Long Ago Memories


Life has many twists and turns that amazes me over and over in life. Chance jumps to the front in my mind. After 35-years, half way across the country, chance opened me to a terrific and old story long forgotten. And I am so glad it did.

I am currently 49-years old, a big raw boned athlete that has continued to work hard to keep my health with daily workouts, 5-6 days per week that includes about 3-miles road work and 3-days lifting weights in my home gym. I stand 6'5" tall, weigh 227, and compete in rec center basketball and softball programs each season.

Additionally, I own my own business, shoulder all the pressures of making it viable in an economy that has done everything democratically possible to ruin small businesses through the insurance package, forced new regulations, and taxes that strangle desire and interest in fighting daily to keep the company alive. Then I think of the 44-employees and their families that depend on me to keep their hopes and dreams a reality.

It took its first toll this past July 11th after I had been feeling miserable for about 2-weeks. I decided to go to the emergency room with a ache in my left arm that I could no longer tolerate. Never dawned on me that it could be more than a strained muscle from hard weight lifting A back side, lower heart, 10% cardiac infarction. I had the angioplasty, spent 2-days in the hospital, and went home to recover. After 4-weeks, the cardiologist thought I should begin rehab.

Now, I digress momentarily. At the age of fourteen, my then divorced mom married my step-father. It was ok, but not a great experience. Approximately her same age, she was a definite MILF, he was a shorter fat man, non athletic with seemingly limited mental capacity from a fairly wealthy sawmill family near our northwest Oregon home. His ex kept his 3-girls and younger son (my new step-sisters and step-brother) from the previous marriage, and they visited most weekends. Kiersten, the oldest, was my age. At fourteen, I was over 6' tall already, and being a rowdy kid with older cousins, had had my first sexual experiences already with girls that offered them on a regular basis. Kiersten on the other hand was very petite, 5'5" tall and thin.

Just after we both turned 18, we had our first sexual encounter on a long car ride to the Oregon coast on a hot summer day, a 60-mile drive. The 3-girls and I got set in the back seat of the Oldsmobile Ninety Eight. Kiersten got to sit on my lap. I have no idea why it worked out that way, but we got the left side of the backseat behind my step-father.

Now understand, I being a red blooded, highly interested sexual 18-year old boy did not take long to realize that a young female with a flowing skirt sitting directly on my lap might cause a problem. I had absolutely no say in the matter. Little brain began to think, my cock began to grow quickly. And Kiersten was directly on it. She knew damn well what was occurring, glanced at me with the sweetest smile, her eyes twinkling. Her hands reached to my thighs and she started rocking back and forth ever so slowly, talking to my mom. Mom continued to glance our way, and carrying on a conversation as if nothing in the world was going on. Twenty minutes into our drive, Kiersten shifted, pulled her skirt from under her ass and settled down on my gym shorts now directly with her panties and thighs bare to my body.

Brazen, horny and not thinking with my big brain,

I slipped my hand under her skirt, slid around her waist, over her thigh, and reached to the V between her legs, letting my middle finger push between her lips to touch her private parts. Her legs parted slightly, I played for miles and miles. I pushed her panties off her mound, giving direct access to her wet, soft flesh. Before we got to the coast, Kiersten's legs clamped around my fingers and she moaned very softly in orgasm, laying back against my chest. I had a raging boner that went nowhere.

Our day at the coast was extremely fun. We walked the beach, had a picnic watching the waves crash. After lunch, we went swimming in the cold waters of the ocean. I took Kiersten's virginity as she straddled my waist in the chest deep water as waves passed around us. As she sat on my lap on the trip back home, we pulled my shorts down freeing my cock, pulled her panties to the side, and boned her on the trip home. We played often over the next several months as opportunity allowed.

Then, my step-father had a fatal heart attack during late fall that year. After the funeral, I never saw Kiersten again.

Back to the present. As chance would have it, I believe circumstances that occurred were set to fate. My rehab was scheduled for a hospital in Boulder, a 30-mile drive 3-days per week. I went for orientation, and decided that I did not want to drive 45-minutes each way for each visit to rehab and searched for a closer, acceptable rehab location. A local hospital had relocated the bulk of its operations miles north in the Denver metro, leaving the old facilities to continue limited operations including rehab services. I went to interview therapy personnel and assess equipment used and decided the location would work. And only an 8-mile drive.

My first rehab was scheduled. I looked forward to getting back to exercising and pushing my body as hard as I could. I had not had symptoms prior to the heart attack, I was not now experiencing any that I recognized, so wanted the heart monitor to make sure I did not overdo it and get a feel of what I could or could not do. Arriving early, got checked in, and jumped on the treadmill. About 4-minutes into warm-up, a hand took my elbow, asking how I felt. I turned my head and caught my breath.

