Share My Story Ch. 01


It did not start out this way. As a self descriptive analysis of my nature, I would describe myself as a voracious sex addict with an insatiable appetite for sex, sex, and more sex. Now, I suspect, some of you readers my have an idea where I am coming from. And, I have found, literotica can provide a tremendous outlet for the excess sexual energy. And the best part, it can provide an opportunity for more. While not participating in much of the online chat rooms, I do exchange email on occasion with a reader or two. Even had a couple of phone calls that were, ah, pleasing. Or more appropriately, satisfying.

The past 6-weeks have been absolutely amazing. My deepest, most secret sexual fantasies have been met, and obliterated. My cock chubs quickly just thinking about my luck. As typical with the posting of a new story, I get feedback from the readers. I love feedback, so was pleased to drop a quick note in response, wanting to see which genre a particular lady appreciated most, which specific stories were the most "satisfying" to her. I got back a quick response, detailing the category most appreciated, but it was not mutually exclusive. She loved my talents. Her first question following her description of her preferences was about my physical descriptions in the stories. She identified herself as Kim. Proudly, I responded, they were my personal statistics.

I took the liberty of expanding my email response, to include some "random thoughts" as I call them. Short, descriptive narrative of some purely sexual desire I have at the moment. Very descriptive, very pointed, I will create a scenario that fits the moment so to speak. And I believe, I do it well. It is long enough to get the body to respond, specific enough to get the mind involved, and very descriptive, enough to let the mind wander very graphically. Given a free hand is available, much can be done to send a very personal orgasm.

I got the response back from Kim I hoped, and more. She had taken my words, masturbated furiously, orgasmed numerous times, and wanted to return the favor for me. Her words jumped from the page, my cock grew rigid as I heard her words, read her desires, and slowly stroked my massive cock. Like me, she was descriptive, telling me how she would take me, how she would devour my cock, how she would chew each ball gently, raking her nails behind the sac, traverse the private spot owned by my baby girl, and let her fingernail ream my ass so softly, so gently, I would want to move to shove her finger in my ass myself. But instead, she pulled her finger to her mouth, sucked it so slowly deep along side my cock, her tongue dancing between them, she quickly reached between my legs and shoved her fingertip into my ass to the first knuckle. With the thrust, she slammed her head down my cock, taking me balls deep into her face, her jaw cracking as she accommodated my cock completely. Her remaining hand reached around my butt, grabbed the cheek of my ass, her nails digging in, pulled me flush to her lips, her sucking, hallowing cheeks churning my balls, trying to pull them out my cock as well. Well, my hand was slamming my cock, precum bubbling in the eye.

Closing my eyes, I pictured this faceless, hopefully female, women impaled on my cock. God I fucked her hard, my balls exploding, cum shooting up my cock, spitting into my wad of toilet paper used for such fine occasions. This lady had a vivid imagination in her. I squeezed my legs together, knowing I wanted more of her words.

As I have described in my stories, I do own and operate my own companies. So a very discrete opportunity existed. Maybe Kim and I could become pen pals, maybe even phone pals on occasion. This thought quickly got to email. In addition to describing my orgasm to her, I offered her my private cell number. The email was not even dry, the ink still wet when the phone rang.

"Hi Rich," the voice announced. My caller ID gave me the source of the call. Unrecognized, but I answered anyway. I do not typically answer if I am not sure of the source of the call. "Hi Baby, it's Kim," she continued. Thank god, she was female!

Being quick witted, I responded "Hey", waiting for her to say something more.

Then a conversation broke out. We chatted, talking about my stories, lives, families, her 20-year old twin girls, a boy still in high school, and more. An hour passed. I was several minutes late for a meeting. Subtlety, I had to close the conversation and get back to work.

"Baby, it's fine," she responded when I explained my circumstances. "Close your eyes for just a moment for me baby, let me lick your cock as promised," she whispered. I closed my eyes, I could hear her slurping on my cock as I stroked it in my pants. My body shuddered, liking what I was hearing.

"Kim, gotta run," I offered, squeezing my legs together. "Bye," I continued.

