(S)extending the Curriculum p2


"I don't think I even want to know," his teacher said with a sigh. He watched her eyes track his hand as he reached into the drawer of his desk. He pulled out his iPad and grinned when surprise registered on her features. He assumed that she'd been expecting to see another envelope full of money.

"I can't help but wonder," Pete began as his fingers flicked across the surface of the tablet and set the video playing, "What the school and board of education might think if they saw that one of their teachers was disrobing in a student's home." The brief video played out quickly and he watched the emotions dance on Ms. Masters' face. Anger seemed to win as her lips tightened and her eyes narrowed.

"You fucking bastard," she said quietly, all trace of her 'English' accent gone from her voice.

"Ms. Masters, such language," Pete replied calmly.

"Don't you dare speak to me of language. How dare you! You manipulate me, threaten me, bribe me and leave me with little choice but to go through with your fucking games and now you blackmail me? Fuck you."

"That Ms. Masters is exactly the outcome I'm looking for," he said to her with a grin.

"What?!" she spluttered, clearly confused as to what he meant.

"You said, 'Fuck you'. That's what this is all about. I want to fuck you. You know that, but you denied me. I'm just making sure that I get my way. We're going to have sex."

"Like hell we are," she said, belatedly shoving her possessions back into her bag.

Pete gave an overly dramatic sigh. "Do we really have to go through with this charade Ms. Masters? We've been down this path already; remember? Twice if memory serves and lets face it, its not so long ago that I'd be confused. Each time you've threatened to walk out and have no further part of this you've come crawling back to preserve your job and your future employment. This time will be no different."

"We'll fucking see about that," she said and stormed from his study. He stood and quickly followed her. As she went to close her car door he grabbed hold of it and prevented her from doing so. He loomed over her as she sat in the driver's seat. HIs pulse was up, as was his cock. He stared down at her cleavage, then caught her smouldering, angry blue eyes.

"I'll give you time. Wednesday is the day though. I know you'll see it my way Ms. Masters, because if you do, I won't have to tell Father how you propositioned me and tried to seduce me with your enormous tits and big, sexy ass."

"Let go of the door Mr. Irwin," she insisted through gritted teeth. He released it and she yanked it closed. Her wheels spun on the gravel, throwing it at the car's undercarriage as she took off down the driveway.


Pete watched Ms. Masters closely during his history class that Wednesday. He waited from some sign that he might get to live out his fantasy that afternoon, but there wasn't any. He considered whether he should prompt her or not. Should he seek out an indication? He decided that there was no way that he could manage it before the lesson ended. He opted for a note. Rather than hand it to her, he went past her office. The door was closed and locked, so he slipped the note underneath. Heart pounding, he left and went home to make his preparations.

He sent Maria home early and confirmed that both his parents would be working for several hours. He had the house to himself. All he needed was for Ms. Masters to show. To pass the time he loaded the video of her taking off her shirt on his iPad and sat down to wait. His note had told her that the door would be open when she arrived and that she was to meet him in the living room, straight through from the entrance hall. Thinking about what was hopefully about to transpire had him hard. As he fantasised further, he decided that he needed to put more effort into his first impression. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of red wine and a glass. He stripped naked and threw his clothes into his room then returned to the couch. He idly stroked his cock as he reviewed the video again and again.

The chime rang to signal someone was at the front gate and he nearly dropped the glass of wine that he'd picked been sipping from. He stood and strode to the front door to provide entry then returned to the couch. He stroked his cock again. He wanted to be sure that he was nice and hard when she came into the room.

Pete was so nervous that he thought Ms. Masters would be able to hear the beating of his heart from the front door. He tried desperately to appear the opposite of how he felt as he heard the front door handle turn and the door itself swing open. The sound of heels clacking their way through the tiled entry hall announced Ms. Masters' arrival and Pete took a deep breath as she stopped in through the entrance of the living room. Shock registered on her face when she saw him sitting there, cock in one hand, wine in the other. He grinned at the look on her face.

"I'm so glad you came," he said as he surveyed her. She wore a white blouse with a white bra evident beneath it, a black pencil skirt and 3 inch black heeled shoes. A necklace hung around her neck; gold, with a green stone dangling between her heavenly breasts. It was if she'd actually shown up to teach. He released his cock and patted the couch beside him. "Why don't you come and take a seat Ms. Masters and we can discuss exactly what is going to happen next." He watched as she hesitated. Conflicting emotions played across her face. He was about to say something to prompt her further when she took a hesitant step forward.

The walk to the couch wasn't long, but each step she took set her breasts to jiggling wonderfully. Pete stared, mesmerised by the sight and imagined how much better it would be if she were naked and her breasts were free. He imagined the way her would wobble with each step and his cock twitched in response. He nearly moaned aloud.

