I Think


If you've read this before, it's slightly different now. Fixed errors and adjusted some scenes. Enjoy!


Shaun couldn't help but admire the body of his girlfriend, Amanda. Her long blonde curly locks flowed down to the middle of her naked back as she buried her face in the pillows of her bed while moaning into them. Shaun kneeled behind her, grabbing her slim hips as he pushed his cock in and out of her. He loved the contrast of his black cock against her round white ass, though he wished it wasn't muted by the translucency of the condom he wore. Amanda hammered her fist into the bed repeatedly as her body crescendoed toward orgasm. Smiling, Shaun slapped her ass. She responded by turning her head for a moment with a harsh, "No!" before the waves of pleasure from his cock overtook her again and she turned her face back to the pillow. A loud moan escaped her before she could muffle it. Shaun didn't understand why she was so self-conscious about being heard. So what if the neighbours knew how much pleasure she was experiencing?

Abruptly, she arched her back and her head came up again. This was it, Shaun knew. Her mouth opened but all she could get out was a, "Ngggnggggngggg" as shudders began to overtake her body. Her face slammed back into the pillow and she screamed. Her cunt tightened on his cock and milked it. Shaun loved that feeling. He paused to let her pussy do its thing then tried to resume fucking her. She scooted quickly up the bed as usual, pulling off his cock.

"Too ... Too sensitive," she gasped. As she panted at the top of the bed she noticed Shaun stroking his member. "Didn't cum yet, babe?" she asked as she admired both his cock and his muscular form.

"I'm kneeling stroking myself off. What do you think?" is what he wanted to say, but he simply shook his head.

She smiled. "Come lie down. I'll take care of you."

Shaun lay down while Amanda rushed into the bathroom. Her perky little breasts bounced as she moved. Returning with a warm washcloth, she slipped the condom off him and wiped his cock clean with the cloth. Then she grabbed some tissues before lowering her mouth on him. Shaun had already begun to soften but her sucking brought him back to life. He did love watching her head bob on him. As the pleasure built, he placed a hand on her head and began to control the rhythm. She let him set the pace until he began to get too forceful.

Slipping her lips off him for a moment she said, "Easy, big guy. You know I got this."

She went down on him with renewed vigour and soon he felt his own orgasm nearing. He grabbed her head again forcefully. She let him this time, knowing what it meant. Then he was erupting into her mouth. She sucked and sucked, staying with him with every thrust, milking every bit of cum she could until she felt him relax. Sliding her lips slowly off him, she brought the tissues to her face and spat out his cum.

Her light brown eyes smiled with satisfaction. "That was a big load, baby. You must've really enjoyed that."

Shaun nodded. He did, but it was also lacking. He wanted things to be wilder. He wanted her to swallow his load. He didn't want to have to use a condom, but she refused to go on the pill. Shaun had been raised to respect a woman's boundaries. That didn't mean he didn't try to push them once in a while, but Amanda seemed to have reached hers. And a big part of him just wanted to use her like a slut, do whatever he wanted to her. He knew there were girls like that out there, several of his friends had talked about fucking them, but he had yet to find one. Also, from what he heard, those girls fucked everyone. He wanted a girl he could trust.

Looking at the clock, Amanda announced that she needed to shower and get to class. They both attended a nearby college and would come to Amanda's house to fuck during free periods. "I'm meeting the girls for lunch in an hour," she said. Then, curling a lock in her finger, she asked, "Care to join me cleaning up?"

"You go, babe," he replied. "I need to lie here for a bit."

She moved up and kissed him. He inhaled her vanilla perfume scent.

"Aw. You rest," she said. "That was quite a workout. Take a nap if you need. Just be sure to be out before one. Mom has a therapy session then."

"A what?"

"She's been seeing a therapist to help her getting over dad fucking her secretary and leaving."

"I didn't know therapists made house calls."

Amanda walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower as she talked. "Dr. Maddow does, but he charges you for his travel time. Only clients with money to burn, like my mom, can really afford him, but he comes highly recommended by several of her friends." She looked at herself in the mirror. "Ack. My roots are showing again. I'll have to get my hair done again this weekend."

Shaun didn't really hear her. His thoughts had shifted to her mother, Jessica Russo. This was a lady that had every guy who met her drooling like an idiot. A Latin goddess, the woman had breasts that any outfit she wore seemed to struggle to contain. Shaun wished that her daughter had inherited those breasts but Amanda's came from her father's side of the family where the women were very fair and slim. He was happy Amanda had gotten the round Latino ass, but hers still didn't compare to her mom's.

Ms. Russo kept her deep brown hair long, hanging to the small of her back, ending right where her luscious bubble butt began. But it wasn't just her body. The woman had strong cheekbones, full lips, sparkles of green in her brown eyes, and if she decided to give you a seductive look, you were hers.

On top of all that, she was intelligent and outgoing. She owned a string of companies and it wasn't from sleeping her way to the top. She had a keen business sense and no nonsense attitude that bewildered anyone that judged her by her looks, (which was just about everyone that first met her) a fact that she'd taken advantage of to win negotiations. Shaun couldn't understand why her idiot husband had cheated on her. If he had a woman like that he'd never let her go.

Despite having cum, Shaun felt his cock stir at the thought of the woman. But also, having just cum, he let himself drift off to sleep.

He awoke to a scream. His first thought was that Ms. Russo had walked into the bedroom to find him naked on the bed. Despite his lusting after her, she gave no indication that she liked or approved of him. She seemed to tolerate him out of respect for her daughter's decision.

Shaun grabbed the sheets to cover himself up but, seeing no one at the door, got up instead. He quickly slipped on his pants and rushed out of the bedroom. The scream came again but now he realized it was more of a moan. He slowed his pace as he got to the top of the stairs and then quietly moved down until he could see what was going on. The stairs led down to the empty front foyer on their right. On the far side of it, he could see into the living room. To his shock, he saw Ms. Russo, completely naked, leaning over the end of her couch while a man ploughed her with his cock. Her big tits swayed beneath her, although her long hair blocked most of them. She writhed in pleasure. Her naked ass was better than he'd expected, big, round, and luscious. Her tummy wasn't flat but that didn't detract from her beauty. Her curves only enhanced it.

'Is this the doctor?' he thought. 'If so, therapy is not what I thought.'

If he had thought the woman looked good clothed, that was nothing compared to her in writhing in ecstasy. Dragging himself away from the scene momentarily, he rushed back to the bedroom and grabbed his phone. He quickly returned to film the scene below.

"I think you love my cock the more times I fuck you," said the man. "What do you think?"

"Oh godddd. I think you're right, doctor," she answered, her Spanish accent sounding so sexy.

"I think you want to cum on my cock again, don't you?" he asked.

She nodded, unable to speak for a moment.

"What are the rules?" he asked.

"I'm not to cum without your permission. Your permission is my reward."

'What the hell?' thought Shaun.

"Do you want your reward?" asked the doctor.

"Yes please!" she cried. "I need it so bad."

"I think when you cum, the pleasure will be very intense, and will remind you why it is so important to obey me and please me. What do you think?"

"I think you're right, doctor."

The smile the man made was evil. "Then cum," he said.

The woman began to buck and scream. She didn't care if the neighbours heard. It looked like she'd throw the doctor right off, but he held on. "Cum," he said again. Her eyes went wide as a second orgasm hit her. Her head flew back, dark locks flowing as she screamed again.

"More?" he asked.

She turned in confusion. "M ... More?"

"Cum," he said. This time he couldn't hold on, staggering back a few steps as she bucked him off. She collapsed in a beautiful mess on the floor, her body shuddering and jerking. She grabbed her big tits and squeezed them as she bit her bottom lip. When she finally had control of her body again, she stared up at him with lust crazed eyes.

"Holy shit," Shaun whispered.

"Cock. Now," the doctor ordered.

Ms. Russo scurried onto her knees and sucked his prick into her mouth. She attacked it, like sucking it meant everything to her. The doctor looked down at her with smug satisfaction. "Do you care anymore that your husband cheated on you?"

She shook her head around his cock.

"Do you care anymore that your secretary betrayed you?"

She shook her head and again.

"Are you happy now?"

She nodded eagerly.

"I think that the therapy is going well. What you do think?"

She pulled her head off his cock for a moment to answer. "I think you're right, doctor."

Soon he began to grunt. "Swallow it all," he said. She dutifully obeyed, slowing her rhythm down until she released him and looked up for approval. He patted her head. "Good girl." She smiled proudly. "Now stand in front of the couch."

She got up and stood before him.

"Anthropological chickens," he said.

Ms. Russo collapsed onto the couch behind her.

"Good," said the doctor. "Now, you will not remember fucking me this session. You will only remember that the session went wonderfully and that your feelings about your husband and your secretary have faded. You will still desire to see me on a weekly basis. You will remember how good the session made you feel and will want to feel that again. Do you understand?"

"Yes, doctor," she said, her voice taking on a hollow tone.

"Remember, whenever you hear me and only me say, "I think," you will believe or obey whatever I say immediately after. Obeying me will make you feel good. Whenever I send you a message, such as on email or text, that contains "I think," you will believe or obey whatever comes next in the message. Do you understand?"

"Yes doctor."

"Good. Get dressed. When I leave, you will shower and brush your teeth and then continue with your day."

They both dressed and then he sat in an armchair while she got back on the couch. "When I snap my fingers, you will awake, feeling happy and refreshed." He snapped his fingers.

Her eyes lit up. "Wow. I feel amazing!" she exclaimed. "Thank you so much, doctor!"

"My pleasure, Jessica. Please let me know if you'd like another session sometime."

"Yes!" she almost shouted. "I mean, can we make this a weekly thing? I feel like I've gotten so much out of it after just three sessions."

"Of course," he replied. Shaun saw the gloat in his smile. Ms. Russo was oblivious. "I'll have my secretary schedule you in."

"Oh, thank you," she said.

As the doctor got up to leave, Shaun snuck back to Amanda's bedroom and got dressed. He knew he'd be jacking off to the video later that night. What had just happened, though, blew his mind. What that doctor had done was completely unethical, but he knew if he had a chance to fuck that woman, he'd take it too. He wished he could use those keywords he heard to make Ms. Russo fuck him, but the doctor wasn't stupid. He'd explicitly set it up so she'd only obey him.

