Back To School: Brother's Visit


*All characters portrayed in this story are 18 years or older. I'd like to thank Zaxxon again for the use of his characters and plave setting.

Sarah rolled over in her bed sleepily and shut off her alarm clock. It was around 6:30 in the morning. She usually woke up earlier but she'd smacked the snooze button on the clock a few times to give herself some extra sleep. She lazily slid out from under her white sheets to sit up in bed. She usually slept nude and last night was no exception. The sheets seemed to slide off of her voluptuous curves as she sat up. She yawned and stretched her arms over her head and her athletic legs out in front of her. Her toes dug into the carpet as she arched her back to stretch out her entire body. Her immense 36DD breasts stood out proudly from her chest as her pink nipples pointed at the wall in front of her.

Standing up, she walked over to a drawer, her breasts bouncing with each step, and pulled out a pair of skimpy red jogging shorts and a matching sports bra. Bending forward, her fat titties dangling underneath her, she slipped the shorts up the length of her sexy legs and over the curve of her tight butt. She next slipped the sports bra over her head and covered her breasts. She had to adjust the top so she wouldn't have a nipple popping out (an accident that often occurred, and sometimes in front of another lucky jogger). Lastly she tied her blond hair back with a black scrunchy and slipped on a pair of socks and sneakers.

She walked out of her room, her breasts jiggling even in the tight sports bra, and headed over to the spare room in her apartment. She'd recently come into the care of a foreign exchange student by the name of Juliet and Sarah hoped that the school would get Juliet's paper work fixed soon. They had no idea where she was supposed to stay or even which country she was from. Ada Schwartz, the school's principal, had given Sarah the job of taking care of her until everything was finalized.

Sarah cracked the door open to see that Juliet was still asleep. Sarah occasionally liked to see if the beautiful foreign teen would like to join her for her morning jogs but she decided against it as Juliet seemed to be in a very content sleep.

Heading over to her front door, Sarah headed out into the crisp morning air to start her jog. And unknowingly give any other morning joggers a wonderful view of her athletic and voluptuous body jiggling in all the right places.

* * * * *

Sarah arrived back home about forty-five minutes later sweating profusely. A few strands of her blond hair stuck to her forehead and beads of sweat covered her ample cleavage. Going inside she found Juliet still asleep. Sarah didn't need to wake her up today even though it was a Friday. Today the school was closed for teacher meetings and for preparation of the next semester. Today was also the day that Principal Schwartz was going to announce her resignation to the staff and that Sarah would be taking over as principal next year.

Sarah's mind raced with the stress of the idea of being principal. She still couldn't believe that it was actually going to happen. As Sarah started the water for her shower she thought back to when she saw her boss a couple of weeks ago in her office. What Sarah had seen blew her away. Her once conservative and very bitchy boss had taken a complete turnaround in her personality ever since they'd started that porn web sight awhile ago. Now the goddess Ada Schwartz was walking around the school in short skirts and tight tops that barely covered her immense 38F globes. They were easily the largest pair of tits Sarah had ever seen. Or felt and sucked for that matter.

Standing under the warm spray of her shower, Sarah closed her eyes and thought back to that day when she and her boss had shot a video for the website to get money for the school. Images of both of their hands roaming over each other's naked curves and of their mouths exploring one another filled Sarah's thoughts as her own hands squeezed and massaged her massive breasts. One hand snaked down over her flat tummy and into the lips of her bald pussy to plunge three fingers into her depths.

"Ooooooh!" Sarah moaned loudly as she finally started to give herself some sexual relief. Sarah remembered sucking and slurping all over Ada's breasts. Each one was bigger then her own head as her lips sealed around one of Ada's stiff nipples. A trail of saliva followed Sarah's mouth as she pulled her face away from one nipple to the next. She imagined Ada squirming underneath her while they were both being filmed by Derrick, the senior student that helped set up the website.

Sarah suddenly snapped out of her sexual trance as she remembered that she was running a little late. Finishing her shower quickly she made her way back to her bedroom and quickly changed into another pair of shorts and a sports bra. One of the things she enjoyed about being a gym teacher was the fact that she could dress down for work every day (something that might change as soon as she was the principal).

As she was brushing and drying her wet blonde hair the doorbell suddenly rang. Sarah looked at her clock and saw that it was only 7:30.

"Who would be coming to my door this early in the day?" Sarah asked herself as she headed to the door.

"Hey Sis!" came a surprising voice as Sarah opened her door.

"Kevin? What are you doing here?" Sarah asked her little brother.

Kevin was a senior in high school back in their hometown. He was slightly taller then his sister with the same eye and hair color. His hair was short and spiky and looked good on him. He was very fit from being on the school track and swimming teams. He was always motivated for sports because his big sister was always into them.

"What, I can't visit my sister?" Kevin asked smiling, "I've got a week off from school so I thought I'd come down and hang out with you for awhile."

Kevin walked past his sister and into her living room. He had one large suitcase in his hand and a backpack draped over a shoulder. Dropping both on the floor he plopped down on her couch and relaxed.

"Just make yourself at home why don't you?" Sarah joked as she kicked his foot lightly.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked as he looked around the apartment.

"Well you can do whatever you want, but I need to go to work. Think you can occupy yourself for eight hours?" Sarah asked as she grabbed her keys and headed for her door.

"Ah, you're working? Damn it." Kevin said in a disappointed tone. "Well alright then. I'll see you when you get home."

"Ok, take care. Don't tear my place apart!" Sarah blew her brother a kiss goodbye and shut the door behind her.

"Well, guess I'll have some breakfast." Kevin said to himself as he got up and headed into the kitchen. Pouring himself a bowl of cereal he ate and read the side of the box out of boredom.

About ten minutes past when suddenly he heard a door open in the apartment. Raising an eyebrow Kevin stayed sitting at the table as he heard someone come towards the kitchen. What he saw nearly knocked him off of his chair.

Juliet came walking around the corner wearing just a black thong and matching bra. Her tanned skin looked incredibly sexy as almost all of it was exposed. Her long smooth legs looked well toned and Kevin could just imagine what it would be like to be between them. Her soft tummy led up to her unbelievably huge tits. They were pushed out proudly with the bra and looked like they were straining the black cups to their limits. Her shoulder length brown hair looked freshly brushed and bounced around her shoulders. Seeing the young man at the table eating, Juliet gave him a warm sexy smile.