All too soon it was over and she was next to him on the couch. He half turned toward her so that he could make eye contact as he spoke.

"Why don't we discuss the fact that this won't happen?" she said before he could recover his presence of mind.

"Excuse me?" he asked, caught off guard.

"Whatever this is, whatever you think it's going to be, it can't happen," she stated flatly.

"Its going to start with a head job," he replied, keeping the anger and frustration from his voice as he recovered and pressed forward. "A wet, sloppy head job."

"It can't," she persisted. "Its illegal Peter, not to mention morally reprehensible."

"I don't care. I'm not going to tell anyone. I respect you too much for that, but I am going to get my way. I mean if I wasn't you wouldn't even be here. So let's stop pretending otherwise and begin. You can start there," he said, indicating the floor between his legs. "On your knees so that you can give me a good sucking. A nice wet, sloppy porn blowjob."

"You respect me too much?!" she said with a disbelieving laugh. "Peter, no. I mean it. I can't. Maybe a hand job," she countered hesitantly at the last second.

"Vicky," he began firmly. "Ms. Masters," he corrected when he saw the look on her face, "I thought you liked your job? You've worked so very hard to be where you are. I'm sure you don't really want to throw that all away. So, one last time. Please. On your knees Ms. Masters."

She looked as if she were about to protest yet again so Peter simply held his index finger up as if to silence her then pointed to the floor in front of him. He watched her face. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and swallowed. Pete found himself holding his breath as she began to move. He eyed her generous butt as she stood, the material of her skirt clinging to it. As he had many times before he tried to discern a panty line, to discover what underwear she was wearing. She moved too quickly though and was suddenly standing before him. She hesitated.

"Knees," he said simply, the command giving him a thrill as he uttered it.

Again he saw her breathe deep before she knelt. Pete spread his legs and scooted his butt forward a little, his hard cock flat against his belly.

"Remember, wet and sloppy," he said. She looked up at him, her expression unreadable. She moved forward, one knee then the other. Her hand reached for his cock. The movement captivated him. The hand trembled and then it was closed over his shaft. He did moan then; just barely, but enough to draw his teacher's gaze to his. She pulled his cock away from his stomach and both their gazes flicked downward. He felt her tentatively stroke him up and down; her hand moved the skin of his cock over the shaft slowly.

"Suck me," he moaned. He watched as she pulled his cock further toward her and lowered her head. Her lustrous black hair was pulled back in a practical pony tail, thankfully keeping it from blocking his view. Her lips parted. They were full and luscious. For the first time he noted the subtle colour of her lipstick. It was a dusky red, a contrast to the colour of the head of his cock. Just prior to descending over it, her wet tongue slipped from between her lips and licked, wetting them. Then he felt them close over him and slide down.

"Oh fuck," Pete moaned. She started tentatively. Her lips moved slowly down over him and back up again, barely taking her mouth beyond the tip. She moved up and down a few times, then released him and swirled her tongue around a little. She paused and looked up at him. The view was spectacular, her blue eyes intense (her cheeks flushed whether from embarrassment or excitement didn't matter to him). The dangling gold chain drew his eye to the severe and wondrous plunge of her cleavage.

"Wet and sloppy," he said again. "And tell me how much you like it. Talk dirty to me."

Her lips parted again and she took him back in her mouth. Again she seemed to be hesitant and to lack commitment to the act. He placed a hand on her head and gently pushed her downward. She glanced up, eyes throwing daggers, but she took the hint. She breathed around his cock. Her cheeks flared and she plunged downward, engulfing him deep within her mouth. He held his hand on her head and waited until he felt her try and pull back. He held her down. Her cheeks flared and he saw her swallow. Her mouth widened and she sucked air around his cock. He didn't want to piss her off too much and so released her. He expected to be scolded, to face an angry tirade. Surprisingly he didn't get one.

"Like my mouth on your hard cock do you?" she asked, saliva dripping down over her chin. She sucked the head back into her mouth. She pushed her head down and then came back up slowly. "Is this what you wanted? Your teacher's lips wrapped around your erection?" He felt himself twitch as she spoke to him. It was everything that he had hoped for and more. She slurped up and down his shaft. After a minute or so she pulled back a bit and let the saliva run from her mouth, dribbling it over the head as she held him with one hand. He watched, mesmerised as the light from the entry caught the string that hung from her mouth to his cock. It glistened briefly before being broken as her hand ran over the head and caught it to drag it back down as lubricant. Her tight fist slid over the head and down toward his balls which she cupped with her free hand. He groaned when she gave them a squeeze.