He stayed quietly in the room until he heard the shower start in Ms. Russo's en suite. Then he snuck out of the house. As he walked to the college, he wondered if he should report the doctor. That would be the right thing to do, and he had evidence on his phone, but a bigger part of him wanted to come back next week and watch the whole session. He was halfway to school when an idea hit him. It seemed a long shot, but he decided he had nothing to lose, so he turned around and went back.

He rang the doorbell and was soon greeted by his girlfriend's mom in a bathrobe. She didn't look pleased to see him. At 5'9" she only had to look slightly up at him, unlike her more petite daughter who was four inches shorter.

"Hello, Shaun," she said. "Amanda's not home."

"Oh?" he replied. "Ok thanks. Oh hey, who was that guy that left?"

She scowled. "I don't think that's any of your business, Shaun."

"Sorry, it's just that he said he'd forgotten to give you couple messages. He tried ringing the doorbell, but I guess you were in the shower, so he asked me to deliver his messages."

Her curiosity piqued. "What are the messages?" she asked more softly.

"He said, 'I think Ms. Russo should pour herself a glass of wine and enjoy it to celebrate a great session. What you do think?"

Shaun didn't know if the, "What do you think?" was necessary but threw it in.

"I think he's right," she replied. She turned and headed for the kitchen, seeming to forget he was there. He followed her in.

She poured a glass of wine and began to drink it. "That is good," she said. She held up the glass. "Here's to a great session."

Shaun just nodded since she hadn't offered him any wine. She all but ignored him as she finished the glass.

"What was the other message?" she asked finally.

"He said, "I think Ms. Russo should then make herself a cup of coffee, savour the taste, and then get back to work."

He left the "What do you think?" part off this time to see what would happen, but he'd chosen to make her drink coffee right after wine because, well, who does that?

Ms. Russo nodded and then turned on the coffee maker. "I think he's right." She poured herself a cup and sipped it with a smile. Then she looked at him curiously. "Why are you still here?"

"Sorry ma'am," Shaun said. "I'll leave."

Shaun was bursting with excitement as he left. "This'll work," he said. He deliberately didn't say something like "I think Ms. Russo should fuck Shaun," because she would never believe the message came from the doctor. "She has another appointment next week. If I do this right I can get her to fuck me too."


A week later Shaun lay on Amanda's bed while she rode his cock. A sexy as his girlfriend looked, his mind was on her mother and the scene that would play out with the doctor later that day. As the possibilities entered his mind, his urgency increased. He rolled Amanda over and began pounding her hard. She buried her face in his shoulder biting his muscles to muffle her screams. This time when she came, he came with her. He fell on her body shortly after.

"Oh my god," she said. "That was intense. And you came in me, didn't you?"

"Fuck yeah," he replied.

"Better pull out then," she said. "Don't want the condom leaking."

He groaned as he got off her. He pulled off the condom and threw it in the garbage as he went to pee. "Meeting the girls again today?" he asked.

"Yeah," Amanda replied. "Jill's got boyfriend problems. I guess not everyone can find one as awesome as mine."

He winced. "True dat. Is it okay if I nap again before I leave?"

"After that performance," she said as she started the shower. "You can do whatever you want, babe."


He didn't nap. He went downstairs and positioned a webcam in the living room then went back to the bedroom and waited. In Amanda's room, he watched Ms. Russo arrive home in a business suit. Soon she brought the doctor into the living room when he arrived. The man didn't waste any time.

"Anthropological chickens," he said and Ms. Russo slumped on the couch. "Now Jessica, today we are going to discuss your businesses."

"What the fuck?" said Shaun. "Seriously? You've got that and you want to talk business?"

The doctor began to ask her about various business dealings and investments she had. Shaun didn't see the point until they discussed an upcoming merger.

"So if one were to invest that the company you're buying now, what would happen to the stock price after the merger?"

"It will probably increase four times in price, maybe five," she replied.

"That's very good. You are doing well, and answering my questions honestly makes you feel even better. In fact, answering me honestly and obeying me make you feel quite horny."

"Here we go," said Shaun.

They continued to talk a while with the doctor gathering information. Shaun saw the point. Insider trading. He was going to make a fortune off this lady and fuck her to boot.

"How horny are you now, Jessica?"

"Soooo horny," she replied.

"Do you need cock in you?"


"When I snap my fingers, you will awake from your trance knowing only that you need to be fucked hard. You will not be able to initiate sex though, only seduce and beg, but you will do whatever it takes to get me to fuck you. The longer I refuse to fuck you the hornier and more desperate you will become. Do you understand?"

"Yes doctor."

He snapped his fingers.

"Doctor Maddow," she said. "It's too hot in here for you to be wearing a jacket. Let me help you with that."

"Why thank you, Jessica."

As she removed his jacket, she squeezed his arm. "Doctor, your arms are solid. Do you work out?"

"I do."

Shaun snickered quietly in the bedroom. "Your stomach is bigger than your chest. Do you curl doughnuts?"

I'd love to see what you look like under that shirt," Jessica continued downstairs.

"I think that would be inappropriate, Jessica."

"And disgusting," said Shaun.

"We could make it a game," she replied.

"How so?"

She took off her blouse. "I'll go as far as you will."

"Are you trying to seduce me, Jessica?"

Giving him a playful look, she said, "Now you're catching on." She ran her hands along her body. "You don't like what you see?"

"I think it's very nice. I'd like to see more."

She smiled and slowly, seductively slid her pants down to the floor. In the bedroom, Shaun admired the matching black bra and panties she wore. He pulled out his cock and began stroking it.

"Your turn," Jessica told Dr. Maddow.

"I don't know," said the doctor. "How do I know if I take off my shirt and pants, you won't just put yours back on?"

"How about this then?" Jessica answered. Seconds later her bra and panties lay on the floor as she modelled her body for him.

Dr. Maddow rose. Jessica smiled hopefully, thinking his clothes were about to come off but, instead, he walked over to her.

"You have a very sexy body, Jessica," he said. "May I touch it?"

"Please!" Jessica replied, reaching out to him.

He took a step back. "No. Put your hands at your sides and don't move."

Disappointment took over her face but she obeyed. The doctor walked up and began to massage her breasts. She immediately began to moan. Her hands started to rise a moment, but she jerked them back to her sides. The doctor leaned in a suckled a nipple. Jessica's head began to roll.

"Oh god, yesssss," she whispered.

She reached up and grabbed the doctor's head, pulling him into her tit.

"Hands," he said sharply.

She forced them back to her sides, clenching her fists as he worked on one and then the other tit. "Please doctor," she said. "I need it."

"What do you need?" he asked.

"I need you to fuck me."

"Reach down and take out my cock," he said.

Her hands moved quickly, unzipping his pants and fishing for his cock. He wasn't wearing underwear, so it was out quickly. She began stroking it. When he was fully erect he pulled away.

"Doctor?" she said.

He sat down on the couch. "Do you want this in you?"

"Sooooo much," she said. She was drooling as she looked at it.

"What will you do to have it?"

"Anything. Just tell me."

"On your knees."

She dropped quickly.

"Crawl to me."

Like an eager puppy, she moved in front of him.

"Suck it."

His cock disappeared between her lips. Her head bobbed with urgency. He lay back and enjoyed her ministrations for a minute, watching her with admiration. Shaun could tell he wasn't admiring her beauty though, but what he'd done to her.

"Alright, climb on," the doctor said at last in a gracious tone.

"Thank you, doctor!" she squealed as she stood up, straddled him, and then lowered herself on his prick.

"Start slow," he said.

She nodded and began to bounce.

"I think you're getting addicted to my cock. What do you think?"

"Ugggghhhhh. I think you're right, doctor."

They continued with her increasing the pace.

"I think that the more you fuck me, the more you'll want to please me, trust me, and listen to me."

She nodded as she moaned. "I think you're riiiight."

"I think that every orgasm you have from me will make you realize how much more you need me."

"Oh god. I think you're right."

"And I think you're going to cum ... now."

Jessica threw her head back and screamed. Her cunt clamped down on the doctor's cock and she grabbed onto his shoulders to steady herself.

"Doc ... Doc ..." she moaned as bolts of pleasure ripped through her body.

"I think you're going to have another one ... now."

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" she screamed. Her body began to involuntarily slam up and down on him triggering a third orgasm. "Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god."

At that point, the doctor began to grunt. His hips bucked up as he started shooting his cum into her pussy. Jessica had collapsed onto him. Her body continued to spasm. Upstairs, Shaun jerked his cock as he shot cum into a tissue. He smiled after watching the display, happy about two things: his cock was bigger than the doctor's, and that fuck only took a few minutes. His sessions with Amanda went far longer. When he was through with Ms. Russo, she wouldn't remember who Dr. Maddow was, possibly literally.

Downstairs, the doctor had Ms. Russo suck his cock clean before he put it back in his pants. She then dressed before he brought her back to reality. After the doctor left and Ms. Russo stepped into the shower as ordered, Shaun snuck downstairs and left an envelope on the kitchen counter. He repositioned the webcam so he could watch Ms. Russo read it. When she returned and found it, she glanced around, wondering how it had gotten there, but saw it was addressed to her from Dr. Maddow, so she opened it.


During our session today, you talked about your dislike of your daughter's boyfriend, Shaun. This happened while under hypnosis and I apologize for forgetting to make you remember it, but we came to some realizations.

I think that the dislike you feel toward Shaun is actually jealously. I think you are attracted to him, but know you shouldn't be because he is dating your daughter. The dislike is a deflection. Furthermore, I think that the more time you spend with Shaun the greater that attraction will grow. I think you will find yourself doing things to get him to find you beautiful and sexy, dressing in ways he likes, and finding excuses to be around him, but of course maintaining the air of dislike of him to cover up your true feelings.

This is a separate matter from what we've been dealing with so far in our sessions, so I think it would be best if you used the email below to correspond with me about your thoughts and feelings toward Shaun after each the interaction you have with him. I think you should use my regular email for all other correspondence but BCC this email when sending the regular emails.

As we have established this is a separate matter, I think you should not mention this topic in our regular sessions, but only through the email below. When you have finished reading this, I think you should email me immediately at the new email address and tell me what you think.


Dr. Maddow.

Shaun watched Ms. Russo read the letter and then go to her laptop and log in. He hoped he had sounded formal enough and lit up as he watched her start to type a message. Almost immediately, Shaun's phone buzzed with a new email in the account he had setup.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

I think you are right. I see the attraction clearly now. Thank you for making realize the truth.


Jessica Russo.

