Mom and Sister Carjacked

byGeorge VI©

Authors Note: This is a fictional story. It contains depictions of non-consensual sex as well as incest. If either of these two subjects offends you, do not read further. In real life, non-consensual sex is illegal and immoral and in no way condoned by the author. All characters are over eighteen.

I was cranky when I first got in the car, having been woken up early to go to a stupid confirmation for my cousin. Having to dress nice and endure a long car ride with my parents and sister didn't help my mood, nor did the lack of good music on the radio. But I tried to make the best of it and pass the time by sneaking looks at my older sister sitting next to me in the back seat. I would never admit it to anybody else that I thought the nineteen-year-old Ashley was hot, especially to Ashley herself. I suppose we had a typical older sister - younger brother relationship, getting on each other's nerves a fair amount of the time. But in recent months I started seeing her differently, as a hot chick living in the same house with me. So I sat next to her in the car and, whenever I could get away with it, I checked out her long legs and nice tits in her dress. I'd been trying to see more of her body around the house, but so far hadn't seen her naked, or anything near naked, yet. I kept my eye out to see if she ever left her bedroom door ajar when she changed, or the bathroom door when she showered, but she was pretty careful not to be seen by me. And it was pretty embarrassing the time that she caught me trying to look down her nightgown, and she called me a "perv".

Maybe I was a "perv" for jerking off while envisioning fucking my own sister, but she really did have a sexy body. A natural blonde, Ashley had full tits, B or C cups depending on the bra, a great firm ass, a pretty face, blue eyes, and long legs. Ashley was still taller than me.

But Ashley wasn't as tall as Mom yet. Mom was 5' 10" tall. And about the same time that I started taking notice of Ashley, I started noticing Mom in a sexual way, too. Actually, it wasn't until I caught a few of my friends staring at her tits that I really noticed for the first time how stacked she was, and how pretty and shapely she was for a woman in her late 40s. She had her flaws, but those long legs, still-attractive face, shoulder-length brown hair, and 40D tits made me think of her as more than a mom. Mom and I had our disagreements, plenty of them in fact, but at night when I was in bed alone, I could disengage our family relationship, and think of her only as a big-titted hot mature woman to lust after. As with Ashley, I had no luck seeing Mom naked. The best I could do was see her in the occasional nightgown without a bra on, and watch her big tits wobble freely under the thin fabric, or catch some cleavage spilling out of her bra when she leaned over in anything the slightest bit low-cut.

Dad drove as we took the highway out of town. Mom was in the front passenger seat, directly in front of me, so I couldn't see much of her body, unfortunately. Ninety minutes later we stopped for gas. As Dad pumped the gas, Mom and Ashley went into the station to use the bathroom or something. I was still tired and stayed in the car.

I didn't know where we were, but it didn't look like a very good neighborhood. It was mostly minorities around us. There were no other cars at the gas station. I noticed two Mexican men leaning against the wall, smoking cigarettes. One was an older skinny guy with a thin mustache and two-day-old beard, in a dirty green work shirt and baggy pants. The other was real big and really scary looking, fairly tall and heavyset, with tattoos on his muscular arms, in a dirty white t-shirt. Both of them stared at Ashley as she walked by in her thin sleeveless cotton dress. No surprise that a couple of Mexican dudes would check out a hot young blonde, I guess. I couldn't blame them. I was checking her out myself. And I had to admit that it was hot watching these dirty older guys lusting after my sister.

And then when Mom walked by them, they checked HER out real good. Again, I could understand why. Mom had been wearing an outfit I've seen before, a fairly tight light-blue skirt with a two-piece coral-colored sweater outfit. During the long car ride, mom had removed the outer button-down sweater, and was now out in just the matching sleeveless sweater, and it sure was tight on her! The thin fabric clung to her torso and bra like a latex glove, showing off every seam of her bra, even underneath her cups. Her big heavy tits swayed as she walked in her high heels, and the Mexican dudes' eyes were bugging out. When she walked past them, their eyes went down to her ass and followed it as she walked. The big guy looked over at the little one, and held his hands out, palms in, moving his palms up in down in front of his chest, clearly mimicking Mom's big jiggling tits. The shorter one smiled and nodded. The dual sight of mom looking good and the Mexicans leering at her really gave my cock a tingle.

After Mom walked into the station, the two Mexicans whispered to each other. Then they looked over at our car, and Dad pumping gas. Dad had his back to the station, so he didn't notice the two men ogling his wife and daughter.

Ashley exited the station and returned to the back driver's side seat, as the two Mexicans watched her ass. Then as Mom exited the station, the two men straightened up, dropped their cigarettes, and began to walk behind her. The older smaller one made a remark to Mom that I couldn't hear. She glanced back at the smiling Mexican, but instead of acknowledging him she turned away and kept walking to the car.

As Mom approached her passenger side front door, the two men split up. The bigger one followed Mom to her door, and the older one walked over to Dad. He asked Dad to loan him a dollar or something. Dad tried to brush him off and get in the car, but the man pulled out a stick, and knocked him on the head once. Dad fell into the car, his glasses flying off his head. The older Mexican climbed into the car, and pushed dad over.

At the same time, the bigger Mexican pulled out a gun, and grabbed Mom by the front of her sweater. "Get in the back!" He ordered. He opened my passenger-side back door, and pushed Mom in, practically on top of me. He slammed the door shut on Mom, jumped into the front seat next to the slumping Dad, and closed the door.

The older guy behind the steering wheel hit the accelerator, and sped out of the gas station, while hitting the door locks. Mom and Ashley screamed, Dad appeared to be completely unconscious, and I sat between Ashley and Mom in a stunned silence.

"Shut up! Or I'll hit him again!" Shouted the big guy in the passenger seat, pointing his pistol at Dad.

Mom shut up, but Ashley kept screaming. "Ashley, be quiet," said Mom. Finally, when the guy pointed his pistol in her direction, she gasped and then closed her mouth.

"Carl? Carl?" Mom called to Dad. Dad moved a little but he was basically unconscious.

"Don't worry about him, I didn't hit him that hard," said the older driver, in a very heavy accent. In the rear view mirror I saw him smile. He was missing a lot of teeth.

We were driving through some urban streets, with businesses on each side, but few pedestrians or cars around us. "Hand your purses up here to me," ordered the bigger one. Mom and Ashley handed their purses to him. "And you, your wallet," he said to me. I obediently handed it to him. He took it, and found Dad's wallet in his pocket, but didn't immediately start to look through his loot. Instead, he settled into the front seat, practically on top of Dad, leaning against the door and watching us. He said something in Spanish to the driver, and then looked over at Ashley. Her skirt had ridden up in the excitement, above her mid-thigh point.

"Hey, Blondie, you have nice legs!" He paused and stared at them for a minute, admiring my sister's bare legs. "Show us some more. Pull your skirt up."

Instead, Ashley pulled her hem down to her knees, whimpering.

"You want me to hit your dad again?" he said, raising his gun.

"No!" Said Mom in a wavering voice. "Please, leave him alone. Leave HER alone."

The big guy instead pointed his gun at me. "You don't open your mouth again, Mama. You do and I shoot your son, comprende?"

Mom didn't respond, but the passenger turned to Ashley again, and repeated, "Pull your skirt up."

"Mom?" Ashley whimpered.