"You like it sloppy?" she asked and spat on his cock again. She followed the saliva with her mouth. She moved up and down rapidly and each time she went down she took him all the way to the back of her throat. She kept at it and saliva continued to fill her mouth and seep down his length. He felt it start to coat his balls and then she pushed down and held him with the head of his cock pressed against the back of her throat.

With a gasp of air she pulled up again, viscous saliva stringing from her mouth. Her cheeks were flushed and her enormous chest heaved with every intake of breath. "You like your teacher being a dirty cock-sucker?" she demanded. "Does making me a whore meet with your approval?"

The question was rhetorical as Pete found his cock engulfed before he could frame a reply. Up and down her lips went and her tongue swirled and teased at every opportunity. She worked his cock like it had never been sucked before. The tension built in his balls. He wanted to last. He wanted it to go on forever, but it didn't seem like he would be given the choice.

"You have such a nice cock Pete," she drawled "So hard and firm. It feels sooo good deep in my mouth." One hand caressed his balls, coated in saliva. She slid them around for several moments, her other hand working his shaft.

She released his cock and put a hand under each thigh and worked him solely with her mouth. It was heaven. She pumped him with her mouth and then drove downward, her tongue beneath his rigid shaft. He felt her stop as he bumped the back of her throat. He waited for her to pull up, but she didn't. She breathed and swallowed and pushed and he felt himself slide deeper. It was tight. His cock was pulled away from his body and she had repositioned herself, lifting from her knees to bend over him further. His cock was in her throat! She barely moved and he lost control.

He didn't even have a chance to let her know. He exploded. His balls unleashed and his cock spasmed and he injected his cum straight down her throat. He cried out in pleasure and his teacher pulled back. As she sucked in life-giving air as his cock spurted again and sprayed her face with his seed. He stared as he saw his sticky white juice splatter against her beautifully fair skin. A rope of it hit her in the forehead and hung down over her right eye to her cheek. Another spurt hit just beneath her nose. She gasped and sucked him quickly back into her mouth, drinking down the last remnants.

"Dirty enough for you?" she asked and wiped cum from her face.

"Not a bad start," he replied with more bravado than confidence. His teacher slipped her cum covered fingers into her mouth and sucked them clean.

"Start?" she asked. "Seems like you're finished to me."

"Oh no, just because I came doesn't mean I'm finished; far from it. You haven't even taken your clothes off yet."

"Well I don't really need to, do I? Clearly my, oral skills have sated you."

Her continued reluctance to accept the situation and to try and squirm out of what was to come pushed him beyond his patience and self-control.

"Stand up and take your fucking clothes off," he demanded.

They faced each other, Pete from the couch, his teacher from her knees.

"Do we really have to go through this again?" he asked, trying to keep the frustration and emotion from his voice. "I though we'd resolved this."

"And I thought I'd met your needs, but if you're demanding more, I have to ask when does it end? You say its a one time thing, but what happens when you decide that one time wasn't enough? What happens when you wake up tomorrow and think it was so awesome that you can't let it go?"

"I won't."

"You can't say that with certainty," Ms. Masters interrupted. "I'm sure if I'd asked you at the start of the year if you'd ever blackmail me for sex that you'd have said no and yet here we are."

"I promise," Pete said solemnly, nearly feeling bad enough to let her go. "This is a one-time thing. When I tell you that we're done today, I mean it. I will never mention this again. If there's one thing Dad has taught me its that you can't devalue your word if you want to deal successfully with people."

Ms. Masters studied him with an appraising look. Pete waited. The pause dragged and time seemed to slow as he waited for the outcome. Eventually she stood and he held his breath as he waited to discover whether it was to walk out or not. Little details stood out, as time seemed to stand still; the small silver buckle of the thin black leather belt that cinched her skirt in at the waist, the curve of her breast slightly revealed by the light shining through the blouse from behind her. It was the sight of spots of his cum on her blouse that made his dick twitch though. Her fingers went to the top button and began to release it. He let his breath out.

One by one she slowly undid the buttons, each one allowing the blouse to part a little further, to reveal a bit more skin. Pete hardened in time with her progress. When the last button was released she took it and draped it over the arm of the couch. It caused her to lean in over him, her massive tits close to his face, the gold necklace with its pendant swinging with them. She stood again and reached behind her back to release her bra.

"Wait," he said urgently before she could undo it. "Skirt first."

Her hands came back to her sides then to the little buckle of her belt. After releasing it, she reached to the side of her skirt and ran the zipper down, then shimmied a little. The skirt slipped over her wide hips and fell to the floor. The movement threatened to capture Pete's gaze, but he held it at her underwear as it was finally revealed. It was white lace that matched her bra. There was a hint of dark pubic hair visible through the front. Boy leg, he thought to himself.