Shaun wanted to scream, "Yes!" but held it in. Then he realized he'd trapped himself in the house with Ms. Russo. After an initial panic, he replied to her email.

Excellent, Jessica. We had a wonderful but intense session. I think you should take a short 20 minute nap before working again, a deep nap in which nothing will disturb you.

Dr. Maddow.

Soon Shaun heard the wet dream of his life coming up the stairs. He waited five minutes to make sure she was asleep and then snuck out of the house. He had so much energy, he practically sprinted to school.


It was two days before Shaun saw Ms. Russo again. He and Amanda were studying in dining room when she arrived home from work. Shaun noticed her face redden slightly when she saw him. She stared a moment at his body. Even sitting, he looked sexy. His short-sleeved shirt showed off his large biceps nicely. His dark chocolate skin looked tasty, and those deep brown eyes felt hypnotic. She wanted to run her fingers through his short afro hair.

"Oh hi," she said, shaking herself out of her reverie.

"Hi mom," Amanda replied. "How was work?"

"I think I made a middle management guy pee his pants when I came down on him for his inefficiency."

Amanda laughed, causing her curly blonde locks to bounce. "Really?"

"Yes, men think they have the upper hand when dealing with a woman in business. It's amusing to watch them crumble when they realize that's not the case."

"Good for you, Ms. Russo," said Shaun. "I'm surprised they haven't learned yet. You do look very business-like with your suits, not weak or feminine at all."

She scowled. "Did you just say my clothes aren't feminine?"

"No," Shaun replied. "I mean, that's not what I meant. They're very professional. I just prefer those suits with the skirt bottom on women. Well, I like skirts and short dresses in general." He could see her getting impatient. "But I'm just saying, wearing something like that, and maybe wearing your hair down instead of in that braided bun, would make you look even more feminine and an easy target, so that when you lowered the hammer it would have even more of an impact."

"Interesting," Ms. Russo replied. "But having never been in a corporation, you really can't tell me how to dress at mine."

"Sorry," Shaun replied. He feigned being uncomfortable and put in his place as he wondered if she'd obey his instructions in the letter and dress like he just said.

"What's for dinner?" asked Ms. Russo.

"Jenny is making lasagne," Amanda replied. "Shaun's staying. We still have a lot to study this evening. Midterms are coming up."

Shaun was still amused that the Latina business woman had a white maid/cook. He wondered if she chose Jenny to flip the stereotype. He just wished she'd chosen a hot maid instead of an older, pudgy one, but two out of three sexy women in a household wasn't bad. Plus, Jenny was a sweetheart.

"Fine," Ms. Russo said she pulled the clips out of her hair and shook it out. "I'm going to change." Shaun watched her leave, seeing less of the business stride and more of a sultry sway.

When she returned, she wore a short, light sun dress. Shaun smiled.

"How are you two doing with classes?" Ms. Russo asked as they ate.

"I'm doing well," Amanda said. "Economics is a bitch but I'm keeping my marks up."

"You know you can come to me for help on that, honey," Ms. Russo said.

"Yes, mom," Amanda replied. "And if it gets worse, I will. Believe me. But Shaun's been helping. He's really good at it."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," her daughter replied. "But who you could help is Shaun."

"Me?" Ms. Russo asked. "But you just said Shaun was good at economics."

"He is, but we were just talking about his business project. He needs to interview a high-level executive, and since we have one living here, I thought you could help."

Ms. Russo shot Shaun an annoyed glance. "I'm very busy."

"Please mom? It would only take um ..." She looked at Shaun.

"An hour," he said.

"An hour," Amanda repeated. "He helps me, you help him?" Her eyes both pleaded and sparkled.

Ms. Russo shrugged. "Fine. We can do it after dinner I suppose."

"Can we do it tomorrow after dinner, Ms. Russo?" Shaun asked. "I don't have the interview questions here with me."

"She gave him that annoyed look again. "Ok, but keep it to an hour."

"Thank you, ma'am."

The rest of the evening proceeded without incident, but shortly after he left the house Shaun received an email.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

Shaun was here tonight. You were right. The longer he stayed the more I could feel my attraction growing. I even agreed to work with him for an hour tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to spending time with him, but I shouldn't. He's my daughter's boyfriend. Perhaps we should schedule a session to use hypnosis to rid me of this attraction to him.


Jessica Russo.

He waited until he got back to his dorm room to reply, so he could think of an appropriate answer. The room's five metre by four metre interior held his single bed at the back by a rear window. A small desk with this laptop and a lamp, and a dresser sat to the right of the door when one entered. He had put up a couple posters, one of Black Panther, one of Dr. Dre facing each other on the side walls. Relaxing into his swivel chair, he worked on his phone, smiling.

Dear Jessica,

I understand your concern, but I think that your attraction to Shaun is a good thing and so should you. It means you've really gotten over your ex-husband because you are able to have these feelings for another man. I think that letting your feelings grow will show us the expansiveness of your heart and show that it's not closed off to new men.

I think you should continue to explore these feelings for Shaun and see how else he affects you. I've seen several other women go through this process and the reactions are quite common. For instance, I think that if he touches you in any way it will make you sexually aroused. Further contact will increase that arousal. This is normal and a good sign of your letting go of your husband even though you may find it uncomfortable at the time. I think that if he does touch you, you won't stop him because of the physical pleasure it brings you, however, you may voice your opinions about the rightness of the situation and how it makes you feel. I think that if he whispers to you, you will always reply with the honest truth. Whispers create intimacy and I think you'll always want to be truthful if a man you're attracted to whispers to you.

However your situation with Shaun ends up, I think you should write to me and tell me what happened, your feelings, and what you did to resolve any sexual tension he created. I think this is best course of action to open you up for a new relationship with a great man when you're ready to have one.

Reply and tell me what you think.

Dr. Maddow.

Shaun sent off the email and a few minutes later received the reply.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

I think you're right. I didn't see how good a thing this is until you explained it. I am so happy to be getting over my ex. I'm so happy I haven't shut myself down. Yes, it will be uncomfortable being attracted to my daughter's boyfriend for a while, but if it means moving into a new amazing relationship with a great man then I'll go through it.

Thank you so much,

Jessica Russo.

Shaun jacked off right away, finished studying, and then jacked off again while watching his videos before falling asleep.

The next day he was pleased to see Ms. Russo arrive home from work in a business suit with a skirt bottom. Seeing that she had kept her hair up, showed him he still had a way to go. She didn't change before dinner, saying that she wanted to dress appropriately for a business interview. She scolded Shaun for not wearing a suit.

"If you were interviewing another executive would you have worn a suit?" she asked.

"Yes, but..."

"But nothing. I expect to be treated with the same respect you give other professionals. Do you think that's fair?"

Shaun hung his head. "Yes ma'am. Very fair. Should I go home and change?"

She shook her head. "You've already made the mistake. Know better next time."

"Yes ma'am."

After dinner, Ms. Russo asked if Shaun wanted to do the interview in the living room. Shaun said sitting at the dining room would be more formal. The table was more like a desk.

The group sat and chatted in the family room while Jenny cleaned things up. When Amanda started up the stairs to her room, Ms. Russo pulled out her hair clips again. Her dark brown locks flowed down like a waterfall to reach her butt where it bounced slightly before settling.

"Are you ready?" she asked Shaun. He nodded, trying to keep his dick from rising as they got up and returned to the dining room. Before Ms. Russo could sit down Shaun offered his hand.

"Thank you for speaking with me this evening, Ms. Russo. I'm very grateful you could spare me the time."

She smiled at his formality and took his hand. She was shocked at how wet her pussy got when she touched him. Shaun saw her eyes widen but said nothing. As she moved to sit he said, "Let me help you," and pushed her seat in, making sure his hand came in contact with her shoulders. Ms. Russo felt her horniness build.

To her surprise, Shaun didn't sit across from her but to her left at the end of the table. They were close enough that their knees could touch if they positioned themselves right.

Shaun kept the questioning professional since this was a real assignment he had to do. Ms. Russo could see the value of the questions and answered to the best of her ability. At one point, she gave a professional answer about treating employees, but Shaun raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" he said, putting a hand on her knee. She squirmed slightly in the chair. "I know there is a protocol to treating employees, but your comment the other day about putting that manager in his place, contradicts your answer now."

"Speaking of contradictions," she said. "It is inappropriate to put your hand on someone's knee during an interview."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Shaun said as he removed his hand. He looked like he was going to continue but then said, "Wait a minute." He placed his hand back. "This is inappropriate?"

"Ye-yes," Ms Russo replied.

He lifted his hand again. "I can see how this..." He put his hand back. "Would be inappropriate in a job interview. But this is simply a fact-finding interview. It's not like it would enter into the realms of harassment because I don't intend to work for you. Can you explain it please?"

Her pussy was on fire now. She wanted to stroke her clit. His hand was still on her and her horniness continued to mount.

"It doesn't matter the situation," she said, her voice slightly breathless. "We're not in a bar. We're pretending this is an office environment. There's a certain code of conduct."

"I see," said Shaun. "And are there varying degrees to the inappropriateness of this action?"

"I'm not sure I follow," she said.

"Well, my hand is currently on your knee, but is that better or worse than my hand being here, on your thigh."

A quiet moan escaped Ms. Russo.

Shaun continued. "One could argue that my hand on your thigh is more appropriate because now I'm touching your skirt and not directly in contact with your skin. But on the other hand, I'm farther up your leg." He slid his hand back down to her knee. "So is this worse?" He slid his hand back up. "Or is this worse?"

"Both. I mean, neither. Sorry, I'm a bit confused about this line of questioning."

"It's just that there have been a lot of lawsuits over harassment lately and while some are clear, there are others where it seems like the man or woman was just being friendly and they got hit with a lawsuit. I'm wondering if personal opinion of the person committing the act has a bearing. You don't like someone so even when they do something inoffensive you charge them. For instance, we know you don't like me, so would you have said this type of touching was inappropriate if you did like me?"

He squeezed her leg. She gripped the bottom of her chair but did nothing to stop him.

"And what about this?" he asked holding up his hand. "Shake my hand."

She did with a wariness in her eyes.

"This is appropriate but..." He pulled her in and put a hand on her shoulder. He whispered into her ear, "Is a quiet conversation like this appropriate."

"It ... it depends who it's with and the nature of the conversation," she whispered back. This close, his musky scent distracted her further.

He dropped his other hand onto her thigh. "But doing this is inappropriate," he whispered.

"Yes," she replied.