"Just do what he says; it'll be OK," answered Mom.

Ashley's trembling hands grabbed her skirt hem, and slowly slid it up her legs. My cock stirred as I watched her long legs exposed. When she stopped near her crotch, the big guy said, "All the way up. Show me everything."

Ashley had frightened look in her eyes. She whimpered again, but pulled up skirt up to her hips, exposing her pink cotton panties. I enjoyed immensely seeing her bare legs and panty crotch pulled tight over her pussy mound. But I equally enjoyed seeing the big Mexican dude leering at her panties, and the driver adjusting his rear view mirror for a better view. "Spread you legs wider," he ordered, and Ashley reluctantly opened her legs wider.

We were still in a little traffic, and the big guy kept looking around, apparently making sure that we were a little discreet. But mostly he admired Ashley's legs and panty crotch. My sister's eyes had welled up. She didn't know where to look.

Finally the driver said something in Spanish. I thought I caught the word, "Mamacita."

"Si, Caesar," said the passenger. He turned to Mom. "He wants you to show your legs now. Go ahead."

Mom glanced over at Ashley and me. There was genuine fear in her eyes. Her jaw actually dropped. She looked like she was going to say something, but stopped herself.

Just do what he says; it'll be OK, I thought, recalling what Mom said to her daughter faced with the same dilemma. But I kept my thoughts to myself, and waited with anticipation. The passenger sighed and lifted his gun up. That made Mom move.

Mom's skirt was tight, and it took some effort to hike it up her thighs, tugging at one side at a time. She too paused when her skirt was up to her crotch, but with the big guy's insistence, she bunched her skirt up nearly to her waist.

Mom was wearing white panties, no surprise since she was wearing a white skirt. But she was wearing pantyhose over them. The triangle of stitching blocked my view of her panty crotch. Still, there was something very erotic about seeing Mom's panties through the thin hose, with her skirt bunched up at her waist, and two strangers looking at her panties.

"Oh, nice, Mama," complimented the passenger. The driver made a chuckling comment in Spanish that turned into a smoker's hack. Mom tried to be stoic, with a firm jaw, but her eyes gave away the fear, humiliation, and helplessness that she no doubt felt. I should have been gallant and averted my eyes, but presented with a sight I've dreamed about, I stared unabashedly at Mom's and Ashley's legs and panties.

The passenger looked back at Ashley. "Hey, Blondie, are you a natural blonde? Huh? Answer me!"

"Yes," Ashley whimpered.

"Prove it. Show me what's under the panties. Let's see if you're a natural blonde."

Ashley whimpered, and shook her head no.

He pointed the gun at me. "OK, then brother, you do it. Pull her panties aside, or I hit Papa again." He nudged Dad to make his point.

"C'mon. Just pull her underwear aside. NOW!"

I reached down. My own left hand was trembling. He had no way of knowing how badly I've wanted to see what was under my sister's panties. Ashley flinched when my hand touched her bare upper thigh. But she said nothing as I placed my hand on her panty crotch. I swear I could feel the warmth emitting from her crotch. As ordered, I gingerly grabbed the side of her panty crotch, and clawed at the fabric. I don't know why I thought it would take some work, like some steel chastity belt, but the thin cotton easily pulled aside.

My hand grazed my sister's pubic hair. She was, as I knew, a natural blonde, although her pussy hair appeared slightly darker than the hair on her head. It appeared to be trimmed away from the sides of her crotch, and maybe cut back a little. But there was a one-inch-long tuft of blonde pubic hair over her slit. I rested my hand on her thigh, keeping the fabric pulled aside, so the two Mexicans could admire Ashley's pussy as I was. It was the first bare pussy I'd ever seen in real life, and it didn't matter that it was my sister's. Actually, I guess that made it better for some reason.

We drove through some traffic, the three of us males admiring my sister's pussy, the two Mexicans discussing it.

"Ah ha. You think Mamacita's trimmed too?" Caesar asked the passenger.

The big guy smirked, looked into Mom's eyes, and replied, "I don't know, but I want to find out. Pull your hose off. Your panties, too", her ordered. Mom inhaled, gave him one look of indignation, looked down, and paused. Then she sighed, lifted her butt off the seat, grabbed the waistband of her pantyhose and panties, and began to wiggle them down.

I couldn't believe it. I was going to see Mom's pussy, too!

Mom kept her thighs together as she pulled her hose past her knees, and at the big guy's orders, down her calves and off of her feet, removing her shoes. I could see a patch of brown pubic hair protruding from between her clenched thighs.

"Spread your legs wide, give us a real GOOD view!"

As ordered, Mom spread her legs wide, pressing her bare left thigh against right thigh.


Mom lifted her knee and threw it over my knee, spreading her legs as far apart as she could. Now we three males could admire the wide triangle of long wild untrimmed pubic hair that Mom was exposing, as well as the pink glistening lips in the middle of the jungle.

Caesar the driver wheezed out a chuckle, looking at his rear view mirror at my mom's naked pussy. He and the driver, whom he called Roberto, traded a few comments about it in Spanish. I wished I'd paid attention better in Spanish class in school.

Roberto looked back to Ashley. I was still holding her panties aside for him, and getting in a little rub of her pubic mound with the back of my fingers. "You spread wider too, like Mama. Pull those panties off!

I let go of Ashley's panties, and she lifted her butt off the seat, and slid them down and off. She threw her right knee over my left knee, as ordered. I now had both my mom and sister's knees over mine, and was staring at both of their naked pussies. With no place else to put my hands, I rested my palms on their thighs. I had to admit to myself that I was enjoying this. I had a throbbing hard on hidden in my pants. I unabashedly stared at both of their pussies. I also liked the humiliated expressions on their faces. Mom's nipples were protruding through her tight sweater. Ashley's dress was just tight enough over her tits that I could see her nipples protruding. I wondered what it was that made their nipples hard. Embarrassment? Eroticism? A draft?

We were now leaving the urban area. There was just the rare house and rarer car passing the other way.

Roberto said something to Caesar the driver, and Caesar nodded. "OK, Blondie," said Roberto. "Lets see your tits."

Ashley whimpered again. My cock jumped again.

"You, Brother, unzip her dress." Ashley's dress zipped up in the back. "C'mon, Blondie, let your brother unzip you." Ashley turned her back to me slightly. I reached up with both hands, and tugged at the zipper by her neck. It started coming down. That's the sexiest I'd ever heard a zipper sound. I slowly zipped it down, until I could see her maroon-colored bra in the back. I kept going, slowly, until the zipper was nearly down to her waist. There was no slip or camisole under Ashley's dress, just the thin bra strap.

"Lower the dress," ordered Roberto. With a defeated expression on her face, Ashley pulled her dress forward off of her chest, exposing her smooth molded maroon-colored bra cups. Her tits appeared to be pushed together, the cups lifting them up like a shelf. Her pale breasts poked just a little out of the tops. From my side view, her bra gapped away from her tits a little, and I could see into the left cup enough to see her tit sloping away from her body.

"Unhook your sister's bra, Brother."

As ordered, I reached up again, and fumbled mightily with Ashley's bra clasp, my hands shaking, knowing I was about to see her tits, wondering if they were as wonderful as I'd imagined them. When I finally unclasped it, Ashley lowered her bra straps, and allowed her bra to fall off of her chest, and lay in a heap on her lap along with her dress.

