Share My Story Ch. 03


Readers, take a look at Ch. 01 and Ch. O2 for continuity and background. Give me feedback!


Time drug slowly, lengthening the evening by many imaginary hours. I pictured them, mother and daughter tasting, experiencing, and cumming many times that morning. Had Kim truly brought her daughter into our relationship? I knew from her fantasies, she wanted the twin girls. I heard Kim and CJ on our call this morning. Had they spent quality time exploring each other? Had Kim brought her daughter CJ to screaming orgasms? Had CJ returned the favors, eaten Kim's tasty cunt? Made her cum on her soft lips? I glanced to the clock, 10 ½ hours left. "Fuck," I breathed aloud. I glanced to the wife, absorbed in her Sudoku puzzle. She glanced my way, then back to her puzzle.

My cock chubbed in my shorts. I would need to masturbate, or take the wife for an early evening romp. I choose the latter, reaching to stroke her thigh with my fingertips. She pushed her leg toward me, I heard her moan softly as I caressed the soft, tanned, muscled flesh. I pushed her shorts higher on her leg, fingertips exploring, feeling the band of her panties. Sliding my finger underneath, I snapped the material slightly, hearing the pop as it her flesh gently.

"Hey bub," she muttered, looking to me. "You got something on your mind," she asked, grinning mischievously.

"Well, it will soon be bedtime," I said, turning to look at the clock. "And I bet I can make you cum a couple of times before you grow too sleepy," I finished, looking to her face.

"Really," she said matter of fact. She closed her Sudoku book, put it on the coffee table, and moved her position on the couch. Laying back, she opened her legs wide. "Want to start here," she asked, her voice teasing. I glanced at her, admiring her body from head to foot. For a proper lady, 54 years of age, 5'4" tall, now carrying 130 lbs, she looked terrific. Over the past year, we had both dropped weight, exercised to our hearts content, and had drastically changed our bodies. Now, our muscles were defined, body fat content was down substantially. I now often wanted her, anywhere, anytime, and under any circumstances. And our sex drives had increased as well. It was a good life. Between her, my admin, and now Kim, I was just getting enough sex to satisfy my demanding needs. But the daughter leaped to my mind. Would her body be as tight as the spouses? Would she have the willingness to gain the experience? Would she take my cock deep into her mouth?

"Yes," I muttered, rising quickly from my chair. I moved to the couch, kneeling on one knee. I reached to her shorts, panties, pulling them down quickly, exposing her mound, her tuft of hair. Her clit stood from her lips, curled, waiting, anticipating. I grabbed her t-shirt, pushing it up. She rolled for me, I reached to unsnap her bra. With my assistance, she pulled the t-shirt up over her head, her lean body now stretched before me. Her tits stood like small white, snow covered mountains, capped by her light brown areola, her nipples growing stiff. Her dark tan made her flesh almost flash in brilliance in comparison. I lowered my gaze, her small triangle of white flesh of her mound surrounded by the same dark region of skin. Truly a contrast, I could find her in the dark. I moved slowly to her, my hands sliding up her legs, my thumbs sliding ultimately to her crotch, caressing the crease of her folds. I moved the lips, caressing them gently, stroking toward her exposed clit. Her legs lifted, spread wide.

"You going to bite my tits first," she asked. I knew how much she loved my nibbles, my bites, my licks of her sensitive tit flesh.

"Not tonight," I whispered, teasing her, waiting for her quick response.

"Ah," she whispered, her hands quickly moving to cover her mounds, her thumb, finger pinching her nipple softly, pulling the flesh upwards. Her hips lifted slightly, tilting, offering her sex.

"Well, maybe," I whispered, moving forward, my hands sliding my fingers under her back just south of her arms, beside her tits. I lowered my body, lying my chest and abdomen flat over her mound and stomach between her quivering legs. I rocked my body back and forth over the mound as she lifted her hips to me. I slid my hands up her sides, over her tits, my thumb and index finger rolling the nipple gently. Her nipples grew very hard to my touch. Her eyes closed, her head tilted backwards into the pillow. A soft moan escaped her lips.

