English Teacher


Over the past several years, my kids have attended the local high school. I, being an involved parent, have attended many a meeting with the teachers through conference days. Over the period of time, I had met the English teacher many times. She was fair skinned, almost frail, articulate, outgoing, and a single mom.

I never thought much about the lady, but over the years, I found myself drawn by her charms. She always was praising my kids for the work done for the classroom, their manners, their unselfish offers to assist her when they could, and more. I enjoyed running into her at school or the community grocery. I would do what I could to chat with her and enjoy her company. She was always nice, and most important to me, touchy. I yearned for her hand to rest on my forearm. I cherished her hand as it rested on my shoulder. I began to wonder if these were signals from her, wanting to let me know she was interested in me. It was between us, no one else would see the little nuances between us, the unspoken communications going forward, building a relationship between us.

I would let her go from my mind for days, weeks at a time. And then, I would see her again. I played scenarios over and over in my head, she wanted me to pick up on her overtures. She wanted me to come to her, hold her, tell her that I wanted her. And then, we would make mad passionate love, lost together, found through joining our bodies and spirits. I would feel the passion we shared. My cock would swell to a point where I would need release. At these times, I would pursue my wife for sex. She had not really written sex off, but lost interest over the 30-years of marriage. "Just fuck me, get it done honey," she would say. Or "didn't we just do that last week,"? I never seemed to get enough sex. And now, the English teacher Gwen was interested in me. I needed to find some time for myself. I wanted to share it with Gwen.

Since I am self employed and work out of my home, my time is flexible. I can make time available during the day very easily when my wife is at work. Over the years, I have had numerous sex partners. Finding lonely ladies with husbands that don't fuck them enough is my specialty. I treat them well, flatter them, let them know how sexy they are. I aggressively pursue sexual opportunities with them. Some have felt bad afterwards, feeling that they have betrayed their husbands or significant others. I never have been turned down for a second fuck though. I am extremely good at sex, well endowed, and have great stamina. Having an athletic body, without a paunch hanging over my belt, has been a tremendous advantage.

On a trip to the local grocery after dropping the kids at school, I ran into Gwen. She was as nice as always, and looked great in a pair of levis that hugged her perfect ass, cupping the cheeks that firmed the jeans nicely. Flat tummy, pert looking little tits held nicely in a Colorado football t-shirt, and just a hint of makeup, she looked terrific.

"Hey Gwen," I said as I approached her by the bananas.

"Hi yourself," she replied.

"I am surprised to see you here on a weekday morning. Doesn't class start about now," I inquired?

"Can you keep a secret," she said as she looked around. "I am playing hooky today, and I needed some fruit to eat. So a mad dash to the store was required," she continued.

"What is the secret worth," I chuckled. My eyes wandered over her body again, sucking in as much as possible. My mind started turning various scenarios over in my head. "How about a cup of coffee," I asked?

"I don't know. It might not feel right," Gwen replied. "You are married and all. I am a teacher," she continued.

"We can probably think of all kinds of excuses if you want," I shot back. "I actually want to pick you brain about a new education based business I am considering starting."

"Well, if we can run by my place instead of going to the coffee shop, it would allow me to be at my phone if the office calls. And we are not out in public," she said looking for my approval.

"Sounds great Gwen, I will follow you from here to your place," I responded. I meandered around the store, tailing her without being too conspicuous. We checked out with our purchases. She was waiting for me in the parking lot.

As I was putting the few groceries I had purchased in the pickup, she approached me, waited until I turned to face her. She placed her hand on my chest. "You do not expect to be too long at my place do you?" she queried.

"By the time you fix us a cup of coffee and we chat, I do not think more than an hour," I replied.

"Follow me," she said, turned and was off.

For the next 15-minutes, I only thought about the chance to be alone with her. I pictured her naked body over in my head a dozen times, imagined lowering my body down on hers, placing my cock between the softest lips a cunt could have, and pushing myself forward and guiding my cock into the depths of her body. I could hear her grunts, moans, and verbal response to my body, hear her catch her breath as she saw my 9 ½ inches for the first time, see her stretch her fingers around my 7 ½ inch girth. I could see her amazed by the sheer size of my cock, slightly drooling from the corner of her mouth as she pulled my cock to her face, tasting it with her tongue. I could feel her cup my balls, feeling the weight of the sac. My cock chubbed noticeably!