She tried to cover them, but Roberto said, "Hands, down, let us see them." Ashley clasped her hands on her lap and obediently stood up straight with her shoulders back, like she does in church.

They were MORE wonderful than I'd imagined them. They were a full B-cup pair or better, round and sitting up high. Her flesh was as pale as could be, allowing her pink areolas to contrast greatly. Her areolas were larger than I'd expected, but not too large. Her nipples were hard, sticking straight out. I didn't know how breasts could be any more perfect.

"Yeah, Blondie, nice tits, eh?" Caesar agreed, looking through his rear view mirror at my sister's naked tits. Mom sat silently with her head in her hand, her pussy still exposed, as the three conscious males stared at her daughter's exposed teen ta tas.

Caesar noticed some auto traffic as we approached a stoplight, and Roberto ordered Ashley to scrunch down. She obeyed and leaned back, keeping her head barely above the windows. Ashley started to pull her dress up to cover her tits, but Roberto said, "No, I still want to see them, Sister." While Caesar watched Ashley through his rear-view mirror, Roberto discovered the mirror on the other side of the passenger seat sun visor, and adjusted it so he too could stare at my sister's bare chest while he sat forward.

"Sister, shake your tits." He showed her what he meant by shaking his shoulders back and forth. Ashley copied him, moving her shoulders so her tits jiggled back and forth. I about died watching them rapidly bounce from side to side and up and down, and then just as rapidly snap back in place.

"Hey, brother," said Roberto. "Shake them for me. Pick them up and jiggle them." I couldn't believe my luck. I was being MADE to fondle my sister's tits! It's like he read my mind. I reached over with my right hand, and cupped Ashley's left tit. She flinched at first, giving me a dirty look. But she quickly looked straight ahead, her eyes red, holding back tears, while I squeezed her tit.

That tit felt great. I was a firm handful, and I love playing with it. I lifted it like I was weighing a tomato, and bounced it up and down. Then I jiggled it back and forth rapidly, squeezing it. With other cars passing in the opposite direction, probably unable to see anything we were doing in the back seat at that speed, I played with both of Ashley's tits, boldly handling them as if I owned them. Ashley glanced up at me, and I couldn't help but give her a little smirk, remembering all the times she treated me bad, and calling me a "perv" just for trying to glance at her tits. For this one moment, I owned my big sister, and had her right where I wanted her. Mom and Dad were right there with us, and could do nothing to me.

"Squeeze harder, you won't hurt them. Pull on her nipples." I did what Roberto told me, pulling hard on my sister's hard nipples. She opened her mouth, but emitted no sound; just thrust her chest out to meet my hand. "Lick them. Suck them." I leaned down, and placed my lips on Ashley's right tit. I sucked on the smooth flesh, and found her nipple, sucking the whole thing into my mouth, flitting my tongue over the tip. Ashley shuddered but didn't verbally object. I sucked her right nipple and tugged on her left nipple, then slid my tongue to her left tit and sucked that one. It was probably becoming obvious to Ashley that I wasn't being too reluctant about being forced to fondle her. I didn't care. And I didn't care what Mom thought.

Traffic cleared up. We were out in the middle of nowhere, it seemed, surrounded by farm fields. Roberto turned around again and watched us. Caesar said, "Now Mamacita. See Mamacita's tits!"

"OK, Mama, he wants to see your tits," Roberto interpreted. "Your turn. Take off your top. Or should I have your son do it?"

I was willing, but Mom slowly crossed her arms and grabbed the hem of her sweater at her waist. Choking back a sob, she lifted her sweater up, until her big coral-colored bra was exposed. She pulled the sweater over her head through her brown hair, and dropped it on her lap.

Mom's molded bra had some lace between the cups, but was otherwise smooth and unadorned. Her cleavage was spilling out over the top of them, and pushed together. Caesar moaned and chuckled, with a big toothless grin.

"Unhook it, son," ordered Roberto. I leaned to my right, and Mom turned her back to me, refusing to look at me, as I fumbled with her bra. Hers had three clasps holding the wide back together. Clearly this bra was designed to support a lot of weight. Finally, in a little less time it took me to unclasp Ashley's, the bra was open in back.

"Lean back, Mom," ordered Roberto. "Son, pull Mom's bra off." Mom leaned back against the seat, placing her trembling hands on her lap. I could see her lips quivering as I pulled down her right bra strap, then her left. I pulled down on the tops of the two cups, and peeled her bra off.

Mom's two gigantic tits spilled out and hung freely. I studied them from inches away, as the two Mexicans moaned and complimented Mom's tits. If Ashley's teen tits were perfect, Mom's had some flaws by some measure I suppose. I wouldn't say they sagged, just sloped down a little from my side view - but not bad considering her age and the fact that she's had several children. They still stood up pretty good, her nipples pointing out. Some might think her areolas were too large and too dark. I didn't. I enjoyed the size of them, as well as her long fat nipples. In some ways they weren't perfect. Maybe they were BEYOND perfect, as I wanted to touch them more than I did Ashley's.

As he did with Ashley, Roberto ordered Mom to put on a little show for himself and his partner in crime. Mom, now naked from the waist up except for her pearl necklace, was forced to sit up straight and shake her tits back and forth. They shook differently than Ashley's. While my sister's young tits shook rapidly, Mom's wobbled slower. Sometimes as she shook her shoulders or bounced up and down on her seat, her tits were moving in the opposite direction that she was. "Yeah, Yeah!" Cheered Caesar, "Big tits, si!"

"Feel her tits, Son," Roberto ordered. "Make them jiggle for me. Shake them hard." I reached over with my left hand, and cupped Mom's big right tit. Mom lifted her head and moaned as I squeezed her tits. They felt different than Ashley's. They were softer. The flesh squeezed through my fingers more. And seemed heavier as I lifted them. It was such a great feeling to have them in my palms. Her nipples were so long, and so fat. I tugged on them, and diddled them with my index finger.

Both men laughed watching me feel up my mom. "Hey, son, kiss her," said Caesar, puckering his lips to show what he meant.

"Yeah, make out with Mom," seconded Roberto.

I looked at Mom. For the first time since she took off her sweater, she looked at me. Our faces were inches apart. Make out with my own mom? I studied her face for a brief minute. She had some lines around her eyes. Lines were starting to form on her upper lip. Her mascara was running. But she was really pretty. She had very kissable lips, not something I'd really noticed much before. Her perfume seemed to be calling me. As ordered, I slowly moved closer to her, and pressed my lips against hers.

Mom flinched once, but when I persisted, she pressed back. I opened my mouth wide, and made out with her. She was reluctant initially, but soon her lips moved with mine.

"Use your tongue, Son. You too, Mom." I stuck my tongue out, and licked Mom's lips. She tried to close her mouth, but surrendered and parted her lips. I slid my tongue into Mom's mouth and licked around inside of her. Finally, after I poked her tongue with mine a few times, she straightened her tongue and allowed me to circle my tongue around hers. Then she started circling her tongue, and we were into a full-blown French kissing session. While still feeling her tits!

"Let me see your tongues. Open your mouth." I backed up a little, but kept my tongue on Mom's. Our tongues were outside our mouths; sword fighting with each other so our captors could see them.