"Turn, please," he said before she could remove anything else. She stepped from her skirt, the light catching the patent black leather of her pointed heels. She bent down and picked the skirt up from the floor and laid it with her blouse. Satisfied, she stood in front of him again and turned.

Not boy legs, he thought as she did so. The white lace cut across the ample flesh of her ass. What was it that Daniel had called them? Cheekies. It wasn't a thong, but somewhere between that and a bikini line at the back. He took his cock in hand, stroking it to full erection again as he admired the first of the sights that he'd waited so long to see. Her skin wasn't unblemished. Her ass was dimpled here and there and it wasn't as firm as the girls that he'd seen from school, but as far as he was concerned she was perfect. The curves of her hips and waist, her thighs, all screamed woman to him.

As she finished her rotation and came to face him again, he was pleased to see the look of surprise on her face when she spied his hard cock in his hand again. "Maybe you're not finished," she acknowledged.

"Like I said, I'm far from finished," he bragged. Her hands went behind her again and this time he said nothing to stop her from undoing the bra's clasp. As the tension was released he saw her boobs drop, the cups of the bra still supporting her a little, still hiding her from view, but clearly not over-coming gravity either. She allowed it to drop away and he saw them for the first time; Ms. Masters' tits. They were every bit as epic as he'd always dreamed. Her areolae were large and the tip of her nipples hard little peaks at their centres. The flesh of her tits was pale, the hint of veins visible across their glorious expanse. He wanted to feel them. He wanted to suck them, but Ms. Masters was already moving. Her fingers went to the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. Her pendulous breasts briefly blocked the revelation of her pussy as she bent forward. They were like large melons suspended from her chest, the gold of the pendant swinging and glittering in the room's light. It was an intoxicating sight, but the moment she began to stand again his eyes snapped to her pussy. More her pubes really, he realised as he stared at them. They were cropped neatly to a wide, dark landing strip that disappeared between her legs. She stood with her feet spaced slightly apart and leaned to her left, the stance thrusting her hip out. It also hid her pussy lips from view. He didn't mind. It wouldn't be long until he saw all her glory.

"You're so fucking hot," he said as he drank in the sight of her. He thought he caught a hint of a blush in her cheeks at the compliment. She turned for him again. He tried to remember every single detail; the look of her breasts in profile, the curve of her hip, the way her belly swept down to her landing strip, the little raised nodules around her wonderful nipples that seemed to have become even more erect since they had first been revealed.

Pete stood from the couch. He needed to touch her, to kiss her. His desire was a burning flame within him. Ms. Masters stepped back as he rose from the couch. They faced each other and he stared into her blue eyes and tried to read them. For the briefest moment he wondered how much she would hate him after they were done, but then the tip of his cock grazed her belly. He groaned and lifted his hands to her tits. They were heavy. He watched his hands as he moved them experimentally. They were by far the biggest tits he'd ever had access to. As much fun as it was, it wasn't enough. He slid his right hand down from her breast, over her belly and between her legs. He felt her pubic hair graze his palm as he reached between her legs for the first time. She was wet. He felt her shift her weight and her legs parted to accommodate his hand. His fingers delved. They slipped between her lips and his heart skipped happily when the penetration elicited a quiet moan.

"You want this, don't you?" he asked quietly, leaning forward, his lips whispering directly into her ear as two fingers worked firmly in her pussy. "I know you want my hard cock in here. Or maybe you just really liked sucking the cum from it. Are you a cum whore Ms. Masters?" As he spoke he found her clit. He dragged his middle finger across it and she gasped. "Is that a yes?"

"No," she whispered unconvincingly, head shaking ever so slightly side-to-side.

"I don't believe you," Pete replied, fingers teasing. He moved to kiss her, eyes flicking between her full lips and her eyes, trying to read if his kiss would be accepted. Her tongue darted out and ran quickly over her lips. He pressed his lips to hers and drove his tongue into her mouth. He tasted his cum but ignored it, too far gone to worry about trivial things. He slipped his arms behind her and pulled her to him, feeling her tits mashed against his lower chest, his cock pushed against her belly. He found her tongue and she kissed him back. It sent a thrill through him. He dropped his hands to her ass. He gloried in being able to squeeze her butt cheeks. He ground his cock against her belly as she kissed him in return.

When the kiss broke he sucked in a lungful of air and held her. He looked down into her eyes. He thought he saw desire, or at least that's how he chose to interpret it. He kissed her again. Tongues duelled and played and lips were sucked and bitten gently as they joined their mouths together. His hands roamed her body, exploring it, savouring every inch, every touch. He felt her hands on his butt then, squeezing, parting his cheeks, releasing.

"So firm, " she murmured between kisses. "So hard," she added after stepping back and grabbing his cock with her hand. "The benefits of youth," she sighed.