"Hallo, who are you?" she asked.

Kevin tried not to laugh as he heard her rich accent. He couldn't quite place where it was from. "Um....Hi, I'm Kevin."

"Hi Keveen!" she said before she placed one of her hands on top of her immense cleavage, "I am Juliet."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Kevin couldn't believe he was having this warm meet and greet with this girl while she was only wearing her very skimpy underwear.

Juliet reached in the fridge and poured herself a glass of orange juice before she walked over to sit across from Kevin. Her huge breasts jiggled and bounced like jello in the bra. " fuck Sarah?" she asked before she took sip of her juice.

Kevin choked on his mouthful of cereal. "What?! N-No!" he said before he wiped his mouth with his arm, "S-She's my sister!"

"Sis...Sister?" Juliet looked confused when he said this. She had no idea what he was talking about. "What is sister?"

"You know," Kevin tried to think of a way to explain it to her without being to confusing. Giving up he decided to turn the questions in her direction. "So Juliet, what are you doing here?"

"Hmm?" Juliet said. She had such a cute expression when she was confused with her head turned slightly to one side.

"What do you do?" Kevin asked again.

"Oh!" Juliet said as she finally understood, "I like suck cock!" she said smiling.

Again Kevin chocked on his cereal when he heard her reply. He looked at her with a shocked expression but she just smiled and seemed clueless about what she had said.

"Ok...." Kevin assumed she had no idea of what she was talking about so he let it slide. His mind was still reeling with how weird this situation was. Here was this young foreign goddess sitting in front of him wearing just her underwear and she'd already asked if he fucked his sister and that she loves to suck cock. Kevin shook his head and finished his cereal.

After a few minutes Kevin put his dishes in the sink and looked back at Juliet. She was still smiling at him cluelessly as she finished her juice. "Well, I guess I'll just watch some movies or something until sis gets back." He said to himself as he walked into the living room. Juliet followed him into the room after she finished her juice. She sat on the sofa and curled her sexy legs underneath herself.

Kevin shook his head again as he thought about how strange everything was. Of coarse he wasn't complaining when he looked over her tanned voluptuous curves. Sitting on the floor in front of his sisters TV stand he soon began to go through her small selection of movies. After a couple of minutes he came upon a DVD case with the word "Westville" written on the side. Remembering that this was the name of his sisters school Kyle thought that this was a recording of some previous football games or something.

He remembered his sister mentioning that she had coached a couple of games so he assumed that this is what it was for. When he opened it up there were two discs inside. On each one there was a label with names written on it in numbered pairs. The names on the first disc were Ada/Brent, Cindy/Sarah/Brent, Ada/Sarah, and Betty/Bobby. "That's strange. Whose names are these?" Kevin thought to himself as he looked at the list of names on the second disk. The second disc had the names Ada/Derrick/Bobby, Sarah/Derrick, Emily/George, Juliet/George/Derrick, Cindy/George/Derrick, and Sarah/Cindy/Bobby.

Still thinking that these had something to do with the school Kevin popped the first disk into the player and sat down beside Juliet. What he didn't know was that these were the recordings for the porn site that his sister had created. Derrick, the senior who had helped create the website, had digitally recorded all of the scenes to the two discs and given them to Sarah as a gift.

A few weeks ago Sarah was forced into helping Principal Schwartz come up with $20,000 to help the school's budget. The only thing that they could do on such short notice was to start a website featuring the "Big Tit" faculty of Westville. Originally they'd only had the two videos of Ada with Brent and of Sarah with Brent and her friend Cindy. They'd filmed another video with Ada and Sarah (which really brought in more viewers to the site) and a fourth with Betty Smith and her son Bobby.

The website had generated all the money they had needed and the school was saved along with everyone's jobs. After the sudden success of the porn site Betty suggest they keep going with it for awhile just so they could all have a little extra money. Derrick was more then happy to continue as it gave him even more chances to fuck and film the busty faculty members. Sarah had another idea to ask her friend Emily Williams, the school secretary, if she wanted to shoot a video and she was more then happy to do it. Sarah had a little fun with Emily a couple of months ago during a school ski trip. Both of the curvy sexy women had ended up in a cabin with four students in the middle of a huge snowstorm. One thing led to another and both women ended up on their hands and knees receiving a double penetration from all four boys.

The DVD player started and the image of a classroom filled the screen. The picture was pretty good for being filmed with a handheld digital camera. Eventually an incredibly beautiful and busty blonde woman came into the room followed by a young man. The woman was dressed very conservatively in a long black skirt and a button up white blouse with long sleeves. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun and she had a pair of glasses resting on her cute nose. From the looks of her clothing it seemed that she was trying to hide as much skin as she could but Kevin could easily see her incredible curves. Nothing could hide those mountains of flesh on her chest or the roundness of her butt cheeks.

A few moments passed as Kevin watched the video. His attention kept getting pulled away from the screen as he glanced over to admire Juliet's incredible nearly naked body. Soon however his eyes shot back to the screen when the young man (which he assumed was Brent) began to take off his clothes while the busty blonde began to unbutton her blouse.

Kevin's eyes bugged out when the blonde, who had to be Ada, took off her bra to reveal her unbelievably huge fleshy globes. Brent reached out and began to squeeze and suck on her massive utters, making her moan in pleasure.

"Holy shit...." Kevin said to himself. He suddenly remembered Juliet sitting next to him and he looked over to see her watching the video as well. His cock had already been hard when he had first seen Juliet in just her underwear but now having her sitting next to him while watching a porno nearly blew his mind. His dick was pointing straight out and pushing against the front of his khakis.

Suddenly, before he could even think to reach over to the remote and shut off the movie, Juliet reached over and began to rub the bulge in Kevin's pants while she continued to watch the screen. She knew what was on the disks since she'd watched and even performed in one of the scenes. She still thought that this young man beside her was just another of Sarah's lovers so she assumed that this was alright and that he'd just come by to fuck Sarah and to watch the movies.

Kevin groaned as he looked down to see Juliet's fingers squeeze around the shape of his cock through his pants. His eyes traveled over her curves and back to her hand before going back to the TV screen. Not wanting to stop a good thing, Kevin slouched forward on the couch so most of his lover body was hanging off of the cushions. Reaching down he undid his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers. His hard and impressively large cock swung up to point at the ceiling.