"Richard!" gasped Kiersten.

"Kiersten?" I replied as equally surprised. I glanced to her hand, a big wedding ring. She looked terrific. Eyes twinkling, effervescent smile, and athletic, petite body.

"Let me get your blood pressure." she stated matter of fact, all business. Seconds passed.

"154 over 86." she stated. "Normal with exercise." she said and grinned ear to ear.

"I'll help you raise it later!" she whispered.

I continued my walking, watching her turn and move away. My mind raced. What were the chances? Thirty five years, fifteen hundred miles, heart attack requiring rehab, and my second rehab center. On top of that, this was her only day of the week at this center, and it was the last day for her to be there. She was taking another full time position with a larger hospital. Was it chance? Or was it fate? I don't really care, Kiersten was to be in my life again.

At the end of the class, I felt as if I was smothering Kiersten. We arranged to meet later in the afternoon over coffee. I was early to arrive!

Kiersten was prompt. "Hi!" I quipped when she entered.

"I am so glad to see you Rich.", she said as she stretched up to give me a tender yet firm hug.

"What a surprise! A terrific surprise!" I replied, leaning to kiss her softly. Her tongue touched my lips gently, a subtle moan audible in her body. I looked into her eyes. They sparkled. We grabbed coffee and settled in the comfortable chairs that all Starbucks across the country seem to have.

"Have you thought of me over the years?" she asked.

"Not at all.", I said, trying not to laugh. "OK, maybe a million times. At the funeral, it was so hard to see you go." I continued.

"I lost the two men in my life that day." she replied. She took my hand, holding it tight.

A moment passed. "That's over." I offered. I smiled. She returned the smile. We spent the next hour reviewing our lives, families, successes, hopes, desires and more. No failures existed. We were fourteen, meeting at fifty so to speak. We made plans to meet the following Saturday morning for a drive in the mountains. I planned on taking her to our mountain home for the day. I hoped for a day of love making. I think she knew that love making was intended and approved of the plan.

My wife and youngest daughter had wedding plans in the works for Saturday so no involvement was required from me. I was free as a bird. At rehab Friday afternoon, Kiersten confirmed we were on. I was up and around early, threw the golf clubs in the trunk for show, and was off to meet with Kiersten at the coffee shop. From there to naked was 2-hours unless we stopped for breakfast. I wanted Kiersten for breakfast. Kiersten arrived on time, dressed in a nice blouse and flowing skirt. I grinned.

"I get to play on the trip up." I offered. She flashed her bright blue vee shaped panties.

"Then I do as well." she quipped noting my gym shorts. She moved to hug me, her right hand reached to grab my cock as our bodies pressed together. "God!", she whispered. "I remember how big your cock gets." she groaned deep in her throat.

"Even after 35-years?" I offered.

"Tease! Let's get our coffee, now!" she ordered. "Let's go let's go!" she continued. As she turned, I reached to swat her butt playfully. We ordered coffee and got on the road. Twenty minutes later, my right middle finger was in her panties, flicking her hard nub back and forth softly as her hips arched, legs spread wide for my pleasure. It took about 7-more minutes to reach her first of four orgasms over the next twenty minutes. She screamed with each one, letting me bury my finger into her tight cunt and thrashing into her depths. I was rock hard. Thank goodness I drove my lifted Ford 350 for privacy!!

"My turn." she stated. Laying over the center console, she pulled my shorts down, freed my cock and sucked the head into her mouth. Licking the head, she plunged her mouth almost to the root in the first attempt.

"Oh gawd!" I groaned loudly, hips arching upwards. I had to watch the road. She was a demon possessed, rapidly thrusting my cock deep into her mouth. The third time down I was balls deep into her mouth and throat. She squeezed my balls and raked a nail over my asshole. I groaned deeply, forcing my eyes to stay open and driving straight along the road.

"Cum for me Rich! Cum in my mouth like you used too. Remember, grab my head, shove your big cock down my throat. Cum for me baby!" she growled. I grabbed the back of her head, intertwined my fingers in her hair, and shoved her face down my cock, arching my hips. She grabbed my balls, shoved a spit coated finger up my ass and I exploded. Cum jettisoned out of my balls, squirted up my hard shaft, and flooded her mouth and throat. Four hard spurts, a fifth softer one emptied my balls. Kiersten continued sucking, draining all tubes of any fluid remaining.

"Jesus woman!" is all I could whisper. My hips thrust to her lips gently as she chewed on my flaccid meat. She pulled her finger out of my ass. "God I love what you do to me." I groaned.