"But do you like the way it makes you feel?" he asked.

"Yesssss," she replied. Then her face flushed. Why did she just tell him that?

"Do you want me to stop touching you?"

"No. Yes."

"Which is it?"

"Both," she replied. "I want you to touch me more because it feels so good, but I want you to stop because it's not right and driving me crazy."

"But is your reaction to my touch appropriate or inappropriate?" he whispered.


"So, we're both being inappropriate?" he asked.


"So I should stop?"

"I ... I ..."

He pulled back. "You're right. Let's finish the questions."

With that he went back to business, finishing the questions on his list and then standing to thank her with a firm handshake. Ms. Russo thought her knees would buckle. Shaun yelled up to Amanda that he was leaving. She came down to kiss him good-bye. He said thank you to Ms Russo a final time and then came up and gave her a hug. She nearly came right then.

When Shaun arrived home a new email arrived within minutes.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

I did the school interview with Shaun today and you were right about his touch. I got hornier and hornier. It was all I could do not to touch myself or move his hand to where I wanted to be touched. After he left I rushed to my room and masturbated to two orgasms before I finally calmed down. I hope this isn't too much information but you said to give you the details and I want to make sure we handle this right.

Part of me is scared to see him again, but a bigger part is excited. If he can create this level of arousal in me, just imagine what the right man will do to me!


Jessica Russo.

Shaun replied immediately.

Excellent Jessica.

Yes, please continue to send all the details and I think you should use language appropriate to what you're thinking and doing at the time. There's no need to be formal about this.

I'm glad to hear your sexual awakening is going well. I think you'll find that you will only think of Shaun when you masturbate now, and I think that, until you have sex with him, the thought of having sex with him will overshadow any other real or potential sexual encounters. I think that you'll behave as though you're attracted to the person you're with but deep down you'll be wishing it was Shaun, imagining it was Shaun, though you will never reveal this to the person you are with. It's funny how obsession works, isn't it? I think that even if someone tells you how you feel attracted to them or are in need of them, you will automatically replace them with Shaun in your mind and any feelings you have to toward the other person will fade, although you'll pretend otherwise.

I think you'll actually enjoy trying to find ways to make Shaun want you, though you'll also feel guilty about him being your daughter's boyfriend. I think you love the cat and mouse game you're playing because it makes you feel alive and sexy. I know you will never cross the line yourself and attack your daughter's boyfriend, but I think if he kisses you, all your barriers will break and you'll let him have his way with you.

What do you think?


Dr. Maddow.

A few minutes later Shaun got his reply.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

I think you're right. How do you know me so well? I haven't felt this sexual in years and it's amazing. I see now that things got stagnant with my husband. That was one of the reasons he cheated on me. I'm not saying what he did was right, but now I see it wasn't all his fault. I need to be like this all the time in my relationships. I don't know why I stopped when it feels this good.

Thank you doctor for all that you are teaching me.


Jessica Russo.

Shaun smiled. He would soon be fucking his dream girl and at the same time weaning her off Dr. Maddow's spell. He wanted to fuck right away but he had just set things up so she'd have to see Maddow first, possibly more than once. He could be patient.


Ms. Russo entered her house for lunch. She didn't usually eat at home, but Dr. Maddow had suggested it in an email and she decided it would be a good change from her regular routine. Arriving exactly at 12:30 as the email suggested, she was surprised to hear Shaun's voice upstairs. She guessed the kids were on a break from classes.

She was about to go into the kitchen when she heard Shaun let out a moan followed by "Yes, that's it, babe. I love how you suck." She wanted to turn and leave, but she was supposed to stay for lunch. She didn't want to listen to them having sex though, so she decided she could sneak into her room until they finished and left.

Creeping up the stairs, she found herself becoming more and more curious about what was happening. To her surprise, Amanda's door was partially open. Instead of going straight to her room on the left, she moved to the right and peeked in. Shaun stood naked, looking down at her daughter as she dutifully sucked his cock.

Ms. Russo's knees when weak at the sight of Shaun's body. She began to drool when she saw his cock as it momentarily came into view between bobs. The angle was perfect, giving her a view of both Shaun and his cock, but keeping her out of view of Amanda. She couldn't have staged it better. She felt lucky about that, and lucky that Shaun's attention was down at Amanda.

Her hand fell down to her dress skirt and rubbed unconsciously. She felt entranced by the sight. Her daughter continued to suck while Shaun encouraged and praised her. Finally, he grabbed her head with both hands. Amanda's hands dropped and let him have his way. This only heightened Ms. Russo's excitement.

"Fuck," Shaun cried. "I'm cumming!"

He grabbed her head tightly and thrust a few more times before his whole body tensed up and he just stood there a moment, small shocks going through his hips and Amanda's head. At last, his muscles relaxed. As they did he opened his eyes and started to turn toward the door. Ms. Russo ducked aside and rushed to her room.

She hid there, relieved to hear the shower in Amanda's bathroom turn on after a short while. Allowing herself to relax, she opened her skirt, reached in her panties, and began to play with herself. She replayed the scene she just watched with herself in Amanda's role. She felt her orgasm growing quickly after the playing she'd done at the door.

When the door to her room opened, she almost screamed.

"Oh, you're home," Shaun said. "The door to your room was open when we came in, and now it was closed, so I thought maybe someone snuck in." He smiled "I guess I was right."

"Shaun, get out," she said as she did her skirt up, trying to sound angry. But looking at his cock hanging there, the words didn't come out strong.

"Did you come home to masturbate?" he asked.

She stood up, trying to get back some sort of dignity. "No, I came home for lunch."

"But you're here," Shaun said. "And we were just..." His eyes went wide. "You watched us, didn't you?"

She moved toward him, in an effort to challenge him. "I don't do that sort of thing."

Shaun reached out and grabbed her by the back of her neck, pulling her in close. His touch sent a sexual charge through her body. "How much did you see?" he whispered in her ear.

"I ... I just saw Amanda suck you until you came," she said. 'Oh god,' she thought. 'I just admitted it to him.' Her panties were getting wetter by the second.

"And who were you thinking about while you were masturbating, Ms. Russo?"

"You, Shaun. I always think of you."

"Is that so?" he said, pulling away. "Good to know. Come downstairs after you're done and before Amanda gets out of the shower. I'll cover for you."

He turned and left, closing the door. Ms. Russo stood staring at that door.

'What the hell just happened?' she thought. 'I just told him I think of him when I masturbate! Am I crazy? And he left me here to masturbate. He thinks I'll just continue after what just happened.'

She wanted to rush after him and tell him he was wrong. She wanted to show him she was in control, not him. He didn't know her. He couldn't tell her what to do. But her admission to him and his touch had brought her so close to the edge she had to finish herself off. Dropping her skirt, she lay back in bed and frigged her clit with horny desperation until she climaxed. Rolling over to shove her head in a pillow, she screamed in joyous, orgasmic pleasure. When the feelings finally passed and she had control of herself again she realized that she still had to deal with Shaun. She jumped off her bed and rushed down the stairs. She found him in the kitchen, now dressed, making a sandwich.

"How was it?" Shaun asked.

"I ..." she said, trying to find a way to blame him for something. "You ..."

Shaun came around from the kitchen counter, as she looked at him like a deer in the headlights. Whispering in her ear, he asked again, "I said, 'How was it?'"

"It was amazing," she replied. "One of the best orgasms I can remember."

Despite having just cum, Shaun felt himself getting hard again. He hid his glee and returned to making the sandwich.

"Shaun, I ..." she began.

"Mom?" Amanda exclaimed. "When did you get home?" The nervousness in her voice was clear.

Ms. Russo's brain was fried for the moment.

"Just a few minutes ago," Shaun replied for her. "I'm helping her make a sandwich."

"You're helping my mom?" Amanda asked as she walked up to him.

"Yep." he answered, then whispered to his girlfriend. "I kinda panicked when she walked in and became overly helpful."

Amanda giggled. "Oh." She turned to her mom who still stood, looking confused and a little spaced out. "You okay, mom?"

"I ..." she said. "It's just he's never helped me cook before. I'm trying to process it."

Amanda laughed. "Me too. Anyway, let's eat quickly. Gotta get back to class."

Ms. Russo also wanted this encounter to be over as soon as possible.


Dr. Maddow!

I told Shaun I think of him when I masturbate! I don't know why! It just came out! But what's worse, he knows that after I told him that I masturbated right then and came powerfully. I admitted that too! What's wrong with me? Please help!

Jessica Russo.


Dear Jessica,

Your desire for Shaun is overpowering your need to stay quiet. You've put the situation out there. If he does not tell your daughter then you don't have to worry. I think that if he knows you're interested and doesn't say anything, you'll try harder to entice him because it'll become a fun game to see who's in control. He may be interested in you which means you may have control. This isn't about stealing him from your daughter or fucking him. It's about showing him you can't be easily manipulated.


Dr. Maddow.


Dear Dr. Maddow,

Yes, I think you're right. I see what you mean now. I hope when Amanda gets home she doesn't know anything. Then the games can begin.

Thank you,

Jessica Russo.


When Amanda arrived home, showing no indication that Shaun had said anything, Ms. Russo breathed a sigh of relief. Then she smiled. She knew how beautiful she was. Shaun may affect her, but now she knew she affected him too. Let the games begin.


Shaun saw Ms. Russo again two days before her appointment with Dr. Maddow. It was a Saturday and Amanda invited him over for a swim. To Shaun's surprise he received two emails the night before the encounter. The first was a BCC of an email to the real Dr. Maddow.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

As instructed I have found another potential client for you. My friend Abby is a very insecure individual. She feels that people are always looking down on her and that her husband may be cheating on her. She is a wonderful person and I want the best for her so I recommended you. Abby and her husband own several businesses and have a net worth of about $80,000,000. I have included a picture of her as instructed.


Jessica Russo.

Shaun looked at the attached picture. Abby was a stunning redhead with freckled skin. The picture was of Abby, Jessica, and two men on a boat. Jessica wore a full bathing suit, but Abby wore a bikini. Abby had firm perky breasts, nowhere near the size of Jessica's but still a good handful. He hair hung just above the shoulders of her slim, muscular body.

'He's using her to find other women to exploit and fuck,' thought Shaun. 'Smart man.'

The second email was to him.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

Shaun is coming over tomorrow for a swim with Amanda. I know I am to report how I feel after an encounter, but I'm already anxious and slightly horny about seeing him tomorrow. I know we're playing a fun game now, but I'm not sure of the rules. Please advise.