Not missing a beat Juliet moved her hand back and circled her soft fingers around the large piece of meat. Slowly her hand pumped up and down Kevin's length making him groan in pleasure. A few drops of precum were pushed out of the tip and ran down the underside of his veiny shaft.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Kevin couldn't believe his luck. He came here to visit his sister and the last thing he imagined happening to him was to have a busty foreign goddess give him a handjob while they both watched a porno. He looked at her huge tits which were jiggling lightly from the movement of her hand on his cock. The groaning coming from the screen turned his attention back to the television to see the teenager pumping his cock in and out of the blonde's cleavage.

"Hey Juliet, want to do that?" Kevin asked her as he pointed to the screen.

Juliet didn't understand what he said but when he pointed to the video of Principal Schwartz on her knees with a throbbing cock pumping between her tits she got the meaning of what he was asking. "Ok!" she said as she smiled and moved off the couch and in front of the eager teen. She pulled his shoes off before she next took off his pants. Placing herself between his spread legs Juliet began to double fist him quickly for a few moments before she wetted and pursed her lips and planted a wet kiss on his cock's helmet.

Kevin sucked in an excited breath as he watched Juliet kiss his cock before she slowly slid her mouth over the tip. Her tongue wiggled out between her lips and rubbed around the underside while she slowly lifted her mouth up and down his length. He looked back up at the action as he watched Ada moan and squeal with pleasure as the eager teen fucked her fleshy mountains.

Juliet hummed and slurped over the cock in her mouth. She knew she had to get him nice and wet for a good tittie fuck. One hand was still pumping on the lower half of his dick while the other had moved down to cup and squeeze his balls gently. She could taste the precum oozing out of his cock as she circled her tongue round the tip while it was still in her mouth.

Kevin watched as Juliet released his steel hard shaft from her mouth with a wet pop and rested on her knees as she reached back to unclasp her bra. Feeling quite hot, Kevin took his t-shirt off quickly before he went back to his reclining position. Suddenly Juliet's bra came off and she slipped it off of her shoulders and down her arms. "Holy shit!" Kevin exclaimed as he saw her succulent breasts naked for the first time. They were absolutely immense. Each one was round and perky as they stood out from her chest proudly. The tanned flesh jiggled a little as she scooted forward on her knees and cupped each fleshy globe in her hands to squeeze them together.

Juliet smiled up at Kevin as she scooped up his hard cock with her soft titties. Keeping them squeezed around him she began to slide them up and down. She watched as his large head popped in and out repeatedly. "I like tittie fuck!" she said as she gave him another one of her clueless smiles.

"I like fucking your tits to!" Kevin replied as he lightly pumped his hips to thrust his dick between the firm fleshy pillows. He still couldn't get over how big her tits where. She didn't look older then him and yet her breasts were easily bigger then any other girls' in his school.

Juliet turned to watch the screen as she heard the young man moan as he shot an impressive load of cum all over her pale globes. Brent was slapping his hard cock all over Ada's huge tits, making them jiggle as she still kept them together with her hands. Juliet licked her lips as she imagined that same thing happening to her.

Kevin's attention was also drawn to the television as he watched the younger guy order the busty blonde to lean over onto the desk behind her so he could fuck her. "That's what I want right now!" Kevin thought to himself as he watched the school principal lean forward on the desk and spread her athletic thighs apart. Her huge cum covered breasts squashed against her and smeared cum all across the top of the desk.

Kevin slipped his cock out from between Juliet's breasts and pointed at the screen again. "Now let's fuck!" he said as he smiled at her.

Juliet turned to look at the screen to see Brent getting behind the principal and thrust his cock into her eager pussy. Juliet definitely knew what "fuck" meant sense she'd heard Sarah scream it so many times from her bedroom so she was more then happy to oblige. Still on her knees, she raised herself up slightly and hooked her thumbs onto the waistband of her underwear. Sliding the skimpy thong down her succulent thighs she next turned so she lay on her hip as she slipped them all the way off and threw them across the room. Kevin could see that her pussy was completely shaved and didn't have a single trace of hair on it. She next turned around and got on her hands and knees as she faced the porno. She wanted to watch the movie while she was getting fucked as she loved to watch other people have sex also. Her big fat tanned tits hung underneath her as her nipples scraped across the carpet lightly.

Kevin saddled up behind the tanned goddess and squeezed her fleshy heart shaped ass. His cock was bouncing against his abs as it was pointing straight up. He'd never been this hard and excited in his life. Breathing excitedly he gripped his big hard cock in his hand and angled it down to point at Juliet's tight little pussy. Her sexual excitement was also obvious as her lips were pink, moist, and engorged, just ready to have a nice big dick shoved into her.

Popping the head in easily, Kevin groaned loudly as he grabbed Juliet's firm thighs in his hands as he pushed himself into her. He looked down to see his thick long shaft stretch her open as her pussy lips engulfed him. Finally he bottomed out with a satisfying grunt from Juliet. Her ass was squashed against his and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. Hearing moaning coming from the television, Kevin looked up to see that Brent was happily slapping his pelvis against his sexy buxom principal. Kevin watched Brent's cock saw in and out of the big tit blonde and soon smiled to himself as he pulled out of Juliet and thrust back into her.

Juliet pushed her upper body up all the way on her arms and watched the porno as Kevin's cock filled her again and again. She moaned quietly in pleasure and whimpered every once and awhile. She flung her long brown hair across her back as she bounced back against Kevin's body and curled her little toes from the pleasure. "Fuck me!" she said as she continued to watch the sex scene in front of her.

Kevin spanked Juliet's ass and watched it jiggle as he really began to pound into her. "God I hope every day of my vacation is going to be like this!" he thought to himself as he fucked the voluptuous teen. He heard loud groaning from the TV so he looked up just in time to see Brent cumming. Kevin could tell he was cumming inside the busty blonde as he held her by the hips and kept her pressed against him. Kevin smiled as he soon hoped he'd be doing the same thing.

The screen went black for a few seconds as the scene finished and Kevin continued to pound into Juliet. She just moaned softly as she laid her upper body down on the carpet and clenched her hands. Her unbelievably huge tits squashed against her and Kevin could see them press out from her sides. He still couldn't get over how big her bust was.