"Good, Son, now kiss down her neck. Go for her chest." I didn't need to be told twice. I kissed and licked my way down Mom's chin, then neck, over her pearl necklace, then straight down the middle of her chest, until I found her cleavage. I pushed her tits together and stuck my tongue down between her tits, and buried my face into her tits.

After surrounding my face in tit flesh for a bit, my lips worked their way over to Mom's left tit. I latched onto her nipple. It was so much longer and fatter than Ashley's. I tongued it, and even bit it once. I sucked on it like I imagined I did as a baby, like it was giving me nourishment. I wondered if she was having a similar flashback. Mom was panting unevenly, her chest heaving, as I nibbled on her.

"Hey, Brother, your sister's lonely over there. Give her some attention." I looked up from Mom's chest, not sure what he was "ordering" me to do. "Play with her pussy."

I looked at Ashley, who was slumped down in her seat so not to be seen by passing cars, but was still topless, and still had her dress pulled up to her waist. She gave me a frightened look, but didn't stop me from putting my left hand on her right thigh. Without giving her a chance to object, I slid my palm over her pussy mound. Ashley flinched involuntarily once, but on Roberto's orders threw her knee over mine again, spreading her legs wide. I could feel wetness where my palm rubbed her slit. I could see the pinkness glistening. I played with the pussy flesh, ran my fingers through her patch of blonde hair, and slid my index finger along her slit.

"C'mon, Brother, finger fuck her." As ordered, I slid my middle finger inside of my sister's pussy. Ashley emitted a whimper as I slowly worked my way in past the second knuckle. Wow, what a nice feeling! Wet and slippery and warm!

"Do Mom, too," said Caesar. I glanced at Mom, who was also slumped down, topless, and with her skirt up to her waist. I put my right hand on her left knee, and slid it up her smooth thigh. She shuddered as I combed my fingers through her long pubic hairs, whimpered when I squeezed and rubbed her pussy mound, and then emitted an audible squeal when my middle finger began working into her pussy. Her slit, too, was quite lubricated, and only slightly roomier than Ashley's.

We rolled down the highway, my mom and my sister on either side of me, topless and bottomless, as I fingered their pussies, with two Mexican dudes watching us. Both were breathing heavier, and reacting to my thrusting fingers. As I worked a second finger in each, they both opened their legs wider and arched their pelvises.

"Do 'em good, Son. Wiggle your fingers around. Go fast." I did as Roberto told, and rapidly slid my fingers in and out as fast as I could, wiggling them around. I could hear a sloppy "shika shika" sound emitting from both of their pussies. Both of them were thrusting their hips in and out, and wiggling their hips from side to side. The difference was that Ashley, with a wide-eyed fearful expression, opened her legs up wider as she pumped my hand, while Mom turned towards me and closed her fleshy thighs around my hand, her eyes half-closed, her mouth wide open.

"Frig their clits. That button above their slit," pointed Roberto. I wasn't sure where a clit was, but once I found them, both Mom and Ashley let out squeals, and began to shudder. I diddled them as fast as I could, circling the little buttons.

"Ha haaa! They're cumming! Oh, I don't believe it! " Laughed Caesar. He and Roberto both laughed out loud as Mom clamped her thighs hard around my hand. She buried her head into my shoulder. Ashley put her hand on my thigh and clenched it as she shuddered and shook. Were the Mexicans right? Would they really have orgasms from having me forced onto them?

Finally they both started to relax and lay their heads back. Both of them wordlessly pushed my hands from their quivering crotches, like it was too much for them. I took my fingers out from their pussies, and rested them on their thighs.

"Shit, kid, I bet you got a real boner now. I think the ladies should take care of YOU now. Mama, whip Sonny's cock out."

Mom moaned her displeasure, but slowly sat up, and started unsnapping and unzipping my pants. I lifted my butt off the seat as she tugged down my slacks and boxers. My cock sprang out. Roberto was correct; I did have a "real boner". I couldn't help it if I wanted. As Mom pulled my pants and shoes off as ordered, Ashley, as instructed, put her right hand on my cock shaft, which caused an involuntary flinch on my part. I was just a little embarrassed at first, having my cock out in front of my mom, my sister, and two strange men. But somehow it seem sort of erotic being exposed that way. My cock stayed firm, red, and throbbing.

Roberto gave Mom and Ashley instructions on what he wanted done. Soon Ashley was jerking me off, and Mom was cupping my balls and gently massaging them. My hands were temporarily in the way, so I put them around their waists. I found that I could reach around under their arms and feel their tits, so I did.

"Hey, kid, kiss your sister. The way you did Mama. Stick out your tongues." As ordered, I leaned into Ashley's face. Her blue eyes looked at mine for a minute. She was real pretty this close, such smooth skin, and full lips. Her expression was almost one of repulsion, but I didn't' care. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

We licked each other's tongues for a minute for show, and then got into some real wet slopping French kissing. Our mouths and chins were wet, and our lips smacked, as our tongues met inside of our mouths. I turned to Mom, and we made out some more, too.

"Ladies, kiss each other now," ordered Roberto. Mom and Ashley were forced to lean over, right in front of my face, and French kiss each other. I could hear their lips smacking and watched my mom's and sister's tongues entwine, their eyes closed, their faces moving from side to side.

"Feel each other's tits." Mom and Ashley fondled each other's tits, leaving my cock unattended for a moment. They pressed their chests together and rubbed their breasts back and forth, letting their protruding nipples sword fight.

Since they were sitting up a little, and since the Mexicans insisted that I keep playing with the women, I reached down and grabbed their asses. Ashley had Mom beat hands down on this one. Her ass was flat out perfect, firm and round and smooth. Mom's was definitely bigger and softer, but still round and still fun to squeeze. For some reason I had the urge to run my finger up and down her ass crack. I enjoyed it so much that I did the same to Ashley. She bucked her hips to suggest she was annoyed by it, but when Roberto saw that, he told me, "Yeah, stick your finger up Blondie's ass. She'll love it." I got the idea to go down to Ashley's pussy and get my middle finger lubricated with her juice. Then I slowly worked it in her crack, found her asshole, and took my time working my finger deeper.

I really liked the idea of goosing my older sister with my finger, knowing it was annoying and humiliating her and she couldn't stop me.

"OK, Blondie. Time to give back to your brother. Give him some head." Ashley lowered her head down onto my lap, her long blonde hair tickling my thighs. She reluctantly placed her lips over my dick head, and bobbed down maybe and inch. It felt so good that I thought I could come right then, but Roberto told her to go lower and faster. Mom had to play with my balls some more, but then she too was forced to plant her lips on my cock and suck me. Mom and Ashley took turns sucking my dick, the other licking my shaft and balls, as I reached down and played with their dangling tits. This was heaven!

"OK, Blondie, sit up. Stop, Mama." Both sat up, awaiting further instructions, leaving me with an unfulfilled cock.

"Blondie, sit on Brother's lap." Ashley lifted her butt, and started to sit on me, hard on and all. "No, one leg only. Facing me," instructed Roberto. She threw one leg over me, and lowered her body down on my lap. Due to the low car ceiling, her head was bent down, her hands on either side of me. Clearly my stiff cock was in the way. And now Roberto made it clear that the stiff cock was my sister's objective.

