. Rabbit punches, elbows, shots to the temple. He stopped resisting.

"I am going to fuck them. Both of them," I growled.

My left arm was numb from the bicep down. I couldn't even see, my vision blurred. Too tired to hit him anymore, I sat upright and felt myself toppling over.

I was seated, leaning against the bed, Mom huddled over Dad. Aunt Marie was kneeling beside me, a bloody towel in her hands, wiping my head.

Mom glared at me. "What have you done? He's your father, Jeremy! Your father!"

"This one's going to need stitches," Aunt Marie said, wiping my head.

* * *

The hospital was a blur. I didn't even remember how we got there. I had a hyper-extended elbow, a sprained knee, and 18 stitches in my forehead. They gave me an ice-pack for the side of my face. My hands hurt like a motherfucker.

We had to wait almost another hour for them to bring Dad out. Broken hand, broken nose, bruised kidney, bruised testicles, light concussion. His ribs weren't broken like we thought they might have been. but they'd wrapped them anyway. He looked like shit.

It was after midnight, and the women weren't even talking to us. Dad and I sat in the back seat. The music from the front drowned out whatever Mom and her sister were saying to each other.

"You lied," I told him, keeping my voice down.


"My arm. It wasn't broken."

"I know. Radial nerve. Maybe a little hyper-extended. I thought you might stop." He grimaced as he shifted position.

"You tried to take out my knee," I said. "You could have crippled me for good."

"Sorry about that. I was angry."

"No shit."

"You could have stopped anytime. I would have," he said.

"No you wouldn't."

He chuckled, wincing. "Maybe not. I wouldn't have beat on you when you were down. Pussy move."

"I was scared to death you were going to get back up. I was blind at that point. If you got off the ground, you were going to kill me."

"You're my son, damn it! I wouldn't have killed you." He shifted, groaning. "Busted you up a little, maybe. Not like you didn't deserve it."

"How's your hand feeling?" I said, smirking.

"Like shit. You got lucky."

"No, you got slow. You telegraphed that one."

We rode in silence for a bit. Something was bothering me. "How come I didn't see that first punch?"

He laughed. "I taught you everything you know, not everything I know."

"You held back on me?" The idea really hurt.

He was quiet. "No. Not really. I always told you never to start a fight. That was how you start a fight. I'll show you later."


"Sorry I kept hitting you at the end. I guess I lost it there," I said.

"No shit."

My leg was killing me, and I turned, trying to find a way to straighten it. The stupid brace was in the way.

"You're not sorry for anything?" I asked.

"Told you about the knee."

"Nothing else?"

"What do you want? You happy you beat me unconscious? Proud of yourself? Gonna rub my face in it? Wanna go again? Is that it? You gonna make me apologize now?"

"You shouldn't have brought her over like that. That was wrong. For both of them."

"So now you're going to teach me right from wrong? The little mother-fucker?"

"If I have to. I learned from the best."

"Maybe not," he mumbled.

I adjusted the wrap on my elbow. It was too tight. It felt like it was cutting off circulation. I straightened it a bit, and felt a bolt of pain shoot up my arm. Shit. Funny how my attention seemed to focus on one thing at a time, like tunnel-vision. I wondered if it was the pain drugs.

"Sorry about the crotch shots. I was getting desperate. Damn knee kept giving out. Couldn't figure out why I kept ending up on one knee."

"Take out the legs early. I told you that."

"I know. Didn't expect it from you. Pretty harsh."

"Harsh? You broke my fucking nose."

I chuckled. "Maybe now they won't keep saying how we're so much alike. I'm prettier."

"Too much alike, I guess. Got my temper too, didn't you?"

"Did Mom give me anything?"

"Her morals?"

Made me want to hit him again. If he was sitting on my right side, instead of my left, I might have. The idea of using my left arm made me nauseous.

"Sorry. That was uncalled for," he said.

"Like you have room to talk, after tonight," I growled.

"Said I'm sorry. Be a fucking man and accept it graciously."

"I won't let you hurt Mom, and I won't let you insult her. Call her a whore again, and we're going again."

"Just drop it, Ok? I was angry, and a little drunk. Hurt. I didn't mean it. She's my fuckin' wife."

We rode in silence for a while. "Besides, you started this whole mess," he said, and I could still hear the disappointment in his words.

"I know. You always told me there are three parts to an apology. Admit when you're wrong, apologize for hurting the other person, and do what you can to make it up to them." I leaned back, closing my eyes. "I know what I did was wrong, and I've never denied it. I never meant to hurt you, or this family, and I'm as sorry as can be. I've tried to make it up to you, accepting your rules, being honest. What more can I do, Dad? What do I have to do to make things right?"

"I don't know," he mumbled sadly.

We pulled into the garage, and a couple of minutes later I found myself sitting on the couch, Dad next to me, confronted by two irate sisters.

Mom stood in front of me, shaking with anger. "Apologize to your father."

"For what?" I wasn't trying to be a smart ass. The painkillers must have been kicking in. Everything was kind of fuzzy. Thinking took an effort.

"For what? How about for nearly killing him!"

Dad spoke up. "Lucky shot. I've had worse."

"Apologize, Jeremy! Do it!"

"Sorry I kicked your ass, Dad."

"Damn it, Jeremy! Do it right," Mom snapped.

"I already did, Mom. In the car."

That seemed to get me off the hook. Dad wasn't so lucky.

"And you!" Mom yelled, waving her finger in his face. "Starting a fight with your son? What were you thinking?"

"I didn't start it," he said. "He should have left things alone. This is my house. I'm still the father and husband."

"You threw the first punch. Knocked him on his ass without any warning!"

He chuckled. "Yeah, I did, didn't I? One punch."

"You're still going to have to teach me that one," I reminded him.


Mom threw her hands in the air, shrieking. I didn't think people did that in real life. Only on TV. It might have been funny, if so many parts of me didn't hurt.