"MMMMmmmmm see ya," she laughed. I listened as her phone clicked off.

I went to my meeting, my thoughts filled with her voice, her slurps, her grunts as she shoved my cock into her mouth, her throat. All day, my mind wandered, filtering back to the call, her voice, her desires expressed in the email, on the phone. I had to call her back, I needed to see what phone sex would be like with her.

She was married, I am married. She was 39, I am 55. My thoughts ran rampant, the body of a 39-year old woman. My mouth watered. My cock chubbed over and over at good times, even at bad times all day. I was getting hornier by the minute. By the next morning, I was in a mood to fuck the nearest fence post, my cock was hard, needing to blow some steam off. Arriving at the office early, I proceeded to pull my incoming calls from my phone, praying that I found her number still in memory. It helped that I had been at the office all day, so most of my calls had been through the switch board. I found it quickly, noting it was a close proximity area code. Far enough away that I may be able to meet her, close enough make the opportunity happen should she desire.

Almost holding my breath, I dialed her number. A couple rings echoed in my ear. "Hey baby," came her sleep ridden voice.

"Good morning," I softly whispered. "You're still sleeping," I continued, assessing her voice.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Are you naked this morning," I asked.

"See for yourself," she chimed softly.

"Ok, I'm lifting the sheet," I offered. "Damn, you are naked," I continued. "Let me push your legs apart, I want to lick my way up your legs," I whispered, quickly freeing my cock. I described how I wanted to lick her thighs, lick my way to her mound, and so slowly penetrate her lips, just the tip of my tongue snaking in to touch, flatten her clit. I closed my eyes, seeing her mound, picturing her wet slit just inches from my mouth. I could see her clit, protruding, rigid for my tongue. Leaning forward, I captured her clit between my teeth, holding it firmly as I thrashed it back and forth. I felt her hips lift, thrusting upwards to shove more cunt to my waiting mouth. I listened to her groans, her mutterings.

"Are you playing with your pussy," I asked. "Tell me, flatten your clit to your body firmly, feel me doing it with my mouth, my tongue," I grunted into the telephone. "God, feel me nip her with my teeth, tug her, pull her up from your slit, stretching gently, my tongue dancing over her as I pull back," I kept my whispers going into the phone. I listened, hearing her moans start, heard her breathing change.

"I'm shoving two fingers into your cunt baby," I whispered. "So slowly, fingers wiggling back and forth," I continued. "My tongue circles your clit, lashing at her, licking up to pull her with my tongue," I moan into the phone. I hear her groan, so deep, so loud that my body shudders with her.

"Oh fuck baby," she screams to me. "I'm so wet baby! I need your big cock," her voice trails off. "Yes," she screamed, her voice cracking as her orgasm ripped through her body.

"I'm shoving my fingers deep into your cunt baby," I continued. "Here, let me shove my cock deep. I'm biting your nipples as I move up your body. Fist my cock, slide the head up and down your soaked slit," I instructed.

"My fingers can hardly wrap around it," she moaned. "Oh yes, right there, shove it in me," she ordered. With both hands, I flattened my palms, and began sliding my hands back and forth, knowing momentarily, I would reach my own orgasm.

"Tell me woman, tell me how good my cock feels, hitting bottom, grinding hard to your cunt," I ordered her.

"Shit baby, your cock almost hurts it's so big. I can hear your body slapping my thighs," she moaned. "Yes, pound your cock in me! Fuck yes," she screamed again. "Oh," she groaned deeply.

"Yes baby, I'm cumming," I shouted into the phone, hoping my voice did not penetrate the walls and escape into the other surrounding offices. Cum flew up my shaft as I hammered my rigid cock. My balls burst, spitting more cum than I had in many months. Spurt after spurt jettisoned into her wad of toilet paper I had grabbed for the occasion. "Oh fuck baby, you're good," I muttered into the phone. "Oh shit, I'm late," I stated. "Got a meeting," I followed.

"MMMmmmmm baby, please call again," she whispered.