"Open wide and take it, Blondie." Ashley moaned and whimpered, but did as she was told. She reached down and spread her own pussy lips, and guided it down on my cock. Once she got the head in, she slowly lowered herself and slid down my shaft.

Holy fucking Christ! What an awesome feeling! That tight but slippery pussy wrapped around my cock, slowly moving up and down. What perfect friction! I can see why everybody loves fucking so much!

Ashley got somewhat comfortable on my lap, her back to me, her legs spread wide on either side of me, her feet on the floor, her head bent down a little. I grabbed her hips a little, as we got in a rhythm. Then my hands roamed, up to her tits, squeezing both of her wonderful firm bags.

"Ohh, Ohhh!" Moaned Ashley as she used her legs to thrust up and down on my cock. It wasn't as fast as I wanted, so I thrust up fast, and made her try to keep up the pace. She did pretty good. It was fun fucking my sister!

While I fucked Ashley, Roberto had me feel Mom's big tits some more, and make out with her. Mom reached under Ashley, and tickled my balls. She was also made to feel Ashley's tits.

We cruised down the highway as I lost my virginity to my sister with my mom and two men watching. Ashley's eyes were closed, her moans getting louder, her thrusts faster. I was fucking faster, gritting my teeth. Mom was told to diddle Ashley's clit.

"OOHHHHH! UNNNGGG??" Groaned Ashley as she gyrated. I shot a load of sperm up into her pussy as she squealed. I continued thrusting, but as my thrusts slowed, so did Ashley's. She leaned back onto me, crying, and her torso shuddering.

Finally a teary Ashley climbed off of me and collapsed on the seat next to me. I was panting, but my cock was still pretty firm, read and glistening, and lightly pulsating.

"OK, Mamacita. Your job now is to get him ready again." Mom was forced to give me a hand job. She stroked rapidly, her tits jiggling. Then Roberto told her to blow me again. She wrapped her lips over my juicy cock, and sucked me hard, no doubt tasting her son's sperm and her daughter's juices.

"Hey, Mama, give him a tittie fuck. Wrap those big jugs around his cock. That would get me stiff." I was already stiff, but when Mom got down on the floor and dangled her tits over my cock like she'd had experience at this, I was ready for it. Mom pressed her tits together over my cock, like a hot dog in a warm smooth bun, and rubbed her chest up and down on it. It didn't necessarily feel better than her cock sucking, but the sight and idea of any woman, much less my mom, shaking her giant tits around my cock, was extremely arousing.

"Right Mama, he's ready for you. Get on, now." Per Roberto's orders, Mom straddled me, but this time she was facing me. She too had to lower her head so she would hit the car ceiling. She hunched over my shoulders, her long legs spread wide around my body. She lowered her pussy down on my cock. First I felt her forest of pubic air touching my head, and I wondered it I would ever find her slit through all of that jungle. But soon enough as she slid down on me, I felt the same warm lubricated friction as I had with Ashley. OK, Mom was just a bit looser. But she knew how to fuck, and tightened her cunt muscles around my shaft as she bounced up and down.

Mom's hips thrust in and out at me, and I grabbed her big ass cheeks while they bucked me. Her big tits were pushed into my face, so I reached out and grabbed a tit with my mouth. I put my hands on them, too, and squeezed them as I thrust my cock as hard as I could up into my mother's birth canal.

I got a glimpse through the rear-view mirror of Mom's ass thrusting in and out of me. So I was aware of how slutty and sexy Mom looked from The Mexican's point-of-view.

"UNNNGGGG! HUNNNNNNGGGGGG!" Mom grunted hoarsely, in a very unladylike fashion, belting out sounds I've never heard her make before. Ashley was forced into action again, feeling Mom's tits, kissing her, and finally, working a finger into Mom's asshole.

"URRRGH! AHHHH!" She thrust rapidly into me, moving her hips from side to side for better friction on my cock. She looked very slutty. Her brown hair shook in my face, her tits swung around wildly. Her Mexican captors cheered her on.

"UNNNNGGGG! GUCCCKKKKK!" She gurgled as I shot my wad in her. She gyrated her hips wildly. I had to hang onto her hips to keep her from bucking off of me. Her face was contorted and sweaty, her makeup running down her eyes. "OHHHHHH!"


I wasn't really conscious of it, but as I was fucking my mom, Roberto was giving Caesar some driving directions. As my sobbing Mom fell off of my lap, I noticed that we were on some narrow county road, surrounded by cornfields. Caesar slowed, and pulled into what was some sort of tractor lane right in the middle of a cornfield. Not a road at all, just a private dirt path wide enough for a tractor to go down, a few feet wider than the car. The car stopped about a quarter-mile into the middle of a cornfield. There almost certainly weren't any people within shouting distance.

The two Mexicans got out of the car. Caesar walked around the front, to the passenger side. Roberto walked around to the driver's side. Almost simultaneously, they opened the two rear doors. The hulking Roberto grabbed Ashley by her arm, and pulled her out of the car. The older skinnier Caesar grabbed Mom by the arm, and forcefully pulled her out of the car.

Ashley was like a rag doll in the big Mexican's grip. She screamed as he wrapped his arms around her. Her skirt hem fell and covered her legs, but she was topless, and Roberto wasted no time kissing her and roughly feeling her tits, his black hair contrasting with her blonde hair.

Mom might possibly have outweighed the skinny older Caesar, but he appeared to be a tough dude, and was able to control Mom. Mom's skirt also covered her bottom and legs, but she was still topless, her big jugs bobbling around as she fought her captor, her shoulder-length brown hair flailing wildly as he tried to kiss her. She broke away and actually tried to flee, her tits flying all over as she ran. But the wiry old Mexican grabbed her within six feet. He wrapped her up from behind, and roughly squeezed both of her tits. I could see her white tit flesh squeezing out between his darker fingers. He jiggled and mauled her two large jugs from behind as Mom screamed.

Ashley had been pushed up against the now-closed back door, her naked back pinned against the window, which was open just a crack. Roberto's face was buried in her tits, as Ashley screamed, threw her head around, and flailed her arms helplessly. From my angle I could just barely see the Mexican's lips wrapped around my sister's left nipple.

Caesar dragged Mom back over to the car. He kicked the back door shut, and threw her up against it, her face pinned against the window. He continued kneading her big tits, which were now only about two feet away from me on the other side of the window. That window was also open just a crack, enough that I could hear Mom's whimpers and sobs, and the shuffling of feet in the dirt. Caesar yanked her skirt down off of her with one quick jerk, and Mom was naked except for her pearl necklace and earrings. He pushed her torso against the window. Inches from me, her tits were mashed against the glass, her nipples, areolas and much of her pale tits flattened. Caesar quickly dropped his pants, exposing a long dark dick surrounded with black pubic hair. He took quick aim at Mom's pussy from behind, and rammed it in hard. Mom screamed. I could hear the slapping of flesh-on-flesh as he thrust rapidly into her.

Ashley's dress was yanked off her body, and I got a good look of her great ass. It was pale and round and firm and perfect, yet her flesh still jiggled as she struggled. Roberto lifted her up and slammed her against the glass again. He lifted her left knee up a bit, pulled out a long fat cock, and thrust it into Ashley's pussy. Ashley screamed and moaned. Roberto had a gritty smile on his face as he repeatedly thrust into her pussy. I could hear his flesh slapping into hers, as he reached up and played with her tits.