Jessica Russo.

Shaun smiled and replied.

Dear Jessica,

I think you should relax and look forward to interacting with Shaun tomorrow. But be warned. I have heard stories from many clients who have been obsessed with men. The more they see of his body, the more they realize their desire for him and their need to have him in them. Furthermore, many have stated that if see his cock they get an almost irresistible need to stroke it until he ejaculates and they will find an excuse to do so. I think seeing him ejaculate makes them sure that they need him and it gives them great joy in knowing the pleasure they brought him. I think you may have the same reactions and probably will. If you do, remember that touching him is not the same as fucking him so you won't be betraying your daughter.

I think if you masturbate tonight, the anxiety will go away and you will eagerly look forward to your day tomorrow and believe you have the advantage. What do you think?


Dr. Maddow.

Shaun sent off the email. A few minutes later he received two more.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

I think you're right. I will bring Abby to my place on Monday so you can do sessions with both of us.

Thank you for helping us both.


Jessica Russo.

Shaun looked forward to recording that session.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

I think you're right. Thank you for the warning. I will watch myself, and I have an idea how to make sure he's going to lose tomorrow. I'm going to masturbate right now.


Jessica Russo.


The next day Amanda greeted Shaun at the door in a blue bikini. "I'm not sure I want you here today," she said.

"Why not?" asked Shaun.

"You haven't seen my mom. She's out sunbathing in the back."

"So?" asked Shaun.

"So, you know how big my mom's tits are. I've seen you sneak glances. It's okay. Everyone does. Well, she usually wears a full bathing suit, more to keep those beasts secure than anything else."

"But not today?" asked Shaun.

She shook her head. "Uh uh. It's a string bikini that looks like it's going to snap any second."

Shaun shrugged. "So, what do you want me to do? Avoid looking at her all day? That's going to be weird."

Amanda considered it but then shook her head. "No, but I don't want you getting hard when you see her."

"Seriously?" Shaun asked. "I can't promise that."


"Hey, I can't control my dick. I'm sure there are hot men out there that get you wet when you see them. The point is that you don't just run up and fuck them, and I promise not to stick my cock in your mom today," he said holding up a hand. "Not that she'd let me even if I wanted to."

Amanda giggled. "Good point. Mom would never fuck you. She doesn't even like you. Okay, let's go."

Shaun's eyes nearly popped out when he saw Ms. Russo lying on a lounge chair. Even having seen her naked, the way she looked in that tiny white bikini caused his cock to swell slightly. He made sure to walk slightly behind Amanda. Still, she turned and shot him an annoyed glance as though she knew his exact reaction. He just shrugged and headed for the pool, anxious to let the cool water shrink his concerns.

Hidden by her sunglasses, Ms. Russo watched Shaun pass her. She saw his reaction with great satisfaction. When both kids had their backs to her she allowed herself to smile. The smile quickly vanished when Shaun took off his shirt. She knew why her daughter loved to fuck his body. A moment ago, she had the advantage. She knew she'd enticed him, but now her desires were greater than his. As he kicked off his pants to get down to just his swim suit, she felt her crotch get wet. His ass looked so hard and firm.

'The doctor was so right,' she thought. 'Why does he affect me so much?'

Shaun and Amanda jumped in the pool and began to frolic. Ms. Russo watched them from beneath her sunglasses as she resisted the urge to touch herself. At one point Shaun took hold of Amanda and pulled her close. She pushed back but as more of a show. Then he kissed her. It was a passionate kiss and she melted in his arms. His hand moved down to grab her ass. She jerked a moment before going with it. Then he moved his hand around to finger her clit. Her eyes shot open and she broke the kiss.

"Shaun, no!" she whispered. "My mom is right there!"

"Look at her," Shaun said. "She's out cold. She'll never know. This makes it a little dirty and dangerous." Shaun knew she was watching though.

Amanda pushed him back. "I don't do dirty or dangerous," she said. "You know that."

"Suit yourself," he replied. "I'm going to do a few laps and then grab a snack."

Amanda turned to check that her mom was still asleep, not wanting her mom to perceive her as anything but a proper girl. She pulled a floating lounger into the pool, climbed on it and started to sunbathe.

Ms. Russo watched Shaun doing the laps for a little while, but soon realized she had to go masturbate. She got up and headed for the house. Noticing her leaving, Shaun glanced over at Amanda. His girlfriend was relaxing and would probably be in that chair for the next half hour. He pulled himself out of the pool and strolled toward the house.

Arriving at her bedroom door, Shaun heard her familiar moans. He opened the door and strode in. Her hand was deep inside her bikini bottom, moving furiously.

"At it again, Ms. Russo?" he said with a smirk. "You're insatiable."

"Oh god," she moaned as she removed her hand. "Not again."

She pushed herself off the bed, but Shaun moved in to meet her. Before she realized what was happening he had her wrist in his hand. She froze, his touch suddenly heightening her arousal.

"Were you thinking of me again," he whispered.

She just nodded.

"About me touching you?" he asked.

She nodded.

His other hand came up to squeeze her breast. She moaned in response. "Oh, you like that, do you?" While keeping up the confident air, Shaun was secretly ecstatic. He was finally touching her breast.

She nodded again, though her words held a different message. "Please Shaun. Don't do that. It's wrong."

"Yet, I don't see you stopping me," he replied. "You can continue to pretend you don't like me in front of everyone else, but we both know you want be badly. Admit it."

"Yes, Shaun."

Bringing his other hand around, he fondled her other breast. "I've been wanting to play with these for years, you know?"

She nodded again. "Every man I know has."

He pulled her top down and squeezed her nipples, making her swoon. She grabbed onto him for support. All the added skin contact just made things worse for her.

"Can't do this..." she huffed. "So wrong..."

"But you want to, don't you?" said Shaun as he continued to work on her tits. "You crave me, don't you Ms. Russo? Do you want me to fuck you?"

"You're my daughter's boyfriend."

"That's not a 'No.'" He pushed her so that she sat on the edge of the bed. "Look what you've done to me, Ms. Russo," he said, pointing at the bulge in his pants. "This is all your fault." He reached down and pulled his hard cock out of his shorts. "Now what are you going to do about it?"

Her hand started to come up, but she shook her head and pulled it back down to the bed. Shaun shook his head, reached down and grabbed her wrist, and guided her hand to his cock. Once she touched it, her hand wrapped around it.

"This is wrong," she whispered as she started to jack him off.

"But it feels so right," Shaun said. "That's it. Keep going and you'll get a reward. You want my reward, don't you Ms. Russo?"

A big part of her wanted to just lean forward and suck that cock into her mouth, but that would be like kissing. Kissing is too intimate. What they were doing was already wrong but not really betraying her daughter. She kept telling herself that. Shaun resumed playing with her tits, which lit her pussy on fire. She wanted to touch herself but she couldn't do that in front of him. She used her free hand to grab his hip and steady herself. Again, more contact with him just made her hornier.

"You're so naughty. I do love naughty. I love a woman that's proper in public but a total slut in the bedroom. One that loves to experiment, put on sexy displays. One that takes risks where she may get caught. I love a woman that does what she's told."

She took in all the information, her programming telling her to be the woman that Shaun would like. All the while she kept stroking.

Shaun smiled. Knowing what was happening. "Keep it up," Shaun said. "I'm going to cum soon."

The words made her so happy. She wanted to be the cause of his pleasure. Shaun couldn't believe how great the hand job felt. It had to be because of his feeling of control over this woman. It only took a few minutes before he was ready.

"Say 'Ahhh,'" he said.

Ms. Russo did as she was told, not really acknowledging why he said that. Shaun grabbed his cock as he came, aiming it at her mouth. Half the first blast struck her cheek while the rest went on target. The next two blasts went straight in. The eroticism of it all pushed Ms. Russo to the edge.

"Thank you for the reward," she said.

Shaun shook his head. "Here's your reward," He leaned in and shoved his hand in her bikini bottom, finding her clit and rubbing it frantically. Ms. Russo screamed as the orgasm hit her. Shaun had to cover her mouth. He kept rubbing as she bucked up against his hand. As second orgasm soon hit her. Then he shoved two fingers in her pussy while still rubbing her clit. She clung to him, pulling him in as tightly as she could. The third orgasm was stronger than the others due to all the bodily contact. Shaun gave her a moment to come down from it before pulling his fingers out and putting them in his mouth. "Mmmmmm," he said. "You're tasty."

She moaned in response.

Moving in to whisper to her again, Shaun asked, "Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Yes," she whispered back.

"Do you dream of it?"


"Would you like to see what it will be like?"

Confusion filled her face. "What?"

"Go into your daughter's room and hide in the closet. Keep it open enough to peek out."

He turned and walked out of the room. "I'll see you soon."

Ms. Russo lay on the bed panting in a state of bliss. "What ... What just happened?" Without thinking, she scooped up the cum on her cheek with a finger and put it in her mouth. "Hide in Amanda's closet? Is he crazy? Does he want me to watch him fuck my daughter? I'm not going to do that." But as she thought about it, her pussy began to throb again. She'd already seen Amanda suck his cock. This wouldn't be that different. Her need began to grow, and soon she found herself getting up and going into her daughter's room.

Amanda walked into the kitchen to find Shaun making a sandwich. "Could you make me one too, babe?"


"Where'd mom go?"

"I saw her leaving a little while ago, wearing something a little more respectable." He winked.

"Oh, thank God."

"But now that she's gone," Shaun said as he moved in and hugged her. "How about we finish what we started in the pool?"

She smiled. "You've been a good boy. I guess we can do that."

"Hop up on the counter," he said.

Shock came over her face. "What? No."

Shaun moved in to grab her by the hips so he could lift her. "It'll be fun. And later we can giggle when we see your mom or Jenny working on it."

Amanda shook her head and pushed him back. "Mom may not be acting respectable today, but I am." Grabbing his hand, she led him upstairs as he knew she would. "Come on. Let's go to my room."

When they entered, Shaun glanced at the closet and smiled when he saw it slightly ajar. He spun Amanda around and kissed her deeply. Her arms came up to hold him. Ms. Russo sighed as she watched, wanting desperately to kiss Shaun, to finally give in fully to him. The passionate kissing continued as Shaun pulled the string on Amanda's bikini top. As it fell between them, she tossed it aside. Shaun's mouth dropped to engulf her right tit. She gasped as he began to suck on it. Her hand moved down, first to grab and maul his ass, then to push his swimsuit down far enough to fish out his cock. He moved to her other tit as she began to stroke him. They continued this way a minute before he kissed her again. His hands came up to her shoulders, gently pushing her down. She took the cue and dropped to her knees, yanking down his shorts to the floor and then taking him in her mouth.