I hung up abruptly, cleaned up my now flaccid cock, wiping any remaining cum from his eye. I quickly got my pants in order, and headed down the hall, stopping to flush the used toilet paper, take a quick piss, and head to my meeting. I squirmed at several times during the meeting, my mind wandering to my sensual voice on the phone.

All day, my cock chubbed, and rechubbed, over and over thinking of Kim. Damn, what if she were that good in real life. I looked to my calendar. Several days before I could call her again, early meeting scheduled for the rest of the week. For several days, I created stories, created scenarios where we could fuck, were she could blow me, where we would go to have our next sex. I was pleasantly surprised when I logged on to my email account to find an email from her, with some sexy thoughts for me, and two pictures of her, a shot of her clean shaven cunt, and lying on a bed, a tit up shot. The only bad part of the pictures, her husband's dick was head deep in wrapped by her lips of her cunt, and in the other, he straddled her head, his cock draped across her lips. It is much smaller than mine.

The following Tuesday, I again called at 7:30am my time to see if she was available. "Baby, I am always available to you," she responded. "Well, if the situation is right," she followed with a laugh.

"Did you think about our last romp," I asked?

"Baby, you made me so hot I had to masturbate three more times just to satisfy my throbbing cunt," she groaned, her mind wandering back several days. "All I can think about is your cock," she whispered half awake. "My cunt is already wet just hearing your voice," she continued softly. "Today baby, I get to suck that big cock of yours," she whispered. "Here, let me lick the head," she moaned. "Feel me wrap my hands around you sweetie, let me feel how you tremble, how your hardness feels so soft. Let me take the head between by lips, let my teeth slide gently down to the crown. Feel me bite softly, tugging at the underside of the crown, pulling him into my mouth," she whispered.

"My hand slides behind your head, my fingers in your hair," I muttered, listening intently to her voice. "Suck me, suck me hard," I instructed. "I saw your pictures, my cock will do lots more to your mouth and throat," I whispered.

"Yes, feel me open wide, take several inches into my mouth," she groaned. "Feel me lick all around the shaft with my tongue," she continued. "I'm pulling back, licking my lips," she whispered. "Look into my eyes, see the lust I have for your cock baby," she groaned. "I'm pulling your cock to point down on an angle, to let it slide right down my throat, close your eyes, see me do this. Slide your hand up your cock, from the tip to the base," she whispered. I wrapped my hand around my cock, squeezing the head. My precum coated my palm, allowing me to slide my hand slowly to the base. I heard her take inch after inch. I pulled back as she spoke. "I'm going to fuck you with my mouth. Cum for me, shoot your cum down my throat," she groaned. And then she dived down my cock, shoving her mouth to the base. Her mouth pounded me, hammered me to submission. My cock grew more rigid, more demanding as I fucked her face, shoving her head down savagely, brutally almost. She chewed me, licked me, sucked the head, licked the eye, and slammed her mouth down my shaft again and again. My hips lurched upwards, lifting to meet her pliant mouth, shoving every inch of my manhood deep. I fucked her hard. My balls churned, my nuts expanded, exploding and jettisoning my cum up my shaft. Liquids spurted all over, dribbling down over my clamped hand. Spurt after spurt erupted from my glistening cock. My juices were for her taking.

"Tell me sweetie, tell me your juices are hot," she cooed. "Tell me to lick them from your cock, your hand, your fingers," she whispered seductively. "Just tell me, I'm yours baby," she said softly. "Just fuck me," she finished.

"Shit, I have to run," I groaned into the phone. "You have to masturbate for me, tell me everything when I call back," I whispered into the phone. "Promise me, cum for me. You got a toy," I asked?

"Yes," she responded quietly. "You want me to use it," she asked?

"Today, yes. Fuck your cunt with it," I instructed. "Slam it in your body, close your eyes, it's me," I told her. "Gotta run," I stated.

"See ya baby," she whispered. I hated running. I had to run my business. It was several hours before I could call back.

"Hiya," I responded when she answered. "Did you cum for me," I whispered, not wanting my office to hear me.