"Time to fuck," Pete said. "I want to fuck your pussy. You need it, don't you Ms. Masters? Tell me how much you need my cock in your pussy, how much you want me to fill it."

"I need it Peter, I need your hard cock, I want it in me. I want you to pound my pussy with this fucking thing," she replied, her fist tight around him, pumping him, moving the skin over the hard shaft beneath. Peter pushed two fingers between her legs again, feeling her from the inside. He worked them around for long moments then pulled them out. He held them between them fingers slightly parted, light reflecting off the juices that coated them.

"Suck them," he demanded. "Suck your cunt juices from my fingers." He thrust them toward her. Ms. Masters simply opened her mouth and accepted his fingers as he pushed them inside. Her lips closed over them and he felt her tongue swirl around. She sucked back away from him, then moved her head forward again, her hand grabbing his wrist as she gave head to his fingers. Pete moaned.

"I taste good," she purred. "You should taste me too." Her fingers slipped between her legs and then Pete was confronted with them. He let her push them into his mouth and sucked, getting his first taste of her. He felt her stroke him again and he moaned around her fingers.

They parted, both panting, bodies ready. They stared at each other then Pete stepped back.

"My study," he said. "That's where we're going to fuck. Lead the way." Ms. Masters turned and walked away from him. Pete watched the jiggle of her tits as she turned. Then she was walking away and the sight of her ass captured him. He watched as she walked, her big bubbly ass cheeks calling to him, speaking some primordial language that made his already hard cock stiffen even more. Belatedly he realised that he needed to move as well and so he stepped quickly to follow.

Ms. Masters walked into his study, went over to his desk and turned. He stepped up to her and pressed his body against hers, pinning her against the desk. He kissed her hard. When it broke, she gasped for breath and he slipped his hands down beneath her ass and lifted. He deposited her on his desk and then pushed her knees apart. He dropped to the floor and ran a finger down her slit as he took his first good look at the heaven between her legs.

Her lips were covered with cropped dark hair and were puffy and swollen with her desire. He splayed her dark pink inner lips with his fingers, her juices evident as a little bead nestled in her entrance. Her clit stood proud and clear of its little hood and he teased it with his index finger. He rubbed it gently, pleased at the gasps of pleasure that it drew from her.

He ran his tongue up her slit, between her inner lips. He slipped it back down and probed her hole then moved back up to her clit and licked firmly. She mewed pleasurably as he ate her. He held her thighs apart with his hands and her lips with his thumbs. He licked her over and over again. When he had her squirming on his desk and her pussy juices were running down between her ass cheeks he looked up, the sight of her heaving breasts divine.

He stood and stepped close, his cock like a divining rod.

"I'm going to fuck you now Ms. Masters. Tell me you want it. Tell me what you want."

"Fuck me Pete. Fuck me with your rock hard cock. Pound my pussy and fill it with your hot cum!" she implored him.

Pete stepped between her legs and nudged the head of his cock against her slick lips. He took a moment to savour the sight of it positioned and ready. He pushed her thick thighs apart and leaned into her, watching as her lips parted around him. He moaned and she gasped as the first two inches slid into her slick and ready pussy. He pulled back and then thrust hard inside, buried almost to the hilt. Another movement and he was completely inside her, his balls pressed against her. He held her legs and slowly slid back and forth in her pussy, watching her tits as they jiggled with his thrusts.

"Fuck you feel good Ms. Masters," he moaned "So wet and warm, you were made for cock."

"You're so fucking hard Peter. God young cock is good," she purred.

Pete quickened his pace in response. He fucked her hard and fast for a few moments, but felt his orgasm coming on too quick and so backed off again. He leaned over his teacher and took her right nipple in his mouth. He sucked it desperately as if it was going to provide his life with the nourishment it needed for survival. Ms. Masters gasped and he bit down on it gently. He felt her hands on his head and shoved his cock deep into her pussy as he increased the pressure on her nipple. He was amazed how hard he managed to bite it before she cried out for him to stop. He released it and swirled his tongue around as if to soothe it. Then he attacked the other breast. He kneaded the right breast as he devoured the left nipple all while rocking his hips to keep his cock moving in her pussy.

"Suck my big fat tits Peter, suck them hard. I want you to mark them. Put a hickey on them." Ms. Masters crooned as he worked back and forth between them. The talk drove him wild and he released the nipple he'd been working over and sucked hard on the soft pale flesh of the underside of her melon-like breast. When he thought he'd sucked hard enough he pulled his head back to check. Sure enough the first signs of bruising were there.

"More," she demanded. For the next couple of minutes Peter marked his teacher, sucking her tits in numerous spots until they were spotted with hickeys. He stood back, cock buried in her pussy as he admired his handiwork. He watched as Ms. Masters grabbed her tits in her own hands and played with them, her eyes locked on his whenever he glanced at her face. "Fuck me Peter. Give it to me hard. Fuck your slutty teacher."