The TV soon filled with another picture and Kevin looked up after spanking Juliet's ass again. On the screen he saw the same guy that was in the last scene sitting on a couch. "Damn this is one lucky guy! Who is he going to fuck next?" Kevin thought to himself. Suddenly he got his answer as his own sister walked into view. Kevin froze in place; his cock stuffed all the way inside Juliet, and stared at the screen in disbelief. "What the fuck?!" he exclaimed.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His sister was dressed in a black lace bra and matching thong. The bra was a pushup and lifted her huge firm tits up. Her cleavage was something to worship. Thigh high black stockings trailed up her long athletic legs and were connected to a black garter belt. Seven inch platform heels encased her feet and made her look incredibly tall as they gave her legs a sexy curve.

Kevin was still speechless as he watched his sister moved over and kneel in front of her student. Kevin started to feel butterflies in his stomach as he started to slide his cock in and out of Juliet again while he watched his own sister take off the guy's pants and begin to suck on his engorged cock.

Juliet lifted herself back up to look at the screen again. She smiled as she saw Sarah on her knees sucking Brent's cock into her mouth while he undid the clasp on her bra. "Sarah likes suck cock too!" Juliet said as she looked back at her lover over her shoulder.

"Oh yeah!" was all Kevin could say as he watched his sister's huge knockers spill out of the black lacy bra as Brent undid the clasp. Kevin was really getting excited now as he fucked the busty exchange student while he watched his own sister giving a blowjob. He knew his sister was attractive (you'd have to be blind otherwise) but he'd never had any sexual feeling for her until now.

Suddenly a doorbell rang came from the video and Sarah covered her breasts with her hands and stood up before she walked out of the camera view to check the door. Kevin couldn't help but chuckle as Brent winked at the camera. After a few moments Sarah returned but with a friend in tow. The woman standing next to her was nearly identical to Sarah in body shape. The only difference was that her skin was tanned and she had long brown hair. This new tanned goddess was wearing only a sheer red babydoll that hugged her breasts together and came down just over the tops of her thighs. Kevin could see that she wasn't wearing any panties and her pussy was shaved.

"Oh! Fuck my pussy!" Juliet moaned in her rich accent. She watched as Cindy and Sarah moved over to Brent. Sarah resumed her position in front of him and wrapped her large breasts around his hard cock while Cindy took off her top and leaned in so he could suck and slurp all over her fat tits.

Kevin could feel his orgasm build up within him like a powerful electric current. A dozen more strokes into Juliet's velvet smooth pussy and he started to cum. He was moaning loudly as he watched Brent do the same as his cock spewed his cum all over Sarah's pale skin. She continued to slip her titties up and down, milking his cock for each drop she could.

Kevin was gasping for breath as he pumped a couple of times into Juliet, emptying his swollen balls into her depths. He didn't even care that he wasn't wearing a condom. His cock twitched madly inside the busty tanned teen as rope after scalding rope or jizz squirted out.

Reaching down and cupping one of her huge melons, Juliet angled it up and began to suck on her own nipple as she felt cum being pumped into her. Her toes curled in pleasure as she felt her insides warm from Kevin's spunk.

Both teens were sweating and panting like wild animals as they both enjoyed the post orgasmic bliss. With Juliet still speared upon his shaft Kevin looked up to see that Sarah had gotten on her hands and knees and that Cindy was doing the same as she lay atop her friend. Cindy's large breasts squashed against Sarah's back while Brent saddled up behind both ladies. Grabbing his hard cock he angled it down and plunged into Sarah's wet tight pussy.

Kevin groaned in pleasure as he watched his voluptuous and slutty sister get fucked. Even though he'd just cum, Kevin was still rock hard and he once again took up his vigorous thrusting into Juliet's cunt. His cum squirted out of her with each thrust and ran down the inside of her thighs. Kevin spanked her ass again as he watched his sister's porno.

Today was definitely going to be a good day!

* * * * *

Sarah pulled into the school's parking lot and got out of her car before making her way towards her workplace. It was a beautiful day and she smiled as she enjoyed the sunlight caressing her body. She hated that she had to work on a day like this but she was glad that she didn't have to deal with any of the students. Making her way towards the gym, Sarah passed by the main office. Glancing over she saw that her boss, Principal Schwartz, had already come in and that the office door was closed but that her light was on inside.

"I don't know how that woman can come in so early everyday." Sarah said to herself as she shrugged and continued on. Unbeknownst to Sarah, but at that very moment Principal Schwartz was at that very moment enjoying the intimate company of a couple of the senior boys. She was definitely enjoying her new found sexuality and seducing the teenage boys.

Heading into the gym and making her way towards her own office Sarah noticed that her coworker Bradley Hicks hadn't arrived yet, although she wasn't surprised by that fact at all. He probably wasn't going to come in at all.

Thinking of Coach Hicks, Sarah suddenly remembered back to her second year of teaching. She'd been given a ton of extra work including coaching Hick's class because he'd hurt his back in some accident. Groaning to herself, Sarah remembered the day she went over to his house to go over some class forms. One thing led to another and she'd ended up giving him a blow job. Ever since then he'd been making all kinds of sexual advances at her. She would have ratted him out awhile ago except that he knew about her affairs with some of the students.

On one hand though, she had to admit that she had enjoyed it. He was kinda cute even if he did look a little pathetic, and she'd been so horny that whole semester from fucking Brent almost everyday. Sarah sighed as she plopped herself down behind her desk. She still couldn't believe what kind of a teacher she had become. Over the past few years of teaching she'd fucked dozens of her students. She just couldn't help herself! As soon as she saw an eager horny teen just waiting to please her she'd cave in.

"I've really got to control myself! I'm going to be the principal next year. I can't keep spreading my thighs for every senior boy that comes calling." Even to her own ears the argument sounded weak. Placing her head in her hands, Sarah blew out a long breath. "God, at this rate before you know it my own brother will be between my legs!" she said sarcastically to herself.

"Who's going to be between your legs?"

Startled, Sarah looked up to see her friend and school nurse Cindy Brown standing in the office doorway smiling. "Huh? Oh n-never mind Cindy, I'm just talking to myself." Sarah said as she smiled nervously.

Cindy gave her friend a coy smile as she stepped into the office. Whenever she came in for work she usually wore a revealing nurse's uniform that hugged her sexy curves and left most of her legs and cleavage completely revealed. Today since there weren't any students in the school to seduce she was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a sleeveless white silk blouse that was buttoned up half way. Cindy and Sarah had nearly identical bodies except where Sarah's skin was fair, Cindy's was very tanned. Her long straight brown hair looked shiny as it fell loosely down to the middle of her back. Sitting down on the corner of Sarah's desk, Cindy placed her hands behind her and looked at her friend.