We arrived at her home, a modest home on the edge of town. I noticed acreage for a horse or two. A corral was off to the side of the house, on the backside of the detached garage. Comfortable, yet upper middle class. "My daughter has a horse," she stated as I emerged from my pickup. "We spend a lot of time out here, grooming and getting the horse ready for show. She belongs to a riding club and performs maneuvers at regional shows," she continued. "Let's go inside,".

With that, she turned quickly on her heel, and was off to the back door of the house. I watched her ass in those tight jeans. I had to reach and adjust my cock in my pants. He was uncomfortable chubbing in his current alignment. I just had to moan to myself, imagining what I could do to her body.

Once inside, she busied herself with putting away groceries. I was instructed to make the coffee. I did not mind playing house maker with her. It gave me time to observe her movements around the kitchen. When she bent to put away potatoes on the lower shelf of the pantry, she bent at the waist, swinging the potatoes into the shelf, reaching down hard to push the sack back far enough for the door to close. All this was done with her feet spread shoulder width apart, without bending a knee. The jeans wrapped tightly around her ass. Breath taking view. My mind pictured her body naked, bending at the waist, hands on her knees, leaning to the side viewing me behind her. She licks her lips, wiggles her ass, and begs me to put my cock in her tight pussy. She is calling me stud, mount me stud, fuck me hard. My cock inflates, chubbing, making me uncomfortable in my pants.

At last, we were able to fill our cups with fresh coffee. Sitting across from her at the table, I watch her fingers as they reach around the cup, holding the cup between her palms, cupping the mug gently. I watch her lips as she moves the mug to her mouth slowly, gently wrapping her lips on the edge of the mug. I see her grasping my cock, pulling it to her waiting mouth, tongue extending beyond her lips to lick the head of my monster cock. She suctions her lips to my cock, sucking any precum from the slit, tongue dancing on its' helmet.

"Well, what did you want to discuss with me," she asks quietly, staring into my eyes. I hesitate, lost in my fantasy. "Hello," she says again. My mind focuses, returns to our conversation.

I chuckle, admitting "my mind was off playing," I tell her.

She looks at me quizzically. "Playing where,"? She continues staring at me. I am not sure how to respond. Does she want me to make an advance?

"I was just noticing how attractive you are for the thousandth time," I tell her. Her hand reaches her hair, head lowers slightly, uncomfortable with the comment.

"That's nice of you," she says. "Don't get those compliments often anymore," she states clearly.

"I would think you are always getting guys coming on to you. You are very attractive, great body, outgoing, and more," I respond. "I find myself waiting to see you because of the effect you have on me," I continue. "I find myself creating many fantasies about you," I finish.

"Let's not go there," she retorted. "Now, what can I do for you,"?

I look across at her tits. I swear her nipples have hardened, and are looking back at me. I see her catch her breath. She notices I am staring at her tits. She leans forward, crossing her arms to keep her nipples from looking back at me. I notice a slight tension in her voice.

"Are we done here," she asks? She is staring at me, waiting for a comment from me. I need to tell her about my new business venture, how I think she can assist me.

"Actually, I wanted to discuss a business venture with you," I start. "You know I have taught college courses for nearly 20-years. Well, I have researched supplemental college educational materials, and believe I can market a product that will enable students to focus their limited study time on the key components of a particular course. By using my products,". She has interrupted, stood to go to the coffee maker, and get more coffee.

I stand and follow her. I walk up behind her, place my hands on her hips. She stiffens, I pull her tight against me, pulling her ass against my hard cock. I grind my cock against her ass, humping my cock up and down her crack through her tight jeans.

"I don't think this is a good idea," she states, pulling away from me. Turning to face me, I pin her against the counter. I caress her arms and shoulders, my crotch pressed against her upper abdomen. She stands still. "Don't, please," she states. "You shouldn't being doing this,". Reaching across me, she pushes me away and heads toward the living room. I follow close behind. I can smell her, she wants this. Her cunt is betraying her, getting wet.

I again reach for her. I push her forward, across the back of the couch. I kick her feet part, grab the hair on the back of her head, forcing her over the couch, down with her ass up to me. I grab a hip, push my crotch against her ass. I slam against her several times. I know she wants me. She moans loudly. I push her shirt up her back, grab the clasp of her bra. I pinch my fingers together, unhooking her bra and letting her tits free. I reach around her, feeling the softness of her tit. I pinch the nipple slightly, feeling it harden between my finger and thumb. More moans escape her. I continue to drive my crotch against her backside I roughly pull her up by the hair, head tilted back. Her hands hold my wrist. I squeeze her tits roughly. Her back presses against my chest.