The car was shaking as my mom and sister were being raped against it. They were screaming and the men were laughing and grunting, but the sound was muffled by acres of corn. I decided that it would be futile for me to try to defend anybody, as Dad was still out cold, and the Mexicans still had weapons. Besides, I was really enjoying watching Mom and Ashley being naked and abused by these dirty guys.

Caesar had pulled Mom's hips away from the car. Her hands were against the car supporting her, as she leaned over. Her tits were dangling nearly straight down and jiggling all over. I could see her ass flesh ripple as the little older Mexican humped her doggie style. He moved his hands down her sides, and grabbed her hanging tits. Mom's head was hanging down, her brown hair covering her face. Then she lifted her head up, and looked into my eyes, only two feet away through the window. She had a helpless, pleading look on her face. But I just sat there, still naked and with a hard on, watching her naked body get raped. Eventually she hung her head down again and just took it.

Ashley's side of the car got noisier. Roberto had both of her feet off the ground and her knees up, and he was thrusting feverishly. Ashley was wailing and hollering while her ass got slammed into the car. In a crescendo of noise, both of their bodies gyrated wildly, until their thrusts diminished in speed and intensity. It seemed like BOTH of them had loud orgasms.

On my right, Mom was pleading, "No, no PLEASE!" Caesar had withdrawn his cock from her pussy, and was mashing it into her ass crack. With some work, he was able to slide into her asshole and butt fuck her as she wailed louder, openly sobbing. He reached around her and played with her pussy and her clit. In a matter of seconds, it seemed, Mom was gyrating all over, her tits and hair flying, her knees buckling, until Caesar stopped thrusting and let go of her. Mom fell onto her knees in the dirt.

Mom and Ashley each lay doubled over as their Mexican captors spoke to each other over the roof of the car. Then the women were dragged up to the front of the car. The Mexicans traded toys - the older Caesar took Ashley, and the large Roberto took Mom. Ashley was forced to her knees, and was made to suck Caesar's dirty cock as he leaned against the car. Mom also was forced down onto her knees and made to perform oral sex, her head bobbing back and forth on the glistening cock. It occurred to me that Caesar was much older than Ashley, probably as old or older than my dad. And Roberto, though significantly older than me, looked much younger than Mom.

Mom was then lifted up and thrown onto her back on the hood. Roberto climbed up on top of her, and straddled her chest with his big body. He laid his cock between her two big white tits, pushed them together, and rapidly tit-fucked her. Both men laughed and joked in Spanish.

Ashley was thrown onto the car hood on her back. Her legs were splayed wide, hanging off of the driver's side of the hood. Caesar stood between her legs, and thrust his cock into her open pussy. She wailed as she was taken by her third man of the day. Caesar held her shoulders back down on the hood as her head thrashed about, her long blonde hair getting messed. He reached down and played with her tits, which I noticed were sitting up high on her chest. I could see her thigh flesh jiggle each time she got slammed into.

Roberto climbed off of Mom's chest. He grabbed her ankles and slid her down, until her torso was on the edge of the car on the passenger side. He stood between her legs, and raised her feet up high, over his head. He thrust his cock into her, pulling her snug against him. Mom's legs were still up over his shoulders, pushed back over her body, as she was fucked on the hood. Her tits danced wildly on her chest. I noticed that they didn't stick up as high as Ashley's, sloping to the sides just a little. But most of them were piled up high on her chest, and wobbling all over.

Both women were loudly moaning and wailing again as the car was jostled. They were close enough together, although upside down from each other, that their respective attackers could reach over and play with the other's tits. One moment Mom, while getting fucked by Roberto, was having her two tits felt by Roberto AND Caesar. And the next moment, Ashley had her tits felt by the two men while Caesar raped her pussy. It seemed like an hour that they were fucked and felt up. But slowly they worked up to a loud crescendo. Within seconds of each other, it seemed, they both spasmed and screamed in apparent climaxes, before the laughing Mexicans pulled their dripping cocks out of their used pussies.


"Bye, Mom," I heard Ashley say from the foyer by our house's front door.

"Hey, where ya goin?" I asked my sister.

"Out with Ben," she replied.

"But Dad's out of town. I want you here tonight."

"But I already told Ben I'd go to a movie with him! MOM?"

Mom stood in the kitchen entranceway. She just looked at us, and shrugged.

"Alright," I said. "But you be home by nine."

"Oh OK!" She barked.

"Watch the attitude. And tonight I want you to do a strip dance, sorta like Mom did last week."

Ashley sighed. "What do you want me to wear?"

"Anything sexy. You know what I like."

After Ashley exited the house, I looked at Mom. "Nine O'clock, your bedroom."

"Alright," she quietly acknowledged, her eyes looking down.

She knew she didn't have a choice. After the two Mexicans were done raping my mom and sister, they drug Dad and me out of the car, and sped off with our car and our cash. Mom's button sweater fell out of the car along with Dad, so Mom quickly retrieved her skirt and sweater, and Ashley self-consciously turned her back to me as she picked her dress off the ground and put it back on. Caesar and Roberto didn't take my cell phone, but I had no bars. So I ran out to the road and waited for a car to flag down for help.

I got back to the family in the cornfield to hear the end of an ongoing argument. Dad was beginning to come around, but wasn't coherent. Once Mom and Ashley had gained some composure and put on some clothes, both were adamant that they wanted to forget the whole incident. I told them that we couldn't, since we had to report our car stolen and get Dad to a hospital. But Ashley was vehement that no one could know that she had sex with her bother, even if it was at gunpoint. She would never be able to live it down at school or anywhere else. Mom was in quick and total agreement. She didn't want to become famous as the woman who was forced to have sex with her son. They didn't want to relive the event in court, or tell the police. I really didn't want to lie about it and argued against it, but secretly I didn't want to be famous for fucking my mom and sister either.

So the decision was made to tell the police about the carjacking and Dad getting clonked on the head, but nothing at all about any of the sexual assaults. When the cops finally arrived and questioned us, they were given real vague descriptions of the two Mexicans, since we really didn't want them caught to possibly spill the beans. The police were not told about any of the sex. If they wondered why Mom and Ashley wore no bras, they didn't mention it.

And as it turned out, Dad was not told either. Other than a concussion and a nasty headache, he had no lingering effects from his beating. But he couldn't remember anything at all from that day, even being at the gas station beforehand. So Mom hid the truth from him about his wife and his daughter having sex with his son.

Outwardly life returned to normal. But during that time that the women were being raped outside the car, I had found my cell phone, and snapped pictures and videos of Mom and Ashley naked and getting fucked by Mexicans. I hid them my secret online repository, and only showed them to Mom and Ashley. They begged me not to show them to anyone else, and basically promised anything if I would suppress them.

It didn't become sexual blackmail right away. But as long as I had my story and my photos hanging over Mom and Ashley, I made a point of getting away with more and more abuses. It started with little comments to Ashley about her body and how she reacted when I felt her and fucked her. Then little squeezes of her butt in her jeans. Approaching Mom in the kitchen when Dad wasn't around and giving her a quick goose. Then squeezes of her tits over her blouse.