"What's got you so flustered this morning?"

Sarah rested back her chair and leaned her head back. "Oh I think I'm just getting stressed out about this promotion. I never thought of becoming the principal!"

"Don't worry so much. Otherwise you'll look like an old hag with all the creases you'll get in your forehead." Cindy stuck her tongue out at her friend to reassure her that she was joking. "I think you need to do something to relieve all that stress."

"Yeah, and I can just imagine what you'd recommend." Sarah said with a raised eyebrow to her friend. "I'll admit, a good fucking would feel really great right now but I'm just too busy. Plus Kevin is staying at my place so I can't really do anything there."

"Who's Kevin?" Cindy asked.

"I've never told you about him? He's my little brother." Sarah reached into her bag and pulled out her planner. After going through it a few times she found a picture of her brother and handed it to her friend.

Cindy took the picture and smiled as she the blonde, muscular teenage surfer standing on the beach and smiling in just his bathing suit. "He is cute!" she said with a hungry look in her eye, "I wonder if he's as big of a nympho as his big sister?"

"Cindy!" Sarah exclaimed before she laughed and tried to grab the picture back, "Don't talk about my little brother like that!"

"Why? He's a young hunk!" Cindy said playfully as she held the picture far away so her friend couldn't reach it. "I'd love to have him between my legs!"

"Cindy stop!" Sarah continued to laugh as she struggled with her friend to get the photo back. "I swear, you're worse then I am!"

Cindy giggled when Sarah was finally able to retrieve the picture from her grasp. Standing up she walked over and stopped at the doorway, "Don't worry so much Sarah. Give me a call and we'll do something this weekend." Cindy bent over, her huge tanned tits dangling underneath her in the silk blouse, and blew a kiss to her friend "Bye!"

"Flirt!" Sarah said before she blew her own kiss at the sexy school nurse. After Cindy walked away Sarah found herself staring at the picture of Kevin. She had to admit that he did look really good in just his shorts. Sighing to herself, Sarah put the picture away and turned to her paperwork. The sooner she got it done the sooner she'd be home.

* * * * *

Sarah was tapping her fingers on her steering wheel and singing along to the radio as she pulled into her parking space. She'd finished all of her work in less then four hours and she was eager to be home and maybe go out for lunch or something with her little brother. Turning off her ignition, she grabbed her purse and got out of her car before heading up the stairs to her apartment. Her firm, fat 36DD's bounced with each step she took.

Unlocking her door and stepping inside she was about to announce herself when suddenly she saw something that made her eyes go wide. There on her TV screen was one of the videos that had been shot for the Westville High Sluts website. The DVD cases of all the movies were open and strewed across the floor. Sarah covered her mouth as she suddenly realized that Kevin must have found them by accident.

Moaning came from the TV and Sarah looked over to see one of the later scenes they'd filmed for the website. The sexy school nurse Cindy Brown was on her knees and moaning loudly. Her tanned body was wet with sweat and her lushes curves were moving in all the right places and both Derrick and George double teamed her. Derrick was holding onto her hips and pumping his young hard cock into her pussy while George was holding onto her ass as he pounded between her butt-cheeks.

Suddenly Sarah became aware of more moans that weren't coming from her television. Following them, she quietly stepped towards Juliet's bedroom. Looking around the edge of the doorframe Sarah watched with a surprised expression as Kevin, her own little brother, was lying atop the voluptuous Juliet and thrusting his impressively large cock in and out of her tight young pussy with an urgent need.

Juliet's legs were hooked around her lovers' arms and flailing around in the air while she was holding onto the bed frame above her head as her body was pounded mercilessly. "Oh!.....Y-Ya!.....Fuck me!" she screamed out. Her enormous, tanned melons jiggled and were going ballistic on her chest as she was pounded.

Every muscle in Kevin's slender athletic body was taunt and dripping with sweat. He was staring down at the busty teen below him as he was literally doing pushups on top of her. His balls, filling up with another huge load of cum, were slapping loudly against her succulent ass again and again.

Sarah just continued to look on as her little brother fucked her student. As much as she hated to admit it, she was getting turned on. Kevin really knew how to fuck a woman! Her pink nipples became stiff and she started to become wet as she smelled the sex in the air and the sights and sounds in front of her. Without even thinking about it, Sarah lifted her sports bra up and over her huge fat udders and began to play with them. Her warm hands felt good on her skin as she palmed her nipples and kneaded her breasts. Suddenly an image filled Sarah's mind. She imagined that it was her lying on her back with Kevin between her sweaty thighs.

Coming back to reality Sarah shook the image from her head and looked down at her hands on her chest and her thighs rubbing together. "What the hell am I doing? Why am I so horny?" she thought to herself. Slipping her sports bra on, Sarah took one last look at the young lovers before sneaking back and quietly leaving the apartment. Heading back down, she got in her car and sat for several minutes looking at the dashboard.

"Why am I so turned on watching Kevin? Is something wrong with me?" Sarah said to herself. Thinking for a long time, she finally decided that she needed to talk to someone. Someone that had experience in this sort of thing.

* * * * *

The suburban neighborhood where the Smith's and William's families lived in looked very similar to any other suburb. Most of the houses looked very much alike. The lawns were neat and tidy with the occasional clay gnome sitting amongst them. A few children were giggling and shooting water pistols at each other. It was all very quiet and innocent looking. At that very moment however there was something happening inside the Smith's home that was very taboo.

Inside the master bedroom Bobby Smith and his neighbor Mike Williams were both standing next to the large bed, their teenage bodies naked in the sunlight coming in from the window, and moaning as their own mother's, Betty Smith and Emily Williams, sucked their cocks with eager enthusiasm.

The bodies of both mothers were beyond belief. Betty's skin was a slight tan from sitting out by the pool often. Subtle tan lines revealed where she would wear her very skimpy bikinis. Her short hair that came down to her cheeks and framed her face bobbed back and forth as she slid her plump lips up and down her son's manhood. Her bountiful 38DD breasts bounced around and her cute bubble butt rested on her small feet as she stayed on her knees with her hands resting on her son's thighs.

