The Strippers and the Stepson Ch. 02


A huge thank you to LaRascasse, ftw752, and AwkwardMD for their generosity in helping me with beta reading and editing.


This is the second story of Karen and her 20-year-old stepson, Eric. All of their friends are 18 or older. It's a stand-alone story, but you might enjoy reading the character background in The Strippers and the Stepson Ch. 01.



Eric awakens with his mom in his arms. Everything about her is womanly—her skin, her breasts, her hips. The days since they became lovers have been the best of their lives. She opens her body to him in a way he never dreamed possible.

Karen has been awake, thinking about her decision to sleep with her stepson. She has been in love with him for years. The more her husband traveled for work, the more her attraction to her son grew. She agonized over the indecency of a mother lusting after her son. She felt dirty and ashamed. Not until her friends recognized Eric for the desirable man he had become did Karen admit she saw him that way too.

He is a charming 20-year-old who is in love with his mother. When he came on to her, she struggled to find excuses for why they should not be together. But nothing was powerful enough to overcome their desire. Now they can't keep their hands off each other.

Eric lies in bed stroking the delicate skin of her arm. Her breasts are round and creamy, shadowed in the light of the morning sun. He's losing patience to be with her again. He reaches down to stroke along the curve of her hip then slips between her legs. His seed from the night before is still wet and warm, nestled there.

"Good morning," Karen smiles up at her son's handsome young face. "Pancakes for breakfast?"

He rolls over and pins her to the bed. "Aren't you forgetting appetizers?"

She savors his mouth taking hers. His morning whiskers scrape across her cheek, reminding her he is a man, no longer a boy. He slides her mouth open with his, nibbles her bottom lip, and sucks on her tongue. He runs his hand through her hair then down her ear. She arches her back when he brings his lips down to her collarbone and dips his tongue in the hollow of her neck. Fondling her breasts with a needy hand, he teases her nipples into firm pink berries.

Karen sighs with pleasure at her son's tender touches. She spreads her legs around his muscular young back and lifts her hips toward his manhood.

"I need you Eric. Now."

Eric requires no coaxing. His cock finds her pussy wet and hungry. He slides into her in one thrust. They both cry out at the pleasure of their merging. Karen grabs his hips, aroused by his form taking up the space within her. She digs her nails into his ass while he fucks her. Eric groans, and his breath quickens. He could come right then from the eroticism of filling his mom's tiny pussy. She is so tight, sometimes it is like pushing through wet cement to seat himself. But this morning is different. She opens herself to their lovemaking. He roots himself on the first thrust. He pauses a moment so they can both enjoy their tight union. But he is eager to pull himself out and penetrate her again.

His mom lets go of his ass. "Eric, make love to me." Music to his ears.

He pulls his cock out of his mom until his tip hovers at her entrance. He rubs himself on her clit, a few strokes until neither of them can take any more. Then he lines his head up with her hole, rubbing circles there to tease them both. She spreads her legs wider; she is hungry for him. He eases himself back in, inch by delicious inch, until his tip rubs against her cervix, giving her an inner massage that sends tingles to her scalp. She emits a low moan as he pulls out and slides back in with powerful restraint for a 20-year-old who is ready to fuck his mom until she screams his name.

Karen strokes his back and wraps her hands around his firm ass. She rubs her face along his smooth chest and inhales his masculine scent. He has grown muskier overnight; his young man's scent is erotic. She circles her fingers around his asshole, teasing his virgin hole and hinting she plans to take him there. He catches his breath at the expectation of penetration. But she keeps her fingers on the edge of his anus, teasing with a hint of her tips in his muscular ring.

With every stroke in her pussy, his pelvis pulls against her clit. It is too much to bear. She lifts her legs on either side of her son, holding her ankles to maintain deep contact with his cock. The sound of his cock sliding in and out of her slick body is mesmerizing, like a wet umbrella squeezing in and out of its dampened sheath. The smell of their bodies meeting is primal and raw.

As Eric gets more aroused, he fucks his mom harder, their bodies meeting with a pounding of firm skin on soft skin, hard cock in wet pussy. After a few more strokes, she contracts around her son, and her clit explodes into sunbeams warming her body, tickling her fingertips, and curling her toes.

"Oh god, Eric, yes baby. Fuck me like that."

Her orgasm stretches itself out, running up her back and spinning through her brain. She melts into her son and becomes one with his body.

Eric holds on, but the sound of his mom screaming his name, coupled with her contractions constricting his dick, is more than he can handle. The balloon pops, and the cum that gathered all night in his balls shoots out through his shaft and into her beckoning pussy.

She has stopped taking the pill and is young enough to get pregnant. She has always wanted another child. When he comes in her, his primitive brain pushes to plant his seed. He thrusts, depositing all the semen he has to give, and leaving his love deep in his mom's core. Once the tingles have shivered their way down his spine, he is left with relaxation and bliss.

They know they are playing a dangerous game, but they can't seem to overcome their instinctual need to reproduce.

Eric rolls off his mom and cuddles her. How does she always smell good, even after they've been sweating? She looks good, she smells good, she feels good. There isn't anything he doesn't love about this woman. His dick hardens. A liability of a sexy, beautiful mom in his arms.

She smiles at him. "You're an amazing lover. I regret it took so long for us to discover each other."

"At least we did. Let's never let go."

"I'm your mother, but I'm your lover first. I could never let you go."

His young face turns naughty. He rolls on to her and positions himself between her thighs. "Does that mean you won't let go now?"

She wraps her legs around his hips. "You got it, stud."

He slides into her semen-filled pussy and groans with the pleasure of taking her. "Oh god, Mom, I love you."

She reaches up and slaps his ass. "I love you, too, baby. Now make me scream."


Karen's friend, Suzanne, raised her 21-year-old nephew, Ryan. His dad left when he was little, and his mom couldn't stay off drugs. So his mom's sister, Suzanne, stepped in and raised him.

She has been there for Ryan through everything—cub scouts, puberty, academic struggles. She has been more of a mother than an aunt to him. She loves him to the marrow of her body and would do anything for him.

Ryan is eating his high-protein breakfast when Suzanne broaches the subject of Karen's upcoming party. "My friends are having a party this weekend. You should come."

Ryan has grown into a tall, handsome man with the body of a college athlete. Suzanne has the active libido of most women her age, and Ryan is a distraction. When he walks out of the shower in his towel, she wonders what it is hiding. The sight of him padding around in his pajama bottoms conjures filthy thoughts. Even his innocent hugs leave her panties moist.

Karen has told Suzanne about her relationship with her son. They became lovers after Karen's last party, which turned into a sex fest with Eric as the main course. Karen has described how natural it is to fulfill their mutual needs. Suzanne can't take much more without Ryan's body in hers, and she envies Karen's situation with her son.

He heard about the last party. He is curious but on guard. "What friends?"

"The usual—Ashley, Karen, and her son, Eric. Plus I've invited girls I met, Rosie and Candy."

"Aren't Rosie and Candy strippers?"

"They're entertainers. But yes, they take off their clothes. And they're lots of fun."

Ryan's suspicious about where this is going. "You told me about the last party. Didn't Eric end up sleeping with everyone, including his mom?"

Suzanne draws her chair close. Ryan has already shaved, and his shaving cream smells like pine and another scent she'd like to lick off him. "It sounds like you're jealous."

"Aunt Suzanne, that's crazy."

"Ryan, it's time you stop calling me 'Aunt.' Call me 'Suzanne.'"

"'Suzanne' is intimate."

Suzanne rubs her hand down Ryan's back. Goose bumps prick up where she touches him. His mind is fuzzy from having her so close. "It's time to be more intimate. I'm a woman. And you're not a boy any more. It's time you treat me like a woman. And I'll treat you like the man you are."

Ryan has trouble catching his breath; aches of desire follow his aunt's fingertips. He wants his aunt more than she can imagine, but he struggles to admit it to himself. He remembers all the little things—sorting Legos together, practicing baseball in the backyard while Suzanne blasted the Eagles' greatest hits, sharing an ice cream after his team lost the play-offs. So he is inclined to give in to her every request, but also frightened by his deep-seated need for her. "What do you mean?"

She whispers while squeezing his thigh. "I mean, it might be good for us to go to Karen's party."

Ryan's dick jumps to attention at the idea of going to a sex party with his aunt. She brings her hand higher on his thigh until she's an inch away from his swollen cock. The tip of Ryan's dick protrudes from the hole in his pajama bottoms, the precum weeping down his shaft. All he thinks of is Suzanne's mouth wrapped around his engorged head.

He looks at her lips and thinks about them sucking him off, swallowing him down. Could she take him into her throat? Would she moan? Would she lick his balls?

Ryan has wanted his aunt for years. He has heard the sounds coming from her bedroom at night. He lusts to be the one giving her pleasure, making her cry out his name. If he goes to that party, there's no turning back. He's not sure what his aunt has in mind, but he couldn't fuck the other women and leave her alone. He has yearned to be with her for so long it hurts.

Suzanne pulls him back from his reverie. "So what do you say. Will you be my date?"

What the fuck is he thinking? She's his aunt! "I'm sorry, Suzanne, I'm not sure it's a good idea."

Ryan downs his breakfast and hauls ass to the shower. He's got to do something with that massive erection.


Suzanne's not stupid. She sees the way her nephew looks at her. She notices his hard-on when she asks him about the sex party. She sees him get interested when she tells him about Eric's relationship with his mom. And she hears him in the shower after their conversation, trying to tame his painful erection.

Suzanne waits a couple days to broach the topic again.

Ryan sits on the sofa playing a video game. Suzanne plops down next to him. He feels her thigh touching his and smells the sensuous perfume she wears every day. Her hair is soft and tickles his shoulder when she turns to talk to him. His erection stretches his sweat pants, and for the first time Suzanne realizes how massive he is. All the more reason to get him to that party.

She rests her hand on his forearm, sending a pang of need straight from his arm to his groin. "Thought any more about the party?"

Ryan can't catch his breath. "Aunt Suzanne—"


"Suzanne, this doesn't seem like something we should go to together."

"This has nothing to do with us. You can have an awesome time with the other women." She pulls out her phone. "Let me show you my friends. This is Ashley. Look at those tits. Wouldn't you like to get your hands on those? And your mouth?"

Ryan would love to get his hands on them, but a blush creeps up his neck talking about it with his aunt.

Suzanne isn't done. "Here's a picture of Candy. She's got black hair to her ass, big dark eyes, and light brown skin. And bonus: she's bisexual. So you can get her to suck your dick and then watch her eat out another woman. She's hot."

She scrolls through her photos. "This is Rosie. Notice anything familiar? She's Candy's twin. She might be the tiniest woman you'll ever meet with the tightest pussy you'll ever find. Like her sister, she's stunning. She's lesbian, but she likes to play with anyone given the right circumstance. Candy and Rosie are 18, so they're right up your alley."

Ryan's drooling at the idea of watching the two women get it on, but mortified that his aunt is talking about another woman's pussy with him. There's a pussy he wants, but it belongs to the woman sitting next to him.

"Last but not least, this is Karen. She's got flaming red hair and a petite athletic body. She can have you hanging from the chandeliers. It's also got to be hot to watch her fuck her son."

He's intrigued. It doesn't escape him that Suzanne is practically his mom.

Suzanne reassures him. "You and I won't play together. But we need another guy there—Karen's son is going to be alone. Can you help my friends out?"

How does he tell her he has no interest in her friends? His interest lies in the woman before him.

Suzanne's not being candid with Ryan. She's hoping they'll get together. But she also recognizes they're blood relatives. Unless Ryan makes a move, she vows to keep her hungry claws off him.

Ryan isn't being straight with his aunt, either. He's desperate to be with her. But no way is he going to make the first move. She still sees him as that Little League boy with the bloody knee—why would she want his mitts all over her?

"Aunt Suzanne, stop. I'll go to the party." What red-blooded 21-year-old man would turn down a sex party?

Suzanne jumps up and down in that cute way she has of making her tits jiggle. "We're going to have a blast."

Ryan puts his head in his hands. Another opportunity to lust after his aunt and not get what he needs.


Before their friends arrive, Karen has a gift for Eric.

Eric is confused when he opens the box. "Mom, I'm not old enough to drink, and you got me a wine bottle topper?"

Karen laughs "It's a butt plug. For our play time after the party."

"I need a butt plug?"

"You don't get to have all the fun. I'm going to claim your virgin ass."

His face is tinged with trepidation and intrigue. "What are you planning to put in me?"

"Nothing much bigger than what you put in me."

He looks down at his sizable dick.

"I'm not sure I can handle something that big."

"Trust me. After the party, you'll beg me to shove a vibrator up your ass. Now, bend over so I can put this in."

Still skeptical, but trusting his mom, Eric bends over. His mom runs lube along his outer rim and marvels at what a perfect asshole he has. She can't wait to claim it with her dildo tonight.

She massages his hole and loosening the muscles there. She lubes up the butt plug then eases it into his asshole, twisting it while she inserts it.

Eric moans at the intrusion. It stimulates him in all the right ways, and his cock hardens.

"It's not much different from my fingers, is it? Keep it in until we're ready to play."

If the vibrator feels as good as this butt plug, then Eric is ready to play now.


Ashley is the first to arrive. She is a social animal and right in her element at a sex party. She tosses her gorgeous blond hair, calling attention to her ample breasts. She's excited to see Karen and Eric.

"I can't wait to play with you both." Glancing up at the crisp blue sky with cotton ball clouds, she adds, "We're so lucky to have perfect weather for this."

Karen grins. "We wouldn't dream of having a party without you. So glad you're here."

The last time they were together, their friend Leah introduced the other women to the eroticism of lesbian sex. Suzanne and Ashley went wild. Karen was preoccupied lusting after her son. She didn't get to play with the other women, so Ashley's hoping she'll join in this time.

Before they shut the door, Suzanne shows up, with a hunky young man in tow. She is outgoing, sometimes aggressive. Distributing kisses, Suzanne introduces Ryan.

Ryan is nervous. He fears it's obvious he came in hopes of having sex with his aunt. He's grateful to see someone he knows. "Hey Eric, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time."

Ryan's relieved Eric's fucking his mom. It makes him feel less weird about aching to be with Suzanne.

Suzanne has a surprise—she brought Viagra for the young men. "Hey boys, I have a treat. Little blue pills. Take them now."

Eric knows he can get it up with little effort. But these women are voracious. He's taking no chances; he pops two. Ryan's nervous and follows Eric's lead; he also takes two.

Suzanne announces she invited two more friends. A Camaro pulls up, music blaring.

Suzanne grins. "Here they are."

Out of the car step two petite, striking Latina women wearing interesting outfits. The first has pouty red lips and is dressed like a lapsed Catholic schoolgirl, with pigtails, mid-drift top, plaid pleated mini-skirt, and thigh-high stockings. The other wears a latex Cat Woman outfit, complete with mask, tail, and high stilettos. They both have the bodies to rock their outfits and would draw attention wearing even blue jeans and baggie t-shirts.

The women see they are dressed out of place. "We thought this was a dress-up party."

Suzanne assures them. "You look beautiful. Besides, you won't be dressed for long."

She introduces her new friends. "This is Candace and Rosita."

"I'm Candy," says the Cat Woman.

Karen eyes her feet. "I'm so impressed you can walk in those shoes."

"Honey, that's how I make my living. As a stripper, I wear fuck-me shoes."

The other girl jumps in. "Call me Rosie." All dimples and long dark hair, Rosie can't take her eyes off Karen and her red mane.

"Do people tell you all the time you're beautiful?"

Karen blushes.

Suzanne knows Karen's embarrassed by Rosie's charm, so she changes the subject. "We brought snacks—cheese, crackers, and a couple bottles of wine."

Karen can't let the inside joke pass her by. "Thank you. Eric has the perfect bottle stopper."

Shocked that she would poke fun at the plug up his ass, Eric swivels his head to his mom. Where is his loving mother?

A slight smile plays on Karen's lips. She won't be the only one seeing that plug today, so he might as well get used to a little ribbing.

While the rest of the group moves to the outside kitchen to pour wine, Karen holds Eric back. She can tell he is uncomfortable, but she can't tell why. Ryan is taller than Eric and hotter than hell—does Eric feel inadequate? But he's gorgeous and can hold his own against any man.

"Eric, what's the deal between you and Ryan?"

"He plays baseball with me. His last name is Breckenridge. But his dick is so big everyone calls him Breckenhorse. I didn't know until today his first name is Ryan."

Karen laughs. "Leave it to Suzanne to bring two strippers and a breeding stud to our sex party."

"It's not funny."

"What's the matter?"

"He caught me looking at him in the locker room."

"Baby, do you think you're gay?"

"I'm curious, but you're the one I love. His cock is so fucking huge, it's impossible to look away. He was cool about it when he saw me staring—he's used to it—but I never expected to see him at my house. For a sex party, for god's sake."

"Relax. He's on your turf, and he didn't seem to harbor a grudge against you."

"The other weird thing is Suzanne is his aunt, but she raised him. There were issues with his mom on drugs, so Suzanne stepped in to help. She's been like a mother to him."

"I knew Suzanne helped raise a boy but I didn't know these details."

"What you and I have is special, but not every mother-son pair can go to a sex party and expect it to turn out well."

"I'm sure it will be fine. Now let's go play with our guests. Giddyap!"

"Not funny."


By the time Karen and Eric make it to the backyard, Candy and Rosie are stripping out of their costumes, with Breckenhorse a captive audience. Candy pulls down her latex top and feeds one perfect breast to his eager mouth. Rosie hikes up her plaid miniskirt and performs a raunchy lap dance for him while he rubs his hands on the tender skin between her thigh highs and bikini bottoms.

Both girls tease off their clothes. They are small; Breckenhorse weighs more than both of them put together. He enjoys the attention of their identical lithe forms grinding over him.

Candy pulls Breckenhorse's t-shirt over his head while Rosie shimmies his shorts down his legs. Rosie stops mid-thigh, and everyone stares at him. He packs the biggest, most intimidating dick anyone has ever seen. Eric gives his mom a look that says, "I told you."

Ashley can't believe her eyes. "How big is that thing?"

Embarrassed by the attention, Ryan mumbles, "About 11 inches."

"We need confirmation. Karen, do you have a ruler?"

"Hang on."

Karen comes back out with a mini tape measure from Eric's old Bob the Builder set. Now it's Eric's turn to cower in embarrassment.

Breckenhorse withers until Ashley's oral attention works him up to size. Karen measures him. Sure enough, 11¼ inches.

Ashley is the first to react. "Suzanne, did you know your nephew was packing that much? If I had that dick in my house, I'd ride it every day."

Suzanne and Breckenhorse are mortified. Ashley's trying to be funny, but her words hit too close to home. Seeing Ryan naked for the first time ignites Suzanne's lust for her nephew. But she promised she would leave him alone. This is going to be a long day.

Suzanne distracts her desire by directing the first festivity of the day. "Let's all lie down in a big circle and eat each other out or suck each other off, as the case may be."

The guys are up for anything involving their dicks. They echo each other. "I'm in."

Cunnilingus till you come? The women don't need convincing. They're in too.

The group forms a big circle on towels laid out on the grass. Karen sucks off her son. Eric goes down on Ashley, who busies herself pleasuring Rosie. Rosie's got her mouth all over Breckenhorse, who can't get enough of Candy. Candy buries her face in Suzanne's pussy. Completing the chain, Suzanne eats out Karen like she's a gift from heaven.

Breckenhorse is mesmerized when Suzanne takes off her swimsuit. He has lived with her most of his life, but he has never seen her naked. He knew they weren't coming to this party to play Scrabble. But still, he's shell shocked to find himself inches from his naked aunt. With overflowing breasts and feminine hips and ass, she's more beautiful than his wildest fantasies. He stares at her gorgeous pink pussy and imagines he can smell her—she would be heated with scent, musky yet feminine. His erection turns to steel as he thinks about tasting. He is embarrassed, conflicted, and horny as hell.

Suzanne sees her nephew is distracted. "Having fun?"


"Go lay between Rosie and Candy. They'll show you a good time." Suzanne's stomach clenches as she situates Ryan away from her—she wants him for herself, but that's not why he's here.

Karen is already pleasuring her son. Since they have been lovers, she has learned what he likes. Sucking him off is her erotic way of expressing her love for him. It winds them both up and makes them crave each other more.

She sniffs him, savoring his unique aroma—cedarwood soap, growing young man—trapped in his pubic hair. She hungers for him. Saliva pools on her tongue. She lets the spit run down his cock while stroking her hand up and down his shaft. Smiling at him, she flicks her tongue along the sensitive ridge under his head and rubs his taint back to his butt plug. When she suctions his head, she pulls the plug in and out, twisting it to give him the friction that will remind him of what's to come later.

He thrusts his hips toward her mouth. Sucking his shaft, she shakes her head side to side so his head contacts different sections of her mouth—fulfilling the variety he craves. She is ravenous for her son and sucks his head like she's trying to slurp all the cum out of him. He loves his mom to talk dirty to him.

"Do you like feeling my mouth on your cock?"


"Do you want me to lick your balls?"

"God, yes."

She slides her lips down his shaft until they rest on his balls and her throat cradles his tip. Pulling back and then sliding back down, she deep throats him again and again, resting her lips on his base and sticking out her tongue to tickle his balls. He squirms with the dual sensation of his mom's throat on his cock and her tongue on his sack.

Karen flips over onto her back.

"Baby, sit on my face."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Fuck my mouth."

Eric scoots up to his mom's face, so his cock rests on her lips, his hair tickles her nose, and his balls dangle against her chin. She opens her mouth wide to take him, swallowing him in an audible gulp. Eric falls on his hands and grinds his hips into her mouth. He pulses his dick inside her, groaning as his head sinks deeper into her throat. She gurgles and swallows, adding to the eroticism for him.

He can hold back no longer. "Mom, fuck, I'm gonna come."

He blows a fat wad of cum into her, shuddering through his body and pinning her head against his cock as his seed shoots into her. The muscles at the base of his asshole contract, and his dick hurts with the pressure of ejaculating. It hits the back of her throat and slides down, but he spews more cum on her tongue as he pulls out. She looks up and smiles, opening her mouth to show him what he blew into her. He tastes salty and natural, like the ocean. She swallows it down. He groans in appreciation and lays back down, spent and lolling in bliss. She is his lover, but he never forgets that the gorgeous woman who let him fuck her mouth is his mom—and to her, he is grateful.

Breckenhorse isn't far behind. Rosie is stroking his massive pillar with both hands while sucking on his head. She sticks her tongue deep into his meatus slit, driving him wild with the unique sensation. He groans as she lifts his big dick to lap his balls, and squirms when she licks at his taint back to his asshole. Telling him to spread his ass open while she plays with his asshole, she admires his firm athletic globes.

Breckenhorse has never had someone touch him there. When her warm tongue touches his anus, he stops fidgeting and appreciates what all the fuss is about.

"Fuck. That's good."

She lubes him up with her spit, circling his hole and poking her tongue inside him, spearing him deeper and deeper each time. Spreading him open with her thumbs, she admires his inner view. She slides a finger in to tickle him. When he moans, she takes her cue to add a second finger. She takes him in and out, making him writhe again in pleasure.

She notices he can take little more, so she reaches up and grasps his dick in her hand. She strokes him fast and hard to the same rhythm of her fingers in his ass. When he's about to blow, she takes the tip of his cock in her mouth, savoring his big head filling her up. Precum drips down his head—he tastes salty and raw. Lapping him up, she looks up at him with a grin in her eye. Her fingers in his ass, her hand on his shaft, and her mouth on his head are a trifecta of delight, too much for him to withstand.

Leaning up on his elbow, Breckenhorse stares at his aunt. He imagines it's her mouth fucking him, her hands stroking him, her lips smiling around his cock. Suzanne looks back with undisguised lust. Her eyes skittering down his body, she lingers on his dick and licks her lips. He sees her mouth form an O when Rosie takes his head. And he sees her hand squeeze as Rosie pumps his shaft. Suzanne is hungry for her nephew, and doing a miserable job hiding it. Breckenhorse hungers for his aunt's touch. If only she would make a move.

He yanks himself out of his reverie. "Oh god, I'm close. Where do you want me to come?"

"Anywhere, big boy."

He grabs the back of Rosie's head and comes in her mouth—thick, salty ropes looping across her tongue. His balls ache from the force of his emission, his back hurts from arching it, and his blood pressure spikes. His body feels like it's convulsing, then if flat-lines. He is relaxed and one with the world.

His orgasm makes him brave. He stares at Suzanne, but she looks away, jealous of Rosie and ashamed of how she feels. It's going to be a long day for two naked people who are desperate to share their passion, but each reluctant show it.


It's Karen's turn for attention. Karen pulls Suzanne aside. "I've never been with a woman before. I'm overwhelmed."

Suzanne thinks Karen needs to step outside her comfort zone. "That's why you and I should be together—we've known each other forever, and we trust each other."

"Will you stop if I get uncomfortable?"

"Of course. Now let's give this a shot."

Suzanne takes it slow. She dribbles tanning oil across Karen's stomach and breasts, then rubs it in tender, languid circles. The oil warms her skin in the sun, making her smell like mangoes and coconuts. Karen moans to the sensation of the oil shimmering on her nipples. Once Karen's torso is glittering in the sunlight, Suzanne fills both palms with oil and massages it up Karen's legs, from her shins to her thighs.

Suzanne runs her tongue along Karen's delicate inner thighs, stopping where her pussy begins and placing small kisses along Karen's outer folds. When Karen relaxes, Suzanne licks her tongue along her labia, sucking and nibbling on their fleshiest part. Her friend tastes sweet, a combination of the fruity tanning oil and her natural flavor. Suzanne buries her nose in Karen's folds. She smells like she tastes, plus something more primal, more raw—the scent of an aroused woman. She uses two fingers to spread Karen's layers open like a butterfly and softens her tongue to flicker between her slender lips.

Karen is wet from making her son come. She gasps when Suzanne dips into her creamy hole. Suzanne laps until her face is wet from Karen's juices. She eases a finger inside, sliding it in and out on a slow, gentle motion. Keeping her fingers inside her friend, Suzanne rubs and tweaks Karen's engorged clit with her thumb. Karen reaches down to hold Suzanne's hand to her pussy, moaning and calling her name.

"Suzanne. Right there, yes, like that. Oh god."

Karen bucks her hips when her friend inserts another finger. She twirls them around and squiggles them so they wave against Karen's G-spot. The pressure on her internal erogenous zone and Suzanne's thumb on her sensitive bud shoot her to the moon.

"Suzanne, yes. Don't stop. Oh yes."

Karen screams into her son's groin, crying out her pleasure when the climax rips through her and consumes every cell of her body. She pushes Suzanne's hand deeper into her cunt, screaming again when a stronger orgasm overtakes her, floating her above the pool and out into the clouds. Her pussy engulfs Suzanne's hand, and she feels like she has merged with her friend. She holds Suzanne and bucks until her contractions subside and her guests come back into focus.

Karen sits up and gives Suzanne a passionate kiss. Her tongue slips into Suzanne's mouth, warm and enticing. Karen has never had her mouth on a woman before and is mesmerized by how soft and right it is. The taste of her own pussy on her friend's mouth is one of the most erotic experiences to Karen. She can't resist wrapping her hand around Suzanne's breast—her lust heats up again at the caress of her friend's large, warm tit. Suzanne slides Karen's fingers to her nipple.

"Play all you want, my friend."

Karen tweaks and teases her, aroused by the woman's firm bud in her control. She takes it in her mouth and suckles like the newborn explorer that she is. Suzanne's nipple feels like a firm large berry surrounded by rippled lambskin. She runs her tongue around it, savoring the contrast of sensations in her mouth.

Coming up for air, Karen gasps, "Now I get it."

Rosie smirks. "See why some of us never go back?"

Candy is eager to pleasure their friend, and Suzanne is ready to be sated. With Breckenhorse looking on with unparalleled hunger, Candy pulls Suzanne in for a wet kiss. Karen is reluctant to surrender Suzanne's breast, so Candy massages the other one, then reaches over to finger Karen's wet pussy. Karen fondles Candy's perky tit then pulls back.

"I'd better back off, or I'll get going again."

Breckenhorse and Eric exchange looks; watching three women get it on is fine by them.

Candy buries her mouth in Suzanne's pussy, eating out her hole and slurping down her tasty juices. Suzanne's flavor is strong and varied—the coconut tanning oil mingled with her perfume and her natural musky scent. Candy spreads her open to enjoy her complex aroma. She drives her tongue into Suzanne, plundering first, then rimming with circles around her hole second.

She puts two fingers into Suzanne's pussy and beckons to Karen.

"Fuck her clit."

"I don't know what I'm doing."

"Do what feels good when Eric goes down on you."

Karen brings her head down to Suzanne's wet pussy, smelling the sharp aroma of arousal. She moves her mouth up to Suzanne's clit, using a gentle sucking motion. But Suzanne needs more.

"Karen, fuck my clit good. Suck it hard."

Karen recalls what her son does that drives her wild. She runs her tongue around Suzanne's clit then takes it in her mouth. She sucks it down like a thick milkshake through a cocktail straw. She runs circles around Suzanne's clit, then, changing up the pace and intensity, she teases it with her teeth. Suzanne squirms with the varied feelings of attention Karen lavishes on her.

Candy rubs her fingers in and out of Suzanne's pussy and circles them inside in unison. She watches Karen's ministrations on Suzanne's clit and tries to maintain the same rhythm and pressure.

Candy's fingering, coupled with Karen's force and stroke on her clit, sends Suzanne into orbit. Stars explode before her eyes, making her arch her back and curl her toes until her body aches with the force of her orgasm. Screaming out, Suzanne grabs Karen's head, pulls her closer into her cunt, and pivots her hips up to find deeper penetration in her hole.

"Fuck, yes. Fuck me, girls. Fuck me hard. Oh god, yes."

When Suzanne signals her return to reality, Candy and Karen sit back, grinning at the pleasure they have given their friend. Candy caresses Karen's cheek and pulls her in for a gentle kiss. She slides Karen's mouth open and runs her tongue inside, showing her the pleasure a woman can give another woman's pussy. Karen is mesmerized by the idea of Candy probing her dripping hole. Suzanne and Candy are proud of her.

"You did good. You're a hell of a fuck for a newbie."

Karen turns every shade of red, laughs, then accepts the compliment. She licks her lips, struck by how different Suzanne's pussy tastes from her son's cock. She is sweet, almost metallic, mingled with the tanning oil and perfume Suzanne is wearing. She could get used to that taste.

Suzanne is a woman on fire, and Breckenhorse is a captive audience. His aunt has come thousands of times in his fantasies and through the thin walls of their house, but he has never seen her in action. She is beautiful, sensual, and he yearns to be the one to take her there.

When Suzanne comes back to Earth, the first one in her line of vision is Ryan. Candy's fingers are in her pussy, and she aches for them to be Ryan's. Suzanne stares at him, hoping her look conveys her emotions: she won't force him, but she needs him. The look he returns seems mutual. But she's afraid to hope—or push—since she promised him space. She loves him too much not to honor her commitment.


Ashley approaches the guys. She is a panther on the prowl, and one of them is about to get eaten.

"Hey guys, all us ladies are naked. Time for fun."

She doesn't have to ask two horny young men twice. They are gorgeous. They have the physiques of the college baseball players they are and the dicks of men who could sub for porn actors. Karen eyes her son like she's ready for another round. Every other woman has her eyes on Breckenhorse, except Rosie.

Ashley has something up her sleeve. "Hey Ryan."


"I'll bet you can't fit that huge schlong into Rosie's tiny pussy."

Rosie looks shocked. "First of all, how did I get involved in anything having to do with that horse dick? And second of all, no way, it won't fit."

Breckenhorse looks Rosie up and down. She's cute as fuck. And her pussy is the tightest he'll ever get, even though every pussy is tight to him. "I wouldn't mind trying."

Rosie knows it's a moot point because that fucking thing isn't going to fit. She can fit an average guy, above average is tough, this guy is obscene. But she doesn't want to be a spoil sport. "If you can get your dick into me, then I get to fuck you with my strap-on."

Karen runs into the house to grab libations. If he gets it in her, Rosie's going to need a stiff drink.

Rosie lies on a towel with her legs spread wide. Ashley makes sure Rosie is well-lubed.

Breckenhorse lines his head up with her hole; the size difference is on the order of inches. Breckenhorse pushes, but Rosie's pussy doesn't budge.

Ashley has a plan. She squeezes lube his dick and watches him stroke it on. Puddles of desire gather in her mouth and her pussy. She can't wait to fuck that monster.

Ashley calls Eric over. "Problem is she's got a tiny hole. We'll spread her open and guide him in."

Eric is dubious. "You want me to help guide him in?"

"You hold that side, I've got this side. Guide his dick and stretch Rosie's pussy at the same time."

Eric is hard at the idea of touching Breckenhorse's cock. He wonders if it's obvious. And he agonizes about what this means for his sexuality. He figures it will be more obvious if he refuses to do what Ashley asks than if he acts like it's no big deal and helps out.

Rosie's laughing. "I told you guys this won't work."

She's in for an unpleasant surprise. Now that her pussy is lubed, Ashley and Eric stretch her open while bringing Breckenhorse's head to her entrance. Once they're both lined up, Ashley instructs Breckenhorse.


He bears down, with Ashley and Eric guiding the way. His dick slides in a couple inches. Once his head is in, he pushes harder, forcing another two inches in.

Rosie screams like she's being slaughtered. Her vagina is so stretched it looks deformed.

To Breckenhorse, it's fucking fantastic, tighter than he's ever known. But he can't go any further. Unaware of what he's doing, he grabs Ashley and Eric's hands and masturbates himself.

He strokes firm and hard, long pulls spanning his entire shaft with an extra squeeze at the top. As he gets more turned on, his masturbation becomes faster and more forceful. He grasps his friends' hands tight and rubs his cock all the way down to Rosie's stretched entrance and back up to his tip.

Eric tries to pull his hand back, but Breckenhorse's grip is firm, so Eric is stroking him. Eric feels his teammate come—it gathers at the base of his cock, widening his shaft, and shooting down to its goal.

Breckenhorse comes so hard his dick flips out of Rosie, squirts across her stomach, and droplets ricochet into Ashley and Eric's faces. Eric is horrified to find himself turned on. Rosie is grateful to have that thing out of her and couldn't care less what gets sprayed where.

Breckenhorse gives a final pull on his dick, stroking it to the tip, unaware he grasps Ashley and Eric and uses their hands to masturbate himself. Saliva pools in Eric's mouth when his hand passes over Breckenhorse's enormous red tip. Eric's dick could pound nails. He has a momentary panic about his reaction to Breckenhorse's dick, then he assures himself: he saw a hot chick get the hell fucked out of her. Of course he's turned on. He goes back to his mom. His cock is on fire, and they need to do something about it.

Rosie's pussy is killing her, and she is 4'10" of pissed of woman. She is a tiny but deadly force to be reckoned with. She points at Breckenhorse. "Get on your back. And lube up. I'm fucking you with my strap-on."

Rosie stomps over to her beach bag. She pulls out what could be the largest strap-on ever created. Breckenhorse is fucked.


Candy helps Rosie attach the strap-on. It's enormous on Rosie's diminutive frame, nothing short of comical. Breckenhorse is on his back, and Ashley rubs lube on his asshole.

Ashley massages his anus, running circles around him and teasing him open with her thumbs. He groans when she inserts her fingers, trying to mimic the feeling of the strap-on. Once she has three fingers in, she pushes them in and out and scissors them around, widening him further. He's caught up in the eroticism of her taking his ass, but looks fearful of the dildo.

Still pissed off, Rosie marches over, kneels in front of him, and lines up the tip with his asshole. She pushes. Breckenhorse is a boy in pain. He needs pleasure to take his mind off it. Eager to get her hands on that dick, Ashley fucks him between her big tits.

He hardens when Ashley lubes him up and rubs him in her cleavage. He's all boy and loves her big, juicy jugs. He reaches down to jiggle them, flap them around his dick, and tweak her nipples. This alone shoots him standing rock hard, a remarkable 11" column.

Stroking his shaft, Ashley runs her tongue along the underside of his head, taking special care to tongue his frenulum. Sliding her face down to his enormous balls, she licks and tickles them with her fingernails. She pulls his scrotum back with her teeth, reminding him who's in charge. Screwing her hands around his base, she runs her mouth back up his shaft to suck on his straining head.

Breckenhorse's dick is alive, and he pushes his pelvis into Ashley's face. His euphoria loosens the strong muscles of his asshole, allowing Rosie to push her dildo into him. Rosie penetrates his outer ring. This brings him more pleasure than he anticipated. He bucks harder and faster into Ashley's mouth, savoring the suction she has created.

Rosie rams the dildo in deeper, pushing with her petite frame to slam it in. She pulls back out so its head rests on his outer muscles, then throttles forward, impaling him again with all her force. Each time she bucks into him, the dildo goes in a couple more inches, getting closer and closer to home.

The base of the dildo rubs against Rosie, sizzling through her each time she plows into Breckenhorse. She fucks him hard, slamming deeper each time, until at last the dildo is seated.

The pressure on Rosie's clit is too much, the visual of the dildo shoved all the way into the young man's ass too enticing. She climaxes to the pleasure of her strap-on. She fucks it hard, pushing harder even though the dildo is all the way home. Her pussy swallows the dildo which merges into Breckenhorse's ass. For a moment in time, they are one, and Rosie lifts above herself, panting in the pleasure of her making.

Her goal achieved, Rosie pulls the dildo out of Breckenhorse's ass. She is impressed with him despite herself.

Between the ass fucking and the blow job, Breckenhorse can hold back no longer. He grabs the back of Ashley's head and forces her face down on his dick. He thrusts his hips up and shoots a tornado of cum into her throat. She gags on his cock, and sputters and coughs. She struggles to handle his monster and its copious seed, much of which slides down her tongue and back on his cock and balls.

Rosie winks at Ashley. "Let's clean this guy up."

The women suck and slurp his cum off him. Rosie can smell Ashley's pussy on his cock—Ashley's sharp and all woman, and Rosie wants to get some of that. When they reach his tip, Rosie strokes Ashley's cheek and pulls her in for a kiss. Ashley's breasts are enormous, impossible for Rosie to resist, so she fondles one while their tongues tangle. Heat pools in both women's pussies. They're going to have to continue this later.


Candy is turned on from kissing Karen. She's going to ride that big cock. She climbs onto Breckenhorse. She eases onto his head, enjoying how he stretches her pussy. But it doesn't go far.

She moves to her feet, squats over him, and bears down with her flanks. He reaches up and plays with her firm young tits while she rides him. Realizing she can't go any further, she brings her fingers to her clit and strokes it. She pulls at her sensitive bud, teasing it out of its hood, then tickles it back and forth. Using her fingers, she jerks off in frantic circles, fucking herself while she's filled with Breckenhorse's dick.

She moves up his dick to the tip, pistons on it for a few strokes, then comes in an ecstasy of curses.

"Fuck, yes. God I love that big dick. Fuck it, big boy, fuck that little pussy."

Meanwhile, Rosie has climbed onto Breckenhorse's face. He licks along her lips, nibbling here and there. He sucks them until they are sopping wet. Rosie spreads her labia apart so he can admire her beautiful pink pussy and inhale her aroma—a mixture of female musk, male cum, and sunscreen. He could inhale her scent until he was drunk on its fumes.

He pierces her hole with his tongue, slurps her horny juices, and flicks in and out of her until she's riding him and fucking his mouth. Rosie throws her head back and squeals when he replaces his tongue with two fingers and strokes them along her G-spot.

Her clit has popped out of its hood. He brings it between his teeth, then flicks it, circles it, and suctions it until Rosie fucks down harder on his fingers.

Rosie can't take anymore. She drills her pussy onto Breckenhorse's face, gyrating until she has the contact she needs, then takes off on a delirious trip to a perfect finish. Sparks shoot up her spine and her brain quivers in mindless ecstasy. She is spent and leaves his face a sopping, soggy mess.

Hearing the girls scream, feeling Candy's contractions, and licking Rosie's juice off his lips, Breckenhorse loses control. He erupts into Candy. His legs shake and his fingers go numb. His climax rips up his back and shoots white spots before his eyes. His brain shuts down then awakens to a place of nirvana. He pinches himself. How did he consider not coming to this party?


Karen saunters to Eric and gives him a tender kiss. She is all red hair and muscular curves, and he can't stop looking at her.

No one has ever seen a mother and son make love. Everyone is riveted.

Eric lies on a lounge chair, his dick pointed straight at the sky. Karen straddles her son's mouth.

"Will you make sure I'm good and wet, baby?"

"I'd love to."

Suzanne is captivated. She aches to experience this with Ryan. He feels the same and figures it's now or never. Trying to act relaxed, he strolls over to the lounge chair where his aunt reclines. He sits next to her, eases her against him, and rests his arm across her shoulders. There is nothing casual about his gesture. Need overcomes them as they watch mother and son surrender to their carnal desire.

Eric takes long, luscious licks of Karen's pussy, lapping from anus to clit. He runs his tongue in circles around her slit. He teases her hole, stroking inside her, until she holds the sides of his head for balance. Her scent is sharp and sweaty from a long day in the sun. She smells perfect to him. And he never tires of his mom's erotic flavor—today she's pure mom taste mingled with mango and coconut oil. He licks her like he could devour all the scent off of her.

She's so wet he scurries to lap up the juice flowing out of her. He makes his way up to her clit, teasing and tweaking that precious bud, suctioning it until he hears her sharp breath. Once she's tugging at his hair and crying his name, he knows she's ready.

She is desperate for him to fill her. "I need to love you now."

Karen slides her hips down to her son's pelvis, lining his cock up with her dripping hole. She smiles up at his handsome face while she slides down on him. His eyes smolder. Thinking of coming in his mom, he's taking the forces of gods to hold back his orgasm. His mom is sexy and beautiful, her movements erotic and hot—he can't hold out long with her.

As Karen slides onto her son, Suzanne and Ryan groan in unison, involuntary rumbles from the depths of their cores. Suzanne's nipples are firm, and her pussy has puddled the towel she's sitting on. Hungry for his aunt, the tip of Ryan's dick protrudes from the edge of his towel. Suzanne stares at his head, longing to take its silky skin in her mouth.

Karen grinds her hips in a slow rhythm—easy, tender lovemaking. He squeezes her bottom and claims her mouth with his own. They share the same tempo, they share the same heat. Karen's adrenaline picks up; her orgasm comes on.

"Baby, I'm close."

"Mom, I'm almost there."

She sits up and gyrates her hips on her son. He pushes himself into her, bringing her to the edge she seeks. She rocks him hard, using him like a plunger on her cunt. The incessant battering is more than he can take. His balls pull up, and he warns his mom.

"Mom, I'm coming."

"Me too, baby, me too."

They come together, mother and son, one releasing his seed into the other. Her pussy contracts on her son, sending wave after wave of bliss across her body. Her hips ache from spreading her legs far apart and her shoulders burn from hunching over the lounge chair. Yet still she comes, a tangle of blazing lights flitting through her head. Her body melts into her son, two become one, love consumes them.

Everyone is titillated to see mother and son share their passion. The sight of Eric's cock disappearing into his mother makes their friends squirm with desire.

Ryan and Suzanne sit thigh to thigh. When Ryan strokes Suzanne's leg, she grabs his hand. They squeeze each other when Eric and Karen come, a silent signal of needing and yearning. Suzanne's chest heaves, her pussy contracts, and Ryan's dick throbs with lust. They long to be where Eric and Karen are.

Eric has a primal urge to drag his mom back to his lair, to fuck her again and again until neither of them can stand. His urge to impregnate her is overwhelming, irrational, but undeniable. He thrusts his hips higher with one last release, forcing his seed deep inside her.

Karen falls on top of him. He savors her breasts on his chest, her hips bracketing his legs. He loves every aspect of her—her fiery hair, her downy skin, her eyes deep with wisdom. She craves him with a passion she never shared with his father. She yearns for him to engulf her, penetrate her, and consume her with the lust they have shared for years. They share languid, loving kisses, oblivious to the spectators around them.


Ashley interrupts Karen and Eric's interlude. "Breckenhorse, I need you and Eric to DP me."

Eric drags a hand through his hair. "Ashley, you know how big Breckenhorse is. And I'm not small. Are you sure about this?"

"I've stared at those dicks all day, and if I don't get them soon I'll explode."

Breckenhorse was touching his aunt and sensing a mutual connection. He's reluctant to break that bond. But despite every opportunity, Suzanne didn't make a move. Disheartened, Breckenhorse gets up to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He looks back at Suzanne, and she smiles. He takes that as encouragement. Suzanne is torn up inside, and her nephew doesn't recognize it for the fake smile it is.

Breckenhorse lies on a towel. "Ashley, get on top of me."

Ashley's so excited she's squealing. She's lubed and ready. She sits on Breckenhorse and uses her hips to slide down. Breckenhorse pushes up. Beads of sweat speckle their foreheads. He can't get seated, so they settle for more than half way. She lies on him to position herself for Eric.

Breckenhorse enjoys her large breasts on his chest—they make up for being the guy on the bottom. He inhales the fragrance of her long hair tickling his nose—it's the smell of roses or lavender or some flower that rushes straight to his groin. Ashley is all woman, and his dick responds as all man.

Eric eyes her puckered entrance. It looks tight with Breckenhorse pushing her lips out. He plays with Ashley. He massages her with extra lube and teases her entrance. Then he eases one finger inside.

"Ashley, how you doing?"

"Awesome. Fuck me with your finger."

Eric does just that. When she loosens, he adds a second finger.

"How's that?"

"So tight. So good."

She whimpers and pushes her ass back toward him while he rubs his fingers inside her. He scissors his fingers, trying to make extra space for his cock. The further he stretches her, the louder she moans. He slides two more fingers in to stretch her to the size of his cock. Ashley whips her hands back as if to slap him, but stretches her ass out further. She is ready and eager.

"Fuck my ass already."

Eric pulls his fingers out and lines his head up.

He pushes in, straining until his head pops through her ring of muscles. Ashley lets out a piercing scream; this has got to be painful.

Breckenhorse wraps his big hand around her mouth. "Shhh, the neighbors are going to call the police. Do we need to stop?"

"Fuck no. This is amazing. I'm so full. Fuck me, boys."

Eric shakes his head. He can feel Breckenhorse on the other side of her membrane. He drives his cock in, the shaft penetrating the depth of her ass.

They have an eager audience. "Get some, boys," shouts Rosie.

Candy agrees. "Fuck her good."

Suzanne wants her nephew's big cock in her. The sight of another woman's pussy wrapped around him is painful.

Karen has a similar struggle. She's jealous it isn't her Eric strains to get his dick into.

Breckenhorse moves first, thrusting his hips up into Ashley. Eric mirrors Breckenhorse's strokes, taking Ashley's ass when Breckenhorse pulls back from her pussy. She groans, heaves, and cries out both guys' names. Sweating with his exertion, Eric struggles to keep his balance even as his dick is in ecstasy from Ashley's tight asshole. Breckenhorse fights to keep his breath when Ashley puts all her weight on him and wiggles and squirms around with the pure joy of the moment.

Her ass stretches with Eric's large dick. Her cunt bursts with unexpected pleasure from Breckenhorse's giant cock. And her clit spasms from grinding against his pelvis. It comes at her from three sides, so it's no surprise when she's the first to say, "I'm coming."

Ashley's contractions radiate through her pussy and back down her asshole. She hunches her back and bites into Breckenhorse's shoulder while mystical colors dance before her eyes. Her body melts into the eroticism of the act, and she drifts in a sea of jelly, cradling her in warmth and rhythmic movement. Then lightening zings through her body, making her scream as she pounds out her lust.

"Yes, fuck me guys. Fuck that pussy, fuck that ass. Fuck me good."

Breckenhorse and Eric feel her pulse around them, and they feel each other's dicks stroke on either side of her paper-thin membrane.

Ashley's orgasm rolls itself out, and she begs the guys to come. They keep pounding away, too eager to stop. They take turns thrusting, filling her pussy and her ass with their large cocks. Sweat pours off her face and pools under her breasts as she pleads for their release. At last, it is too much to withstand, and Ashley comes again, her holes contracting in synchrony.

"Fuck yes, fuck yes. Come with me."

Ashley's contractions shoot through their dicks and trigger their desire to accompany her. The guys join in her climax, their dicks expanding when their orgasms shoot through them. They fill Ashley in both holes. Their climaxes wash over them, and they both find their moments of Zen.

Rising first, Eric watches his cum ooze out of Ashley's ass. He is a dirty, filthy, naughty boy. He sticks his finger in the cum and brings it to Ashley's lips.

"Do you want a taste?"

Ashley is on another planet, and without thinking, she opens her mouth and sucks off the salty cum that was in her asshole. Karen looks on and shakes her head. If Ashley finds out Eric fed her cum out of her ass, she's going to kill him.


Suzanne has struggled watching her nephew with the other women. She is jealous and can hold back no longer.

She beckons him to join her on the lounge chair. Her breath catches. Every time she is near him she's reminded how handsome he is, and how much she wants him. She's done hiding her feelings. She tickles his ear with her lips and whispers, "Ryan, I've wanted you for so long."

He is almost speechless at the intensity of his emotions. He turns his lips to her ear. "Aunt Suzanne, I've wanted you since before I can remember."

"Call me Suzanne. If you call me Aunt again I'll sit on your face and suffocate you."

"There are worse ways to die."

"You little smartass," she says to the man who's big enough to throw her over his knee and spank her.

Ryan's overwhelmed. He was losing hope that his fantasy would come true. He can't get the stupid grin off his face.

Suzanne feels the same. "Ryan, I need to make love to you." She doesn't notice the look of shock and elation on his face.

She swings one leg to the other side of his hips. Ryan has gotten it up multiple times. His erections are aching, and he's not sure anything is going to trickle out when he comes. But one look at Suzanne, her gorgeous face and curvaceous body, is enough for him to rally.

Suzanne shares a tender kiss with him. He parts her lips and nibbles around her mouth and the tip of her tongue. He plunges into her mouth, foreshadowing what he intends to do with her pussy.

Suzanne leaks with desire—she has thought about him for too many years, and she yearns to be filled by him. She has seen him get hard around her and has suspected he desired too. She's afraid if they don't do it now, he'll go back to being shy at home, and she'll never get to have him.

She spreads her hips around him, and he guides his thick cock to her pussy. His head is giant against her hole, and she stops to adjust to his size. They both groan when he penetrates her. Stretched to her limit, she pants with the massive size of his head. His shaft is smaller and easier to fit. She slides half-way down then pauses. He's long. She's not sure she can take him all the way but she's determined to try.

He places his hands on the sides of her hips to help push her down, and he raises his pelvis to meet her. "Not too hard, sweetheart, there's only so much horse I can ride."

He smiles. "No problem. There's something else I'd like to do with these hands." Fondling Suzanne's generous breasts, he runs his thumbs around her areolas and tweaks her nipples into firm pink buds. Lifting his head to suck on one, he squeezes her tit to pull her nipple into his mouth.

Suzanne's pussy loosens with the pleasure her nephew bestows on her breasts. She slides down a couple more inches, and his dick nudges against her inner wall. She shimmies her hips around and grinds down hard. She ignores the push against her inner wall, hungry to take her nephew in her.

At last, she pops him in all the way. Her clit rests against his untamed mound, and his heavy balls push up against her ass. Aunt and nephew stare at each other, shocked and ecstatic at what they have achieved. Suzanne has her nephew's entire cock buried in her pussy. They are joined as one.

Sweat drips down Suzanne's cleavage, and Ryan leans up to lick it off. She is warm and tastes of coconut oil, her signature perfume, and salty exertion. He is aroused by her scents and flavors. He loves her look, her taste, her smell, her feel. There is nothing he doesn't savor about her.

Her pussy aches, a full, joyous throbbing. She has run an Olympic race and taken the gold. Ryan is her medal, and she hopes she can keep him forever.

She grinds on his cock, letting his pubic mound play on her clit. But they're focused on the intensity of his cock stuffed in her pussy. Her sensation of fullness is astounding. His gratitude to be snuggled to the hilt in the woman he loves is staggering.

She leans down and kisses her nephew. "I'm going to fuck you hard now."

She rides his cock up and down, screwing it into her cunt each time she slides down his shaft. When she hits his root, she grinds in hard circles and puts pressure on her clit. Pelvis on pelvis, mound on mound, clit on root. Breckenhorse is going insane. He has never been fully inside a woman before. His aunt is his first in countless ways.

He holds on to her hips for dear life. She buries her face in his neck, his skin soft, smelling of aftershave and his young man musk. His scent shoots straight to her pussy, multiplying the eroticism of the moment. Suzanne is almost there.

"Oh Ryan, baby, don't stop. I love you so much. You're amazing. Perfect. Thank you."

It takes a handful of her powerful thrusts for Suzanne to shoot off, sparkles dancing before her eyes. She slows her grinding on him as her thoughts flicker out of her body and into the stratosphere. Her brain faulters; it is Ryan and his dick filling her up. Her thoughts return to Earth and bundle themselves around Ryan and her—two people, bound together by love. Her love for him explodes across her body, leaving her overwhelmed and exhausted. When her orgasm subsides, she continues to grind into him and contract along his massive length, sending ripples of pleasure through his body.

Ryan feels his aunt's walls flex and vaults into his own orgasm. His balls rally under her ass, loading his cum into his dick. The champagne bottle pops. He shoots his remaining seed into her pussy then holds her hips tight on his shaft. Tingles shoot up his spine and emanate down his legs. His head rears back as he enters another zone. He collapses in a state of bliss.

He has a spark of energy left to kiss her. "Suzanne, thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."

Spent, Suzanne falls on top of her nephew, her tits nestled in his chest. He holds her ass to his pelvis and grins. Suzanne lifts her head and kisses him, a sloppy wet kiss of love and commitment. This won't be the last time Ryan's aunt rides his horse.


Ryan and his aunt are eager to get home and test out Suzanne's mattress. Ashley has had every end fucked out of her and needs to go home and rest. The young twins are in party mode and head out for more fun. Karen has one more surprise for Eric.

Alone in their bedroom, Karen moves behind her son, her hands massaging his young shoulders. "You know how I asked you to put in a butt plug?"

"Yes. I've worn it most of the day."

"It's time I take your ass."


"The first time we were together, you liked when I massaged your prostate. You'll like the dildo up your ass."

"I'm not sure about that."

"Women take it all the time with anal sex. It can feel great. Try it. How about you start with me?"

That's a proposition Eric can live with.

Karen climbs on the bed on her hands and knees. Lying with his face under her pelvis, Eric looks up and admires her pussy and asshole. He can never get enough of this woman.

He runs his tongue up her slit, teasing her clit then licking back to her puckered hole. Karen sinks down to ride her son's face and grind into his mouth. He spreads his mom's pussy and searches deep into her hole with his tongue. He licks out her juices and replaces them with his own saliva. He reaches down, gathers his precum, and rubs it on her asshole. She bucks her hungry sex into him.

Eric slides up and kneels behind his mom. He pushes his dick into her pussy in one stroke, tip to root, making her gasp and grind her cunt back into him. While he pounds her, he reaches around and strokes her clit with vigor. His mom bucks against him, fucking his dick with the power of her hips.

She comes hard on him when her son tweaks her clit and his shaft plummets in and out of her channel. Her pussy melts into his cock, and she shoots into orbit when he increases pressure on her clit. Her mind dancing around the joy of her son taking her, she pushes her ass back so he can take her deeper.

Eric shifts to his mom's asshole, playing with that tender hole. He lubes his fingers and slides three in, one at a time, to ready her tight muscles for his coming invasion. She leans her breasts on the bed, her head resting to the side, and spreads her ass cheeks for him.

When her muscles relax, he slides his dick into her. She lets out a startled scream then pushes back against him. Eric is already turned on from her pussy, and it takes few strokes into her tight ass to send him to his climax. He leaves fingerprints in her hips while he empties himself into her hole, bellowing out a loud cry of pleasure. Eric falls to his mom's side, sated and relaxed.

After her son has caught his breath, Karen pulls out a dual vibrating strap-on.

"That thing is huge!"

She runs her tongue along his ear. "Look at yourself. It's not much bigger than you are. And I've taken you in my ass plenty of times. Let's do this."

She's right. It's time for him to try.

She is turned on by the idea of her son with the strap-on up his ass. "Suck on this."


"Put it in your mouth and suck on it." She holds the big end in front of his him.

He puts the tip in his mouth.

"Take it Eric. Fuck it down your throat. Like I fuck you down my throat."

He sucks it while she moves it in and out, mimicking a real dick fucking his mouth.

"Do you like to get fucked in the mouth?"


"You're doing well, baby. You like that in you. I want to fuck your face hard and fast with this the way you like to fuck my face. Do you want that someday?"

Eric looks at her with uncertainty in his eyes.

"It's OK, you don't have to answer now. I already know the answer."

After her son has sucked the dildo, she takes it out of his mouth and lies beside him. They make out like lovers. Eric claims her mouth, sucking her tongue into him, drawing his teeth across her lips, and tickling the roof of her mouth. Karen claims his tongue the way she intends to take his cock. She strokes his youthful body—his firm chest, his sculpted abs, his shaped arms.

He has sensitive nipples, and she strokes them with her fingertips then rubs them with her lips and tongue. Turning harder, she nips at them and drags her front teeth against them, causing him to shudder. Her fingernails on his nipples nearly spiral him into a climax.

She slides down to take his dick in her mouth, making love to it the way she made love to his tongue. She wraps her legs around his, grinding her sex into his thighs and bringing her lips to the root of his manhood. She coaxes him onto his hands and knees.

She brings her arm around his ass, pulling out the butt plug.

His anus is irresistible for rimming. Karen smacks each of Eric's ass cheeks and grinds them together. Dragging her teeth against the fleshy part of his ass, she leaves teeth marks where he is roundest. He catches his breath when she bites him, prompting her to remind him who's in charge.

"This is my ass. I own it. I spank it when I want, I bite it when I want, I fuck it when I want." She punctuates her proclamations with stinging spanks.

Eric gasps out all he can say. "Yes, mom."

She pulls his ass cheeks apart and admires his tight asshole, sniffing his strong masculine scent, giving it one long lick, and sending chills up his spine. She licks around him until he is wet and ready for her taking.

She inserts one thumb into his asshole. He moans with the invasion. She sticks her other thumb in, pulling them apart to create a hole for her taking. She spits inside, lubing her son up.

She dips her tongue deep inside him, wiggling it around and massaging his tender hole. He circles his ass in her face. It feels good, and he craves more contact.

She toys with his puckered hole then inserts a finger and strokes it around until he moans.

"How do you like that finger in there, baby?"

"So good."

She adds a finger and wiggles it with the first, causing him to buck his hips into her face.

"Do you like having two fingers in your ass, sweetheart?"

Eric enters a zone and hesitates to answer. Karen gives him a playful pinch. "Answer me."

"I love it."

"Good boy. I love my good boy."

"I love you too, mom."

She inserts a third finger, scissors them in opposite directions, and stretches his tender hole until he is ready for her taking.

"Do you like all those fingers in your ass, baby?"

Eric is in his own world, savoring his mom's fingers fucking him. He doesn't hear her question. She slaps him on the ass. "Eric, I said do you like me fucking you in the ass?"

"Yes, mom, you're so good."

She sits on her heels, inserts the short dildo of the strap-on into herself, and attaches the entire thing to herself. She lubes up the long end and her son's asshole, then lines them up for penetration.

She slaps his ass like she means it. "Eric, are you ready for me to fuck you?"

"God yes."

"Beg for it."

"Mom, please fuck me in the ass."

She smiles and spanks him again. "Only because you're begging for it."

She pushes and his muscles give way to the first inches of the dildo. He groans with the pleasure of the intrusion. He looks fucking delicious with that blue vibe sticking out of his ass.

"It didn't go all the way. You need to beg again."

"Mom, please fuck me."

She pushes further and gets deeper. And she is turned on.

She makes a final push, and the dildo reaches its home.

"I'm going to put on the vibrator and fuck you good, baby."

Karen sets the strap-on to a low vibration for both sides; they both enjoy the sensation. They moan together to the tempo coursing through their bodies. She grinds against him, easing the stimulation across both their bodies.

She turns up the speed and grinds into her son, pussy grinding into asshole, clit grinding against ass. He pushes his ass against his mom, rubbing into her at the same time that she shoots pleasure through his butt hole. She fondles her nipples to the pressure of her son's hips grinding against her.

She turns the vibrator to full speed, making him buck into her cunt and she into his asshole. She spanks his ass to the rhythm of their bucking, harder and faster with each thrust. His ass reddens, and the force turns him on more. The strength of the vibrator and their passion sends them crashing into each other, fucking against dildo, fucking against each other.

Leaning against her son, Karen brings her arm around his waist and grabs his hard cock. She strokes him to the rhythm of their bucking bodies, filling his dick with the pleasure his ass is experiencing.

"How's that, baby?"

"So good."

"Next time, I'm going to fuck you bent over your father's couch."

"Mom, I'm going to do you doggy style in dad's closet."

Karen laughs. "I'm going to take you to his office and fuck you on his desk."

"I'm going to make you ride me on the recliner."

"Not until I do you on the hood of the Bentley."

Eric pretends to gasp. "The Bentley. That would piss dad off more than knowing we're in love."

"That's probably right."

"Eric, do you wish that was a cock in your ass and a man's hand on your dick?"

Eric hesitates to answer, then responds when his mom taps him on the ass. "Yes, maybe."

"I'd like to see you get your first cock."

The vibration, his mom's hand on his dick, his mom's words, it's all too much. Eric releases in ecstasy, hot seed spewing across the sheets as his mom jerks him off and fucks him up the ass.

Feeling her son's cock expand and thinking about him with another man is more than Karen can take. She feeds her own need, fucking against the vibrator and grinding into her son's ass. The visual of the strap-on extending from her pussy into his ass is mind-blowing, and she shoots off in that direction, her thoughts flying rudderless while her body contracts and convulses with her son's climax. Karen's body wraps around her son's, consuming him, and for a precious few second they are one body, not two.

When they come down, they are both spent, but blissful. Karen removes the strap-on and falls to her son's side. He cradles her like a spoon and kisses her sweaty hairline.

"Mom, I love you. I would do anything for you."

"Like what?"

"Well, you told me about your fantasy. If that's something you still think about, I would be supportive."

"That is something I want. But right now, sleep is my biggest fantasy. Good night, baby. I love you."

After Karen's asleep, Eric texts Breckenhorse.