Pete pushed her legs back toward her, grabbed her upper thighs and pulled her so that her ass was half off the desk. He leaned into her and then started to ram his cock in and out. The sounds of their bodies slapping together echoed through the small study as he drove himself deep inside, pulled out and rammed in again, over and over. He listened to her cries and mews which she only interrupted to demand more from him. His balls were tense and close to exploding. He kept pumping her hard, panting with exertion, wondering whether he should cum in her or spray her with his seed. At the last moment he opted for the latter. He pulled his cock from her at the last possible moment and stroked it twice. A rope of cum shot from the head of his cock and landed over her body from tit to belly button. He aimed the second one in the middle of her chest. His cock continued to pulse, but without the force of the first two and the remaining cum pooled in Ms. Masters' belly button.

"What a waste," she laughed as she looked down her body. "I wanted it in my cunt. I guess I'll just have to make do. As Pete stood panting and recovering from his exertions he stared in wonder as Ms. Masters scooped cum with her fingers. She took it into her mouth and sucked her fingers clean before gathering a second load and smearing it over and into her pussy. She finger-fucked herself with one hand while the other smeared the remaining cum over her tits and abdomen.

"Come and let me suck you," she moaned eagerly. Pete walked to the far side of his desk and Ms. Masters moved so that she could lay her head back over the edge of the desk. She opened her mouth for him and he slid his cock inside as she looked back, upside down. The angle straightened her throat out and he pushed his semi-erect cock, wet with their combined juices deep into her mouth. She closed down on him and held him there. He reached over her and played with her tits, rocking as he'd done in her pussy. She moaned around his cock and he felt the vibrations. He started to harden again. It was simply too hot for him not to.

As his cock stiffened, he began to fuck her mouth, giving no thought to whether she enjoyed it or not. He pushed deep and pulled back, then plunged into her mouth again, only stopping when he hit the constricted opening of her actual throat. He held himself there until she gagged. Then he pulled back and allowed her to breathe. She coughed and sticky wet saliva ran down both cheeks. He looked down and could see that her eyes were watering.

"More," she gasped and tipped her head back again. With a disbelieving grin Pete thrust his cock back into her mouth. It was slick and wet with gooey saliva and when he pulled back his cock was coated with it. He thrust eagerly in and out of her mouth until she reached up with her hands to push him back. He made to step away but one hand snagged his slippery cock in a tight grip. "Shove it in my throat Peter, stick your cock all the way into my throat. I want your balls mashed on my head and your cock all the way in."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing, but didn't wait to be told a second time. He pushed his cock back into her mouth and she used her hands on his abdomen to slow him down when required. He watched her throat as he pushed deeper, stunned when he could see it swell as she swallowed him and he slid inside. Her hands grabbed his hips and pulled him, then pushed. She actually urged him to fuck her. He felt the head of his cock sliding in and out of her throat. Wet slurping sounds accompanied him and he wondered if he would again lose his load directly into her gut.

Ms. Masters pushed back though and she sucked air desperately, gobs of saliva running from her mouth. She sat up and turned to face him, her make up running from her eyes, her face a mess.

"I can't believe you're that hard again already," she grinned. "Better put it to good use. Get around her and fuck me from behind Peter. Fuck me hard again." She bent over his desk and thrust her big round ass back. Pete scooted quickly to the other side of his desk again, desperate to see her from behind. He stared at her slightly dimpled, round ass. He ran his hands over it and then smacked her on one cheek, loving the way her butt rippled in response before the skin settled back to normal. He spanked the other cheek hard enough to leave a red hand-print. Ms. Masters cried out but made no move to stop him. He continued to spank her until she begged him to fuck her. She reached back and spread her ass cheeks for him.

"I want you in my cunt Peter. Fuck your teacher's dirty cunt." Pete wasted no further time. He stepped up behind her, positioned his cock and slid inside. They groaned together as he pushed himself deep. He grabbed her fleshy hips and started to pound her. Hard and fast, he slammed his cock into her from behind. Ms. Masters released her ass cheeks and held on to the far side of the desk. "Yeah, fuck it hard, fuck my dirty cunt," she urged him, beginning a stream of dirty instruction on what she wanted. "Pull my butt apart, spread those fat cheeks and fuck me."

Pete loved it. He could feel her pushing back against his thrusts and redoubled his efforts. Again and again he slammed into her, his orgasm only building slowly, his prior release giving him the stamina he'd wished for earlier. Ms. Masters shifted around enough that she could get a hand between her legs and started to play with her clit. She cried out continuously as she clearly approached her orgasm.