Emily's skin was of a beautiful milky complexion that made her long jet black curly hair, and bright blue eyes that much more striking. She was playing with her huge 40E breasts with one hand, pinching her small dark nipples, and jacking off her own son while she stared up at him while sucking on his testicles. She was so horny that she was rubbing her pussy with the heel of one foot.

"Oh f-fuck mom!" Mike exclaimed as he looked down at Emily while she sucked his balls into her mouth. He was leaning back with his hands on the bed as he moved his hips slightly to increase the pleasure of the hand job he was getting. Her slender fingers, slightly covered with lotion, slid up and down his hard meat.

Emily released her son's testicles from the warm wet confines of her mouth and smiled up at him before she angled his cock down and slid her soft lips over the first few inches while she continued to slide one hand up and down around the base. Her other hand reached around and fondled his muscular ass cheeks. "Mmmmm!" she moaned in pleasure as she felt the tight muscles against her fingers.

Obscene wet sucking noises continued right next to them as Betty was slurping away on her own son's rock hard shaft. Her short hair tickled her cheeks as her head bobbed up and down Bobby's length. Her spit slid all the way down to drip onto the floor.

"Jesus Christ!" Bobby moaned as he leaned his head back and smiled as he enjoyed the incredible feeling of his own mother's mouth pleasing him.

Slowly lifting her mouth off of Mike's cock, Emily licked the tip, causing him to shiver with pleasure, and continued with her hand job. "Mmmm, Betty don't you just love it when the boys have a day off?" she said to her friend even as she continued to grind her pussy into her heel.

"Mmmhmm!" Betty replied with Bobby's cock still in her mouth. Following Emily's lead, she also slid her mouth slowly off of her son's dick and began to jack him off. "Oh yes! I was so glad to hear that we all had today off." Betty said before she giggled and leaned over towards Emily. Both milfs kissed passionately, their tongues plunging into each other's mouth.

Emily pulled away an inch and smiled at her friend, "Mmmm you're such a good kisser Betty!"

They kissed again and moaned to each other lightly. They both enjoyed making out together but they were having more fun knowing that Mike and Bobby were watching them. Pulling away from each other they both giggled before looking up at the faces of their sons contorted in pleasure. "Are you boys ready for a good tit fuck?" Betty asked.

"Yes!" both exclaimed in joy and excitement.

"Good! But first you better get some lotion on our breasts I think. Don't you Emily?" Betty arched her back a little, her huge 38DD already riding high on her chest stuck out a little more.

"Good idea." Emily said as she followed her friend's lead and also arched her sexy back. Her own 40E milky jugs stuck out proudly and her small quarter sized nipples pointed at her son.

Both teenagers grabbed the small tubes of lotion they'd brought in and snapped the caps off before pointing them at their mother's chests. Thick strings of white goo that looked like cum squirted out and streaked across their smooth skin. After squeezing out the lotion both son's threw the tubes away and pounced on their mother's abundant tit flesh.

Betty and Emily squealed with joy as their son's strong hands mauled and squeezed their melons like bread dough. The lotion gave their skin a wet sheen as the hands of both eager teens eagerly covered every inch. Mike couldn't control himself as he leaned down and sucked Emily's left nipple and as much of her breast as he could into his ravenous mouth. Emily gasped in pleasure and looked down to watch her son nurse on her fat titties.

"I think they're good to go!" Betty said as she smiled when she saw Mike's enthusiasm.

"Mmmhmm!" Emily moaned out as she nibbled her lower lip. She loved to have her nipples sucked on and her son was doing a fine job of it.

"Ok stand back for a second guys, Emily and I want to try something new."

Both boys regretfully released their grip on the huge jugs of both mothers. Staying on their knees, Betty and Emily cupped their hands under their bountiful tit flesh and leaned into each other. Emily's pale vanilla white tits squashed against Betty's caramel colored ones, their nipples poking into one another. Both mothers began to kiss again for a second as they enjoyed the pleasure of their bodies touching each other.

After a minute both pulled away to catch their breath and smile at Bobby and Mike. "Ok, Bobby you come around to the left side and son you come around to the right. We want you to fuck our tits at the same time!" Emily said excitedly. Her breasts nearly touched her chin as they were squashed against her, as were Betty's.

"How?" asked Bobby.

"Easy, just fuck our tits from the sides." replied Betty as she looked up at her son. Leaning her head down slightly, Betty licked the top of her succulent breast and over the top of Emily's.

Figuring out what to do, Bobby held one shoulder of Emily's and one of his mother's and plunged his hard cock between both pairs of tits. He groaned loudly as he felt one nipple from his mother's breast and one from Emily's rub against either side of his shaft.

As Bobby's fucked between the tits of both milfs, Mike followed suit and did the same. "Oh fuck yeah!" he moaned as he felt himself surrounded by the slippery tit flesh of both mothers.

Betty and Emily continued to make out as they held their breasts to one another. Their tit flesh jiggled as they tit fucked from either side. Occasionally their cocks slid out from time to time, but Bobby or Mike quickly got a hold of it and plunged it back in. It felt so good to have the nipples of both curvaceous mothers rubbing against the sides of their shafts.

Watching his mother and Betty kissing each other passionately gave him an idea. The first time all four of them got together Bobby got a blow job from both women at the same time and Mike seriously wanted to try that out. Pulling his hard cock out from the confines of the mass of slippery tit flesh, he plunged it between the mouths of both mothers, his balls dragging along the tops of their breasts.

Betty and Emily responded in kind as one slid her lips up one side and sucking all the way, the other did the same but in the opposite direction. Mike groaned in pleasure as he slid his cock back and forth in time with both mouths moving over him.

Meanwhile, Bobby was breathing hard as he continued with his glorious tit fuck. He still held onto the shoulders of both milfs as his cock slid in and out between their tits. Occasionally the tip would pop out between all four enormous jugs. "I-I think we should move on to the fucking!" Bobby exclaimed.

Betty kissed the tip of Mike's cock and smiled over at Emily, "Do you mind if I take Mike first?"

"Only if I get Bobby here." Replied Emily as she smiled up at him.

Everyone stood up and moved towards the large, plush bed. Both Betty's and Emily's bodies bounced and jiggled in all the right places as they walked over and crawled onto the bed seductively, swaying their sexy asses towards their sons to entice them. Both women rolled over onto their backs, opened up their thighs and bending their knees, their huge breasts only flattening out slightly against their chests.