"Lick my nipples honey," she whispered, "bite me gently," she continued. I knew how generically tender her nipples were, so would carefully lick them, bite them, and roll the hard nipple into my mouth, mashing the flesh against my teeth. Small, pert, 34-B tits, firm to the touch, smooth unblemished skin. My mind wandered. Would CJ have a hard body? Could I bite the nipples harder? Could I chew them deliciously? I rolled the wife's nipple up under my thumb as I moved in, licking up her tit flesh, unto the areola, and over the hard nipple. Leaning back, I blew cool air over the wet flesh. Goose bumps appeared instantly. I wrapped my fingers around her mound of tit flesh, squeezed softly, firming the flesh tight, leaned to her, and sucked her entire nipple and half her tit into my mouth, my tongue probing, washing over the flesh quickly. Her chest heaved, lifting her tit to my mouth as a groan erupted from her, so deep in sound I knew it came from her core. Her whole body flexed and shuddered as the first waves of that sexual feeling passed through her body. Her fingers snaked into my hair, pulling me to her body. I could feel her satisfaction as I gently sucked, licked, and nibbled on her nipple. I moved quickly to the other, repeating my gentle assault on the second nipple. Her hips undulated under my abdomen, lifting, tilting, moving side to side as I continued my journey from one tit to the other, and back again. I knew the direct route from her nipple to her sex, how her sex drive would increase 10-fold as I continued my tit foreplay.

Finally, her body demanded more serious play. As she grabbed my shoulders, she pushed me down toward her mound. I licked, nibbled, and played on the southward journey. Her left leg lifted high, draping up the couch cushion, her heel hooked on the top as her right leg dropped off the side of the couch. Her legs could not get wider. I looked to her eyes. I quickly understood her mood. Intense, pursed lips, her body screamed for more, and it was needed quickly. I dropped my hands below her butt, sliding them under her hips, palms up. As they slid by her hips, I curled the hands up over her thighs. I leaned to her, my tongue extended, probing her exposed clit slowly. As I circled her clit, her hips leaped upwards, shoving her cunt to my mouth. I tightened my fingers, holding her body down. I wanted to have her, but on my terms.

"Oh fuck please," she grunted quietly. "Don't tease me. Make me cum baby," she whispered. I did not respond. I sucked her clit into my mouth, clamping my teeth over it securely, and thrashed it with my tongue. Her hips exploded upwards, lifting my head and shoulders above the couch. I held one for dear life as she started bucking under me. As her hips humped up and down, I thrashed her sensitive clit in my mouth, smearing my face back and forth in her slit. Her juices were pouring to my mouth, my cheeks, chin smothered in her juices. Moving quickly, I slid down her cleft, shoving my tongue into her hole. I probed her, forcing my mouth tight to her hole, extending retracting my tongue rapidly to simulate fucking her. Her hips got a rhythm, lifting, dropping, and grinding against my mouth. Her hands clamped under her thighs, holding her high above the couch. Now propped on my elbows, I devoured her cunt. I rose up, my mouth again sucking her clit deep into my mouth as she screamed unintelligibly. I thrashed her, chewing wildly on her clit, pushing her body toward her orgasm. Her chin pressed hard to her chest, her mouth agape, she absorbed each nibble, each tongue thrash, pushing her body to her first orgasm.

"Oh yes," she drew out long and loud. "Oh," her voice trailed off. Her body exploded, her legs flying beside my arms, her toes extended, lifting her body, her crotch to my mouth. Her hips humped, thrashing up and down rapidly, pushing against my mouth. I slowed my tongue, lazily circling her clit. Her body slowed it's gyrations, almost growing limp in my hands. I let her body flop to the couch, my mouth still attached to her swollen clit. Lying flat on the couch, my mouth at her cunt, I reached to spread her lips, using my thumb, index finger to part them. Her pink slit exposed, I licked top to bottom, reaming her wet hole with each pass. As I approached her clit, she hips jumped. Slowly, I circled her clit, then probing the bottom side, hooking my tongue in the folds, licking upwards to flatten her clit on her pelvis bone. I started faster, quicker probes of her clit, mashing it, flicking it back and forth. Her body responded very quickly, her second orgasm approaching fast. As she grabbed my hair, pulling my mouth to her, a loud, guttural grunt exploded from her, her body ripped with a second powerful orgasm. Her cunt spastically quivered against my mouth, her sustained orgasm passing through her body. Not as powerful, but longer lasting, I took her body further, shoving two fingers into her wet hole, burying them completely. As soft scream escaped her clenched lips, her feet lifted skyward, straight, hips tilting to me, offering me her total sex. I pounded my fingers in, out of her cunt, the squishy noises filling my ears as her body absorbed each thrust, each penetration.