In the closet, Ms. Russo couldn't hold her own hands back anymore and began to frig herself. Meanwhile, Amanda worked her magic on Shaun's cock while he looked over to the closet again and smiled. That look gave Ms. Russo a tiny orgasm. She bit her lip to stifle the moan.

"You're such a good cocksucker, babe," he said, looking back down. "But let's give you a treat."

Reaching down, his lifted her from under her arms and threw her on the bed. He grabbed her legs, pulling her to the right spot at the edge and then dropped to his knees. Yanking the bikini bottom down her legs, he soon buried his face in her pussy. Her legs wrapped around his head as his tongue slipped inside her. Then he began to work on her clit. She grabbed handfuls of sheets as her hips began to thrust into his face.

"You're an amazing pussy licker," she said. Under his ministrations, she soon felt the first orgasm building. "Uh ... Uh ... Uh ..." she moaned and then her mouth made the motions but no sound came out. Shaun knew what that meant. A moment later she grabbed the pillow and put it over her face. Her body arched and she screamed into the pillow. Shaun shoved two fingers in her cunt and began to pump as he bit down on her clit. Amanda's eyes shot open as a second orgasm hit her without warning. She arched so far only her head and the backs of her knees touched the bed. Shaun pulled away to her surprise but then grabbed her legs, pulled them over his shoulders and shoved his cock right in her hungry cunt.

"Holy fuck!" Amanda screamed. She fucked him for several seconds before realizing he wasn't wearing a condom. Reaching over to her night table, she grabbed one and threw it to the edge of the bed. "Shaun, no! Put that on quick."

"Don't you love how this feels?" he asked. "I'm already in."

"Shaun. Now!"

He yanked his cock free and slipped the condom on before shoving it back in. They fucked like that for several minutes before he pulled out and turned her over. He slipped himself back inside as she knelt with her hands tightly grabbing the pillow below her. Shaun pounded away at her.

"Do you love how my cock feels?" he asked.

"I love it! I love it!" she replied. "Just keep fucking me!"

She came again, bringing the pillow to her face again to mask her screams. Shaun shook his head and grabbed her by the hair. He yanked her back, snatched the pillow, and threw it aside.

"What .. What are you doing?" she asked breathlessly.

"I want to hear you," he said.

She tried to break free of him. "Shaun, pull out. You know I'm too sensitive once I've cum from fucking."

"No. I want to hear you when you cum."

"No, Shaun. It's too much."

He grabbed her breasts and kneaded them.

"I don't think it is. I think you're just scared of how intense it will be."

The nerves in her pussy screamed with sensitivity. She wanted to scream herself, but didn't want her voice to carry outside. She struggled to free herself of his grip, but it was useless, so she willed herself to calm down. She might of had a chance if Shaun didn't reach down and frig her clit as he fucked her. She lost it again. As the orgasm hit she tried to keep her mouth closed, but she'd lost control of her body. She was spasming, waves of pleasure jolting through her, she let out a long loud moan that soon turned into rapid grunting. She slammed herself against his cock. She clawed the bed. Under the noise of his girlfriend, Shaun heard a moan emanating from the closet. Someone else was cumming.

And then a final orgasm hit Amanda. Her body stiffened, sound stopped coming out of her mouth again. Her eyes stayed opened wide for several seconds. Her arms went out to her sides, muscled tensed throughout. Shaun began to grunt as he came from her cunt milking his cock. And then she went limp.

Shaun panicked at first. He pulled out and rushed around, picking her up in his arms. Ms. Russo burst out of the closet, concerned for her daughter.

"Babe?" Shaun said. "Babe?" He felt her breathing and began to chuckle. He turned Ms. Russo. "She passed out. I guess that last orgasm was too much for her." He grinned evilly. "Anxious to experience it?"

Ms. Russo stared in awe and nodded. This was what his cock could do to her. Desire overwhelmed her. She moved in to have the man in front of her. He put a hand out and stopped her.

"Not today," he said firmly. "And certainly, not right here." He gently placed Amanda back on the bed, pulled off the condom, and led Ms. Russo back to her bedroom. Then he grabbed her from behind, yanked down her bikini bottom, and let his hand go to work on her clit. She felt his naked cock was pressed up against her ass. She wished he'd just shove it in her pussy.

"Did you like what you saw?" he asked.

"Yes," she whimpered.

"Did you wish it was you?"


"It soon will be."

That did her in. She came hard. He had to cover her mouth again. Her legs began to give out when he pushed her onto the bed. She turned, expecting him to join her but he stood still. "Do what I tell you to show how much you want me and you'll get me that much sooner." He began to walk out of the room. "We'll see you back outside," he said. Ms. Russo lay there panting. How did this boy get so much control over her so quickly?

Amanda soon awoke to her boyfriend stroking her hair. "See what happens when you let go?" he asked.

"What happened?" she asked back.

"You passed out."

"Oh my god," she said, memories flooding back. "I've never cum like that."

He laughed. "You've been out a few minutes."

The blissful smile left her face. "Shaun, what you did was wrong. I said, 'No.'"

"I'm sorry, babe. I'll listen next time. I just wanted you to experience more pleasure. And you did."

She nodded. "I certainly did. But it's not proper. What if someone heard me screaming?"

"They'd be jealous." He hugged her. "Hungry?"

She wanted to be mad at him, but couldn't deny how great that orgasm had felt. Instead, she nodded. "Famished."

"We never ate those sandwiches."

She smiled. "Good point."

They went down to the kitchen and ate before returning to the pool. Shaun put some music on and Amanda resumed her sunbathing, this time working on her back on one of the loungers by the pool.

Ms. Russo soon re-joined them, jumping into the pool to do some laps herself. Shaun watched her for a while before entering the pool. Ms. Russo's heart beat faster when he dove in and swam to her.

"Go stand at the end of the pool with your back to Amanda," he told her.

She nodded and did as she was told. When she was in position, he tweaked his own nipples. Her eyes widened and she turned to look at Amanda, but her daughter lay, eyes closed, absorbing the sun. She looked back at Shaun who appeared cross with her.

"Now," he mouthed.

She nodded and began to play with her nipples. She realized the predicament was making her wetter. Shaun smiled and then began swimming laps. Ms. Russo wondered if she could stop but he hadn't told her to yet. She saw him glancing at both her and Amanda as he swam. After a few laps he stopped and faced her from the far end of the pool. His hand slipped inside his shorts. He pointed at her.

She gulped and put her hand in her bikini bottoms. She reasoned that this would be less noticeable should Amanda look her way, but she was quickly building toward a powerful orgasm. Shaun resumed his laps. When he got to her end he whispered to her, "Imagine me licking you under water," then swam off again.

The image filled her mind, making her fingers work faster.

He swam back. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk straight for days." He grabbed hold of her tit, squeezed it, then used it push off again.

Ms. Russo was going crazy. When she came, she wouldn't be able to keep it quiet. Shaun soon approached again. He stopped in front of her. "Ready?" he asked. She nodded scared and excited at the same time. "Big breath," he told her.

When she inhaled, he put one hand on the top of her head and the other in her bikini bottoms and pushed her down. His hand went to work on her clit, triggering the orgasm. She screamed underwater, the music from the stereo masking whatever sound reached the surface. Shaun yanked her back up. She drew in a deep breath. The sound of the inhale made Amanda's head pop up. She watched as Shaun shoved her mother under the water again.

Her moans weren't as loud this time as the orgasm began to settle. Then he pulled her up. "Act like you're pissed at me," he whispered. She grabbed the side of the pool and steadied herself in time to see him leaving.

Amanda watched him approach with wide eyes. "Did you just dunk my mother?"

He shrugged. "We were just horsing around." Laying down on a lounge chair next to Amanda, he closed his eyes as though nothing unordinary had just happened.

Ms. Russo stood, shuddering for a while longer. "Oh my god," she whispered repeatedly as she composed herself. Her head was swimming with thoughts of what just happened, what she hoped would happen. Finally, she got her breathing under control and left the pool. She walked right by the two, glaring in fake contempt at Shaun.

"Oh, she's pissed at you," Amanda said. "You'd better go apologize."

He opened an eye and looked at her. "Really?"

She put a hand on his arm. "Please babe?"

He groaned. "Fine." Getting up, he walked to the house. Ms. Russo stood in the kitchen waiting when he came in. "You did good," he said. She smiled proudly at the words. "Amanda thinks I'm making up with you for dunking you. On your knees."

She dropped quickly.

"Jack me off again."

To his surprise, she got back and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"One sec," she replied with a smile.

She returned with a bottle of baby oil. Getting back on her knees she applied a bit to his cock before jacking him off again.

"Holy fuck, that feels good," he gasped.

"I know," she said, smiling up at him. She took her time, starting slowly and building.

"If you're this good with your hands, I can't wait to see what your mouth is like."

She wanted to suck him right then, but her conscience still held her back. She would not cross the line and betray her daughter, but if he did, she doubted she'd be able to stop him.

"Oh man, I'm close," Shaun said. "But Amanda is getting up. My cum better be spraying in your mouth before she gets here."

Ms. Russo sped things up.

"I figure you've got about thirty seconds."

She was frantic but knew just plain speed wouldn't get him off. "Come in my mouth, baby," she said. "I need it. I need to taste you. Come in my horny mouth."

Shaun came. She took in as much cum as she could. A little missed the target and landed on her chin. She stood back up, letting Shaun put his cock away as she grabbed a nearby napkin and wiped her mouth.

Amanda entered to hear, "So are we good, Ms. Russo?"

Ms. Russo nodded. "We're good, Shaun. Just behave from now on."

"Yes ma'am."

The rest of the afternoon went without incident, but none was needed. Ms. Russo was so wound up wondering if Shaun would do anything else that she was in a perpetual state of arousal. Shaun barbecued burgers for dinner then said he had to go shortly after they ate. Before he left, he managed one more time alone with Ms. Russo. He shoved a paper in her hand. "This is my number," he said. "Call me at 10pm from your bed. You will play with yourself and tell me what you're thinking. I want to hear you cum for me." He shoved his hand in her bottoms again. "So wet. I know how much you must want to cum right now, but do not play with yourself until you call."