Aunt Marie stepped forward, getting in Dad's face. "You lied to me, Harold. I wouldn't have done it if I'd known. You said it was alright."

He turned red. "She said she was going to fuck him."

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" Mom screamed.

"'Maybe I will', you said. I heard you. It's not like you haven't done it before."

Mom dropped to her knees in front of him. "Is that what you really wanted, Harold? You wanted to fuck my sister so bad, you'd throw me away? Give me to your son? Toss away 20 years?"

"It was never what I wanted. You are all I ever wanted. I guess I'm not good enough for you now."

"Don't say that. You know it's not true," Mom whined.

"Why can't you give him up?"

"He's my son!" She leaned forward, her head resting on his knees. "My baby boy, Harold. You can't cut me off from him completely. You set the rules, and I'll follow them, but you have to give me something. He's my son."

"Mine too."

"You seemed to have forgotten that tonight," she said.

"Alice, I don't want to argue anymore. I'm tired, and I hurt all over. My head's killing me, and I can't even see straight. My fucking hand hurts so bad I want to cry. My nuts ache like a mother-fucker. I just wanna go to bed? You do what you have to do, and I won't interfere. I'll even leave Marie alone. I just want my wife back."

She stood up slowly, and offered him her hand. "I never left, honey. I screwed up. Screwed up big time. I'm sorry about that. I want things back the way they were."

He stood slowly, letting her put her arm around his waist, his broken hand over her shoulder, leaning on her. She didn't seem to notice his weight. "Me too. I don't think that's possible. Can't put that cat back in the bag."

"What do we do?" Mom asked fearfully.

"We go on. Figure something out. No more fights for a while."

"Ever!" she snapped.

"I won't start it again," he told her.

Aunt Marie was sitting on the arm of the couch beside me. "Proud of yourself?"

"I didn't start it."

"You sure didn't help things!" she snapped.

"I couldn't let him do it, Aunt Marie. Not like that. It would have destroyed everything."

"Are you so sure?" she asked, helping me to my feet.

"Yeah. I'm sure. You and Mom would never have been right after that. Any chance of you two ever patching things up?"

She pulled my arm over her shoulder, and helped me up the stairs. "Stranger things have happened. Everything work out between you and your girl?"

"Yeah. I owe you for that one. You were right."

"I usually am. You never called me. Never said nothing. I never hear from you anymore."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't I matter anymore, baby?"

"Of course you do. I thought you were still angry with me. Me and Mom both. I don't know what to say to make it better."

"Say you still love me. Say you're sorry, and I'll say you're forgiven."


"Forgiven. There. Was that so hard?"

She was undressing me, carefully. "You two certainly made a mess of each other. Not to mention your parents' bedroom."

She didn't stop until I was naked. She eased me into the bed, then took her clothing off. "Don't get any ideas. I'm not some prize."

"You're beautiful."

She smiled. "Ok, maybe I am a little prize. No sex. Not tonight."

"I wish I could argue."

She giggled and climbed into bed with me. "Go to sleep, baby boy. Tomorrow is a new day. I feel changes in the air."

* * *

I woke, feeling pain everywhere except where a warm mouth was pumping my morning erection.

"Morning, Penny," I murmured. It was how she'd been waking me every morning lately.

I felt a slap on my leg. "Penny?!"

Oops. That brought me back to reality. "Just teasing, Aunt Marie."

"No you weren't," she snapped.

I sighed. "It was wonderful. Please don't stop. It was the concussion talking."

"Concussion? I didn't hear about a concussion," she said worriedly.

"Damn sure feels like it. There's only one place on my body that doesn't hurt."

She smiled for me. "And where would that be?"

"You had it figured out a minute ago."

She forgave me my faux-pas, and went back to pleasuring me. It was nice. I'm not going to go around comparing everyone to Mom and Penny, that wouldn't be fair. Let's just say I enjoyed it, and leave it at that.

Afterward, she gave me a couple of pills and made me take them with some water.

"Rest a while. Come down when you're hungry. Can you make it on your own?"

"I'm not an invalid, Aunt Marie."

But I was tired. Exhausted.

* * *

I woke, sore and groggy. A shower helped a little. Getting the knee brace back on was a pain with one arm. The elbow was only a little sore, unless I moved it wrong.

Standing in front of the mirror was a shock. Sweet Jesus, I looked almost as bad as Dad had. Worst black eye I'd ever seen. Big bandage across my forehead. Swollen split lip. I wasn't so sure I was the prettier one.

I walked by the Western guest room, and saw Mom's stuff was still in there. The bed looked slept in. I thought for sure she would have moved back into the master. I peeked in on Dad, and he was lying in bed alone, snoring. The room was a disaster. Man, we'd messed it up bad.

I managed my way down the stairs, one slow step at a time.

"Oh my God! What happened to you!" Penny shrieked, standing in front of me.

"Disagreement with Dad."

She looked back at my mother and Aunt Marie in the kitchen. "No. This is too much. This is abuse. You can't let him get away with this. I don't care what you did. This is wrong. Really wrong."

"Take it easy, Penny. It's not that bad."

"Not that bad! Are you kidding? You need to call the police, Child Protective Services, something."

"I'm an adult. We don't need to get anyone involved."

"This isn't right! He could have killed you! Where the hell is he?"

"Leave it, Ok? Besides, I sort of won."

"You what? You won?"


"Jesus, Jeremy! I thought things were getting better?"

"Later Ok? Quieter would be good. My head is aching. Please?"

She moved up close, checking out my facial mess. "He did a number on you, didn't he?"

Aunt Marie came over, giving me a wink. "You should see the other guy."

"Why? Can you at least tell me why?" She turned to Mom and Aunt Marie. "How come you didn't tell me? What's going on?"

I limped past her to the kitchen. "Something soft to eat?" I asked.

Mom smiled and put blueberry pancakes in front of me, with a glass of milk. "Bon appétit."

I laid my left arm on the table, and started cutting my pancakes with my fork, one bite at a time. Penny sat down next to me, looking aggravated. She snatched the fork from my hand, picked up the knife and cut the tall stack into bite-size pieces.

"Syrup?" I asked.

She sighed dramatically, and poured the maple syrup over them. "Do I need to feed you?"

I shook my head. "Probably not."

Aunt Marie and Mom both sat down with us. Penny seemed to be calming. "How bad is it?"

Mom answered. "Nothing serious. Sprained knee and elbow. Some stitches. A lot of bruising."

"What happened?"

Mom sighed. "Penny, I love you like a daughter. I do. You're the best thing that ever happened to numskull here. But this is between us. Him and his father, me and Marie."

"If it hurts him, it's about me too," she whined.

"He'll be fine. They both will, eventually."

"They really fought? Punches? Jeremy and his Dad? That doesn't even make sense!"

"No it doesn't. And yes they fought. Maybe if we can ever get his father up, you can help me piece together the wreck they made of my bedroom."

"Sorry 'bout that," I mumbled in mid chew.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, sweetie," Aunt Marie warned me.

I almost said sorry again. She knew, her eyes full of mischief. Aunt Marie knew me so well.

Penny looked like she was getting angrier again, sulking.

"What?" I asked her, pointedly.

"You've pretty much ruined everything, haven't you? You're going to be all but useless until you leave."

"I'll be fine in a few days."

She was steaming.

Mom stood up and held out a bucket to me. I looked inside and I saw some spot remover, sponges, work towels and stuff.

"Clean the backseat of the Jeep," she said.

"Mom! How about a break? Give me a day to recuperate at least."

"No dice. Maybe it'll teach you a lesson. Get going."

"Why me? This is as much Dad's fault as mine."

"Yes. Maybe so. But he pays the bills. Besides, he's in no shape to do it. Most of it's your blood, anyway. Go on now."

Scrubbing out the seat and flooring of the backseat of a Jeep Rubicon, with one arm and a knee in a brace is no easy task. I was wondering if I should have just stayed in bed like Dad.

I had already switched sides, the worst of it taken care of as well as I could under the circumstances, when the opposite door opened. Aunt Marie stuck her head in.

"Need some help?"

I definitely could use some, but if this was my penance, I'd accept it. "Thanks Aunt Marie, but I'll manage."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Don't be a martyr, Jeremy. I offered to help. You know you're not in shape to do anything but a half-ass job."

I passed her the bucket, and my gorgeous aunt climbed down among the floorboards, while I was trying to use the spot cleaner on the upholstery. I doubted it would ever look the same. Good thing Dad understood that working vehicles were not meant to be showpieces.

"Is it over between you and your father?" she asked softly.

I shrugged. "Don't know. I can't believe he did that. Bringing you over just to rub it in Mom's face." I could see her blushing, and realized it didn't say much about her, if that's the only reason he wanted her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

"What can I say? You're right. I was going to let him use me against her. Not much of a sister, am I?"

"What are we going to do?" I asked. "Everything's such a mess. I don't even know how it got this bad."

She got up off her knees, stretching. Her breasts stuck out, stealing my attention. "I think you and your father have done enough for now. Let your mother and I handle it for a while," she said.

"But how?"

She smiled. I swear she did. "That's not your problem anymore. Your stupid games didn't help, you know. For such a smart guy, you're pretty ignorant."

She backed out of the car, and walked around to my side, climbing down between the seats again. She giggled.


"Remembering the last time I was down here, and you were up there. Started this whole mess."

"Pretty incredible," I told her, reaching out and stroking her back. My elbow twinged, but it was worth it.

"That it was," she looked up at me. "Colin's coming over before his date tonight. Don't go into any details about what you and your father were fighting about. He doesn't need to know." She rose up off the floor, reached up to me and pulled my head down, kissing me.

"Thanks for stepping up. You're right. If Harold and I had gone through with it, I doubt anything would ever be the same. I think he'll realize it before long."

We cleaned up the best we could, and she took the supplies from me. I grabbed a beer, even though alcohol wasn't a good mix with the painkillers. As I closed the door, I grabbed a second one. A peace offering.

Somehow, Mom and Penny had maneuvered my father down the stairs and parked him in his chair. He looked older, smaller, tired. I stepped up and held the beer out to him.

Dad looked at me for a while, before accepting it. He didn't say thanks.

I took a seat on the couch, and sat back. He was watching golf. Golf. He never watched golf. Said it wasn't a sport. Only bowling would have been worse.

The beer combined with the painkillers made me kind of loopy, and I think it hit the old man at least as bad. It was clear after a while, the sisters were doting on him. Checking with him regularly, running their hands across his shoulder, giving him kisses on the cheek.

Penny was doing pretty much the same for me. Very attentive. Enough to get me thinking about more.

When they weren't giving us their attention, they were gathered in the kitchen chattering like magpies. From the smell I could tell they were cooking.

"They're up to no good," Dad said quietly.

"Cooking sausage," I observed.

"Garlic. My bet's lasagna. Tryin' to get on my good side," he said. He was really out of it, from the way he was slurring his words.

"Or she could be trying to make your favorite dish because she's crazy about you," I said.

"Crazy part's true."

He was right though. They were up to something. The attention Aunt Marie was giving him? Never seen the like from her before, and damn if Mom wasn't encouraging it. They'd both check on me, run their fingers through my hair, touch my shoulder while walking behind the couch, but Dad was getting the full press.

When they left, he turned to me. "Whadda you know 'bout this?"

I knew what he was talking about. "Nothing. I swear. Obviously Mom and Aunt Marie are up to somethin'."

"Don't trust 'em," he sulked.

Someone, Penny or Mom probably, had stolen my beer. Replaced it with a Coke. I held it up, looking at it ostentatiously, then glaring at the women. Penny grinned, and came over. "No more beer for you, you were getting weird. Didn't even hear what I was saying. I don't think it mixes well with whatever you're taking."

"How come Dad gets to keep his?" I argued.

Mom walked up to me from behind Penny, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "First of all, he's not underage," she reminded me.

"Like that ever stopped us before," I pointed out.

"Second, he pays for it -"

"So let me get my wallet, I'll give you a buck."

"Finally," she said, cutting me off, "You've still got things to do. Can't afford to get doped up. Your father is going to rest."

"How's that fair!" I whined.

"I never said it's fair. Doctor said he needed complete rest for a few days. He's getting it."

Thirty minutes later I was up in her bedroom, patching two holes in her wall, awkwardly with only one working arm. I had to be careful with the leg. Most of the time it didn't hurt, but if I positioned it wrong, Yow!

Penny and Mom had pitched in to help, while Aunt Marie was watching over Dad. They were putting things away, re-positioning the furniture, and cleaning up what looked like a ridiculous amount of blood stains on the carpet and furniture. The room stank to high-heaven, and I realized that someone had thrown up by the wall. I didn't remember doing it, must have been Dad.

I was smoothing out the putty on the second hole, when Mom sat back, sighing. "I think we're going to have to re-carpet in here."

"I said I was sorry." I might have sounded a little harsh. I was tired and aching.

Mom stood, took the tools out of my hands and gave me a hug. "I'm not blaming you honey," she said softly. "I... I understand why you did it. You stood up to your father for me. I'm not saying it was right, but I understand, and I appreciate it."

Penny was watching from her knees. She was still scrubbing the worst spot, by the side of the bed.

Mom released me, and went over to my girlfriend, extending her hand. Penny accepted her help, getting up. "Why don't you take your boyfriend to his room, and let him rest up a bit. It's been a long day, and dinner won't be ready for a couple more hours."

In my room, Penny helped me remove my braces and undressed me for bed. She stripped down and joined me under the covers, careful to stay on my right side, and cuddling up to me gingerly.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Rough. Knee doesn't hurt unless I move it wrong. The elbow's a little sore, but if I keep it bent, it's not bad.."

"How about your face? It doesn't look good." She reached up and softly touched my cheek.

"Sore to the touch. Alright other than that," I admitted.

"You gonna tell me what the hell happened?" she asked, resting her head on my shoulder, her hand wandering across my torso.

I debated whether I should or not, then decided what the hell. "Mom and Dad were fighting. Dad's angry at her right now, and decided he was going to punish Mom by kicking her out of his bedroom and bringing Aunt Marie home to sleep with."

"What? He was going to do what?" Penny gasped.

"Take her to his bed," I said. "I couldn't let him do that. I tried to stop it, and he hit me, after saying some pretty bad things about Mom and me."

"I... I can't believe it. That doesn't sound like your father at all."

"He has a temper, and like I said, he was mad. Plus, he'd been drinking. Once he hit me, I guess I lost it. We really went at it. Holding nothing back."

"Do I want to know why he was so angry?" Penny asked softly. "It was about you and your mother, wasn't it?"

I nodded.

She sighed. "Quite a mess you guys have made. The fight was serious?"

"Worse than it should have been. We were both trying to hurt each other."

"Jeremy. That's not good. He's your father. You guys love each other."

"I know. Tempers got carried away. I think it was weeks building up. Hopefully it's over now."

"And those games you've been playing? Trying to get your mother and aunt back together. Working on getting Marie in your father's bed. Tell me that's over too."

"How do you know..."

"We talk. You know I'm part of the family now. Don't mess things up any worse, Ok?"

"No more games. Hell, I was only trying to make things better for everyone. A lot of effort for nothing. I'm done with that."

Penny sat up and kissed me. "Besides, you have me now, big guy. Let them work out their own problems." She started kissing a line down my chest, past my belly, until her warm talented mouth was teasing me.

"God, I was such an idiot waiting so long to make a move on you."

She laughed. "No shit. I'm still waiting for you to make a move. I've had to take the lead every step of the way. That's not good for a girl's ego, you know."

"I'm glad you did. Really glad."

She laughed. "Me too, baby. Me too." Then her mouth was too busy for talking.

It was pretty wonderful. I let her pleasure me, using all her new-found talents. Teasing me, torturing me, bringing me close, then easing off. I finally grabbed her head, and pulled her down on my cock.

I thought she might be offended, but she let me guide her, steer her. Lift her head up and down, further and further down, forcing my cock into her throat. The naughtiest sounds came from her violated mouth, egging me on.

I let her up, caressing her pretty face, rubbing my cock across her mouth. She gazed at me lovingly, reached up and put my hand back on top of her head. Opened her mouth wide, willing, waiting.

I pushed her down on my cock, stabbing deeper, until her lips slid forward, to the very base. I held her there, feeling her trembling, my entire length buried in her face. Five, ten, fifteen seconds, before I pulled her off gasping. She drooled a little, then opened her mouth wide again, her eyes capturing mine, glistening.

Again and again, I fucked her throat, amazed at how readily she was handling it. My hips thrust upward, as my hand pulled her head down, driving deeply, her nose pressed firmly against my pubes. I held her until her hand came forward, resting against my hip, hesitant, then pushing softly. I let her go, and she snapped her head back, taking a huge breath. I could see tears in her eyes, and I wiped them away.

"Come for me, Jeremy," she pleaded, then took my entire length on her own.

I clenched her hair in my fist, pulling her up, then back down, longer strokes, out to the lips, then all the way back down. So fucking incredible. I was groaning, no longer able to hold back. I shoved my cock all the way in, holding it there for a few seconds before coming hard. Rope after rope I ejaculated down her willing throat, until only a few tremors were left in my shaft.

She pulled off, gagging, coughing a couple of times. She sat up, wiping her mouth and eyes. I saw a shiver travel down her body.

She smiled. "That was different."

"Wow," I gasped.

"You liked it?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

She rolled off the bed, and I watched her disappear into the bathroom. She showed up a minute later, a hand-towel in her hands, wiping her face.

"It was almost too much," she said. "That's going to take some getting used to. Your mom makes it look so easy."

"She's had a lot more practice. Aunt Marie couldn't do that if she tried."

That won another smile from my girlfriend. "Feeling a little better now? Got rid of some of that stress?"

"God, Penny. I'm feeling nothing but adoration for my special girl."

She cuddled up to me. "Good. Glad to be of service." She lifted her head and gave me a quick little kiss. "Your mom thinks we should give you a break from the real thing for a couple of days of healing until your arm and leg are feeling better."

"Believe me, beautiful. What you did was very real."

She gave me a playful slap. "You know what I mean."

I was getting ready to query her on what Mom and Aunt Marie were up to, when I heard a car pull into the driveway. "Bet that's Colin."

Penny pouted, then climbed out of the bed. "Rest time's over, I guess. Get dressed, cowboy."

I spent a few moments watching her slowly cover up her beautiful body, then carefully slid my legs over the side of the bed. She tossed me my boxers and I put them on. She was teasing, throwing my t-shirt and shorts my way, playfully. When I had my clothing on, she sat next to me and help me with my two braces.

"Do they help?" she asked.

"Yeah, a little. It's really not that bad most of the time. I think they're overkill."

"Good. Get better. Time's running out, and there's lots more we need to do before I lose you for a while."

"You'll never lose me."

"For a while. Weekends and holidays, right?"

"As many as possible."

"If you can't make it up here, let me know. Maybe I can make the run down there."

"We'll work it out," I assured her.

My mother's voice echoed up the stairs. "JEREMY! COLIN'S HERE!"

Penny took my hand, and we ambled down to join the rest of the family.

* * *

Colin's visit was short. He was eager to go on his date, and was visibly anxious. He hardly seemed to notice the state Dad and I were in. Mom and Aunt Marie took turns giving him advice, and I smiled to hear Dad sit him down, and tell him the same things I'd heard a couple of years earlier when I'd first started dating. I don't know how much it helped, but I think Penny did the most for him.

When he was ready to go, she walked with him to the door. Before he could leave, she turned to face him, reaching up and straightening his collar. "Stop worrying, Colin. You're a good guy, and she'll realize it. Don't rush things, and be yourself. Whenever you don't know what to do, ask yourself what Jeremy would do. Now go have some fun, and you can tell us all about it later." She pulled his head down and gave him a kiss on the lips. "And stay out of her pants. It's still your first real date."

He nodded nervously, then gave her a big hug. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

She grinned. "That's what family's for, right handsome?" She gave him another peck, pointed him out the door and gave him a smack on the rear on the way out. "Be nice, but not too nice!"

She was grinning from ear to ear when she walked back into the living room. "Dinner almost ready?"

It was another 20 minutes or so before we were stationed at the table. Things had been getting better, but they were awkward again once we were all seated. Dad and I were at opposite ends of the table, with the sisters on one side, and Penny on the other. We'd been right about the lasagna, second time in little over a week. That was a treat.

We were mostly silent through the beginning of the meal, before Mom started in. "Things have to change around here," she said firmly.

"No shit," Dad muttered.

Mom glared at him. "That attitude is part of it, Harold. I'm sick and tired of you acting like everyone in the world is to blame for what happened, except for you of course."

Dad glanced over at Penny. "This is not the time or place for it, Alice."

Penny glared at him. "Right. You can manhandle me, feel me up, and fuck my face, but you won't talk in front of me? Thanks a lot Mr. Davis."

Dad flushed. "This is family business, Penny. That's all I meant."

"So I'm not your little girl anymore? Only when you want to play with my body, I guess. I thought I was part of this family now. You're really hurting my feelings," she appeared to be on the verge of tears.

Mom reached across the table, extending her hand, and Penny placed hers in Mom's. "Of course you're family, honey." Mom looked over at Dad. "She's part of this too."

Dad mumbled, and stuck a fork full of lasagna in his mouth so he wouldn't have to say anything.

Marie spoke up. "I can't believe you'd use me like that, Harold. I opened my heart to you, and you took advantage of me. You were going to fuck me just to get back at Alice. That's wrong in so many ways, I don't even want to think about it. Don't you even care for me at all? Is that all I am, just a fuck-toy to be used for revenge?"

I started to feel bad for Dad. They were really ganging up on him.

"It wasn't like that, Marie," Dad said softly. "I... I've always been interested in you, I just wouldn't think of doing anything because of Alice. Once she rejected me, I figured I wasn't going to worry about what she thought, since she didn't care about me."

Mom's eyes blazed. "That's bullshit and you know it, Harold! Say that to my face. Tell me you honestly believe I don't love you and care about you, more than anyone else in the world."

"Not as much as your son," he snapped.

"You really believe that?" she gasped.

"Pretty obvious, isn't it? I gave you twenty fuckin' years, and you threw them away for him."

Mom stood up and she was shaking, she was so angry. "If that's how you see it, I guess we're done." She reached her arm out and swept all the dishes in front of him onto the floor. "I'm done apologizing and trying to make things right. You used me, Harold. You knew what had happened, and made me a sex object in front of our son. If you didn't want me involved with him, why the fuck did you hold me down and teach him to make me cum with his fingers, even after I told you to stop? What did you expect after telling him he could do everything but fuck me? Jesus, you used me as a cum-dump, while I was sitting in his lap!"

I think we were all stunned by her outrage.

Mom stomped away, then turned back, grabbed the large bottle of wine off the table, and took it with her upstairs.

Penny stood, placing her napkin on the table. "I think I should leave. I know when I'm not wanted." She turned to face me, glaring. "Thanks for sticking up for me. Thanks a lot."

"Penny..." I called out to her, but she literally ran to the front door, and was gone before I could even stand up. I moved slowly, straightening my braced knee, and started to follow her.

"Let her go," Dad said softly. "Give her some time."

I turned to face him. "I think I'm done taking advice from you. I thought you knew everything. Seems like you don't know shit about women."

It took me a good fifteen minutes to get to her house. I knocked on the door, and Colleen answered it.

"Oh my God, Jeremy! What happened to you?" she asked.

"It's a long story, Colleen. Can I talk to her?"

She opened the door wide. "Come in. Have a seat, I'll go get her. You guys aren't fighting again, are you? She seemed upset when she came in."

I shrugged. "I don't know. That's why we have to talk."

She returned a few minutes later. "She doesn't want to talk to you right now. She won't listen to me. Maybe later, Ok?"

I nodded. "Before I go, would you please remind her what happened the last time we didn't talk? I don't want that to happen again."

My pleas fell on deaf ears, and 10 minutes later I was making that long walk back home. What a disaster our lives had become.

When I got home, Dad was on the floor cleaning up the mess. Marie was nowhere to be seen. The dinner was still on the table. I limped over and started moving things to the kitchen, storing the leftover lasagna in the frig, putting things away.

Dad dumped the broken dishes in the garbage, and helped load the dishwasher after I rinsed. He was moving slow, obviously in pain from his bruised ribs, and working with one hand didn't help.

"Why couldn't you have just stayed away from her, Jeremy? Wasn't Marie enough?" Dad asked softly.

"Why didn't you confront us from the beginning if you knew? Why all the fucking games, Dad?"

He stopped loading, and leaned against the counter heavily. "I didn't know for sure. I suspected, I worried, but I didn't know. When it was only a possibility, it didn't matter so much. I convinced myself you'd played around, but didn't go all the way. I let myself believe your half-truths. I don't know why it hit me so hard when you two confessed."

"You should have said something from the start," I insisted.

"You shouldn't have fucked your mother and lied about it."

"I know. The difference is, I've accepted my responsibility for everything I've done wrong, and tried to make up for it."

"I'm not taking the blame for this," Dad continued to argue. "You guys screwed up."

I was tired, sore, and feeling more than a little depressed. "Whatever. You're perfect, I get it. You never do anything wrong. Sorry nobody else can measure up. I guess you're gonna get what you want."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're on your own. I'm tired of trying. I'll be gone in two weeks. At the rate you're going, Mom may be gone before then." I walked away from him, and headed to the garage. I grabbed a beer, and took it to my room, where I washed down my pain pills with the cold brew. I liked the way it made me not feel.

I was wallowing in my misery again, trying to figure out what I was supposed to do. Maybe that was my problem. I was always trying to figure things out. Over-thinking things. Sure as shit, my plans so far didn't count for crap.

Dad had retreated to his room, slamming the door. Mom was in the back guest bedroom, working on her bottle of wine, I suppose. I was doing time in my own room. I had no idea where Aunt Marie was. Colin was on a date. How the fuck did that work out, where Colin was the only one gettin' any lovin'?

I heard the doorbell, and realized I'd been zoning out. Gotta figure it was the good drugs. It was after 11:00, and I could hear Colin come in, gushing about his evening. Mom walked past my door, headed downstairs. Before long there was laughing and giggling echoing up the stairway. Not too long after that, it got quiet. Too quiet.

It took me a couple of minutes to pull it together and struggle out of the bed. I headed to the stairs, and walked down far enough to see what they were up to. Aunt Marie was kissing Colin, and his hands were inside her shirt. Mom was leaning against his back, whispering. After a minute or so, he pulled away, turned and did the same with Mom, his hand starting at her waist, and slowly moving upward, inside the material of her top.

After another minute or two, his hand moved downward, between Mom's thighs. Aunt Marie slapped his hand away, chuckling. I moved down another step so I could hear things better.

"Too damn eager, Colin," Aunt Marie teased, taking his hand and putting it back on Mom's tit. "It was only your first real date. You'll know when she wants to go further."

"How?" he whined.

Mom glanced over at me on the stairs. "Ask Jeremy, he'll tell you."

Colin jerked back away from Mom, blushing, looking over at the stairwell where I was sitting.

Mom glared at me. "Is this what's it's come to, Jeremy? Now you're a Peeping Tom?"

I stood and walked into the room, heading over to Dad's chair, since the couch was full. "Really Mom? Is that what you think? No chance I came down to hear how my cousin's first solo date went, and didn't want to interrupt?"

Mom's turn to blush, although she had called it right the first time. I was spying on them, I realized, with more than a little shame.

Luckily Colin still had no clue about all the underlying tension in the house. "How'm I gonna know, Jeremy? When do I make my move?"

I had to laugh. "You have a move?"

Aunt Marie glared at me. "Yes he does, and a pretty good one."

I put my hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, Aunt Marie. I believe you. Hell, if you and Mom taught him, you sure as shit don't need my help. How come I never got any kind of tutelage from you two?"

Mom answered. "You had your father, Jeremy."

I shook my head. "Listen. I love Dad, but I would have much preferred hands on training from you two. It might not have taken me nine months to get a blow job from Penny, and nearly a full year to get laid."

Colin looked frustrated. "Is someone gonna tell me when I make my move?"

Both moms chuckled.

"Take it easy Colin. It's not a race. Jesus, didn't you hear what I just said? It took me a friggin' year," I explained.

"I don't wanna wait a year," he whined.

I sighed. "Alright. Mom, come over here and sit on my lap."

Mom looked at me like she was annoyed, but she eventually made her way over. I straightened my bad leg and got her positioned carefully, sitting sideways, facing the other two.

"If she'll sit on your lap, she's ready for a little more intimacy. Dad says it's a flag. Like when she plays with her hair, or touches your arm and shoulder a lot. When her touches move from your arms and chest to your face, that's a big clue. If she'll let you pull her into your lap, and she stays there, it probably means she's ready to be more intimate."

Colin reached over and started pulling his Mom into his lap. Mom and I laughed. "Jesus, not like that Colin!" Mom teased.

He frowned. "How then?"

"Easiest way is to start with both of you standing. Maneuver it so that your back is to the couch, and she's facing you. Go ahead, try it," I told him.

Aunt Marie stood, and Colin was right behind her. "You don't even have to be kissing or anything. Get up Mom, let me show him."

Mom stood, and I climbed out of the chair. I took Mom by the hand and walked a few steps away from the chair. Then I turned, still holding her hand, and walked back. I sat down, and as I was sitting, I grabbed her hips, and drew her down with me, casually, pulling her into my lap and putting my arm around her. "There. That's not so difficult is it?"

Colin followed my lead, a little awkwardly, but he got his mother in his lap. She wiggled herself comfortable, and looked over at me, eyebrows raised in question. "So that's it?" she asked.

I shrugged, cuddling with Mom. "That's what Dad says. She's comfortable in your lap, she's likely comfortable with a little more than necking."

Colin reached between his mother's legs, and she slapped his hand away. He frowned, and I had to laugh. "Damn it, Colin! Don't just grab her. She's yours now. Cuddle, kiss, fondle a little. If she seems cool with everything, go for the inner thigh, and work your way up."

I decided that showing was better than telling, and I pulled Mom's face around and started kissing her. She seemed a little uptight at first, but after a minute or two things were getting better.

"God, I've missed this, Mom," I whispered to her, my hand under her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her waist.

"Me too, baby," she murmured, settling more comfortably into my lap.

We necked like teenagers, while my hands started their exploration. It wasn't long before I had her bra unsnapped in back, and my hands were inside her shirt, on the bare flesh of her breasts.

Mom was caressing my face, her fingers soft, barely touching me. "Does it hurt much?" she whispered.

"Not really, just the leg."

She shifted her weight, and I pulled her hip in close, pressing her bottom against my erection. "It's fine, Mom. My leg doesn't hurt now. Just sometimes when I move wrong."

My hand slid off of her hip, and started caressing the inside of her thigh. She giggled softly. "Think you're smooth, don't you?"

"Hardly. I'm learning I don't know much at all about women, sadly enough. Seems almost silly me trying to teach Colin anything."

Mom kissed me warmly. "Don't over-think things, baby. When you're in the now, acting and reacting, you... you're almost irresistible. It's all the other crap that messes things up."

My hand had made it to her crotch, feeling the heat of her body. I caressed her softly, rubbing gently. She seemed to melt into me, her head resting on my shoulder. "Naughty boy," she murmured, opening her legs a tad.

I continued to rub her through her shorts, teasing her, while she squirmed delightfully. Her mouth was glued to mine, getting reacquainted after far too long.

Mom sighed, resting her head on my shoulder. "Not too much, baby. Not here, with everyone watching."

"You really think Colin's paying attention to us?" I teased.

She whimpered softly as my fingers entered the side of her shorts pressing against the puffy flesh between her legs. Wet. Very.


I looked up and Aunt Marie was standing in front of us, looking exasperated.

"What?" Mom asked, closing her legs.

"Can you deal with Mr. Hands over there?" Aunt Marie nodded toward the couch. "He doesn't hear a damn word I say, in one ear and out the other."

Mom giggled, twisting her legs to the side as she climbed out of lap. "You think he's gonna behave better with me?" Mom asked.

"No, but you seem to be able to control him better."

Mom leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. "Give me a minute?"

I wanted to drag her back to my lap. She'd been off-limits for too long, and now that we were back on the road to fun, I hated to let a moment slip away. But he was my cousin, and I'm sure Aunt Marie would find a way to keep me occupied.

"Of course, Mom." I reached out a hand to Aunt Marie, who slid into my lap readily. That earned me a quick second-glance from Mom. I guess she hadn't counted on that. Still, she didn't chew me out or nothin'.

Aunt Marie leaned in, pressing her lips to mine. "How you doin'?" she asked softly.

"Better, now," I answered, my hand caressing her body.

"Now? Better than when your Mom was sittin' here?" she teased.

"No. Not better than Mom. That was different. We were gettin' to know each other, after our forced separation. Better than you not sittin' here." I pulled her head down for another kiss, sliding my hand inside her shirt. "What's the deal with Dad? You two actin' all lovey-dovey all day, than ganging up on him over dinner."

Aunt Marie was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, similar to Mom. She sat up and reached behind her, unsnapping her bra, then she was pulling that woman magic of removing her bra while keeping her shirt on.

"Dinner was a mistake. We really want to make sure he knows he's loved and appreciated right now. That must have been a real blow to his ego, getting beat up and almost hospitalized by this son. Ruining his plans. He's in no shape to be doing anything in the bedroom for a while. The doctor said to give it a week, after the number you did on him in the jewels. That was uncalled for, baby. You don't do that to your father."

I spread my legs, so she could settle down between them, and my hand was inside her shirt, playing with her bare breast. "I know. Didn't mean to go there, but it was getting ugly. He tried to do the same to me, and the shot to the knee had me believing he was really out to hurt me. I kind of lost it."

Aunt Marie's hand was rubbing my crotch, while she kissed my neck. "No kidding. You two had us scared to death. I never would have believed it possible. You and your father."

"Me neither, to be honest. I never expected him to hit me like that." She peeked over my shoulder. "Check out Alice."

I looked over, and Mom was cuddling up to Colin. His hand was stroking up and down her thigh, right up to the edge of her shorts, but no further.

"I don't know how she does it. She's got him behaving, when he doesn't heed a thing I say." She sounded frustrated.

"Don't ask me. Doesn't make much sense. Mom's pretty submissive, once she gets worked up."


"Hell yeah. That's part of our problem. She can't say no to me or Dad. So when there's a conflict between me and him, it messes her all up," I explained.

"Really? That doesn't seem like her at all."

"Wanna see? Watch this." I turned toward the couch. "Mom. I need you over here. Now."

Mom looked over at me, gave Colin a quick kiss on the cheek, and pushed his hand away. She got up and walked over. "What's wrong, baby?" she asked nervously.

"Take off your bra, Mom," I said firmly, giving Aunt Marie a little squeeze to pay attention.

"But Jeremy..."

"Now, Mom. Take it off."

Mom turned her back to the couch, reached inside her shirt, and a few seconds later her bra was off. I reached my hand out, and she gave me her bra.

"I need a kiss, Mom," I said. "I already miss you."

She smiled and leaned over, kissing me firmly. After a few seconds she pulled away. "I'm right over there, baby. I'm not going anywhere."

"Don't let him in your pants."

She nodded. "Of course not. That's what we're trying to teach him, right?"

"Just so you understand. We're going to have rules with Colin. You stay out of his pants, and he stays out of yours."

"These... these rules are just for Colin, right?" she said softly, glancing over at her sister.

"Those are Colin rules. I'm not going to give you any rules about Dad. He's your husband. It goes without saying, nothing happens with anybody outside of the family."

Her head bobbed up and down rapidly. "Of course! I'd never do anything like that!"

"Good. Go back to Colin now. I'll give you 10 minutes. See if you can get him in line."

Mom grinned. "That's not a problem. He'll do as he's told." She leaned down a gave me a quick kiss. "I'll be good."

"I know, Mom. I just had to make sure we agreed on what 'good' is. I love you."

She gave me a huge smile. "Don't you be bad, either," she said, nodding at her sister.

"Don't worry. We'll talk later, you and I, about Marie rules, Ok?"

She nodded as she turned to go back to her nephew. I checked the time on the cable box, to start her 10 minutes.

Aunt Marie was chuckling. "Damn. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself."

"Can you face me, Aunt Marie?" I asked.

She turned in my lap, slipping her knees down beside my thighs. I pulled her close. "She's my Mom, and she makes the rules around the house. I accept that. But once we start getting intimate, she just gives over all control."

"You figured that out all on your own?" Marie asked, as I pulled her shirt up, exposing her breasts. She didn't stop me.

"Nope. Dad filled me in. As soon as he told me, her behavior all made sense."

"So what's your plan now, Jeremy?"

"No plan. I'm done with plans. They all seem to blow up in my face. I'm going with the flow."

I leaned down and sucked on her nipple. God, she had incredible tits.

"What's the flow telling you?" she asked, grinding her crotch against my hard-on.

"That you have the most incredible tits, and I'd be a fool to ignore them. For the next 10 minutes, you and I have a little catching up to do."

"And after that?" she asked.

"After that, I don't know. But I'm not letting anybody, Mom or otherwise, tell me what I can or can't do with you. Only you can make that call."

"Really?" she asked. "Won't that cause trouble?"

"I don't know. I'm not going to worry about it. You and Mom can work out your own issues. I'm done interfering. If Mom has heartburn over anything I do with you, that's between me and her. I guess the only real wildcard is Penny, but for the moment she's not speaking to me."

I pulled Marie down for a long kiss, my hands slipping into her shorts, squeezing her ass. When she pulled away, I went back to her breast, licking and sucking.

"I don't want to mess things up between you and your girl," Aunt Marie said softly.

"You're mine, Aunt Marie. I'm not letting anybody else interfere with that again."

"What about your father?"

"I'm willing to share."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"He's my Dad, Marie. I know how you feel about him. Just like I know how he feels about you."

She nibbled on my ear. "What does he feel about me?"

"He wants you. Of course. The only reason he never did anything was Mom. Once she gives her Ok, you're going to be beating him off with a stick."

She giggled. "I'm sure we can think of something much better than beating him off. You have a plan to get Alice to give her approval?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm out of that business. That's up to you two to workout. I hope she figures out that when she's in my bed, it's not fair that Dad be alone."

"Is she gonna be in your bed?"

"A lot."

"And me?"

"Of course. I'm dying to fuck you. You were wrong about me not wanting you the other day when I had you in my bed. Yes, I was still up to my games, and while you were napping, I dropped two loads in Mom. That's why I wasn't instantly hard for you." I took her hand and placed it on my hard cock. "Do you doubt I want you now?"

"That's for me? Not your Mom?"

"Jesus, Marie! Isn't it obvious? You must know you've always been my fantasy. If Mom and I didn't have a lot of issues to resolve, I'd have you in my bed right now. But you have Colin to deal with, and I've got to make Mom understand how things are now. But after tonight, I'm done holding back. You need to prepare your son for that."

That seemed to make her nervous. I saw her looking over at the couch again. "What am I supposed to tell him?"

"I don't know. Whatever you want. I'm not going to dictate the relationship between you and Colin. That's up to you."

"I can't leave him in our house alone. What do I say when I want to spend the night with you? Will you come to me?"

"We have two guest rooms. I think you should take one, and him the other. I figure you're not going to be sleeping alone anymore. You need to be here with us."

She pulled away a bit. "That's a big step, Jeremy. What if your father has issues?"

I grinned. "The way I see it, you and Mom can work that out. You two need to work together."

"But we're just starting to resolve our own issues."

I pulled her down for another kiss. "It was just an idea. I probably shouldn't even have suggested it. Everything I plan blows up. Forget I even mentioned it."

"I... let me think about it, Ok? It sounds great, but I don't know..."

It had been 10 minutes. I pulled down her shirt, and patted her bottom. "Time for you to see if your boy's learned his lessons. He's yours the rest of the night." I turned to the couch, while Aunt Marie climbed off my lap. "Ten minutes, Mom. Break it up over there. I need you."

Colin pulled his hand out of her shirt, grinning. Mom gave him a quick peck, and hustled over to me. I stood and took her in my arms. "How'd it go?"

She giggled. "He's a pussycat. No problems at all. Marie's going to have to deal with his issue below the waist. That's what mother's are for, right, baby?"

I gave her a quick kiss, and took her hand in mine. "Exactly. Come on, let's go to bed."

She was only momentarily reluctant. I gave her hand a little tug, and she followed me up the stairs.

We had a lot of catching up to do.