"Yes baby, several times," she whispered. I heard the laughter in her voice. My cock chubbed. "Did I tell you I'm Bi," she asked. My mind blinked. "You shared your admin with me," she whispered. "God it was good," she continued. My mind raced 100mph in all directions.

"Wow," I responded quickly. "Gives me more ideas," I groaned back to her. "Next time, can I bring Alicia, my new admin," I asked? "I'll put it on the speakerphone, you both can fuck me together," I continued. My cock chubbed.

"Only if you fuck my ass with that big cock of yours while I taste her cunt," she groaned. "I want you to fuck me so hard in my ass," she whimpered. "I love to have my ass fucked," she continued. "And I never had such a big cock to do it," she finished. "Will you slap my ass hard while you fuck me," she inquired. My cock grew hard.

"Damn, I have a meeting," I interjected, not wanting to walk down the hall with a hardon for my employees to see.

"Call me soon," she offered. "Bring Alicia," she finished. "Bye," she said and hung up.

It took a couple of days to get back to an early morning opportunity to call Kim. I had asked Alicia to join me, telling her about my new playmate. Alicia was excited as well to try a new approach to our sex in the office. We called a little earlier, about 7:15am Friday morning.

"Morning Kim," Alicia offered. "I'm Rich's admin," she continued. "I hear that you have an interest in joining us this morning for a little play," she said. I listened for Kim's response.

"Hey Alicia," Kim whispered into the phone. "God I'm so wet already," she said. "Grab his cock, get it out for me," she whispered. Alicia moved quickly to me, pushing my chair back from my desk. I stood quickly to drop my pants, Alicia dropped to her knees in front of me, pulling my shorts down. My cock stood semi-chubbed.

"It's growing Kim," Alicia offered. "I'm taking the soft cock in my hands, lifting the head, running my thumb up the underside of his cock," she spoke to the phone. Kim moaned softly.

"Stick your tongue in the eye," she groaned. "Tell me what he tastes like," she whispered.

Alicia sucked the head into her mouth, her tongue probing me, playing with the eye. "Saltly," she said as she pulled back. She dived down my cock, her mouth accepting me, nipping down the flesh until her lips reached the base of my cock.

"Oh fuck Kim, she just swallowed my whole cock," I grunted. "She's fucking me with her mouth," I groaned. "Damn Alicia, suck me," I instructed. Alicia groaned loudly, her voice carrying into the phone.

"Yes, suck him hard," Kim whispered. "Oh shit I'm wet," she told us. "My finger is mashing my clit so hard, so fast," she continued. "Alicia, stick your fingers in your cunt, feel me play with your wet slit," she instructed. Alicia shoved more cock into her mouth, grinding down deep to my body. A groan erupted from her. Her hand on my butt had disappeared down her torso. I assumed she was reaching up her legs under her skirt.

"Alicia, let's move to the futon," I instructed quickly. "Kim, flick your clit, slide your finger down your slit, find your hole," I told her. As we stopped by the futon, I dropped to a knee, lifted Alicia's skirt, grabbed her panties, and quickly slid them down her legs. I inhaled her smell, glancing to her slit. I could see her protruding clit, wrapped softly by the pink lips. I moved to her, my mouth covering her mound, my tongue sliding into her cleft. Her hands grabbed my head, her hips arched forward slightly.

"Oh shit," she burst out loud. "Kim, he is sucking my clit into his mouth," she groaned. Her legs splayed as I shoved my tongue along her slit. She plopped down on the futon, laid back, lifting her legs over my shoulders.

"Kim, I'm looking at her beautiful cunt, her wet lips are so dark pink," I said to the phone. "Here, help me spread her lips apart," I trailed off. "See her clit, standing so wet, so juicy," I groaned. "Kim, lick it, take it into your mouth," I instructed. Kim groaned on her end of the phone. "Share her clit with me, let both of our tongues flick it between our lips," I grunted as I captured her clit deep into my mouth. I sucked her wet flesh deep, my tongue thrashing her nub back and forth against the inside of my teeth. Alicia grunted, a yelp escaping from her.

