

(Based on true events.....)

I don't know when I became a voyeur.

Maybe it was all that xxx movies I saw or perhaps it was the lustful face of the women, which made me attracted to this type of perversion. Thinking back the past incidents seems funny and at the same time exciting.

I would like to bring out some of the few incidents in my life, which I find out to be exciting and which I am sure many of you might have tried it. This might not be a full- fledged sexual story but it does have some sizzling moments especially if you are a voyeur or love to dare.


My first collection of thoughts on steps to voyeur is the incident which happened by a slip-up.

I was in Dubai at that time. My best friend was Ramnath. His mother was very friendly with us. Recalling the moment now, I think she might have been a voyeur. Her name was Shalini meaning elegant one.Sometimes I used to stay back and spend the night there. The flat was a small one, with only one bedroom. Therefore the only privacy room was the bedroom. The exciting moment was when his mother used to change in the night, in front of us thinking we were asleep, every night. In case we were not asleep she would tell us to cover our face with our hands, but we used to peep in between our fingers. She either didn't know we were peeping or didn't care. Anyway we had no complaint. Ramnath had no problem me watching her, in fact he liked it. He used to call me when she would take bath. We would sit in the bedroom playing as innocent people. Unknown that we were there she would wrap a towel on her body and come out. She had a beautiful smile and long legs. When she would see us she would smile and ask us to leave. We never had any intention to see beyond. Her smile and wet body draped in towel was enough for us to get wet dreams.

One day Ramnath suggested hiding under the bed. It was a turning moment for our sexual life and a cherished moment. We covered ourselves in a sheet and hid under the bed when she went to take her bath. Usually the dirty sheets are tugged under the bed for the servant to take them. So it was easy for us. Ramnath`s mother came from the out wrapped in towel as usual. Toweling her hair, she walked to the bed room door and locked it. We peeped outside. There was a crazy sensation in us. We knew what we were doing was wrong yet it felt exciting. She sat down on a stool in front of the dressing table and combed her hair, then applied powder on her body. She used some perfume to rub on her body and we felt a soothing smell surround us. She suddenly got up and began to look around. We got worried. Was she looking for us? Did she hear any sound? We crept in to our sheets. She opened her cupboard and sat on her legs, looking through the last shelf. She picked up something and got up. As she got up the towel loosened and fell down near us. I got worried that she would pick the towel and find us. After some time we heard no noise. We slowly crept out from our sheets to check. We could still see Ramnath`s mothers legs. Gathering courage we looked out. We were stunned.

Ramnath's mother was standing stark naked. She was standing in front of a mirror we had a good view of both her front and back which send tingles to our little dicks. Ramnath's mother was curling her hair with her eyes fixed on her curls. We watched he boobs which looked like ripe mangoes. Her nipple was pink and its bud aroused. Her navel and stomach was like an art of a goddess. Her pussy hair was curled and thick black in color. Her ass was large yet not vulgar. It looked like two water melons. We watched in awe at the beautiful structure. We were brought to our senses when the noise of placing the comb reached our ears. She had finished curling and placed it in the drawer. We withdrew to our sheets.

Ramnath's mother picked the towel from the ground without seeing us and wrapped it around her body. We were smiling at each other when suddenly Ramnath's mother squatted on the floor. We thought we were caught and trembled. She had her back against us. Lowering her knee, she was searching for something under the cupboard. We watched her ass. It was so near us. Suddenly she bends forward reaching out to the end. In this process her towel around her body went up. She held it but the towel was up and covered only half her ass. As she dug deeper under the cupboard, her ass cheeks opened and we saw her asshole. The asshole so open was a rare treat and never ever possible. We looked at her widened ass cheeks. The pink asshole seemed so inviting. It seemed like it was inviting us in. We wanted to put our finger in it as we saw it contract. We were sure it would easily gain access. The view soon ended as she got what she was searching. It was her high heeled slipper.

We had a good laugh on it later but that picture of her ass and the asshole opening slowly remained vivid in my mind till date. It made me a great fan of women's ass. She never knew that we saw her naked but our small dicks tinkled whenever she turned around.