Both boys quickly got into place, Bobby between Emily's succulent creamy thighs, and Mike between Betty's tanned muscular hips. Panting with excitement Mike gripped his dick in his hand, feeling it pulse in time with his heartbeat, and pushed with his hips as he nuzzled the head between Betty's cunt. Groaning with pleasure as he buried his big thick cock into her tight folds, he then reached up and gave both of her lotion covered melons a big squeeze.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me Mike!" Betty encouraged him as she wrapped her legs around his and reached down to squeeze his young firm ass. Betty was very happy to have Emily and Mike as her new neighbors. Now she had another eager teenager that wanted to fuck her all the time and a sexy mom just like herself that she could fondle and play with as well.

Meanwhile, Bobby had hooked both of Emily's legs over his arms with her delicate ankles resting against his strong shoulders. Placing his hands on either side of her head he began to piston his own large shaft in and out of her beautiful shaved pussy. He was panting with each thrust as he looked at her gorgeous face and then at her huge tits that began to jiggle around with the combined movement on the bed.

"Ooooh!.....Oh!....Ugh!.." Emily began to grunt and moan as she looked up at Bobby with wide eyes and an open mouth. Her hands gripped the blanket tightly as her jaw dropping body was fucked hard. The muscles in her legs stood out as they flexed with each impact of Bobby's pelvis against hers.

Mike grabbed Betty's wrists in his hands and held them above her head as he continued with his thrusting. He loved the feeling of her small feet rubbing against his sweaty legs as the walls of her pussy gripped and squeezed around him tightly. Leaning down he began to kiss and nuzzle her neck.

Betty cooed in pleasure and squealed as she was held captive in Mike's strong grasp. She wanted to run her hands all over his body but she just couldn't break out of his grip. Her short hair started to stick to her forehead as she started to get sweaty. She could feel her tits squash against Mike's chest and their nipples rub together as his body moved on top of hers.

Emily was biting her bottom lip as Bobby lifted himself up onto his knees and grasped both of her ankles in his hands. Spreading her legs as wide as a gymnast, he continued to piston his dick into her wet sucking pussy. His cock was slick and shiny in the light of the room and he could feel her juices run down over his testicles and down into the crack of her ass.

With the combined blow job and tit fuck earlier, neither Mike nor Bobby could last very long with the likes of either voluptuous goddess they were currently with. After a dozen more strokes Mike bit down on Betty's shoulder and continued to hold onto her wrists as he orgasmed and shot his seed deep into her womb.

Betty squealed in pleasure as she felt his large cock jerking around wildly inside her very tight tunnel. She squirmed beneath him and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

As Bobby witnessed Mike cumming he couldn't hold out anymore. Slamming all the way into Emily, his balls heavy with a load of cum and squashed against her plump ass; he felt his release as his jizm shot out of him with the force of a shotgun. Again and again his cum churned out and shot deep into the forbidden depths of her belly.

Emily's legs quivered as she also came with her young lover. She still held onto the blankets tightly as she arched her back, her huge jugs standing out on her chest, and released a throaty moan from deep inside her.

Both boys rolled off of the beautiful older woman below them and soon all were panting for breath and reviling in post orgasmic bliss. Betty rubbed her stomach and rubbed her thighs together as she felt Mike's cum warm her from inside. She brushed a strand of hair off of her sweaty face and smiled contently. Emily also held her thighs together, enjoying the feeling of having someone's cum inside her. She casually massaged her tender breasts as she blew a strand of her dark hair out of her face.

"Mmmm, so Betty, when does your husband get home?" Emily asked. Her pale skin had a rosy glow to it.

"Oh, not for at least six hours. We have plenty of time to have more fun with the boys!" Betty rolled over and smiled at Mike as she rubbed his chest. She draped one of her smooth muscular legs over him as her fingers made small circles across his skin.

Bobby reached over and began to play with Emily's breasts as he recovered. Emily giggled and lifted herself up and smothered his face with her cleavage. It was comical to see his head squashed against her two pale melons but he wasn't complaining as he suckled on her small nipples like a content baby and licked all over her creamy flesh.

This fondling continued for awhile as both boys regained their strength. Soon enough however they were all raring to go for another round as the boy's hard eager cocks began to point towards the ceiling.

Emily was sliding her hand up and down Bobby's dick, feeling the thick veins pulse in her delicate hand, and purred as he continued to feast on her nipples. "I don't know about you but I think I'm ready to go another round with the boys!" she said eagerly.

"Mmmhmm! Let's switch up!" Betty replied with equal enthusiasm.

This time Mike and Bobby stayed on their backs and enjoyed the view of both sexy women as they stood up to change places. Betty smiled at her son as she slowly crawled up his body, dragging her heavy tits along his sweaty skin. Soon she was straddling his waist with both of her legs to either side of him. Instead of impaling herself on his hard shaft however, she instead angled it down to lay against his stomach and she began to grind against the underside.

Beside them, Emily had followed Betty's example and also straddled her own son. Emily wasn't as patient as Betty however, and without another thought she gripped her son's dick in both her hands and angled it towards her bald cunt. Both mother and son groaned loudly as she slid down his length, his large testicles squashed against the bottom of her ass.

"Oh yes baby." Emily moaned softly as she looked down over her huge tits to see her son's smiling face. Her arms were close together as she rested her hands on his muscular abs which forced her breasts to swell out from her chest. She bit her bottom lip as she continued to look at her son while she began to bounce on top of him.

"Ugh! Fuck you feel so good mom!" Mike grunted out as he pumped his own hips in time with her movements. Reaching up he cupped her supple breasts in his hands and kneaded them like dough. Her pale flesh squeezed out from between his fingers and he pressed her stiff little nipples in with his thumbs.

Betty smiled as she watched the taboo sight of Emily vigorously fucking her son. Her own pussy was twitching with desire as she ground herself against her own son. She had her arms folded over her tits, forcing them to swell and look larger as they were squashed against her.

"M-Mom please stop teasing me! I've got to fuck you!" Bobby moaned up to her as he squeezed her ass and humped his hips a little bit to get a little more force into the grinding of her pussy.

Lifting her hips up slightly, Betty allowed her son to point his throbbing member up towards her hungry pussy. "Oooohhh!" she moaned loudly as she popped the head in and slid down her son's cock. Bobby reached up and squeezed his mom's big fat tits in his hands and Betty placed her own hands on top of his as she began to fuck him.