"Suck my clit Kim," she commanded. "Oh yes baby, lick my clit," she groaned. "Shove your fingers in me Kim," she ordered. "Fuck me with your fingers," she continued. "Oh god, make me cum," she groaned. "Please make me cum," she continued softly. Her hips bucked wildly under my mouth, the gyrations adding to the pleasure of holding her firmly, driving my tongue into her wet hole, and capturing her clit again. I licked her, nipped her, and shoved my fingers deep into her cunt rapidly as she thrashed before me.

"Kim, let me lick your pussy, put your cunt on my mouth," Alicia instructed. Kim groaned deeply. "Feel me biting your clit, my soft tongue licking her, thrashing her hard," she tapered off.

"I'm humping your face Alicia, pushing my clit, my cunt hard to your mouth," she groaned. Her voice turned to a guttural groan. "Of fuck, I'm going to cum," she grunted. "Rich, let me watch you fuck her, stick your cock in her now," she commanded. I moved quickly, grabbed my cock, swiped the head up and down her slit, coating the head. "Tell me, tell me you're fucking her," she continued.

"My cock is sliding into her now Kim, her lips are wrapped around the head, the hole is spreading to let it in," I groaned as I pushed my cock into Alicia's body. Alicia screamed, her voice penetrating my core, my senses as I pushed forward again, sliding more cock into her body. My thumb mashed her clit, thrashing it back and forth as I shoved more cock to her body. Her body rocked back and forth, her hips lifting, dropping to take me deep.

"Oh fuck Rich," Alicia screamed. "I'm going to cum," she grunted. "Kim," her voice trailed off. I slammed her, mashing my body tight to hers, my thumb hammering her hard clit against her body. "Oh god," her voice trailed, her words whining to a high pitch. "Yes," she grunted out loud. "Oh fuck," she yelled, her body humping me hard, her feet digging into my backside.

"Oh shit," came through the speaker. "Fuck her hard, harder, let me hear your body slap hers," Kim whispered. Her sounds gave indication she was also cumming, cumming very hard. Her voice, her grunts echoed through the speaker. Both women cumming simultaneously made my balls expand, my cock stood harder, growing larger as I hammered Alicia.

"Cum for us Rich," Kim screamed into the phone. "Alicia, make him cum," she instructed. "Take his cock, scream at him, tell him you want his cum," she prattled.

"Fuck me boss, fuck me hard," Alicia screamed. "Cum for us," she grunted, her head rising up, her face contorted with unbridled lust. "Listen to him hammer my cunt Kim," she grunted. "Hear his flesh hit mine Kim, feel it baby," she groaned as I slammed in and out of her wet hole. I closed my eyes, my ears capturing every slap, every smack of our bodies. My cock erupted, spewing a massive load of cum into Alicia's body.

"Oh shit," I grunted as I plowed deep again, pulling her legs to me, pounding my body down to her hard, holding deep as I shot spurt after spurt of cum. My body convulsed, my hips thrashing in and out of her wet cunt. I watched as my cock pulled back, glistening with her juices, and slammed forward again. My eyes pulled shut with a shiver running up my spine, my head pulled down, my chin resting on my chest. I rolled Alicia's nipples in my hands firmly, listening to her mew as I twisted them softly. "Oh fuck," I whispered, my words drawn out as my cock pulled out as well. It flopped down, coated with her juices. "My cock is long and soft Kim, coated with her juices," I whispered in the phone.

"God I want to suck it," responded Kim. I could hear her, sucking fingers into her mouth, her mind sharing my cock, Alicia's juices. She almost growled as we listened to her finish her orgasm.

"God that was fun," Kim spoke softly. "Thanks for the great orgasm guys," she said. "I gotta run, can we do this again," she asked.

"Any time baby," Alicia offered. "I want to taste you! I want you to cum on my tongue," she continued.