I learned the art of masturbating years later, giving my evergreen hardon a rest. I learnt it when I went for a haircut, just behind our house. The barber was vigorously battering his dick over a semi nude filmstar`s picture in a magazine. He didn't stop even as he saw me but asked me,

"Does your thing leak milk?"

I didn't understand what he meant, but as soon as I reached home, I started rubbing and doing as he had done. After some time I felt something rush up. I felt my eyes swoon and something gripped over me. I almost fainted as something leaked out of my dick. It took some time for me to register the white liquid that had come out of my dick, draining all my strength and which would be an integral part of my life. Once I learned to masturbate, I wanted to masturbate over every nude or exposing picture of women. Soon I wanted to watch in real. In those days we didn't get XXX VCD easily as we get XXX DVD now. So it was a festival if we got one. My eyes longed for a real one. It was soon to change.

One day when my mom was bathing in the night and I was waiting for her to come out, I saw a ray of light coming out through a gap. My evil mind awoke. The bathroom was outside our house. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and then proceeded with a wild beating heart, to see if I could see anything. I had to kneel down to get my eye to the gap. At first I saw nothing, just the yellow light of the bulb. Suddenly my mom`s leg appeared frightening me out of my skin. I thought I was caught but she had just moved. I peeped in once again. She was naked with droplets of water on her body. She had huge boobs and was applying soap on it. Her nipples were standing out as if aroused. I watched her bounce her boobs around as she applied all over her softness. I followed her hands down as it led to her navel and then to her pussy. Her pussy was all covered with hair. She turned around and applied soap on her thighs and legs. As she bends I remember Ramnath's mother. My mom's ass was not as beautiful or large as hers but still looked good. As she bends, my eye suddenly went to the position between her legs. I found a secret drawer. It emerged like lips, making me feel more erotic. Later I understood that would be the destination of every man. I found myself reaching for my dick and began to masturbate, seeing the first view of an inner woman. I covered my dick with my hand while I ejaculated as never before and ran to wash seeing that my mother had begun to dress after her bath.

From then on I masturbated daily seeing her nudity. It was not always bath I got to see. Sometimes she would urinate other times even doing her toilet. I always feasted on her nakedness for my masturbation. Sometimes she would have finished her bathroom and toilet by the time I reach from school. That day I would wait for the night. In the night when she is asleep, I would lift her dress and shine a torch to see her panties. That would be my feast. Soon I began to touch her or bump in to her by mistake. Sometimes I would dust her back saying there is powder. The turning point was soon to come.

One day I was in my room. I felt mighty horny and covered myself with a sheet after removing my shorts and played with my dick. Suddenly mom came in to know why I had tucked myself in so early. I removed my hands lay as if nothing, but my body betrayed me. Without my shorts no one was there to control my dick. It shot up and stood like a pole under the sheet.

"What are you hiding under the sheet?" mom asked.


Unexpectedly she grabbed my dick and I pulled away embarrassed. She was surprised and still couldn't believe it was my dick. She pulled off the sheet and my dick shamelessly waved to her. She let go of the sheet and quickly changed the subject to homework and left, but I could see she was shaken. Either she was worried that her son had grown up or she suddenly remembered her husband's dick. That incident had left me stunned and embarrassed but later when I thought about it, it made me horny.

The first touch of a woman on my dick and that woman was my mother!

It felt like heaven and real material for me to be horny. Soon I began to develop the one line story and visualize for my masturbation, till one day I wondered why I didn't make my fantasy to a reality. I began to think and rethink for a fool proof scheme to fulfill my lust.

One day I walked to the kitchen and acted as if falling on the floor. Mom rushed to me and helped me up.

"Are you hurt?"

I nodded.


I was waiting for that normal question. My heart began to beat fast. The answer to this normal question which every mom asks their children was going to change my life. I pointed to my dick. For a second she was discomfited, but seeing my crying face she wanted to help me.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Bring some warm oil," I said.

When she went to kitchen I removed my shorts and sat in my underwear. She returned with the oil in a bowl and was surprised. I didn't look at her face but told her to hold the bowl towards me. I took some oil in my fingers and facing her, pulled down my underwear. My dick jumped out. I watched her face with evil glee. She was surprised and at the same time discomfit. She didn't know how to handle the situation and was watching the events stunned. I applied oil on my dick then pulled my foreskin down and applied on the top. After a few seconds massage with oil on my foreskin pulled down dick, I released my foreskin. Taking some oil in my fingers, I let the drops fall inside my foreskin whilst I pulled it to a side. Then as if mixing the oil in between my foreskin and dick I began to pump my dick. I spread my legs little, so that my sack could get little movement as I masturbated in front of my mother. She didn't understand and thought it was a part of applying oil. Watching my mom's embarrassed face my shameless dick ejaculated startling her. She took a step back as the sperms leaped as to reach her pussy. I held on to my dick pulling my foreskin farthest till the last drop of my cum finished erupting out. She was still watching, not knowing what to do as I smiled at her.

For a few days both mom and me were tight lipped, not knowing how to break the silence, but soon I went back to my habit of watching my personal xxx movies and reading sex stories making my lust grew. One day when she was preparing breakfast I walked to her with zip open and dick hanging out. She was flabbergasted and looked at me but I moved around as if I didn't know.

"Varun, Your zip is open!" she said.

"Yeah, I know. The zip got broken."

"But.....but it's hanging out," she said.

"No, I threw the broken zip away," I said acting innocent.

"No—I meant your .... Thing."

"What thing?"

She desperately pointed to my dick. Without looking down I stood erect and let my dick rise and fall and said, "What?"

She started to ogle and action but no words came out. She started pointing as if crazy. I looked down.

"Oh, I am sorry. It's because my zip was open," I said as if surprised and put my man in.

"But weren't you wearing your underwear?"

"O yeah, but it just pops out," I said as I forced my dick out without touching it. She was appalled.

"It has come out again," she said watching the dick wriggle like a dog's tail.

"O let it be. I am fed up of putting it in. I am going out. All other dresses are wet."

"Like that?" she said horrified.


"Give it to me. I will stitch it for you."

I followed her to the machine room. She took out her sewing machine and got ready. I removed my pants and threw it to her and patted my dick.

"Go cover up yourself with something!" she said.

"Why should I? You are my mom. Are you disgusted by your son's nakedness?"

"It's not appropriate."

"Why? You used to give me bath and I have been naked in front of you many times."

"That's different and moreover you have grown up now."

"But you are my same mom for me."

"Don't argue," she said getting angry.

"I wouldn't mind if you were naked in front of me."

She gave me a ferocious look and said, "I don't like your talk."

I kept silent but stood there. She stitched the pant while I stood with my dick hanging out of my underwear and watching her boobs. She gave me the pants and walked away as I put my pants on. I was happy with this small incident. I was getting more and more courageous.

We used to watch Star movies -- that time that was the only channel we had for English movies. She liked Sylvester Stallone movies. So one day when she said she wanted to see the First blood as they were airing it at 9pm, my mind started to scheme. I had an xx movie of Stallone -- well xxx in India -- it was called Itallian Stallone (I still have it). So I put it in the VCD and waited. She was in front of the TV from 8.30pm itself. She was glued to the screen as it started. I watched her face when they bring Stallone naked. Her eyes were fastened to his ass as they pumped water on him. Soon the ad came and she went to the kitchen. I had the vcd on and paused at the particular point I wanted. As soon as I heard her coming, I switched from advertisements. The scene was Stallone on a bed reading a book. Seeing Stallone, she quickly took up her place on the sofa and eagerly watched. Stallone then left the house in a car to his friend's house. Now the scene showed a Negro -- woman dancing. Stallone joined her in a few steps, then sat back to see her dance with his friends which consisted of 2 men and three women. Soon the black lady was undressing till she was naked. My mom's eyes bulged out. It widened more when she saw Stallone dancing naked, with his small dick dangling around. She forgot I was there and watched it. Stallone and others joined in and they were soon fucking the black women followed by the others. Suddenly the telephone rang, startling us both. She went to attend the phone and I removed the vcd and went back to the TV film first blood where Stallone was rushing through the forest. Mom walked in hesitating and sat down. She watched the movie in utter silence, not believing what she saw. 'Was that the famous actor Sylvester Stallone dancing naked and fucking the girls?' that might have been the question ringing in her mind and she might have thought it was screened by the Cable TV. She looked at me, but I sat there as if I didn't notice anything.

The next day I loosened the screws on the lock of the bathroom. I told her I am going to my friend's house and hid myself on the terrace of the saloon. From there I could see the bathroom. I waited and by evening she came to take bath. I waited for her to get in. then slowly came down and stopped to hear the bathing noise. As the bathing noise started, I undressed myself fully and peeped in. I was waiting for her to apply soap on her face. As soon as she applied the soap on her face, I shoved the door. The screws flew off and the door opened. My mother was stark naked in front of me. She was startled.

"Who is it?" she asked splashing water on her face to wash of the soap.

She got angry when she saw me. Then suddenly remembered she was naked. She covered herself with her hands and turned around. A fan of buttocks, my dick arose. I was masturbating looking at my mom's ass while she realized the dreadful truth. She tried to grab her clothes but I blocked her. I squeezed her soft butt taking in the softness as a drug addict takes his dose. She was shocked and slapped me. Her shout fell on my deaf ears. I was feasting on her naked beauty as I masturbated. As I was about to cum, I turned her and pressed my dick on her wet ass. She tried to push me but was too late. I held her as I ejaculated on her wet buttocks. As she felt the hot cum shoot on her ass, she pushed me and ran out naked in to the house. The softness was driving me crazy. I wiped myself and came out like Hercules.

Suddenly I saw the barber sitting on the terrace. He had seen everything. He was looking at me with a sly grin. He got up and walked off without saying a word.

My voyeurism increased from that point with my mom's silence. She couldn't tell anyone about me, not even my father. I would unzip in front of her and wonk my dick at her. Sometimes I would just masturbate on her while she was making her breakfast. It made me great mood seeing her disgusted and helpless face. Sometimes there would be a push and pull when I press my dick on her ass but she would stand still once the cum flows on her. Her silence made me braver and I tried to do it in front of other girls too.

The first one I tried on was my neighbor` daughter. She used to come to the terrace. Our house was situated behind her house. So I could hear the back door open. That sound meant someone was going to climb up the terrace. Sometimes after her wash, she would come to the terrace to put her clothes to dry. Her house was one-storey but ours was two storeys, so when I was in my room on the 1st floor, I could see anyone climbing on the stairs or if anyone was on the stairs.

One day I heard her washing her clothes on a stone. I waited and watched. As soon as I saw her collect all her clothes and getting ready to come up, I got ready. I undressed and acted as if I was dressing. Sideways I looked with my eyes. She had reached the terrace. She placed the bucket full of clothes on the ground and was putting the clothes on the rope when she saw me. For a second she was stunned to see me fully naked and turned her face away, then slowly looked again. I pretended not to notice her. She looked in between as she hung her clothes. I turned towards her as if not knowing that she was there and rubbed my dick, then pulled the fore skin back to project my pink head. She watched not believing that I was playing with my dick. I could hold no longer and ejaculated. Seeing the white overflow, she left the bucket of clothes and ran down. Later her elder sister came and hung the clothes. I got worried. I thought maybe she complained to someone. But no one came. After few days she came up again and I was relieved. I soon undressed and began my play as she hung her clothes.

Soon I got bolder and would stand at my gate near the road side and show off my nakedness to the school girls and enjoy at their surprised face. Soon girls began to avoid the passage in front of my house and my thirst grew. I soon shifted my hunt to other places. Bus and park were my favorites. Ladies with good ass or boobs were my pickups. I didn't care if they were alone or with a man. Because even if they were with men, they seldom told to them and if they did I would always say I was going to urinate because I couldn't hold on and she looked at it. Most of them won't go for a fight even if they know that I am lying because it would get ugly and she would be humiliated. If they try to go on a fight, my question in front of all would be to ask her if my dick was aroused or short. This would embarrass her. She couldn't say it was big or small or aroused. Even if she had the courage the next question would be if my foreskin was up or down and if that answered the next question would be what I did with my dick -- did I masturbate or just show her and so on. The crowd would also love it. The crowd always jumps to protect a woman but actually they always come to see if they could get a chance to molest her or see her nakedness or at least her embarrassment. If they had a chance they would be the molesters than saviors. The incident that happened on the New Year eve is an example.

During the New Year time almost all are 85% naughty. In this case, one family consisting of father, mother, son and daughter were coming out of a hotel after celebrating. Some of the boys who were outside groped the young girl. The father, a rich person stood there to argue and fight. As he argued and fought with one person, another would go and squeeze his daughter, and then he would go to that person. The brother too soon joined in to help the dad. Rapidly a crowd formed and the crowd joined in -- not to help but to grope the wife and daughter. Before long they were stripped naked and squeezed by everyone on the road. It was only when the police came that the crowd dispersed and they could leave in their car. But the police had come fifteen minutes late and by that time everyone had a good squeeze and video of squeezing in their mobiles. People were even inviting strangers to go and squeeze them. It is said that even the security guard ran and came -- to squeeze the women!

Such is our horny crowd!

One day when I was strolling through a park looking for my prey, I found a girl sitting alone. She was a cute little one and who appeared to be studying in a college and a shy one. She wore a churidaar. Her boobs were swelled up and I could see the top of the mounds. She seemed to be thinking something, looking over the water. I went and stood near her, then sat down with a bag on my lap. I took out a paper and began to write. Slowly I unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick under the shade of my bag. She hadn't noticed till now. I coughed a little to get her attention and when I had it, I slowly lifted the bag letting her see my dick. She was taken aback. She looked at my face and I smiled. She looked once more at my wriggling dick then turned away. I got bolder and began to pat my dick in full view. She turned again and gave me a disgusted look and got up to go. As she began to walk away I went behind her and grabbed her ass. She got terrified and ran away. I was more than happy with today's work yet my mind wanted more. So I sat there waiting for my next prey.

My next prey arrived soon. She seemed around 22 or 24 years of age and had a look of newly married bride. She wore a half skirt which fell on her knees and a tight shirt. She looked around and sat on a bench. She was probably waiting for her husband or lover. Some of the modern wives wait for their husband in the park rather than at a bus top. It gives them more relaxation. Well, good for people like me. I walked towards her and started fumbling in my bag. I wanted her to have the impression that I was not going to sit there but was looking in my bag for something and would be gone soon. She glanced at me then looked ahead. I looked around. There were not many around. I pulled down my pant and underwear and stood stark naked in front of her. She looked at me and burst out laughing. Her laughter excited my nerves and I pulled back my foreskin and rubbed my dick.

"Pretty horny huh," she smiled and winked at me.

This time I was surprised. Embarrassed, I managed a smile as my dick began to droop on her sweet remark.

"Hey, what happened? It's losing its stability," she teased me. "Maybe it needs something to focus on."

Giggling, she lifted her skirt a little. My eyes swept her milky thighs to her panties. Her panties were small silk and red in color. She pulled down her panties to her knees and sat on her legs as if to urinate. I watched in awe at her pussy. The pussy lips sprouted out as her ass touched the ground. Surprised, I forgot to masturbate at this wondrous sight. She laughed as my dick began to rise and quickly got up. Pulling her panties to her ass, she ran away tittering. I stood there with my dick hanging out for some time till I regained my senses. Then quickly I pulled up my pant and ran to the bus stop.

I didn't find her anywhere.

With a heavy heart and rock hard dick, I climbed the bus to my house. I tried to jack some women to reduce my horniness but failed. Frustrated of my lost chances I reached my house. I decided to masturbate dreaming on the cute & bold beauty. Her lips still splashed in my dirty mind and her laugh like bells ringing in my head. With dreams of her I opened the front door. My mom's ass greeted me.

She was bending down cleaning the room. She had worn a silk dress and the dress was sucked in, to her ass cheeks, portraying her ass figure. With the cute girl's naked figure in mind, I couldn't hold any longer. Without closing the door I moved stealthily toward her. Getting my dick out I lifted her dress. She jumped up but I held her. She thought it was my usual frantic. I pulled down her panties and pressed her towards me. Her ass collided on my dick. I felt she was putting only half the resistance she normally had. She might have thought this was the usual press, squeeze and cum as I always had done, but today I was an animal. I wanted more. The figure of the woman in front of me was not of my mother but of the cute little shy girl I met in the park.

I pushed my mom on the bed and jumped on her. Parting her legs I led my john to her pussy. Alarm bells rang in her and she tried to push me off but I was heavy. I held her hands as she tried to slap and hit me. My dick like a galloping horse galloped to the pussy and sniffed around, unable to penetrate. I rubbed my dick on her pussy then holding her hands with one hand, I freed my other hand to guide my dick to her pussy. She began to wriggle as I found her pussy hole. With one finger I titillated it and then slowly pressurized my dick on her pussy hole. It slides in easily than I had anticipated.

An 'Oomph' escaped her lips.

Suddenly her resistance stopped and she began to shiver like an attack of fits. It had been a long time since my father was away. The pleasures pumped into her like a hurricane. Her mouth opened and eyes swooned as I rocked her. I felt her nipples rise up on my chest. I grabbed her boobs and ridged her like a maniac riding a horse. She was quivering to my pumps. Though I felt the excitement I didn't get the bliss I expected. My dick seemed loose in her pussy. All of a sudden some of the stories hit my mind.

I abruptly pulled out my dick, turned her and made her lie on her stomach. The sudden withdrawal of my dick seemed to bring my mother into her senses and she regained her protest. Few seconds earlier she didn't seem to resent what I was giving. I lay flat on her with my dick on her ass, squeezing in between her assline by itself. My hands pat her ass and slowly part her ass cheeks, searching for her asshole. Finding it, I pushed my finger in. she squirm as my finger went deep into her anus. I push and pull to widen it. She didn't expect my next step. I place my dick on her asshole and pushed harder by each push.

"What....are..... You....doing?" she asked.

"Fucking your ass," I replied unperturbedly.

"It.....won't...go.....inside....stop...," she gasped in my push.

"Oh it will. I will enter your ass."

Her asshole was tighter than I expected but now I was getting the lustful fun I intended. I pushed harder and slapped her ass. She twisted in pain but that was enough for me. Her mind suddenly shifted from resistant to pain and that one moment was enough for my dick to glide in. she gave an unholy roar as my dick emerged into her ass. I suddenly found myself going in like Alice in wonderland, falling through the hole. The sensation was a never ever felt feeling. I grabbed her boobs and pumped in like a mad man. In between I rubbed her pussy and she too felt the enjoyment as I roughed banged her.

"Hmmm... I am your mother...my ass...hmmmm...my pussy...rub it...I am mother...insert your finger," she kept mumbling.

I felt happy sitting on top of her ass and riding it deep. I forgot of the cute little girls I found in the park. I felt the pleasure in riding my mother's ass. She was saying it was wrong and in between enjoying it. I widened her ass cheeks and pushed deeper. Her asshole was a perfect fit on my dick. The asshole was holding tight on my dick as if milking it. I felt as if the asshole was squeezing my dick and draining my milk. I pumped harder. I began to rise and fall like a demon possessed as I felt the cum rising. With two or more pump I thrust deep in and held her pulling her back like a bow as my arrow went deep in. my dick erupted like a flood in her ass. I quiver as the massive flow exploded from my dick. I lay on her with my dick discharging the last cum of my dick. As the last cum drain off, I pulled my dick out and turn her around and before she can say anything push my dick into her mouth.

"C`mon mom, suck me dry."

Like an obedient girl she sucked me dry. I pulled my foreskin back and let her suck again. Then I turned her around once again, parted her ass cheeks and searched for her asshole.

This unholy reunion would give me more courage to forward myself in the fields of Voyeurism.

Have any of you seen or done any Voyeurism?? Please tell me.