My hand travels down her body, finding the button of her jeans. I open the button, unzip the fly. I pull the jeans down, taking her panties with them. Her ass and mound are now naked to me. I push my hand between us, unbuckling my belt, opening my jeans, unzipping my fly. I push my pants and briefs down. My cock is hard, pointing down between our bodies. I feel the heat of her ass pressing on me.

"Don't do this," she is saying. Her ass presses against me. I know she wants to feel my cock in her pussy. I can tell. Her moans give her body away.

I push her back down over the couch. Her lovely ass is open to me. I place my hand over the crack of her ass, sliding my fingers down to her wetness. She moves to free herself as my fingers find her cunt. I stick my middle finger in her hole. Tight, just a hint of wetness, I force my finger deep in her cunt.

"Oh shit you bastard," she says. I begin to pump my finger, holding her tightly. Her cunt starts pumping out wetness. I insert a second finger. I run my fingers out of her cunt up her crack rimming her asshole. I slide my fingers back to her cunt, again inserting them as deep as they will go in her tight cunt. I continue to grind my cock against her cheeks of her ass. I need to fuck her, but I want to pleasure her more. I again track my fingers out of her cunt up to her asshole, lubricating the area, and press my fingers back down into her cunt. Deeply, I penetrate her, driving my fingers as deep as they will go.

She starts grunting now. I slam my fingers in and out of her cunt. Her cunt is dripping wet now. "Oh fuck," she says. "You rotten bastard, you want me," she hisses at me. "Well make me your whore you dickless son of a bitch." I place my thumb at her asshole. As she is cursing me, I pop my thumb in her ass to the first knuckle. I want to ravage her now!

"Her bitch," I tell her. "I am going to butt fuck you too,". I drive my thumb deep in her ass. She grunts loudly, moans, and screams.

"No you fucking bastard. No," she yells at me. Her body presses back against my hand as I drive my fingers deep in her cunt and thumb up her ass. I pump my hand hard and fast. "Oh shit no," she hisses. I continue to pump my hand, driving my thumb and fingers deep into her holes. Fast, hard, I continue to drive them into her body. Her wetness is flooding my hand. "Oh shit, oh shit," her voice is barely audible between the grunts and moans of her body.

"Cum for me bitch," I tell her. I want to make her cum before I fuck the shit out of her. I want to drive my cock deep in her pussy, hard, fast, and deep. I want her to take all of my cock, deep and furious. I feel her body tense, her breathing stops, movement stops. I continue to pump her hard, grinding my thumb deeper in her ass. I close my fingers, rubbing the wall between her holes.

"Oh fuck you, you bastard," she screams. "Oh god, I'm cumming," she hisses. "Damn you, damn you," she continues.

I pull my hand free from her body, grab her hip and place the tip of my cock at the opening of her pussy. "Now bitch, your mine," I press forward, the head of my cock parting the lips of her cunt. I pull back, press forward, pull back and press forward again. Each thrust drives more of my cock in her tight cunt. She is screaming into the pillows on the couch. I pull back, wipe more cunt juice on the rest of my cock. I push forward hard. My groin presses against her ass. Again I pull back, and press forward slowly, now fully buried balls deep in her cunt. I release her hair, grab the other hip, and start pounding her pussy relentlessly with my cock. My hips slap loudly on the cheeks of her ass. She is screaming into the pillows. "Feel my cock bitch. Who's your daddy," I chuckle. I pound her bitch cunt repeatedly. I need to cum!

I consider pulling out of her cunt and driving my cock balls deep in her ass. No time for that. I slap her ass hard. I am driving my cock deep in her pussy like a madman. Closer, I feel my nut sac tighten. I want to make her scream again. I stop all movement, pressed tight against her ass. "Now bitch, for the rest of the story," I scream at her. I begin the final fucking, driving hard against her ass. I am pounding full stroke, driving deep in and out of her cunt. She will be sore after this fucking I think to myself.

Oblivious now, all I focus on is cumming. "Oh God Gwen..... so good," I breathlessly tell her. "I am going to cum,". My balls tighten, I pull her hips hard, pressing her ass cheeks flat against my groin. Movement stops, "Oh fuck," I shout. I begin to deposit spurt after spurt of cum deep in her pussy. "Oh baby," I hoarsely whisper. "Feel it,".

Whimpering, Gwen states "get off me,". I pull back, letting my cock plop out of her cunt. I pull Gwen off the couch. She turns, slaps me hard. "I did not ask for that," she hissed at me.

I grab her arm, spin her around, pick her up and move to sit on the couch, placing her on my lap. I know she really enjoyed it. I knew she came hard. I lean to kiss her hard. I reach and roughly caress her tits. Pull gently on the nipple under her t-shirt. The nipple stiffens for me. I tilt her head back by pulling on her hair gently, yet with enough force to let her know I am in charge. I nibble on her neck. Lifting her shirt, I see her tits. I lean to suck a nipple into my mouth. I suck it deep into my mouth, raking my teeth over it gently. I flick my tongue back and forth quickly. I grasp her tit, squeezing it firmly, making the nipple taunt. I suck as much of her tit in my mouth as possible. She moans as I play with her tit.

I reach to her cunt, sliding my finger over her clit. Her body jerks. I brush my finger back and forth over her clit, exposing it to the air. It's pink head appears, sticking out between her wet cunt lips. I move to kiss her again, continuing my play on her clit. Her eyes have watered, tears running down her cheek bones. I kiss her eyes, nose, and chin. I move to her mouth. Kissing lightly, my tongue explores her lips, moving between her teeth. My tongue finds hers, and plays. My middle finger reaches into her gaping hole. Stretched wide due to my cock, it is sloppy at the moment, cunt juice and cum mixed, running out. I return to her clit. I hold her close, running my fingertip over her clit quickly. Having cum during our lovemaking, her clit is sensitive, and responds quickly.

Her breath shortens, legs spread wide, hips arch her pussy into my fingers. I play, focused on making her cum again. Faster, harder, I assault her clit. I hear it in her breathing. It is close. I continue, faster, longer strokes, teasing the hole into her body. Suddenly, her legs clamp shut. Tremors overtake her body. She has climaxed quietly, humping my finger. I drive it and two companions deep into her pussy.

"Damn you bastard," she says as she hugs me tightly. She turns and straddles me. Reaching to my cock, she presses it against her cunt, interfering with my fingers. We take turns, her rubbing my deflating cock over her wet cunt, and I continue to pump my fingers deep into her pussy when it is my turn. She kisses me hard, exploring the depths of my mouth with her tongue. My cock chubs beneath her ass. I will have her again.

As she is humping my limp cock, she looks directly into my eyes and said "You can't do my ass,".

"Bitch, I plan on hammering your ass," I retorted, "with or without your approval,". She moaned deeply.

Gwen, the high school English teacher had been a good fuck. Not as much play as I had hoped, but still I got to empty my nut sac in her tight pussy. I felt that she had really wanted my advances. She put up a good front, but now it was time to do her again. I wanted to feel myself buried in her ass. She had moaned deeply, just thinking about me ravaging her cunt and ass again.

Gwen had asked me to her place, to avoid being seen in public and available to answer in the case the school called her. I followed my instincts. I could tell she wanted sex, but used my being married as an excuse not to unzip me and blow my big cock. I had her over the back of her couch the first time. Now, after she had rubbed my cock all over her wet cunt, she wanted more. I just knew she was fantasizing about me doing her ass. My cock chubbed again.

With her naked body sitting on my lap, I felt her tremble as my hand moved down her torso. I reached into the depths of her cunt. I fingered her clit, rubbing it back and forth. I pressed hard, sending jolts of body electricity through her body. She kissed me hard, exploring my mouth with her tongue. Leaning back, her tits were there for me to see and bite. As my fingers buried themselves in her cunt, I leaned to her tits, sucking one of the stiff pink nipples into my mouth. Hard, extended, the nipple held its' firmness between my teeth. I pulled on her nipple, holding it firmly between my teeth, stretching the tit out towards me. I flicked the nipple back and forth with my tongue. Her hands, clasped behind my neck, pulled my head toward her tit. I sucked more into my mouth.

I drove two of my fingers deep into her cunt. Her legs spread wide as she straddled me. She began to hump my fingers, tipping her crotch back and forth, trying to capture my fingers deep in her cunt.

"You fucking bastard, oh shit," she blurted. "No, do not do this to me," she continued. I pumped her cunt hard, making squishy noises.

"Get off me cunt! I want you to suck my cock! Now!" I told her. I pushed her away from me, sliding her to the floor. I grabbed her by the hair. She arose to her knees, leaning down to my cock as I forcibly directed her head. She grabbed my cock. Her lips slid along my flaccid cock, down to my balls. Her tongue extended out of her mouth, bathing my balls. "Taste your cunt juice?" I asked her. "Suck me," I instructed her. Her lips parted, she directed my cock into her waiting mouth. Being half hard, she was able to get completely down on me. As she sucked me, she pulled up on my cock, milking me into her waiting mouth. She groaned over and over. She began sucking with abandon. I began to stiffen again.