"Bye Kim," I said, reaching to click the speaker off. I pulled Alicia to my limp cock, cum dripping from the head. "Suck me again," I asked. She devoured my cock, sucking the soft flesh to her waiting lips. I humped to her mouth, reaching to flatten her clit against her body. Within minutes, I brought her to a thrashing orgasm, her hips high above the futon, my cock growing in firmness buried deep in her mouth and throat. As she passed through her orgasm, I was possessed to do her from behind. Moving quickly, I saddled to her, pushed my hardening cock between her velvet, wet lips, and savagely pulled her hips to me, shoving my cock balls deep in her body almost instantly. Moments passed, I again exploded into her depths. My body pressed to her firmly, my hips slapping her flesh.

Barely breathing, I hammered her, imagining Kim before me, my cock buried in her ass, pounding her flesh hard, thrusting deep, with her face buried between Alicia's legs, lapping at the most beautiful cunt she would ever see. With each thrust, Kim's tongue drove into Alicia as she held her lips wide, exposing her clit to the air. My cock did not want to soften. I humped her one more time, pushing my cock deep. We both groaned from deep in our core. "I need to cum baby," I whispered to her. For the next several minutes, I took turns, my mind fucking both ladies hard until that moment my balls win. With cum churning deep, I blasted Alicia's cunt with a flood of cum, pounding her hard and fast. My legs turned to rubber, quivering as I ground my body against her beautiful ass.

We cleaned up quickly, it was late for us. The day had started. My thoughts returned to Kim all day. My cock throbbed, chubbed, and needed to release the stress from so many thoughts. I could barely wait, but made it till Monday.

Monday morning, I called her again, early and alone in my office. I had already pulled my cock free of my pants, feeling the urgency, knowing I would soon be fucking her. Her phone rang 4-times before she answered. "Hey," she offered.

"Good morning," I spoke. "I have wanted to lick your cunt, to taste your juices this morning ever since I got up," I said. "My cock is so hard, my tongue ready to dance over your sensitive clit, to mash her softly, or hard on your body, in my mouth against my teeth. Let me bite her, pull her to my mouth, sucking her firmly, stretching her, my tongue flicking her rapidly, firmly. Feel me, feel my need," I whispered. "Let me spread your lips, open your sex to me, pull them wide gently, lick from your hole to your clit," I continued.

"Good fucking morning," she breathed. I knew she was already mashing her clit, her voice, her breathing gave her away.

"Let my lick her Kim, let me pull her with my lips, nibble her, bite her. Feel me lick her. Use your fingers, mash your clit, close your eyes, feel me thrash your cunt," I continued. I slammed my hand up and down my cock, fingers wrapped firmly around my rigid meat. "My cock is so hard Kim, so big this morning," I offered. "Grab it, feel it throb in your hands."

"Oh god," she groaned. "I need it," she whispered huskily.

"Directions, how do I find you this morning," I asked without thinking.

It took almost 2-hours to reach her place, a nice middle class home north of my home. I drove up, hesitated just momentarily before bounding to the front door. I knocked, listening to all the sounds around me. I heard the lock turn, the door opened quickly. I stepped in. I did not know what to expect, having heard her describe her body type, her height, weight, etc. She was shorter than I had imagined, but everything else matched the picture of her face. I glanced down her body, noted her causal sun dress, standing barefoot before me. Her body hidden, I wanted to rip her clothes off, to push her down on the floor, and taste her secrets. Her eyes were focused on my crotch, bulging with expectations.

"May I," she asked, stepping to me. Both hands grabbed the front of my dockers, stroking me softly as she leaned to me, stretching up to offer her mouth for my lips. I bent to her, capturing her mouth with mine. I groaned as she grip tightened on my throbbing cock. "Oh my god," she half groaned, half whispered as she bent over, opening my pants quickly. Her mouth clamped on my shorts, teeth chewing at my cock. I arched forward, my hand pulling her face tighter to me. "Follow me," she instructed. We almost ran up the stairs. Seconds passeed, we stripped our clothing off, me staring at her body as it became exposed. Shoes, socks flew off. Standing proudly, I slid my pants down and off, my shorts stretched hard with my cock pointing downwards. I grabbed the waist band, but hesitated. "Let me do that," she instructed. "Lay down here, on your back," she muttered. I moved quickly, my cock pointing skyward.