"Fuck yes Pete, screw me stupid, I'm going to cum all over your fucking cock," she told him just before doing exactly that. She let out a wail and he slammed hard and deep into her and held himself there as she exploded. Her pussy convulsed and massaged his hard shaft in waves. It felt awesome and he waited until the spasms started to subside before starting to pound her again. When he did she cried out again. "Yes! More! Harder you stud, fuck me harder!" she screamed at him. She pushed him back away from the desk until she was standing with her hands on the near edge to support herself, still bent over as he rammed into her from behind. When she was balanced, one hand returned between her legs to frig her clit again.

"Spit on my ass Peter!! Spit on it and stick something in it!" she demanded. He pulled her cheeks wide again and dribbled saliva down the crack of her ass, watching as it slid down and over her puckered anus. He was about to stick a finger in when his teacher thrust a thick black sharpie from his desk back toward him. he took it from her and pushed the end against her anus.

"Get it in there," she insisted and pushed back against him. He watched with glee as it penetrated her and slid into her ass all the way to where the cap started. "Oh fuck yes," Ms. Masters cried out loudly. Pete pounded her again and she continued to work her clit.

They kept at it until she cried out, "Oh fuck this one's going to be good." The good in the sentence turned into a wail as she came hard for a second time. Pete felt warm fluid gush around his cock and Ms. Master's legs began trembling. He saw her grip the edge of the desk tight to support herself and again his cock was compressed by her cumming pussy. He pulled out and her juices splashed onto the floor of his study. Ms. Masters dropped to her knees, still holding the desk. He was wondering what to do for a moment, but she took control. She turned to him and pulled him toward her, then sucked his cock into her mouth again. Pete grabbed her head and thrust. He was rock hard and ready to cum for a third time. He fucked her face roughly, loving how messed up she looked. She took everything that he gave her, pausing only long enough to tell him that he had to cum in her pussy.

Just that instruction took him dangerously close to the edge and so he pulled from her mouth. He pushed her to the floor and mounted her missionary-style. A few moments of furious pounding and he lost it. Deep inside her, he exploded.

"Oh fuck yes, that hot cum is so good in my cunt," she cried out, her hands on his hips holding him tight and deep inside her.

Pete pulled out and knelt back between Ms. Masters' legs. He took a few moments to enjoy the sight of her body splayed out before him, cum and sweat coating her skin. As he looked, his most recent load oozed from her pussy to tangle in her cropped pubes. It ran down between her ass cheeks and he noticed the sharpie that had been inserted in her butt laying on the floor.

"God you look hot laying there all used," he said, taking in the hickeys on her tits and her stiff, erect nipples.

"You don't look so bad yourself," she replied and reached between her legs. She scooped cum from her pussy and brought it to her lips.

"All we need to do now is pump that gorgeous ass full of cum," Pete said.

"Oh fuck. Do you think you can get it up again?"

"Fuck yes, that's never going to be a problem, especially if you get your mouth around it again," Pete said, standing up. His teacher got on her knees and knelt before him like a supplicant asking for the king's favour. He watched as she lifted his cock from below with one hand and then leaned in to take him in her mouth. He didn't think he'd ever get tired of the sight of her luscious lips locked around his shaft. She suckled him gently, taking her time. It was almost too intense for him but he suffered through.

"I'm looking forward to having this in my ass," she said between sucks. "Does it turn you on knowing that your teacher wants you in her ass?"

"God yes," he moaned, feeling his cock begin to come to life again.

"I can taste your yummy cum all over it," she purred, lifting him out of the way so that she could suck his balls. Her hand stroked him as she did, steadily bringing his cock back to life. "Have you ever had someone lick your ass Peter?"

"No," he replied. The look on her face said that that was about to change. She had him turn to his desk and put his hands on it, bent over as she had been when he'd fucked her. She walked over behind him and reached between his legs. She pulled his cock down and stroked him, milking him like a cow. She caressed and pulled his ball sack and then when she released it, knelt behind him and pulled his ass cheeks apart.

Pete felt her tongue stab at his anus and then swirl around and rim him. He couldn't believe it was happening, let alone how good it actually felt. He heard her spit and then felt her saliva running down over his anus to his nut sack. One of her hands released his butt and grabbed hold of his cock and stroked him as her face pressed against his bum and her tongue delved within him. It didn't take much of that attention until his cock was rock hard again.

"Dirty enough for you Peter?" she asked, her hand gripping his cock like a vice. A finger (at least he assumed it was a finger) suddenly stabbed at his anus and was pushed inside. He flinched away and turned quickly. Ms. Masters had a massive grin plastered on her face. "What? its okay for you to fuck my slutty ass with a massive cock but I can't put one little finger in yours?"