"I love it too baby." she whispered. "Now watch me, I'm going to make myself cum for you!" she said. She leaned against the door and seat, pulled her knees up, and I got to see her wet, glistening, freshly shaved cunt, her lips blood filled, puffy and her clit engorged, protruding between her lips. Her right hand fingers raked back and forth over her clit, flattening, thrashing, pulling gently while her left hand fingers pushed two fingers deep trashing as hard as she could. Minutes passed, her eyes flashed, her fifth orgasm washed through her body. I was getting hard again.

I pulled off at the Vail exit, drove along the frontage road until I reached the ball park along the east side of Vail proper, parked away from any cars that were there. "Get in the back seat please." I ordered, grinning. She scrambled over the console. I opened my door, opened the back door and got my big body inside. Kiersten had straightened her panties and was coyly sitting on the seat at the other side of the back seat, clamping her legs together, then spreading them wide. With each closing of her legs, she hesitated, knowing I wanted to see her spread them again.

"She's soaking wet." she whispered with a hint of nasty in her voice. I moved enough to grab her ankles, pulling her bottom along the leather seat toward me. I leaned between her legs, inhaled her musky smell as I placed my mouth over her mound, tongue pushing against the material over her clit. I jabbed at it playfully, taking time to grab her covered flesh between my lips. I chewed her gently. I needed more flesh to taste. I slid my right hand underneath my mouth, slipped a finger underneath the fabric and pulled the obstruction to the side. Her clit was engorged, slick with her juices. I stuck my tongue out, circled her clit several times, then thrashed it side to side, allowing my mouth to move slowly closer. When able, I sucked her clit into my mouth completely, my tongue mashing her clit hard to the inside of my teeth as I clamped down firmly, but just tenderly enough to hold it, stretching the flesh into my mouth. Her hips thrust upwards as she grabbed my hair and pulled me harder to her cunt.

"Oh fuck Richard!" she groaned deep in her throat. I thrashed her clit, released it and moved down, tongue sliding along first one lip then the other until I found her flooded sheath. I shoved my tongue into her body, her hips humped against my mouth. Reaching around her legs, grabbing her thighs, I pulled them to my ears, face now trapped firmly. Her cunt was mine to devour. I moved quickly to suck her clit again into my mouth. Her breathing was ragged, her hips were quivering as I sucked her clit, tongue dancing over the sensitive flesh. Her head tilted forward, eyes looking deep into mine.

"I'm going to cum!" she screeched, her voice trailing. At that second, her hips started to involuntarily arched, held still momentarily, then jumped sharply higher as her orgasm exploded deep in her core. I continued thrashing the sensitive clit, her hips now jumping hard, fast against my mouth. Her juices were flooding my chin, mouth. Her breathing came in gasps. Her hands were pushing my forehead away, trying to take her clit from my mouth.

"I need your cock!" she muttered, eyes closed.

"I need your cock Richard!" she uttered with more intensity. " Fuck me Richard! Now!" she commanded, staring directly into my eyes.

Rising and sitting, I sat slumped slightly, fisting my cock. "Sit on this." I offered. She moved quickly, aimed my cock and moved to shove it deep in her cunt. It took several attempts, but she buried my cock. I pushed her bra out of the way and caressed her tits, rolling the nipple firmly. Our bodies gathered a rhythm, slowly making love even in somewhat uncomfortable conditions.

"I'm so glad you could not wait." Kiersten offered. "All I could think of has been our love making." she whispered, her voice dropping off with each deep penetration. My hands slipped to her hip bones, pulling her deep on my cock, penetrating deep with each thrust. We continued for many minutes without a word shared. Only the sounds of our bodies thrusting, a groan from grinding our bodies together. My orgasm was approaching again. My thrusts grew more demanding. Harder, deeper. I pinched her nipples harder. She grabbed my hair, pulling my mouth to her tits. Nipples rigid, I nipped at each one in turn. Reaching behind her, I grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, pulling her deeper onto my cock. At that moment, I erupted again, spitting cum this time into the deepest parts of her cunt. We sat motionless, feeling each spurt. We hugged hard, feeling our hearts beating. Her hips ground forward and backwards as my cock deflated. Grinning, she climbed off me, turned quickly to suck my softening cock back into her mouth. For several more minutes, she sucked me, licked my balls, and sucked me again.

"Let's get to my place." I suggested. Twenty minutes later, we pulled into our mountain home high on a Beaver Creek ski run . Once inside, I gave Kiersten the tour, letting her take in the view of the Gore Range out the windows. I lead her up the stairs to the master bedroom. Slowly, I approached her, pulled her close and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. I leaned to kiss the nape of her neck, allowing my hands to release the button on her skirt. Now dressed only in a lacey bra and her bright blue panties, I stepped back to get a good look at her. She twirled for my viewing. "Beautiful." I said, my voice soft and deep.

"Can we get a quick shower?" Kiersten asked. She stripped off her bra and dropped her panties on the floor. She moved to me, dropped my shorts and boxer briefs, tugged on my cock slowly.

"Come on big brother." she said as she turned and moved to the shower. My mind raced. If a step sister is really a sister when my step father was alive, is she still a sister when step father dies? "What does it matter?" I whispered out loud.

"Coming sis." I chirped happily. We were in for a long day between the sheets. I hoped she would not get too sore from our activities that might limit our reunion after so many years.

My cock chubbed, little brain thinking on its own again. I love to follow little brains' thoughts! I trundled off to the shower. Kiersten had started the shower, stepping in as I arrived. I pulled my polo off and joined her. Turning, she reached to me, her hands spreading soap over my torso. I leaned to kiss her as she began to wash my cock and balls.

"God it's nice to see you." she said softly as she reached around my hip with her soapy hand.

"Been a long time." she continued. I could hear the surprise in her voice.

"In my wildest dreams, I never imagined it." I replied. "Now it seems like it was just yesterday." I countered. "Only our bodies are older!" I said laughing. She bent to take my dangling cock into her mouth. Grabbing the back of her head, I thrust my hips forward, impaling my cock into her throat. I held her there firmly as her body wretched, gagging her. I humped to her face, her lips plastered against my flesh. I quickly released her, pulling her off my cock as she controlled he involuntary throat contractions. Tears were in her eyes.

"Baby I'm so sorry!" I uttered quickly, pulling her body to me, arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Hers arms stretched, circled my neck, climbing up my body.

"Fuck me again Richard. Take me savagely against the wall. Fuck me hard!" she commanded. I reached between our bodies, fisted my cock, slid the head between the cheeks of her ass, found her wet hole and thrust my hips upwards, driving my cock into body. Her legs wrapped around my waist. Stepping forward, her back laid against the cool tile. My hips slammed upwards, forcing my cock deep into body. Her eyes rolled up, her mouth opened wide, she groaned deeply. Pulling back, I pounded forward again, her body plastered against the tile, shoving my cock deep.

"Fuck!" she screeched. Just noises flowed from her for the next several minutes as I continuously pounded her petite body, bouncing her on my cock as each thrust slammed her harder to the wall.

"Fuck! Fuck yes!" she muttered over and over.

"Close, close!" she groaned softly, her words trailing off. "Don't stop." she cried out, her legs clamping harder around my waist, her hips tilting so my cock raked back and forth over her clit for a moment "Yes!" she screamed, her body seeming to open wider, take my cock even deeper as her lips found mine, devouring my kiss deep, tongue forcing a battle in our mouths. I increased the power of each thrust to hammer my cock deep as her orgasm ripped through her body. Her nails dug into my shoulders. Our breathing came in gasps as her orgasm subsided.

I stepped back, slipped my arms under her legs, reached up her petite torso to grab her shoulders. She clasped her hands behind my neck. She was now at my pleasure and control. I bent slightly, supporting her weight in my arms, lifted her slightly, sliding her body up my shaft. Hesitating at the head, her eyes widened. She knew I was going to use her body as a tool for my pending orgasm, a position we had used often in our several months time as youngsters learning about sex. I grinned, tightened my grip on her shoulders, and began pounding her cunt savagely, the sound of our flesh slapping together, filling the enclosure, filling our senses. Three minutes passed, then four, maybe more as I pounded her, grinding my cock into the wettest part of her body. My orgasm approached, I pulled her body down hard, flexing my hips as one more involuntary thrust tilted my hips, grinded deeper and exploded into the hardest orgasm of the day. I held my breath, face buried in the nape of her neck are each spurt spasm washed through my body. She tried to wiggle her hips. I was sweating in the shower and short of breath.

"That was fun!" I quipped as I nuzzled her neck. I straightened, standing tall. I released her shoulders and let her slide off my body. I felt weak! "Goodness woman." I muttered as I stepped into the spray of the shower.

"All goodness!" she replied, grabbing the soap as we began our shower again.

All thought I could muster screamed in my head. We had not even made it to bed yet. She caught me smiling and gave me a funny look then a quick swat on my hip.

"What?" she asked loudly.

"Did you bring your blood pressure cuff?" I asked as innocently as possible. I was imagining a long day ahead. I just grinned ear to ear.