Kim wrapped her hand around my cock, squeezing the material around my shaft. My cock stood tall, a white briefs covered missile. Her hands trailed down, pulling the shorts from behind my ass down my legs. My cock tipped downward as she pulled the briefs down my legs. Sliding, my cock popped free, flopping upwards, rolling to the side. Kim dived to me, both hands wrapping around my shaft, her thumbs running up and down the under side of my cock. As she squeezed toward the tip, a small bubble of precum glistened. Groaning, Kim leaned to me, her lips suctioned the head, sealing on my skin. Her tongue probed me, licking all over the head. Her eyes twinkled as she pulled the head from her mouth, slapped her cheek with my cock, and again took me into her mouth. As her lips suctioned over the head, my hips lifted sharply, driving my cock into her mouth. A guttural groan erupted, she slammed her head down my cock, her mouth wide, jaws open to take me deep. My hips arched, lifted, shoving my cock to her. I impaled her, her head twisting side to side, grinding down my shaft. Clamping her mouth shut, her teeth raked the sensitive flesh as she lifted back toward the tip. Her teeth locked at the crown.

I grabbed her, pulling her leg toward my head. Half in the air, my mouth landed on her mound, biting down on her clit in one move. Her hips humped downwards, driving her clit to my waiting mouth. I rolled under her, my hands grabbing her ass, pulling her hard to my mouth. I let my fingers roam over her ass, her dark hole. I chewed her, licked her, ground my mouth along her slit, stuck my tongue in her soaked hole. I fucked her hard, almost ignoring her bites, her nails raking over my balls, forcing my cock deep into her face. Her body shuddered, a spasm ripped through her body. Her hips convulsed, involuntarily humping my mouth. A scream erupted, muffled by my cock stuffing her mouth and throat. Her hips bucked hard to my mouth.

"I need to fuck you," I grunted loudly. I pushed her away, wanting to plow my cock into her body. "On your knees," I barked. She moved quickly, hips high, chest on the covers of the bed. I grabbed her hip bones, saddled in close to her body. Her hands grabbed my cock, slid the head up and down her wet slit, and positioned me at her entrance to her body. I pushed forward slowly, deliberately. The head slid tight to her, the hole opening to allow penetration as I pushed harder. Wet, I slid easily into her body. I heard her lungs exhale sharply as I pulled her hips, forcing more cock into her tight hole. Her body quivered, shuddering with each passing thrust into her depths.

"Oh god," she moaned deeply, her words drawn out. "Fuck me, fuck me hard!" she instructed.

"Cum for me," I stated, pulling her body to me savagely, my fingers digging into place on her hips. I began pounding her, pushing her away, pulling back so hard our bodies slapped together loudly. Our flesh sounds filled the air, my body thrusting, pounding to her ass with a hard, demanding rhythm. I pounded her flesh, her breathing coming in gasps. I could barely breathe. Her fingers danced over her clit, extending to rake her nails across my sac as I slapped to her body. She grabbed a ball, tugging, pulling softly, freeing as I pulled back to pound forward again. Minutes passed, her groans became very loud, rising above the noise our bodies made as we slapped my hips against her ass. Her wails for me to pound her grew urgent, grew unbearable. And just as quickly, her body raced toward her orgasm, her voice reflected her orgasm as it ripped through our crotches. Juices poured from her, coating my cock, my dangling balls. My cock swelled, spewing my seed deep into her body. Our bodies screamed loudly, our rapture complete. I slowed my penetrations, slowly allowing my cock to slide limply from her cunt. She slid forward on the bed. I collapsed on top of her, nibbling at her neck.

"Hi, my names Rich, I'll be your friend," I said.

"Hiya," she groaned. "I'll be your sex toy," she softly said. "Forever and ever," she groaned deeply. Her body shuddered again as a small orgasm rumbled through her core. She rolled me over, biting my nipple, licking quickly, tasting me. Her hand rolled my balls in her palm, teasing, urging new life. "I need your cock again," she whispered, moving quickly to take my flaccid cock into her mouth. Closing my eyes, I knew I had a long afternoon ahead of me. I started to rise to the occasion.