"Well to say you caught me by surprise would be an understatement. And now that you mention it, that's exactly how it goes down. I fuck your ass, not the other way around."

"You don't own my ass Peter. Its mine to do with as I please. Maybe I've changed my mind."

"Maybe I'll buy your ass and then I will own it."

"You couldn't afford to own my ass," she replied confidently.

"You might be surprised, but for now I'm happy to rent it."

"Fuck that, how about we just get that lovely cock in it. Get down on the floor."

Pete laid down on the floor and Ms. Masters stood over him. "I should ride your face and get you to eat my messed up pussy," she suggested, "But something tells me that you wouldn't like that so maybe I'll just ride your cock instead." Pete stared up at her body, the angle providing a brand new view to admire, the underside of her massive tits, her ass, his cum smeared through her pubes. She danced for him, swaying her hips back and forth and around in circles. She squatted down over him and rubbed her pussy back and forth along his cock without taking him inside. Then she knelt between his legs and sucked him again.

"Fuck I like sucking your big dirty cock," she told him just before pushing her mouth down as far as it would go and gagging on him. She did it several times until he was totally coated with her sticky saliva, then she stood up and squatted over him again. Holding him with one hand she guided him to her anus and then bore down. He couldn't believe how readily she took it. She eased down and her tight back passage enveloped and squeezed him. "Oh yeah, that's just what I needed," she moaned. Up and down she rode him, taking his entire cock in her ass before sliding up and then back down to take it all the way in again. She put one hand on his chest to steady herself and played with her clit with the other. Pete reached for her tits and massaged with them.

"Let me suck them," he implored her. She moved her hand to the side of his head so that her massive tits dangled in his face. He took a large nipple in his mouth and heard his teacher moan even as he felt her push back on his cock, forcing him deeper in her ass. She let him feed on one for a while before switching and smooshing the other into his face. Then it was being dragged away from him.

"I'm going to cum with your cock in my ass," she announced. She sat back, and her hand when to her pussy. He watched her spread her lips and then start rubbing her clit furiously. Occasionally she'd plunge two and even three fingers into her pussy and fuck herself with them. He could feel them through the membrane separating her ass from her pussy. Then she was rapidly working her middle two fingers back and forth across her clit and she leaned back and screamed. Her legs shook and pussy juice squirted from her pussy to coat his belly, even spraying as far as his chest.

"Fuck that was amazing," she panted as she recovered without having moved off his cock. "Do me from behind Peter, fuck my ass doggy-style and fill it with cum." she said, climbing off his cock and getting into position for him.

Pete gloried in the sight of her big bubbly ass being thrust back at him. She'd put her head on the ground and her body curved down and away from him, presenting him with its perfection. He moved quickly and stabbed his cock into her butt hole. He pushed deep, grabbed her hips and started fucking her, intent on his fourth orgasm of the afternoon. His teacher demanded he fuck her harder and harder. He grabbed her hips and pummelled her ass with his cock.

He watched it disappear and reappear, the tension building again in his balls. He was close to losing it and thrust furiously until he came again. He pumped his load into her ass and it was greeted with a cry of pleasure from Ms. Masters.

"Are you sure you don't want a shower?" Pete asked her as she pulled her clothes on a bit later.

"You wanted me to be a dirty slut Peter, so that's how I'm going to leave you," she replied as she did up the last button of her blouse.

"I'm sorry," Pete started, "I know blackmailing you was wrong and I know that I can't ever make it up to you ..."

"Shut up Peter. What's done is done. I don't like it and I doubt I'll ever forgive you, but just stop. There's nothing you can say."

"Ms. Masters, I need to say just one thing. I promise not to ever say anything or you know, try and take advantage of this again."

"I said shut up Peter. I'll be going now. At least be good enough to walk me to my car."

It seemed to be a weird request, but he did so. He stood on the white gravel drive beside the car resigned to a fate that would likely involve a lot of hard questions and awkward attention during history class. The driver's side window descended and he saw Ms. Masters turn toward him.

"You never know, maybe I'll let you rent my ass sometime ... Pete."

Gravel was thrown from the front wheels as she put her foot down and took off in a hurry. Pete stood and stared for a long time before realising that he had cleaning up to do. He headed inside, the pleasant ache in his balls a reminder of the afternoon's activities.


"Here's your hundred man," Pete said to Daniel on the day of graduation.

"Ha! I didn't think you were going to pay me if you failed."

"Nah, that's just something Eddie said. A bet's a bet and I failed," Pete confessed.

"Don't sweat it dude, I'm sure you'll make up for it in college!"


Ms. Watson opened the drawer of her desk and took out an envelope. She opened it and counted out five crisp hundred dollar bills. They were accompanied by a simple hand-written note:
