The Lady Doctor Ch. 02


Note: This part does not have anything to do with a Lady Doctor, but I thought it was better to retain the name of the first part.

Part I – A young boy is led to a Lady Doctor by his mother to show his groin because of an accident in a football play. The touch of the Lady Doctor ignites his lust and the young mind plans for a checkup without his mother. By another fateful incident his lust towards his mother & Sister flares up.


After the incident with the Lady Doctor my life changed dramatically but so did my lust. When my plans began to succeed, encouraged I went on with more daring plans.

Our bathroom was divided into two. One room was for the toilet and the other for bath but both the room though had separate door had a common entrance. Therefore whoever wanted to go to the toilet would close the bathroom door and the toilet door. Actually it was 2 bathrooms. One had the toilet facility while other was used only for bathing especially the servants. In the old days it was known as the servants bathroom. Later on when the days of servant was over, grandfather had a bathtub fitted and we began to use it. A portion of our house was given for rent. Thus the entrance of the toilet was sealed making the entrance of the bathroom for both. If the bathroom door was open it meant no one was in but if it was closed it meant someone was in.

The next day I came early. I knew my sister had a habit of taking bath after her school. I took a towel and went to the bathroom closing the door behind. I then took the hand driller I had borrowed and made a small hole on the toilet door. Leaving the bathroom door open I entered the toilet closing the door behind me. I had to wait for sometime before she came. She kept her dress and towel on the stand and went to put oil on her head. Massaging her head, she closed the bathroom door unknown of the fact that I had arrived and was behind the Toilet door watching. She began to change her dress.

She removed her shirt and skirt and hanged it on the hook. She was in her petticoat now. I could see her boobs sprouting out. She opened the hot water tap and removed her petticoat. I gaped at her body enthusiastically Her boobs were like raw mangoes sharper to the end, her stomach a painter design, her bush seemed like trimmed and set. She turned around giving a good view of her ass. I looked at her ass–the perfect ass. I wanted to run my hand through her ass crack parting her ass cheeks. My dick rose high up and I found myself stroking watching her undress. She poured two cups of water on her and began to soap her body. My stroking got faster. As I was to cum watching her sweet body I opened the door brusquely startling her. She looked at my aroused dick and then stared. Suddenly she realized that she was naked and tried to cover up. She covered her breasts with her hand then covered her bush raising her leg but the more she tried to cover the more my dick aroused in salute.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded

"What do you think I was doing in the toilet? And what are you doing when I am in?" I returned

"Well the door was opened.."

"So you jumped in. What will mom say if she saw us both naked in the bathroom."

I saw the fear arising in her.

"Go out before anyone sees."

"I cant. I have to wash myself."

"Then do it and get out fast." She said reaching for her dress.

"Oh oh!" I said grabbing her dress

"What are you doing" she asked

"I don't want you dressed while I am naked. I don't want to see that smirk on your face after you have dressed."

"What do you mean?"

"Stay naked till I finish."

"Give me my dress and stop your foolishness."

"Don't shout else someone might hear. I will say you came in while I was in the toilet. Mom knows I came first. She will believe me."

"Just give me my dress." She said

"No!" I replied firmly. "Stay there." I said dropping it into the water.

"No...You...." She struggled for words.

I smiled at her and poured a cup of water on me. Then with her watching I poured some water. She looked at my side occasionally checking to see if I was done. I waited for her to turn again. As she did I pulled the foreskin of my dick back displaying my pink head. For a second she stared at my dick. I think she didn't know that it was possible to pull the skin back. She looked at my dick flabbergasted and then suddenly looked away when noticed I was watching her but she couldn't help glancing back. I watched her ass and masturbated eyeing her lines and crack. I was about to cum I neared her and within the spur of a second I pulled her to me and pressed my dick on her sweet ass. She tried to pull away but I held her. My dick sunk on her ass trying to get between her ass cheeks. I pulled her tighter as I ejaculated separating her ass cheeks and pressing the tip of my dick on her asshole. She jerked her hip upwards as my dick touched her virgin ass hole spurting my sperm and tickling her. She stopped wriggling as my dick sprayed on her asshole as if waiting for my ejaculation to stop or perhaps enjoying the ticklish moment of spray in her ass. I tried to press deeper and held her for some time then left her. I washed my dick and dressed as she stood watching. Then slowly opened the door, peeping to see if anyone was present, then made an exit.

My sister avoided me from that day onwards especially when we were alone. I used to move around brushing her butt as if unknown infront of the family members giving her a shock. She used to glance at the members wondering if anyone noticed and then would give her usual stare meaning 'The next time you do that I will complaint.' I would undress infront of her showing my 90-degree erection. Her glance would move towards the door then push me out. Sometimes I would push my dick into her hand or masturbate on her. Favorite was groping when she was sleeping. I would slowly pull up her skirt high and masturbating watching her thigh and panties. Whenever she was near I got hard and my sexual appetite knew no bounds, doing daring things and it didn't end there. I knew she couldn't complain.

After the bathroom view of my mom I was always on hunt for an incident to grope her. I decided it was high time I got to know her and her assets. The next day instead of going to school I went to a medical shop and obtained splinters and vinaigrette items. First I put two rubber bands on my right arm and then put the splinters between my arm and rubber band. Using the bandage cloth I covered the rubber band part of the splinters. With a knot I hanged my arm on my neck like a name board plate.

"What in the world happened to you?" Mom asked as I entered the house

"Oh, its that football game." I replied

"Are you guys kicking the ball or kicking each other." She said with a worried look

"Its not that serious." I replied "Just a scratch, but our sir advised me to hang the arm for a week. Anyway that's not possible."

"Why?" she enquired.

"I got to put the ointment of the earlier kick-did you forgot that."

"That's not going to be a problem. I will do it for you." She said falling to my trap

"No, No I don't want to trouble you. Moreover its in the private area." I said smiling

"So what?" she said, "I am your mother."

"But I have grown up now." I said

"That changes nothing. You are still my kid. Ok. So don't worry and don't be shy." She said smiling.

Her smile aroused my dick as I watched her sweet lips and dreaming of her lips on my dick.

"Its not only shy, it's a little difficult method – not just applying. It will be hard for you."

"You don't worry – just tell me how it's to be done."

"Ok, ok" I said as if giving in "Bring the medicine now."


"Yeah, its paining so we will apply right away."

"Ok, go to your room and change. I will bring it." She said moving to the refrigerator.

I hastily moved to my room. I put on my shorts and got under the sheet spread on the bed laying down awaiting my mother to undress me. She came in and I sat up.

"Ok move the sheet and sit back."

I watched her each movement as she moved towards me. I noticed that a slight movement would send ripples in her body and her boobs did a jiggling show. I removed the sheet. She placed the ointment on the bed and pulled down my shorts. She looked at me as I gave a shy smile with no such intention. It was a good thing that she looked at me other than below because my manhood was wriggling and she might have had second thoughts on applying the ointment. She thought I was the shy kid I used to be. She folded my shorts and placed it on the bed and then pulled down my underwear.

"Oh!" an expletive escaped her. She was certainly startled. She had expected a small dick perhaps remembering the dick when I showed to the doctor. I wasn't the shy kid of that day. My dick was dipped in lust to its zenith.

"What's the matter?" I asked casually "if it's difficult for you leave it. I can suffer the pain."

"No, No. Its ok" she said regaining her composure.

She took some ointment on her fingertips and slowly applied on my dick. Her fingers ran smoothly over my dick from one end to the other. I moved my hip into position as she moved over my dick. It looked as if a normal thing as I sat naked with my mothers fingers all over my throbbing dick. She didn't look at my face feeling embarrassed but the most embarrassing thing to her was that she couldn't look anywhere else other than my dick. I stopped her and pulled down my foreskin and told to apply there. She seemed surprised like seeing the skin pulled down for the first time. She applied the ointment slowly as I wriggled in holy lust. I pushed back my skin and showed her how to pump it. She held my dick and said

"I..don't..know. Maybe we should wait for dad to come."

I felt the lava almost ready to erupt. I held her hand and pumped my dick. As I felt the heaving I left her hand and used my hip to pump up. She held it firmly as I moved my dick masturbating. I had crossed all barriers and couldn't stop.

"Hold it tight." I whispered as I felt the force build up.

She held my dick tightly and watched concerned. Any other time it would have been funny but at that moment I was all bound in ecstasy. She was looking straight at my dick when I ejaculated. I pushed my hip forcing my dick in her hand to the tightest as I ejaculated right on her face.

"Aaah!!!" she screamed springing off my bed.

I held my dick and pumped myself spurting my sperm all over while my bewildered mother watched my sperm spew out from my dick.

One fine day I forgot to take my project book and returned home to see Mom was all dressed up.

"Where are you going?"

"To the market. Why are you here now?" She said.

"Came to take the Project-Book." I replied. As she reached the gate, I said, "There's some powder behind."

"Where?" she asked dusting her back.

"Here." I said dusting the illusory powder off her ass.

"Did it go?" she asked

"Not quite" I said putting my bag down and kneeling infront of her ass. Slowly I moved my hand over her ass from top to bottom. Then I traced her ass line, which separated her glorious ass cheeks.

"Its ok if its not going, I will just change the saree." she replied feeling uncomfortable.

"It's gone." I said still viewing her ass cheek and gave a pat.

She left for the Market on qualms but I was on all plans. When she returned I helped her unload. She turned to keep the bag in the shelf. I leaned on her as if reaching for the farther end of the shelf, pressing my dick on her ass. A color of shade passed her face when she felt my man on her ass. She didn't say anything or even look at me. She kept her bag and returned to her duties. She was cleaning the plates when I again pressed my dick on her ass as if taking a plate. After I got the plate I still stood there pressing my dick on her ass. She moved away quickly.

"What do you want?" she said angrily

"I was taking the plates."

"Yeah? You could do so without leaning on me."

"I could do so, but then my dick wont get a chance to kiss your butt."

For a second she stood there unbelieving her ears. Then she turned and looked at me with a defiance look.

"What did you say?"

"I said what you just heard."

"You are talking to your mother! Don't forget that."

"I didn't. That's what made my dick point 90 degree."

She seemed embarrassed as I continued using the language.

"You are in for a talk with your father, young man. I was just thinking of a topic to start" she said

"I will give you the topic" I said as she turned around and continued to do her work.

I opened my zip and let out my man. With one heave I pulled up her dress gazing her beautiful carved legs and blue tight panties and placed my dick on her panties. Flabbergasted she tried to push me off as I clanged her. With one arm I held her and with the other I managed to pull down the panties to her thigh.

"Let me go you brute" she screamed as my hand squeezed her buttocks.

I tried parting her ass cheeks leading my dick into her crack. Desperately she began to squirm as I pushed my dick hard in her ass and squeezed her breast. I gave two more push as she resisted. I could feel her closing her asshole tight by the contraction of her asshole as if it was sucking my dick. The more she tried to resist the more I enjoyed. I wished I had more time but the sudden impulse and her contraction made me cum fast. I ejaculated at the edge of her asshole. I held her tight till the last drop oozed out of my dick on to her ass. She seemed to have accepted the inevitable or happy that I had cum without entering her for she suddenly went limp. I could feel the resistance at the asshole diminish. The hard ring of her asshole was becoming soft but so was my dick. My attempt to penetrate her ass was becoming futile. I wiped my dick on her panties and left.

I was changing to an arrogant person and a peeping tom. Whenever I found a locked door with a girl in I would search for a hole or sound. Both mom & sis were silent about their episodes. Both avoided being alone with me and were trying to cover their attempt of the hostility. This gave me more courage than I thought, though even if they did not attempt to cover up I wouldn't care.