As my cock stiffened, it got harder and harder for Gwen to get me down her throat. She had not had a cock the size of mine often. As I pushed her down my cock, she gagged and pulled back off me. A tear appeared in her eye. "Gwen, I want you to suck it down your throat. I want you to drive all of it in. Relax your throat. Do it again!" I commanded.

"Yes, yes," Gwen replied. She licked the head, up and down the sides of my cock. Grabbing my cock again, covering the head with her lips, she moved forward. Inch by inch disappeared. She watched me watch her. I pulled her head down again. She hesitated, I relaxed my grip on the back of her head. She pulled off, took a big breath, and started down again.

"Come on cunt, slide my cock down your throat," I said. She looked determined this time. She tilted her face down, lowered the angle of my cock, and pulled forward. She hit the back of her throat, hesitated, and pushed forward. Her throat opened, allowing my monstrous cock to slide deep down her throat. She gleefully made noise, groaning deep in her throat. She turned her head so I could see her. Her eyes twinkled. A deep guttural moan vibrated around my cock. She gobbled more, driving it down again. Hard sucking, she reached and pulled me even deeper. I fucked her face hard, driving my cock until she had to pull off to breathe. She quickly impaled herself again.

"Baby, great head!" I told her. She smiled impaled on my cock. "I want to make you cum Baby," I continued. "Let's go to your room."

She pulled off my cock reluctantly. Catching her breath, she volunteered "God damn you! I need your cock." She stood and quickly led me to her bedroom. Once there, she jumped down on the bed, rolled over to her back and stretched her arms to me. "Don't hurt me," she stated. I had other thoughts.

I crawled down between her legs, pushing her legs wide. I looked at her cunt, dripping with anticipation. It was red and swollen for our fucking earlier. The clit extended beyond her cunt lips. I poked it with my finger, she body flinched. Taking it between my thumb and index finger, I pulled it gently, massaging it at the same time. Her body arched. I released it. Pressing hard with my thumb, I began to flick the nub back and forth quickly, smushing it flat, rotating my thumb. Her body tensed. I continued my assault on her clit. I positioned two fingers at her hole, rimming the opening. Her breathing stopped, body arched slightly. I pushed my hand forward hard, driving my fingers deep in her wet pussy.

"Oh shit," she screamed. I pounded my fingers in and out of her wet cunt, not missing a stroke with my thumb. As I drove my fingers in, my thumb put more pressure on her clit, pushing it upward, massaging it side to side. I teased her cunt lips as well. I leaned forward, planting my lips on her exposed clit. I sucked it in my mouth. Taken by surprise at this change, she arched her hips hard. A long drawn out "Oh shit," escaped her lips. Never opening her eyes, she grabbed her tits, pulling on both nipples hard. I thought that she would rip them off. Pinched between her thumb and finger, she pulled hard while her hands squeezed her small tits roughly. I drove my fingers deep in her pussy as I sucked her with a vengeance. Her breathing was labored. I pounded her cunt hard, fast, deep while I sucked her clit into my mouth, flicking it hard against the inside of my teeth with my tongue. She bucked against my face. I could just barely keep up with her body.

I pulled my fingers out of her cunt, replacing them with my thumb. I drove it hard, deep into her cunt. She gasped for air. "Oh fuck!" she responded. Just as quickly, my fingers rimmed her asshole. Her body stopped in mid arch, anticipating my next penetration. To oblige, I drove my fingers in her ass. My cock was rock hard as I started pumping her ass with my fingers. Suddenly, her body arched, froze in mid air. "I cumming you bastard," she screamed. Tiny, fast arches, she began to fuck my face, driving her clit against my mouth. "Suck it, suck it! Oh God," she wailed. She continued cumming, over and over against my face. I had not seen a women cum like this. Pumping out wetness, she was flooding my mouth and hand.