Before she could answer, he turned and went to say good-bye to Amanda.

Shaun couldn't remember ever feeling so satisfied with himself as he walked home. His phone buzzed before he got there, but he didn't check it. He knew who it was. When he got to his room he opened his laptop and read the email from there.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Today was crazy! Shaun felt up my body. He played with my clit. And I let him. He made me cum! Repeatedly! I wanted him to. I wanted him to do so much more. I can't believe how much he turns me on. I feel like I'm losing myself to him. I jacked him off twice and swallowed his cum. It was delicious.

He made me watch him fuck my daughter! And I loved it. She passed out from his cock. I want that to happen to me. I need him so bad. He made me play with myself in the pool while my daughter was 10 metres away! I came so hard.

And now he wants me to call him and play with myself on the phone so he can hear me cum. Dr. Maddow, I'm so horny now and want to play and cum, but he ordered me not to. I don't know why I'm obeying, it just feels so good to know I'm pleasing him.

This is happening so fast. He said he's going to fuck me soon but didn't say when. I can't lie, if he tells me it's tomorrow, I'll cancel our appointment so I can fuck him. Abby would be upset.

Am I taking things too far? Should I back off? I don't know if I could...


Jessica Russo.

Shaun revelled in the power he already had over this woman.


I think you should continue to follow where this path is taking you. I think you should appreciate the new sexual heights you're climbing to. If pleasing and obeying Shaun will take you further, then I think you should please and obey Shaun.

I think that obeying him will strengthen your desire for him and continue to heighten your sexuality.

What do you think?


Dr. Maddow.

The reply was almost immediate.

Dear. Dr. Maddow,

I think you're right. I've never felt this alive and sexual before. And to think it could get better??? Yes, I'll obey Shaun. I'll do whatever it takes to make him happy with me and take me to places I've never been.

Thank you as always for your advice.


Jessica Russo.


At 10pm Shaun's phone rang displaying a number he didn't recognize.

"Right on time," he said as he answered.

"I feel so naughty for doing this," Ms. Russo said.

"But a fun kind of naughty," he said.


"Get started."

"I'm imagining you here, kissing me, holding me. I so want to feel your lips against mine. It starts out sensuous and loving but quickly gets more passionate. We haven't fucked yet and we're both anxious to get to it. You start sucking on my tits. I love when you squeeze them. I love when you bite them. Did I tell you pain is a turn on for me?"

"No," said Shaun.

"Very few people know that, but when I hear you whispering in my ear I feel like I can tell the whole truth about me."

"You can. I won't judge."

"Oh god, just hearing you say that turns me on more. I'm so fucking wet for you right now, Shaun. I wish you'd take me, tie me up and use me while I'm helpless. It's been a fantasy of mine for years. Being spanked or whipped. Being forced to fuck someone. But no man has been strong enough to take complete control of me, to use me as a fuck toy."

"Maybe we'll do that then."

"Oh god. It's a great fantasy but I could never let things go further than what we're doing. I couldn't do that to Amanda."

"Forget Amanda for now and live in the fantasy."

"Mmmmmmmm. I'm imagining you licking my clit already. I need it so badly. I want to cum from your mouth and your cock."

"Licking and biting, Ms. Russo."

"You always call me 'Ms. Russo.' Why don't you call me Jessica?"

"I'd like to call you my slut."

"Oh god yesssss. I love being called nasty names too. You're making play faster just saying that. Oh fuck, Shaun. I'm ready to cum right now."

"Let me hear you."

"But Amanda's home."

"Let me hear you now, slut."

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" she moaned as she came.

Shaun smiled as he stroked his cock.

"I have a black dildo, you know?" she said.

"Do you?"

"I bought it before I met you, but it's about your size and has been a good friend of mine. I'm shoving it in my cunt now, imagining it's you. Oh god. It's sliding right in. I'm so wet. Listen." She moved the phone to her cunt and pumped the dildo. Shaun heard the wet sloshing. "See what you do to me?"

"Fuck yourself hard," said Shaun. "I know you're desperate for me. I'm desperate for you. I'm jacking myself off right now. Imagine I've thrown you over the bed and am taking you from behind, hard."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god. Yes. Fuck me, Shaun. Fuck your girlfriend's slutty mom." Shaun jacked off faster as he listened to the woman go at it.

'Should've made it a video call,' he thought. 'Next time.'

"So close. I'm so close," she panted.

"Maybe I need to spank that orgasm out of you," said Shaun.

"Godddddddddd!" she screamed. "Fuck ... Fuck ... Fuck ... Fuck ... Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

Shaun's cock started spurting cum. "Oh fuck," he moaned. "I'm cumming too."

"Mmmmmmmm yes," she replied. "You came for me."

"It would be impossible not to. You're so fucking sexy."

"Thank you, babe."

"Now get some sleep."

She giggled. "I don't think I'll be able to for a while."

Shaun laughed. "Then occupy yourself. You can even play some more as long as you imagine me fucking you.

"It's always you, Shaun."

"Good. Good night, slut,'

"Good night, sir."

'Sir?' thought Shaun. 'That's different.'


Dear Dr. Maddow,

Shaun made me cum on the phone for him. It was amazing, but I'm still horny. So horny in fact that I'm playing with myself as I type this report. I'll sleep well tonight.


Jessica Maddow.


Abby arrived a few minutes before Dr. Maddow. Dressed in a white blouse and black slacks, the sexy red head shook nervously.

"You're sure this is safe?" she asked Jessica.

Jessica sporting a, now preferred, skirt suit, squeezed her friend's shoulder. "Of course, Abby. I've been working with him for weeks and I've never felt better. I'm completely over the asshole."

"I've never been hypnotized before," Abby said. "Will he make me bark like a dog or something?"

"I can stay here the whole time if you," Jessica offered.

"Yes, please," Abby replied, feeling a little more at ease. She reached up and squeezed the hand on her shoulder as she smiled with some relief.

When the doctor arrived, he kept things professional, asking Abby a series of questions about her anxieties, her history, and her goals. He also noticed her nervousness.

"Now we don't have to do this," said Dr. Maddow. "But I assure you it is safe. If you are too nervous you won't be able to go under."

"May I have a glass of wine to calm my nerves?" Abby asked.

The doctor laughed. "Of course. Why don't we all have a drink before we get started. But just one."

Upstairs, Shaun watched the session with great interest. He was anxious to see how Dr. Maddow induced his clients for the first time.

When Abby finished her drink, she felt calm enough to continue. Dr. Maddow, who had only taken a sip of his, had her sit on the couch. He stood before her and pulled out his phone.

"Now I'd like you to put on the headset and look at this," he said. "It's a custom app I had built that will put you under."

"An app?" asked Abby.

The doctor smiled. "It's 2019."

"So I could just download that app and hypnotize people?" Abby asked.

"No," said the doctor. "As I said, it's custom. Only I have the code and the app. Let's begin."

He started the app while Abby stared at the screen. Shaun couldn't see what was displayed, but could make out different colours and flashes reflecting off Abby's skin. Her eyes began to flutter and then close.

"Abby, how do you feel?" asked the doctor.

"Calm. Relaxed."

The doctor nodded and tapped his phone a few times before setting it down next to her.

"What's happening?" asked Jessica.

"The audio is taking her deeper," said the doctor. "She be ready in a few minutes." He gave a sinister smile. "I think you love bringing your friends to me to work on. What do you think?"

"I think you're right, doctor," Jessica replied. "I'm so glad they can get the help they need from you. You're a saviour."

"Anthropological chickens."

Jessica slumped in the chair she sat in.

"Jessica, you feel the need to make sure your friends get the best care possible. You know I am the one who can do that. You will create a fund in which you will send money to me. Ten thousand a month should be sufficient to start. Do you understand?"

"Yes, doctor. I understand."

"The women you have brought me will also wish to contribute to the fund, as will women you will bring in the future. You will help them do this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, doctor. I understand."

"Good girl." He patted her head. "Now let's see how your friend is doing."

He checked the phone, gave it a little longer, then finally removed the headset.

"Abby, how do you feel?"

"Wonderful." Her voice was sensual.

"I think you like hearing the sound of my voice, what do you think?"

"I think you're right, doctor."

"I think the more you listen to my voice the more you will trust and obey it, what do you think?"

"I think you're right, doctor."

"Now Abby. I think you have more confidence in yourself than you've been letting on. I think that from this moment you will feel surer of yourself and your decisions. I think your confidence will increase and your need for the approval of others, with the exception of me, will diminish with each session you have with me. I think you know you'll need my guidance and approval to make sure you are on the right path. I think that you'll know this and be anxious to have more sessions. What do you think?"

"I think you're right, doctor."

"Good. Now when I snap my fingers you will awaken feeling refreshed, energized, and not the least bit nervous about being hypnotized, and you won't wonder what happened while you were hypnotized."

He turned to Jessica. "Jessica, wake."

He snapped his fingers.

"Wow!" Abby said. "What did you do? I feel great!"

"I helped you relax," said the doctor.

"Did you ever!" She looked over at Jessica. "Is this what it feels like for you?"

"I'm pretty sure it is," Jessica replied, smiling.

"No wonder you see him on a regular basis."

"Now ladies," said the doctor. "Anthropological chickens."

Both women slumped.

Shaun noted that he used the same trigger word for both girls. It was obviously programmed into the app. He wondered for a moment why the doctor would choose such a strange trigger word, but then realized there was almost zero chance of it being said inadvertently.

"Now remember: whenever I and only I say 'Anthropological chickens,' you will immediately fall back into this state. And whenever you hear me and only me say, "I think," you will believe or obey whatever I say immediately after. Obeying me will make you feel good. Whenever I send you a message, such as on email or text, that contains "I think," you will believe or obey whatever comes next in the message. Do you understand?"

"Yes doctor," the girls repeated in unison.

The doctor smiled. "Wake."

Both girls woke.

"That will be enough for your first day, Abby," he said.

"Already?" asked Abby. "Can't we do more?"

"No, this is something we have to do gradually. Too much change at once can overwhelm the mind."

"I understand. So, when do I see you again?" Abby asked.

He handed her a business card. "Make an appointment with my secretary for some time next week."

"Damn," said Abby. "I guess I can wait a week."

Jessica laughed. "Abby always wants instantaneous results."

"Abby, I think that as you work with me you'll learn the value of patience. What do you think?"

"I think you're right, doctor," Abby replied. "Next week then. Wow. I'm bursting with energy. I'm gonna hit the gym before I go back to work."