My mind clearly interrupted my sex thought process. Would a lady's cunt juices stain a $6000 leather couch? "Who the fuck cares," answered my cock's little brain.

As her orgasm subsided, her body flopped flat on the couch. Her body limp, her breathing coming in gasps, she lay quietly. In contrast, my cock was rigid, needing a place to penetrate. I knee walked along the couch, pulling her head to the edge. As I shifted her body, her head dropped off the edge. Fisting my cock, I placed it to her lips. Her mouth instinctively opened, her eyes closed, I pushed forward. My cock slid almost effortlessly into her mouth, my balls bouncing off her forehead with each thrust of my hips. Her hands wrapped my hips, her hands coming to rest on my ass. As I pushed into her face, she pulled me hard, driving my long, hard cock down her throat. As I pulled back, her teeth raked along the skin, sending shivers up and down my spine. I face fucked her for several more minutes, my balls churning, boiling to explode.

"Over the couch," I stated abruptly. "I want to fuck you from behind," I continued. Pulling from her mouth, I helped to pull her up from the couch. As we walked around the end, I playfully swatted her ass. With assistance, she jumped up on the back of the couch, bent at the waist, and offered her backside for my pleasures. I looked to her, her glistening slit framed by her legs. Her feet did not touch the floor. I had a dangling cunt to fuck. I knew she would wrap her thighs over my hips, lock her feet behind me, and let me fuck her blind. My balls boiled. I would pound her petite body hard. My orgasm was close.

"Fuck me! Fuck me hard," she commanded. "Get that big cock in me now," she ordered. I saddled to her, fisted my cock, sliding the head up and down her soaked slit. Finding her wet hole, I pushed forward, penetrating her quickly. As I thrust forward, her breath exhaled quickly. Pulling her hip bones, I ground my hips hard to her body. With a quick pull back, I slammed my hips forward again, my cock penetrating her completely. My hips slapped off her ass. I lost cognizant thought, only my small brain controlled thought now. I savagely thrust hard, deep, slamming my big cock into her petite body. The sounds of our fucking surrounded us, her wails, her screams filling my senses. Grunting savagely, I thrust deep, grinding our sexes together. Holding, pulling her hips hard, I exploded, shooting spurt after spurt of cum into her body. My body convulsed, my knees almost buckling as my orgasm ripped through my crotch. I humped her hard, driving my deflating cock in and out of her sopping cunt. After several thrusts, my cock limply pinned between us, wrapped by her lips. I pulled her close, grinding my body to her one more time. Humping my hips, I pulled back, my sticky, soft cock dangling between us.

"Be right back, I offered, turning quickly. I bounded into the bedroom, grabbed a couple of sex towels, and returned. Having wrapped my dripping cock snugly, I stuck the other towel between her legs. With a groan, she clamped her legs together. Neither of us moved for a couple of minutes. Finally, she turned her hips, rolled, and flopped to the couch. Leaning over the couch, I watched her face, an expression often seen. She had a contented look of satisfaction etched in her face. "Now don't fall asleep here," I told her. I walked around the couch, grabbed my clothes, and started dressing.

"Grab my robe," she asked half asleep. I walked to the bedroom, grabbed both robes, and returned to the living room. Glancing to the clock, it was 10pm. We had fucked for an hour. 9 ½ hours left and counting.

"Here babe," I offered, tossing the robe to her. "Time for the news," I said, moving to change channels.

I sat and watched the news. About half way through, my wife trundled off to bed after giving me a great good night kiss.

On my way to bed, I stopped in the home office to check emails. Kim had sent an email, detailing her morning with CJ. Very explicit, my cock quickly grew again. I stroked feverously for several minutes. But all I got was a good hard on. Cumming would have to wait till morning, and I would cum several times between the ladies. I went to bed with thoughts of mother and daughter sharing my cock.

Up quickly at 4:30 am, I showered, dressed, fixed a quick breakfast to maintain my strength, kissed the wife goodbye, grabbed a cup of coffee, and headed out the door for "early meetings today". I drove very quickly, arriving a full 20-minutes early in Kim's community. It was hard, but I found a close by coffee shop, used their bathroom to drain the lizard, grabbed another cup of coffee, and drove slowly to Kim's home. Checking the watch, I parked in her drive 3-minutes early. I sat for just a moment, Kim appeared at the side of the house, dressed in a robe, waving me in.

"Hey, good morning," she whispered. "Come on," she said.

"Good morning yourself," I responded. "You nervous," I asked clear out of character.

"Yes," she responded without hesitating. "And CJ is terrified," she continued. "So come quickly, let's not let her wait to change her mind," she instructed. "I am so fucking wet already," she gushed, grinning madly. "You could talk me to orgasm right now," she continued, describing her state of mind. My cock strained against my underwear and pants. I followed her to her bedroom. Turning the corner, CJ was lying on the bed, her forearms draped over her eyes. She was stark naked, her feet about shoulder width apart, so her cunt was exposed. I moved to the bed quickly, taking in her body. Kim dropped her robe in mid step, and jumped to the bed, sitting beside CJ at the moment. Kim was completely naked as well. I kicked off my shoes.

"He's here baby," Kim whispered. "Watch him undress sweetie," she commanded. I could see her shake her head back and forth. "Sweetie," her Momma said. I stripped off my shirt, my hairy chest exposed. I was extremely proud of my body, slightly heavier than I wanted, but not bad for a rich, fat cat executive. I reached to unbuckle my belt. "Baby, now," Momma commanded. "Watch him, let him show us his beautiful cock," she whispered, tugging at CJ's arms. Almost reluctantly, CJ pulled her arms down, glanced my way, and reached for her mother.

"Mom, kiss me," she whispered. "Let him watch us for a minute please," she asked, almost whimpering.

Kim looked to me, shrugging her shoulders. She leaned to CJ, their lips meeting very softly, sensually. I could tell from the kiss that CJ lifted to shove her tongue into Kim's mouth. Their kiss grew passionate. My cock chubbed larger. I unzipped my pants, shoved my briefs down in a pile with my pants. Standing in my socks, I fisted my cock while watching the women kiss passionately. Kim's hand dropped to CJ's tit, cupping the firm flesh, her thumb rotating over the nipple. I glanced to CJ's cunt, noting the glistening slit. Her clit stood engorged, poking from her engorged lips. Cleanly shaved, her cunt looked inviting. I moved to the end of the bed, sliding to a sitting position between her legs. I reached to touch the soft skin of her shin. As I stroked my fingers up her leg, she retracted each leg slightly, exposing more of her sex. It glistened, my breath escaping me as I looked to her. My tongue extended involuntarily, wanting to lean to her, wanting to taste her, wanting to probe her clit with my tongue. My cock grew more rigid. I leaned, letting my fingers trace up her thigh, lightly brushing over the soft skin. I heard her moan into her Mother's mouth as Kim rolled her nipple harder in her hand.

As my fingers approached her wet slit, I brushed my fingertips over the softest lips I had seen in many years. It was as if electricity sparked CJ's legs. Exploding upwards, her hips lifted, held high above the bed as I brushed across her lips a second time. Kim turned to look at me, noting what I was doing to her daughter. Her tongue licked her dry lips, her eyes pleading with me to do something. She leaned to CJ's nipple, taking it quickly into her mouth. CJ again moaned very loudly. "Yes," she hissed softly. "Suck my tit Mommy," she whispered, grabbing Kim's head, her fingers deep in her hair. Grabbing a hand full of hair, she pulled Kim firmly to her breast. CJ's hips slowly lowered to the bed as my fingers rubbed back and forth over the closed lips. Placing my hands on her thighs, I let my thumbs slide up and down her slit softly, careful not to spread them at all. As the thumbs passed her clit, I would let the nail rake the side of her clit, first one thumb then the other. This simple motion let me push it side to side slightly with each pass. I could feel the intensity build in her body, her hips quivering, almost shaking with each touch of her slit. Adding more pressure, I started spreading her lips, opening her slit for view. At the bottom, I would rotate my thumbs, pressing all around her opening, pushing to penetrate, and pull back. With each pass, her juices lubricated her hole, wanting penetration. I teased her unmercifully. As I got more and more of her clit with each pass, her hips bucked higher, tilting, offering more of her sex.

I could not breathe. I had to taste her wet slit, suck her protruding, young clit into my mouth. Silently, I leaned forward, my mouth open, watering, almost drooling I approached her succulent clit. My heart raced, my cock throbbed as I suctioned my lips around her clit, pulling it to my mouth. Slipping quickly, I had it in my mouth, my tongue circling the flesh, flicking it back and forth, mashing it to my teeth. Her hips bucked up hard to my mouth, her legs splayed wider, lifting to her toes, pushing hard to me, offering me her forbidden sex. I lapped at her, reached under her ass to lift her tasty cunt to my lips, my waiting mouth. I assaulted her, licking, sucking, nipping, biting her flesh. I sucked her lips, licked down her slit, shoving my tongue deep into her wet hole.

"Oh shit Momma," she screamed, her voice permeating the room, exploding in my ears. "Oh fuck yes, make me cum," she begged. Kim pulled off her tit, watching me suck CJ's clit again into my mouth. CJ lifted her head to watch me, her mouth gaping open, her eyes flashing lust. Her breathing was very ragged, coming in gasps, with each flick, each nip she grunted loudly, her hips lifting to me. I placed my fingers to her wet hole, slowly sliding two deep into her body. I pushed slowly, firmly, penetrating completely. Once inside her cunt, I wiggled them in all directions, separating them, then swiftly pulling them back, and repeating. Her body exploded into orgasm. I rode her clit hard, biting, nipping, flicking the nub over and over while jamming my fingers in and out of her cunt as quickly and hard as I could. Her head rocked back and forth , her hair flying as Kim chewed on her tits. Instantly, I slowed my tongue, barely touching her sensitive clit. I wanted that moment to pass, then attack her again, driving her body to a second orgasm. I slowed my hand, stroking gently. Her breathing began returning to normal. Reaching to Kim, CJ pulled her to her, lifting her head, kissing her softly on the lips. Both women groaned deeply.

"Suck my tits baby," Kim asked. CJ reached to her hanging tit flesh, pulling Mom toward her mouth. Kim moved quickly, letting her tit hang to her as CJ sucked the hard nipple into her mouth. Kim's neck arched, her eyes closed as she let the feelings invade her body as well. A quick grunt came from Kim as CJ reached to her cunt, her fingers mashing over her clit, sliding down her wet cleft, and plunged into her depths. Kim exhaled deeply, her hips tilted, allowing CJ to thrust deep into her body. I could see Kim fucking CJ's fingers, lifting, then plunging down to take her deep.

"Oh fuck baby, oh fuck baby," Kim whispered over and over. CJ hesitated sucking Kim's tit, moving to the other hanging globe over her lips. Baring her teeth, she grabbed her mom's nipple, biting, stinging the flesh. "Oh baby," she grunted, shoving more tit to her lips.

I groaned into CJ's cunt, my body shuddering as I again took her clit to my lips. Sucking her hard, I drew the flesh into my mouth. Holding firmly, I thrashed my head back and forth, tugging, pulling, nipping the clit, my tongue dancing over the flesh, mashing it flat to my teeth. I devoured her.

"Baby," Kim whispered, lifting up. In a split second, Kim draped her dripping cunt to CJ's lips, settling down hard on her face. I watched CJ's chin move up and down, knowing she was chewing on her Mom's clit as well. Kim twisted each of CJ's nipples, her head thrown back, her hips humping her daughter's mouth. "Rich, make her cum," she begged.

I attacked her hard, driving her body toward orgasm. As her body lifted, she hips froze high above the bed. With a guttural scream into Kim's cunt, CJ exploded into her second orgasm. Her hips thrashed up and down. I heard Kim whimpering, her orgasm building, then exploding on CJ's mouth. Grabbing my hair, Kim pulled me off CJ's cunt. She dove to replace me. For the next several minutes, I watched as both women ate, screamed, thrust fingers into cunts, and bucked hard to each other. After each had another orgasm, Kim looked to me.

"Fuck I want your cock," she breathed. "Baby, stop ," she grunted. Lifting a leg, rolling to the side, the ladies stared at each other. "Baby, I love your cunt," Kim whispered.

"Momma, god you make me cum hard! Your cunt is so juicy," she growled licking her lips.

"You want to fuck Rich," Kim asked. "You want to feel his big cock slide into your tight wet cunt," Kim continued. "Look at this baby," Kim offered, reaching to me. I leaned to her, offering my rigid, pre-cum covered cock. "God baby, look how big this fucking cock is," she continued.

"I won't last long," I acknowledged.

"Then we both get to suck you dry the first time," CJ offered. "Momma," she asked quizzically.

"Lay back Rich," Kim instructed. "CJ, it's yours first baby," she continued. "But I get to help," she finished.

I moved to lye between both women. Lying on my back, CJ moved quickly to my standing cock. Wrapping her hands around the shaft, she stood my monster straight up, her tongue washing over the head, probing the eye. "He tastes good Mom," she said, opening her mouth, bobbing her head down, impaling her face on my rigid cock. Twisting around the shaft, she sucked hard, teeth dragging, raking the skin. My hips lurched upwards, trying to shove more into her mouth and throat.

"Take him sweetie, take him to his balls," Kim instructed.

"He's too big," CJ countered.

"Like this," Kim whispered, reaching to pull my cock from CJ's hands. Diving, she engulfed me half way with the first plunge. Pulling up, she licked her lips, smiled at CJ, and dived again. With only a slight pause, Kim engulfed my entire cock, bouncing deep over and over as I arched to meet her mouth. I grabbed her hair, pulling her down hard. She popped off, pulling back, releasing my cock. "You do it," she instructed.

Grabbing my cock, looking to her mom, CJ moved quickly, her mouth wide open, pushed down hard. With a quick gag, she pulled up, cleared her throat, then dived down again. No hesitation, she took me balls deep in her mouth and throat. I could feel her shoulders arch to suppress a gag, but she started to slowly grind my cock to her lips, pull up the crown, and then back down. She bobbed faster, I grabbed her hair and thrust my cock deep into her face, impaling her completely. My hips bucked, arched, dropped, and thrust into her pliant mouth again and again. Quickly, she pulled of, gasping for breath.

"Can't breathe with that big cock in your mouth," Kim laughed. "Ok, share time," muttered. With both sets of hands massaging my hips, my cock, my balls, I tried to think of anything that would make it last longer before blowing my wad. I watched the ladies, each mouth open, their respective tongues lashing at the head, probing the eye. Kim reached between my legs, under my balls, her finger probing my rectum. "Cum for us," she growled. She shoved her fingertip into my ass as I exploded into their faces. Hungry for my cum, each sucked the head and shaft into their mouth and throat, took a spurt, then switched with the other. As my cock drained, they let it flop on my stomach, each taking a nut and chewing on me gently. With each bite, my cock lurched, then flopped again. Several dribbles of cum splattered my abdomen. Moving my cock, Kim sucked the cum into her mouth. Turning to CJ, she opened her mouth, showing her the reward obtained. CJ leaned to kiss her, and share my juices. I groaned deeply as they squeezed my cock.

"Mmmmm," groaned Kim. "Now what stud," she asked looking to me.

"Who wants it first," I asked, pulling the ladies to me. I kissed CJ passionately before turning to Kim. Leaning to her, I nibbled on her neck, moved up her cheek bone, before kissing her softly. As we kissed, the intensity increased. I darted my tongue into her mouth, exploring, tasting her. I could taste CJ's juices on her lips.

"I want it first," CJ responded behind me, raking her nails over my shoulder blades. "Momma," she inquired? "I want to sit on it, push it in my cunt," she breathed huskily. "Oh fuck I want it," she growled softly. She leaned to bite my shoulder near the nape of my neck where the skin is soft. Shivers ran down my spine as she bit down hard, a matching shiver running through her body. She pressed her tits to my back, her shoulders moving front to back, grinding her body to mine. I pressed my ass backwards, pressing to her mound. She ground her hips against me. I expected a long, satisfying morning ahead.

"Sure baby," Kim said. "Let's get him hard," she continued, pushing me to my back as CJ scrambled out of the way. "Let him suck your tits baby," she growled, moving down the bed as she spread my legs wide. "I get to lick his balls, lick his ass," her voice hissed. My sac tightened as I heard her words.

CJ moved over me, her tits over my face. Gently, she swayed back and forth, each tit hitting my face, each nipple touching my mouth. Each time she shifted, I tried to suck the hard nubs into my mouth. As Kim grabbed my sac, squeezing, lifting my balls, I inhaled a hard nipple into my mouth. I bit down on her firmly, holding the flesh tight between my teeth. My tongue probed her, flicking the nipple back and forth. She leaned down, pushing her tit to my mouth. Kim bit down on the sensitive skin below my sac, clamping firmly, her tongue licking the captured flesh quickly. Extending her tongue, she licked slowly to my ass. My legs instinctively lifted my ass, spreading wide, wanting her tongue to ream me. I took a deep breath, sucking CJ's tit flesh deep into my mouth. As Kim's tongue touched my asshole, my body leaped upwards, hips thrusting hard and holding above the bed. I moaned into CJ's tit flesh, nipping harder than anticipated.

"Easy," CJ yelped. Releasing her flesh, I calmly licked the nipple, circling the areola, and then quickly blew cool air over the slickened flesh. She dropped, shoving her tit to my mouth. "Yes," she growled. "Can you make me cum," she asked softly. "Reach to my cunt, feel how wet, how juicy I am," she whispered. "God I want your cock in my cunt," she continued. "I want you to fuck me hard," she whispered, moving to offer her other tit for my mouth.

I reached to my side, my hand quickly finding her leg, sliding up her thigh, deftly finding her wet slit, I pushed past her wet hole, pushing the side of my thumb between her lips, sliding along her body. As My thumb slid past, I opened my hand slightly, my thumb probing her wet hole. Her hips tilted instantly. Hesitating only slightly, I pushed my thumb to her cunt. Her warm, wet hole welcomed my thumb as I buried it deep in her body. With my fingers squeezing down over her asshole, I pumped my thumb in and out of her cunt quickly, slamming deep each time, squeezing hard enough her ass took a hard massage.

"Oh Jesus Mother," she groaned. Her hips humped up, down slightly with each thrust into her body. I rotated my thumb hard deep in her body, reaming the sides of her cunt. My wrist ground against her clit, mashing it back and forth with each thrust of my arm, shoving my thumb deep again and again. Lifting up, she grabbed a hand full of hair, pulling my face up to hers, her lips parted as she leaned to kiss me hard, her tongue exploding into my mouth. I jammed my tongue deep into her mouth, parrying skillfully with her tongue. I could feel her hot breath explode into my body with each thrust of my thumb.

Kim's tongue probed my ass, licking the tight ring. My cock grew, blood filling the veins, making it grow almost instantly. Pushing my leg higher, Kim's lips circled my asshole, sucking me, her tongue jamming against the clenched muscles. I wiggled under her onslaught. My body screamed, wanting her, needing to fuck. I pulled my legs up higher, exposing my ass to her, completely at her whim. I felt her finger probe me, reaming my ass. Swiftly, she shoved her finger in my ass as my body clenched to hold the invader out. As my legs dropped, her free hand grabbed my rigid cock, pulled it to her lips, and devoured me in one gulp. Her teeth bit the root, raking along my shaft as she pulled up. Her finger thrust in and out of my ass. I saw lights. I could not breathe. I shoved my thumb deep into CJ's cunt.

Pulling away from her kiss, my neck arched back, lifting my shoulders, trying to lift my hips at the same time. I want to impale her, to grab her head, shove her down, force my cock into her throat, and explode, sending my cunt non-stop directly into her belly. My cock expanded. Feeling it flex, Kim pulled off, grabbed my cock and pumped the shaft hard, her fingers choking my cock.

"CJ, come fuck this magnificent cock," she growled. "Now," she cried urgently. CJ moved cat like quick, straddling my legs, her left leg lifted. Kim reached into CJ's cunt, swiped her hand back and forth, smearing the collected juices over the head of my cock. With her hand now on CJ's ass, Kim directed my engorged cock to CJ's wet hole. "Take him baby," she grunted. "Shove that big cock in your cunt," she screamed.

"Oh fuck me," CJ shouted as her hips tilted, jamming her cunt down several inches of my cock. "Oh my God," she breathed deeply. Grinding her hips, she lifted, hesitated as her cunt grabbed the crown, and slammed her body down again, sliding deep along my cock. Her breath exploded from her body, her head bowed almost to my chest. "Yes," she hissed through clenched teeth. Her head lifted, her eyes wide, she stared into my face. "Oh shit you're big," she hissed. Her neck arched upwards, her jaw clenched tight, she pulled up once again. Grunting, she slammed her body downward, taking my cock completely. Her eyes flashed open as she looked to me. Placing her hands on my pecs, she arched her hips front to back, grinding on my cock, her hips rotating as she thrust front to back. Adjusting her knees, her body lifted, slamming down quickly. Without hesitating, she repeated her movements. As she slammed down, I thrust my hips upwards, shoving my hard cock into her body, forcing it deep. I hit bottom, her body slamming down on my shaft. Raising my head, I watched as her body lifted, her lips so tight to my cock, they stretched to hold me. My cock, glistening with her fluids, showed inch after inch. Suddenly, the head appeared, covered snuggly by her lips. Her jaw tight, her teeth showing, her glare told the next instant. Slamming her body down, a guttural groan escaped her. "Oh fuck, I am going to cum," her voice haltered. "On your fucking cock," she growled, her movements impaling her body with each thrust. As she slammed down, she leaned forward, her hips arching up and down, driving my cock over the exposed clit, mashing it against her body. Seconds passed. "Yes," she screamed, sitting upright. Moving her legs, she planted her feet flat on the bed, knees high to her sides. Rocking forward, her hands planted on my chest, she lifted her hips quickly, dropped and started fucking my cock with abandon. Her body smacked mine, grinding deep with each penetration. Now animalistic, we fucked. I grabbed her hips, thrusting wildly upwards to shove my cock up into her throat through her cunt. I lost all thought, my cock expanded once again. Lights flashed, her screams filled my brain as I fucked her hard, driving my cock deep. Her juices coated my cock, flooding our bodies. Her breathing was raspy, coming in gulps as we fucked.

"Fuck him baby," Kim shouted. I glanced to my left, Kim was watching, shoving a toy of some kind in and out of her cunt. Her fingers mashed her clit. "I'm cumming," she grunted, shoving her play toy deep into her soaked cunt. Collapsing forward, her head landed on my stomach under CJ's arm. I could tell she was watching CJ's cunt take my cock. CJ sat upright, pulling Kim's head to our crotches.

"Lick me Mother," she commanded. "Lick my clit," she stated again. Her hips arched, exposing her clit. "Oh fuck yes Momma," she growled. Within seconds, CJ came again, her hips grinding at my cock. Her muscles squeezed me, tugging me hard with each lift upwards. "Let me lay down on him," she asked. Kim scrambled away as CJ lay flat to my chest, my rigid cock still buried in her cunt.

Kim crawled up between our legs, her hands caressing CJ's legs as she moved up our bodies. As her hands reached her ass, her thumbs spread her cheeks wide. Leaning quickly, Kim dropped, her tongue extended, licking CJ's asshole. Both ladies groaned deeply as I shoved my cock upwards. Kim grabbed my balls, squeezing firmly. "Cum Rich, fill my baby with your cum," she ordered. Milking my balls, CJ humped me as her Mom licked her ass. My mind exploded, quickly followed by my balls, jettisoning my cum up my hard shaft, spitting into her depths. My hips lifted hard, trying to shove my whole body into her cunt.

"Holy fuck," I breathed softly. My cock flexed over and over, spitting any cum I could into her begging sheath. I kissed her softly, our tongues battling gently. Breathing returned to normal. I rolled CJ to the side, looking to Kim. Kim leaned to kiss CJ sweetly, their kiss lingering.

"My turn," Kim instructed. "And you know my fantasy," she growled staring at me. CJ looked to her. "He will fuck my ass as I scream into your cunt," Kim continued, stroking CJ's face. "Help me get him hard," she continued. Each lady moaned, both sets of hands reached to my deflated cock.

I was going to be blind. Fucked blind!