I pulled back, grabbed her and flipped her over to her stomach. Leaning forward, I grabbed her 2-pillows. I pulled her hips up off the bed, jammed the pillows below her abdomen. Her ass tilted up nicely for my view. Positioned between her sprayed legs, she knew what my intention was, and started scrambling. I grabbed her hips, "Hold still cunt! I will be gentle, but I need to fuck your ass!" She whimpered in the bedspread. I reached between her legs, scooped wetness from her cunt opening and spread it over my cock. To get extra wetness, I positioned my cock at her cunt opening, and slowly pushed forward. My cock was huge, swollen beyond normal size. Her cunt was so tight, so wet. I drove forward, grabbing her hips to pull myself deeper. Retreating, I drove forward again. Now slick, my cock slid easily into her cunt. It sucked me in, grabbing me, not wanting me to pull back. I pounded several deep strokes into her pussy. She pushed back hard, betraying her mind. She wanted to fuck my cock.

As I pulled back, I stroked my cock with my hand, getting as much wetness on me as possible. I drove deep again. I spread the wetness from my hand on her asshole. With the next retreat, I positioned my cock at the tight bud, dripping cunt juice on her hole. I pushed forward. Her body pulled forward in an attempt to avoid my penetration. I pulled hard on her hips, stopping her movement away from my cock. "Relax bitch," I told her. "Easy does it," I continued. I pushed forward, this time her body stayed against me. My cock head popped through the tight opening. She grunted loudly. I slapped the cheek of her ass hard. My cock, slick with her juices, slid forward.

"Oh shit, OUCH! Oh God, it hurts," she started screaming. "Let me go," she continued. I held firmly to her hips, driving forward again. More disappeared in her ass. Retreating, I drove forward again. More of my cock slid between the cheeks of her beautiful ass. I slapped her cheek again. "Ouch! Don't do that" she screamed at me.

"God Gwen, you should see my cock disappear in your beautiful ass," I whispered. My nuts ached. I needed to cum. I continued my attempt to bury my cock in the tightest hole. More slid in, deeper I drove my cock. I stoked what we had buried hard and fast for a moment. She grunted loudly! She held her breath. Now she was pushing back against my cock. She wanted to bury my cock in her ass. God it was tight. It felt so good. Not much left exposed now. Nearly all buried in her ass. I needed to see it disappear totally in her ass. I drove forward hard. Both of us were now grunting, moaning loudly. I succeeded. My cock was buried balls deep in her beautiful ass.

I grabbed her hips. A fire was built in our bodies now. I started stroking hard, deep, and fast. Full length, deep strokes. I hammered her beautiful ass. My hips slapped the cheeks of her beautiful ass. I continued to pound her, faster, harder. I stopped balls deep, and started to grind my hips against her butt. She grunted, and gyrated her hips against my cock. "Fuck me you asshole," she screamed. "Cum for me you limp dicked asshole!"

Brazen bitch I thought. With 9 ½ inches buried deep, a fat 7 ½ inches around, I was not sure where she got limp dicked. I will show her! I regained a new strength. I hesitated slightly, grabbed both hip bones, and started thrusting with a passion for ripping her beautiful ass apart, burying myself deep, and repeating my performance. Piston like, I hammered her. I felt the cum rise in my balls. "Ok bitch, here it comes," I hissed at her. I pulled myself deep, flattening her cheeks against my hips. My cock puckered up, and started pumping cum deep in her ass. As he started gushing, I started thrusting hard and deep. "Oh God," I breathed. I fucked her hard. As he finished depositing cum deep in her ass, I fell forward, driving my cock deeper in her, my weight pressing down, forcing her legs wider, my cock deeper. She groaned again.

We laid still. Our breathing was deep and labored. The only movement between us was a deflating cock. Her ass muscles squeezed my limp cock, pushing it back to the entrance of her hole. With one final squeeze of her muscles, my cock plopped out of her ass, dangling between her cheeks, touching her cunt. I nibbled on her neck and shoulders. My weight caused her ragged breathing. I rolled to the side, pulling her against me. We lay motionless, catching our breath.

Nothing was said. Our bodies drained, tired from the ordeal. She was crying softly. "Its' been so long," she was saying. "I did not ask for this," she continued. Her legs clamped shut. Her body trembled. She had a quiet orgasm, her body betraying her words. She reached between us, grabbed my cock gently. She caressed me, stroking my cock. Cum oozed from him, she spread in over him as she stroked me. She moaned softly.

Rolling toward me, she started kissing my neck, chest, sucking my nipples between her lips. She caressed me, licking my body. Returning to my lips, she kissed me hard. Her tongue explored my mouth. She nuzzled her tits against my chest, pressing tight against me. Her hands reached to my cock, tugging gently. "I will be your bitch any time you want!" she said. "I did what you wanted," she continued. "Please come take me again." She looked at me demurely.

I wrapped her in my arms tightly. "Yes baby, I will take you again soon," I replied. We rested.