Once Abby left, Jessica hugged Dr. Maddow. "I know it's inappropriate, but thank you so much for working with Abby."

"It was, and definitely will be, my pleasure," said the doctor. "Now, I think you want to reward me, don't you?"

"Think you're right, doctor."

"I think you're feeling an uncontrollable urge to give me the pleasure you and your friends have received. I think you know that a blowjob will make me very happy with you. What do you think?"

"I think you're right, Sir, but this is unprofessional. I should not be sucking off my therapist, but I can't seem to stop myself. I need to pleasure you." She dropped to her knees and began to unbuckle his pants.

The doctor didn't catch it, but Shaun did. She didn't say, "doctor." She said, 'Sir." His suggestion that she replace all other men with him was working.

Ms. Russo enthusiastically sucked the doctor's cock while he stroked her head.

"You are the sexiest of my sluts, Jessica. And the richest. Our relationship is going to grow. I think you will realize you are developing romantic feelings for me. I think after a few more sessions you will realize you are in love with me. I think that even as you suck me you can feel your desire for me growing. And I think that when you swallow my cum you'll know it's something you want to taste every day. I think that feeling me cum in you will cause you to cum as well, increasing your desire and feelings for me."

He soon came in her mouth and she swallowed it all like a starving baby, even as her body twitched in orgasm.

When she pulled away from him, she stared up at him, confused. "This is wrong. I should not be doing this with you, but I can't seem to help myself. What's going on?"

"Anthropological chickens."

She slumped.

"Jessica, you will not question your growing attraction to me, but you will not discuss it with anyone else either. It will seem a natural extension of our relationship. You will hope I am feeling the same way and look for signs that you can share your feelings with me without having to end our relationship. When I snap my fingers, you will remember sucking me only as a daydream during our session. You will feel amazing after another successful session and desire to see me again soon. After the session, you'll go upstairs and brush your teeth. Now sit on the couch."

She did as she was told. He snapped his fingers.

"Thank you, doctor," she said. "And thanks again for Abby."

The doctor smiled.


"That fucker is not stealing my woman," Shaun swore as he watched the doctor leave. "It's time to end her weekly sessions." He waited patiently for Ms. Russo to go to her room.

She had just come out of the bathroom from brushing her teeth when Shaun walked into her bedroom.

"Shaun, what are you doing mmmpfff!"

He kissed her passionately. Her surprise dissolved quickly as she melted in his arms. For several minutes, they went at it until she pulled away for a breath. "But Amanda..."

"Do you want me?" Shaun asked.


"Do you need me?"


"I'm going to take you now and make you mine. Do you understand?"


He grabbed her shirt and tore it open, buttons flying everywhere. He pulled the shirt down until it restricted her arms then deftly unhooked her bra. Soon his face was buried in her huge tits.

"Oh god, Shaun," she moaned. "I've wanted this for so long."

When he bit her nipple, currents of pleasure shot through her body. She pulled his head in tighter. "Yes. More."

Shaun switched to the other breast, biting that nipple as he squeezed the first with his fingers. "Oh, god. Don't hold back. Use me."

Shaun came back up and kissed her one more time then he pulled away. She looked at him, confused, until he undid his pants and let them drop to the floor. Her eyes locked on his semi-hard cock. He reached out and grabbed her by the back of her head.

"Come on, slut. Show me how much you need to please me." Pushing her to her knees, he shoved his cock into her mouth and began to fuck her face. Having her arms restricted while being used like that turned her on even more. "It amazes me how your daughter can be such a prude when you're such a horny slut. You're taking all of me in. Amanda has never been able to do that."

Ms. Russo's feelings were in turmoil as he compared her to her daughter. On the one hand, it reminded her of the betrayal she was committing, but on the other hand, she was so proud to be a better fuck than her daughter for this man.

After a minute, he shoved his cock in all the way and held it. Ms. Russo felt it jammed down her throat. She couldn't breathe. Soon panic set and she began to struggle, but strangely the helplessness of the situation turned her on more. Finally, Shaun pulled out, allowing her to take in a breath and then fucked her face a little while longer before pulling her off his cock and to her feet.

He walked her to the bed and leaned her over. Lifting her skirt, he yanked off her panties. "Here's what you've been dreaming about," he said.

A moment later, his cock slammed into her soaking cunt.

"Fuck!" she screamed.

He held it there a moment then started to pump.

"Oh god, yes, Shaun," she moaned. "Fuck me. Take me. Make me your slut."

Hearing her, made him pump faster.

"Now pay attention, slut," he said. "Because I'm about to lay down the rules. Your body is mine to use whenever, wherever I please. Is that clear?"

"But Shaun."

He slapped her ass hard.

"Not the right answer, slut." He began spanking her, turning her ass red quickly.

"Oh fuck. Oh god. Oh fuck," she screamed. Then her body seized in orgasm. "Goddddddddddddd!"

Shaun felt her cunt clamp down on his prick and almost lost it right there.

"Let's try it again," he said. "Your body is mine to use whenever, wherever I please. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir," she replied.

"Say it back, so I know you're not a stupid cunt." He immediately cringed from the demeaning term, being used to speaking more respectfully to women, but she revelled in it. He had to remember she liked being called names and used.

"My body is yours to use whenever, wherever you please."


"If I give an order, you obey."

"If you give an order, I obey."

"When I'm not around, you are not to play with yourself or cum without asking permission first."

"Oh god. When you're not around, I am not to play with myself or cum without asking permission first."

"You are mine. Body and soul."

"I'm y...yours. B...body and, and sooooooooul!" She screamed as the next orgasm overtook her.

Shaun grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up to him. He reached around and squeezed both nipples as tightly as he could as he said, "Cum again, slut."

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" she screamed.

Her body convulsed so hard he almost got pushed out. Then he turned her head and kissed her. Their tongues played as she rocked her hips up against his body. Finally, he broke the kiss and shoved her onto the bed. He flipped her over, her arms still locked up in her shirt. He pushed her skirt up out of the way and mounted her.

"Take me," she whispered. "Take your slut."

He fucked her. Their eyes locked as he did. His cock slammed into her again and again.

"What are you?" he asked.

"Yours," she replied. "I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours."

She kept repeating it as the next orgasm built. Her chanting turned on Shaun more than ever. She was ready to cum but held herself back. She could see he was close.

The chant continued, increasing in volume until finally, Shaun began to grunt, his cock spurting cum into her. She let the orgasm loose. Her legs wrapped around him and pulled his cock in as deep as possible. Her head rocked back and forth as her body flailed beneath him. Still, she managed to keep up the chant, screaming it through the orgasm. Shaun let his body collapse on her before they kissed again.

When they separated, she smiled and asked, "Any orders, Sir?"

He rolled off her. She pouted as his cock pulled free.

"Clean me up, slut," he said. "You can lose the shirt."

She eagerly moved down as she tossed aside her top and then took him in her mouth, slowly, sensually cleaning the cock she would serve from now on. When she was done, she crawled up and cuddled up in his arms.

"Thank you, Shaun," she said, kissing his chest. "That was the best sex ever."

"And it'll get better," Shaun said.

"Mmmmmmm. I'm looking forward to that."

They heard the beep of Ms. Russo's phone.

"May I get that, Sir?" she asked.

"Go ahead."

She jumped off and checked her message. "It's Amanda. She's on her way home and wants to know if she should pick up anything."

"I guess that's my cue to leave," Shaun said as he jumped up and picked up his pants.

"Will I see you tomorrow, Sir?" she asked.

"You'll see me tonight," he replied.

She gasped. "We can't fuck while Amanda is here!"

"I'm sorry. What did you swear to me about your body?"

"Whenever, wherever," she said, dropping her head. "But sir, please..."

"Relax, slut," he said. "I have no intention of jeopardizing your relationship with your daughter. You're coming to my dorm. Tell her you have a business meeting."

She perked up. "Yes sir."

"And wear something sexy and slutty to turn the heads of all the college boys you'll be passing along the way."

She perked up further. "Yes sir!"


When Shaun arrived at his room he had a message waiting from Ms. Russo,

Dear Dr. Maddow,

Shaun fucked me today. It was the most incredible experience of my life. No man has just taken me like he did, used my mouth like that, tied my arms like that. I can't resist him. I'll do anything he asked. Strangely this doesn't worry me. It excites me.

You were right about him kissing me. That broke all the barriers. Now I have none for him. I'm his. I feel like property and yet it's freeing. Does that make sense?

Please tell me I'm not crazy.


Jessica Russo.

His reply was quick but potent.

Dear Jessica,

You're not crazy. You've gotten what you've always wanted. Don't lose it. I think Shaun's control of you is so potent that the hypnotic triggers that have worked for me will now only work for him instead. I think it will only be his voice you respond to and his messages you will obey when he uses the trigger words. I think you'll know deep down that giving him this control will cement your relationship with him, make you his in a way no other woman can be.

What do you think?


Dr. Maddow.

Shaun waited anxiously for the reply.

Dear Dr. Maddow,

I think you're right. I want to be his like no other woman. I want him to have total control over me. Thank you, doctor, for leading me to this wonderful place. I've never been happier.


Jessica Russo.


Ms. Russo arrived at the dorms that night wearing a little red dress that seemed to make her breasts even bigger while nicely showing off her ass. Black fishnets, and four-inch heels added to the effect. As she walked down the halls following the directions he sent, college boys gawked, commented, drooled, and walked into walls and doors.

When she knocked on his door, Shaun let her wait awhile, knowing everyone would be watching. When he finally opened the door, he stared her up and down, not smiling. She felt a little self-conscious. The sexy confidence she felt a moment early vanished as she waited.

"Hello, Sir," she said. Do you approve?" She looked into his eyes, hopeful.

He reached out and pulled her in for a kiss. She swooned.

"I very much approve," he said. "Come in."

Shutting the door, he ordered her to sit on his bed. "Tonight is a big night for you, slut. Do you know why?"

"Because I'll be spending my first night with you?" she asked.

He hadn't even considered that, but now it seemed like a great idea.

He shook his head. "No, we're going to see if you're just playing along, enjoying the fantasy and pretending to mine, or if you are truly mine, body and soul."

"But I am yours, Sir," she said, getting a little worried that he doubted her devotion. "What must I do to prove it?"

"It's very simple. We just need to have a talk about anthropological chickens."

She slumped on the bed.

Shaun smiled. "Yep. All mine."