One night Mom got drunk when Dad wasn't home, and made a confession that she regretted the next day when I reminded her of it; she told me that as hard as she tried to tell herself that she was the victim and wasn't at fault, the thing that shamed and haunted her the most was remembering the intense physical pleasure her body took during her multiple orgasms. So I used that guilt against her.

Soon I was surprising Mom in the shower by slipping in and soaping up her naked body, and boldly walking into Ashley's bedroom for a quick reach into her nightgown to grope her tit - the same nightgown she once called me a "perv" just for looking down into. The more they perpetuated the lies, and the more perversions they let me get away with behind Dad's and everybody else's back, the deeper indebted they were to me. Any humiliation they suffered behind closed doors, they believed, was better than the public humiliation they would face if word got out.

And that is the story of how I made my mom and my sister my personal sex slaves.

At quarter 'till nine, I walked into Mom's bedroom. I chose her bedroom mostly because of the queen-sized bed, but also because I liked defiling hers and Dad's bedroom. Mom was finishing her makeup, applying lipstick for me. She was wearing the outfit that I had requested: A black bra with lacy half-cups, with her tits pushed together and her pale cleavage spilling out the top like a couple of white beluga whales; black silk bikini panties with lace along the leg holes and waistband, opaque and lacy at the crotch - frankly her tummy was too rounded to be wearing those skimpy things, causing the waistband to dip a little, but there was something inappropriate about them that made them sexier; black hose and garters that showed off her long legs and sexy calves but left her fleshy white upper thighs exposed; open-toed high heel shoes with black straps up her ankles. She looked real sexy and slutty.

I didn't buy Mom the outfit. I made her buy it herself at the mall. I didn't have the money for such things. Plus, although I didn't have any major Freudian resentments with either my mom or my dad that I was aware of other the usual arguments, I found that I took a perverted pleasure by cuckolding Dad by making his wife buy sexy things for me with his own money.

"Ashley will be here in a few minutes," I said. "Lets start with a little make-out session." I approached her where stood by her vanity mirror, and wrapped my arms around her body, feeling her naked waist and back in my hands. I kissed her and she kissed me back. We slid our tongues into each other's mouths. Her perfume smelled nice. She looked great.

I took it slow. I used to be all grabby and stuff, and still am sometimes just to piss off Ashley. But right now I was pacing myself until Ashley joined in. I ran my hands down over Mom's silk-covered ass. I massaged it a little before taking a couple of squeezes. Mostly I just sort of pinned Mom against her dresser and made out with her. Eventually I just had to reach up and squeeze her tits, pushing them out of their cups a little. I petted her bare cleavage, but left the globes on their shelves in their half-cups.

Ashley returned home right on time. I liked the thought that I made her leave her boyfriend to come home and have sex with me. I heard her go to her bedroom to change. She promptly appeared in Mom's bedroom. She was wearing a tight yellow top with spaghetti straps. I could see tangerine-colored bra straps under it. Her pleated white micro-miniskirt showed off nearly all of her long smooth bare thighs. Her heels were white with straps wrapped around her ankles, similar to Mom's black ones.

"Ooh, Nice outfit," I moaned. Ashley was beyond blushing, but the comment did make her look self-conscious. "I'm kinda tired tonight, so I won't go too late. Wait, I'll get some music." Damn, I nearly forgot music. I rushed to my bedroom and grabbed my boom box. The medium-tempo pop song I chose wasn't something I normally listen to, but it fit the mood I wanted to set. When the music started playing, I stepped back and put my left arm around Mom's bare waist. Ashley began to slowly sway her hips.

I only had to caution Ashley once about stripping too fast. After that, she got in a sensual rhythm. The swayed her hips back and forth while moving her shoulders up and down, her hands rubbing her hips and thighs. I'll bet she's practiced this type of thing in the mirror before, when nobody was around. She lifted the hem of her shirt a little to show her midriff and belly button, moving the fabric back and forth. She had all the moves, but the facial expressions betrayed the humiliation she was feeling.

Slowly she lowered the blouse straps one by one, as the top of her bra came into view. She crossed her arms, grabbed the blouse, and pulled it up and through her long blonde hair, gently dropping the garment to the side.

Her bra pushed her tits up just a little, and they were dancing in and out of the cups. Ashley cupped her tits and pushed her them up a little, and even thought to lean forward to show me some cleavage. Her hands slid to her skirt. She lifted the hem up in a teasing way; just enough to reveal that she was wearing red panties under it. Then she turned around and shook her ass at me. She teasingly lifted the skirt in back, and I realized that the panties were thongs! Good choice! She exposed the bottom halves of her perfect bare buns, and as she bent over slightly my eyes focused on her red panty-covered crotch between her legs.

Ashley faced Mom and me again, hooking her thumbs into her skirt waistband. She thrust her hips in and out a few times, before tugging down slightly, bringing her skirt down below her panty waistline. She alternated pulling down one side of her skirt and then the other, until the little garment slid down her panties and her thighs. Upon stepping out of her skirt, she thrust her panty-covered crotch at me some more.

Wearing only her thong, bra, and shoes, my big sis turned around, and jiggled her bare butt cheeks at me. They were pale, with tan lines separating her cheeks from her thighs. The two half-moons, as firm as they were, jiggled as she shook her ass back and forth, slowly at first, but then rapidly. She put her hands on her knees and booty popped her white ass.

While watching my sister stripping, I kept my left arm around Mom, who was standing next to me. Seeing Ashley's ass made me want to feel an ass, so I reached down and slid my hand into the back of Mom's panties, and squeezed her right cheek. It was way bigger than Ashley's, but it would do for a moment.

Ashley, with her back to us, lowered her bra straps. She reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, with a little difficulty. She danced with her hands holding up her cups, her bare back exposed. She turned to face us again, still holding the bra in front of her. Slowly she grasped the cups and pulled down on her bra. Her firm B-cup tits fell out and jiggled freely. The firm babies danced rapidly. Her nipples quickly became hard and pointed out at me. Ashley cupped her own two breasts and lifted them, holding them out for me. She leaned over and let them hang down. She wiggled her shoulders back and forth to shake them more.

I hadn't realized that my sister knew how to act so much like a slut. And she called me a "perv!"

I stood behind Mom now, letting my hard on goose her. I reached around her and played with her exposed cleavage as I watched Ashley's tits. Eventually I reached into Mom's bra and tweaked her hard nipples inside the cups.

Ashley hooked her thumbs inside her thong waistband on each side, by her hips. She pulled one side down, then the other, teasing me by showing a little more frontal flesh each time, the top of her pubic mound barely visible, stretching the waistband out. Finally she pulled the tiny garment down, arched her back and leaned forward, and slid the thongs down her legs, past her knees. She had to lift her feet while dancing the take them off, and she nearly tripped and fell.

But she got back into character as she thrust her bare pussy at me. From this proximity in good light, I could see through her wisp of dishwater blonde pubic hair to her pussy mound.

"Yeah! Go Blondie!" I yelled. She hated it when I called her that now, and gave me one irritated glance before getting back to thrusting her hips.

While watching Ashley dance completely naked except for her white shoes and a gold necklace, I rubbed my fingers over Mom's silk-covered pussy mound, then I slid my fingers into the front of her panties. I ran my fingers through her thick patch of pubic hair, cupped her mound for a moment, and then found her slit with my middle finger through all the hair. Mom was wet.