The bed was literally bouncing as both mothers eagerly fucked their strapping young sons. Bobby and Mike were forced deep into the mattress as the weight of both sexy milfs slammed down onto them again and again. Just as things started to get good however, the doorbell rang and startled everybody.Panting for breath both Emily and Betty stopped and rested on top of their sons.

"Who could that be?" Emily asked as she reached up and brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear of out of her face.

"I don't know. I wasn't expecting anybody." Betty replied.

Regretfully, Betty got off of her son and walked over to retrieve her robe. Bobby enjoyed the sight of his mother's gorgeous body as she moved about. Slipping the robe on Betty tied it at her waist, the deep valley of her naked cleavage still visible and beads of sweat rolling off of her skin. "I'll go down and see who it is. Think you can handle both boys for awhile?" she asked Emily with an arched eyebrow.

Emily laughed and crooked a finger at Bobby while she continued to fuck her own son. "Oh I'm sure I can keep them both occupied for awhile." She said with all confidence.

"Ok, well just keep it down until I get back." Betty laughed before she closed the bedroom door behind her and headed down the stairs to the front door. Her tits jiggled as they were hugged together by the baby blue silk robe. Her firm tanned legs were completely revealed as the robe was so short that it barely went over her naked ass.

Finally reaching the door, she opened it and was surprised to see who her visitor was. "Hi Sarah! What brings you here?"

"Hi Betty. You aren't busy are you? I don't want to interrupt anything?" Sarah said. She was holding her purse in front of her with her head down a little bit like she seemed embarrassed because of the reason why she was there.

"No of course not, come in." Betty said cheerfully as she stepped out of the way so her friend could come in.

Both women walked into the living room and sat down on the couch next to each other. Betty curled her legs underneath her while Sarah sat with her legs together and her purse on her lap. Idle chit chat was exchanged for the first few minutes but Betty could tell that something was on her friends mind.

"Sarah what's wrong? You seem kinda distracted."

"Well..." Sarah started to say. She wasn't quiet sure what to say. "Betty? How did it feel when you were with Bobby the first time? How did it start? Were you comfortable at first?"

Betty was a little caught off guard by her friend's question at first. "Uh, well..." Betty started to say as she thought back. "Remember when Bobby's arms were both broken? Well Cindy sent him home with a note one day saying that I should help "sexually relieve him" while he was home because it was causing him a lot of discomfort. At first I was a little shocked and surprised."

Sarah laughed as she pictured her friend Nurse Brown writing that note. "Yeah, Cindy isn't shy when it comes to letting your inhibitions go. She's encouraged me on more then one occasion to sleep with some of the students."

"Sweetie, if I was a teacher over at that school I think I'd be taking advantage of those boys all the time myself!" Betty replied with a wink. "But getting back to Bobby and me, after calling Cindy to make sure it wasn't a joke or anything I just got naked right then and let Bobby suck and fuck my tits. It just felt so good! It didn't feel weird at all. One thing led to another and soon we were doing more then just handjobs and blowjobs." Betty smiled at Sarah as her thighs rubbed together slightly. "I couldn't be happier. I'm having more sex now then I did in college!"

Both women laughed for a few minutes. Soon Betty reached out and rubbed Sarah's arm with her fingers. "Now what's on your mind that would make you ask about Bobby and me?"

Taking a deep breath and looking at the ceiling for a moment Sarah collected her wits. "Well my little brother Kevin came to spend the week with me since his senior class is on break or something. I had to leave him at my apartment while I went to work this morning and when I came back I found the DVD's for our website playing on my TV. Then I found him fucking Juliet in her bedroom. I think they were going at it all morning!"

"Oh I get it!" Betty said as she put the pieces together in her head. "You were turned on watching your brother and thinking that he'd seen you having sex on the videos weren't you?

Sarah closed her eyes and sighed. "Yes. That's it exactly."

Betty had a coy smile on her face as she looked over at Sarah. "Do you have a picture of him that I can see?"

"Uh, yeah, one sec." Sarah replied as she began to look through her bag. Finding the picture of Kevin in his bathing suit she passed it to Betty.

Betty took the picture and cooed when she saw the young blonde stud. "Oh Sarah. I wouldn't blame you in the least if you took advantage of him. Hell, if you want I'll give him a try and then give you my opinion.

"Betty!" Sarah said a little shocked but with a smile on her face. "I swear you're just as bad as Cindy sometimes."

"I'm serious!" Betty admired the picture again and imagined having the young hunk between her legs. She started to feel horny again as she thought about what was going on upstairs in her bedroom at that very moment. Betty looked over at Sarah and smiled her little coy smile again. "Sarah? How much of Kevin did you see?" She asked as she leaned over on all fours as she got closer to Sarah. Her robe was open in the top and Sarah could easily see all the way down Betty amazing body.

"I saw everything!" Sarah said smiling. She felt really relieved that she could talk to somebody about this. "He does have a really nice body. And from what I can tell he's pretty hung and he knows what to do with it."

"And you came here immediately after you saw him?" Betty said as she traced her fingers lightly up and down Sarah's arm again. "You must still feel pretty antsy."

Sarah thought back to what she saw in her apartment and immediately her nipples became stiff under her sports bra. Feeling Betty's fingers rub against her skin she turned to the busty milf and bit her bottom lip. "Yeah I am pretty wet just thinking about it." Sarah admitted as she reached out and slipped both of her hands into Betty's robe. Her huge firm tits filled Sarah's hands.

Betty smiled again as she leaned in and kissed Sarah lightly on the lips. It was a gently kiss, their tongues just barely touching one another. Leaning back and sitting on her feet again, Betty reached down and undid the knot at her waist. She slipped the robe off of her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Her beautiful tanned body was completely revealed in the light of the living room.

Sarah turned and faced her friend as she leaned in and brought one of Betty's puffy nipples to her mouth. Her lips sealed around it tightly and she nursed on it hungrily as she swirled her tongue around it.

Betty sighed as she held the sexy gym teacher's head to her chest. A trail of spit traveled down the under slope of her big left tit and trailed down over her soft stomach and belly bottom.

Sarah released her friend's breasts from her mouth and stood up. She lifted her sports bra up and over her head while Betty was on her knees in front of her and tugging down her tight gym shorts and red thong over her smooth athletic legs. Sarah's incredible body was soon naked as the articles of clothing were thrown across the room.