A new song came on the blaster, this one a little bit faster. "Mom, you may as well dance a little while you undress. Just the bra and panties." I said. "Ashley, you keep dancing, too.

Obediently, Mom stepped forward, and turned to face me. She was more of an old-fashioned bump-and-grind dancer, due to my influences. She put her hands up in the air over her head, and thrust her chest in and out, causing her cleavage to shake and hang out of her cups. Her legs were spread wide, her knees bent slightly, as she thrust her hips in and out at me, not looking directly at me. She shook her shoulder-length brown hair.

I took my cock out of my pants, and stroked it while watching Mom and Ashley.

Mom lowered her bra straps, reached behind and unclasped the black garment, and slowly let it drop. Her mammoth jugs fell out, and danced all over. Mom swung them around for me, leaned over and dangled them down, and squeezed them. She did something she knows I love - she lifted her tits up, lowered her head, and licked each of her own nipples.

"Yeah, Mamacita!" I laughed.

Mom turned and shook her ass at me for a bit. I was a big ass, not perfect, but it wasn't so bad for a mature woman, and I loved the way her flesh rippled and shook as she booty popped. Mom hooked her thumbs in the sides of her waistband, and slowly slid off the silk panties. After some more bare booty popping and a few rapid shakes, Mom turned around to show me that wide thick triangle of even brown pussy hair, sticking way out from her body. She was naked except for her garter, hose, and shoes.

I made my mom and sister dance naked for a moment more as I pointed my hard cock at them. I reached over to the blaster, and forwarded to a ballad. "Dance with each other. Real close and sexy."

Mom and Ashley turned and awkwardly put their arms around each other. They slow-danced, basically hugging and moving their feet up and down.

"Now kiss." Ashley and Mom looked at each other briefly, then turned their heads, closed their eyes and slowly kissed. I could see their tongues sticking out and licking together. Mom reached her hands up and timidly cupped Ashley's tits. Ashley did the same, unsure at first if she should. They massaged each other breasts. Knowing I liked it when their tits touched, Mom lifted both of her big tits up with her hands, and pressed them against Ashley's. She circled her darker-colored nipples around Ashley's pink nipples, then mashed their tits together, and rubbed their chests back and forth. Ashley emitted a gasp.

Then I approached them both and grabbed their hands. I leaned against the dresser, and pulled them close to me, Mom on my left, and Ashley on my right.

Both ladies were tall, with Mom just an inch or so taller now. I pulled them by their waists, until each of them straddled one of my thighs. "Hump me like a dog. Slowly though." Mom and Ashley, pretty much standing straight up, thrust their pelvises forward, and wrapped their thighs around mine, until their pussies were rubbing my front upper thighs. I grabbed their bare butts and pulled them in and out, as each slowly rubbed their pussies up and down on my thighs and hips. Both girls were panting in my ear - from their dance workouts I thought at first, but as their juices moistened my leg, it became clear that they were taking physical pleasure from the rubbing.

I ordered Mom and Ashley to stroke my cock and massaged my balls. I could never get enough of massaging Ashley's perfect firm teen ass, but I also took pleasure squeezing my own mom's heavy butt cheeks. The two pairs of butts were so different, yet I enjoyed both.

Same with their tits, which I now reached up and fondled; Mom's right tit with my left hand, and Ashley's left tit with my right hand. Mom's was significantly bigger and heavier, and softer. And her nipples were longer and harder. But Ashley's were both firm and big enough on their own merit, and stood up so high that the seemed to defy gravity.

While the girls humped my legs and I felt their tits and asses, I made out with them, taking turns. I extracted some lubrication from my thighs, and poked my index fingers in each of their asses. They seemed to both love this and hate it. They both groaned when I first touched them there but went, "Whoo," when I entered them.

Ashley only had a whisp of pubic hair between my leg and her pussy, so I could feel her mound rubbing me more. With Mom, it was a next of hair that was rubbing me, as far as I could tell. "Mom, I want your pussy. I want to lick you. Lay down on the bed." As instructed, my mom laid on her back on the edge of her bed, with her feet dangling off. I knelt between her legs, and burrowed my head between her smooth thighs. I used my nose and my tongue to burrow through her forest of hair to find her pink labia.

Looking up for a moment, I said, "Oh Ashley, remember when you snapped at me when I asked you to come home tonight? For that, you can give me a rim job."

That got the sigh I was looking for, but no other objection from my big sister. She simply knelt behind me, and burrowed her face into my ass, licking my asshole. I didn't really enjoy this all that much, except it's great to show my big sis who's the boss now and then.

Meanwhile, I was back licking my Mom's salty pussy. Up and down, back and forth. "Huhh, Ohhh," she moaned. I licked deeper and faster, rubbing my nose over her clit. I went up and licked he clitty just for a moment, when she clamped her thighs around my ears, bucked all over the bed, and moaned loudly, "OHHHHHH AAHHHHH?" Damn, I hadn't intended to get her to cum so quickly. I was going to save it for a bit. Oh well.

I climbed onto Mom and Dad's bed, and lay on my back. "Hey Big Sis, come over here and sit on my face." Ashley obediently climbed onto the bed, and straddled my chest. With her legs spread wide, she scooted up to my face, and lowered her little blonde beaver onto my mouth. She wiggled her butt to get into position, and I licked her musky pussy.

As I ate my sister, I reached up and felt her tits. She was already whimpering. "Uhh, Uh, Huh?" Her firm smooth thighs felt great wrapped around my head.

Mom had recovered enough that I had her straddle me and lower her pussy down on top of my cock. Damn, that just felt so great when my mom slid down my pole! She leaned forward into Ashley a little. Mom had to hold onto Ashley's hips while using her ankles to thrust up and down on my cock.

I reached around Ashley and grabbed one of Mom's tits. With one of Mom's and one of Ashley's tits in between my fingers, I thrust up to meet Mom's thrusting pussy, and licked Ashley's pussy rapidly. I took Mom's hand and placed it on Ashley's free tit. Mom took the hint and felt her daughter up, tugging at her nipple. Mom kissed Ashley's neck, and my sister responded by turning her head and French kissing mom.

The bed creaked as the three of us humped and thrust and wiggled around. Mom and Ashley together was a chorus of "Uuugh!"s and "OOOUWOOO!"s. Ashley was wiggling her bottom all over my face, clamping her thighs around me, spinning her hips and shoulders above me. Mom's thighs were slapping against me, and she too started to twist and turn. She started to make those real guttural noises that she does when she's really out of control. "HUNNNGGG! URRRRRRGGGH!"

Ashley's moans were higher pitched. "OWUUUU!" AAHHH!"


"Wweeeehhhhh! EEEEHHH!"


Just as I shot my jism up into Mom's pussy, the two girls thrashed through a couple of whopper orgasms. Finally they fell off of me, resting and panting on either side of me on Mom and Dad's bed.

After taking a few moments to rest, I stroked Mom and Ashley's hair, and said, "Oh, that was real good! Hot! You two are the best!" With that, I climbed off the bed, gathered my clothes and the boom box, and headed back to my room.

While dressing, my cell phone rang. It was a friend of mine. "Hey, what's up?" I greeted. "Me? Nothing much. I just stayed home tonight and spent some time with my family."