"What does this mean?" Sera asked as both Jason and Fin looked at the bracelet found among Bill's possession. "Could this be the murderer?" Sera asked.

"We cant rule that out, he could also be the looter of the murdered." Jason said. "Fin we have to bring this into custody, if he has the possession of a murdered person and he is related to Cash then Cash must know something about the death of Dora." Jason said as he turned to leave. "If we must triumph, we must prepare. We have work to do guys." Jason told Sera and Fin

Abel had been spontaneous and very accurate in his claim about the bracelet, his description had been infallible. Tears began to run down Abel's cheeks, Sera didn't know how to console him so she just stood and look on with pity.

"Sorry for your lose Abel, we are right on the trail of Dora's murders. be rest assured." Sera said as she took his hand.

"There was enough reason to invite Don for questioning already but the captain would expect more than just one man's testimony to stir up this sort of conversation with the number one police sponsor in Tampa. There have to be something stronger that ties Don Kane to all of these miseries that have recently plagued Tampa." Fin said.

Jason nodded to what Fin said, his thought's exactly. They made there way to the elevators and went down to the second floor.

"Fin, what is the update on the additional men you invited to secure the witness?" Jason asked as they all stepped into the elevators.

"I have eleven men approximately 10 minutes away from us, they will be here anytime." Fin answered after confirming the time from his wristwatch.

"We need to meet with the head janitor of the hospital; we need to know the entire layout of this block, all entrance and exit." Jason said as he turned to Abel. "Thank you for your helpful information Abel, I am sure Dora will be most proud to have a smart guy like you as a true friend." Jason said placing one hand on Abel's shoulder.

"You have truly been of immense help to this case and we can't thank you enough." Sera added.

"I am glad I spoke up, I didn't know it would help. Please I have one request to make." Abel said switching look from Sera to Jason and back to Sera.

"Name it Abel, if it within our power to do, we will not relent and if it isn't within our power we will try to get the relevant quarters to make it happen." Sera said as both she and the men focused on Abel.

"Get her killer's, all of them." Abel said and walked away.

The three police officers stood speechless, as they watched Abel walked away with shoulders slumped.


Bob and three other men drove in a Ford explorer back to the city. He had been given his first major task since he joined the Cash gang. Previously he usually fell into the team Bill led to execute Bills task, but today he had his own men to follow his others and it felt good. He only wished Bill was here to see him lead a team for a major operation, the thought of Bill gone forever made him feel terrible again. He looked around him from the back seat where he sat, same familiar faces he had always been around but this time they all will do whatever he says, the idea ignited a fire in him, a fire that taste and hungers for revenge. He will channel all of his anger and pain into making sure his assignment is achieved without any flaw, Bob thought.

"Where will our first stop be?" Jay asked from behind the starring steering wheel.

"Let's get to the police department; we need to meet with any of the 3 names Cash furnished us with." Bob said as the car rolled on down the road.

The weather wasn't sunny yet unlike other days where the sun would have rise in its glory by now, Bob thought and checked his watch for the time. It was 11:30am.


Rita was surprised that Don had just cut her loose, just like that. If she doesn't know better she would think someone was impersonating the No. 1 bad boy of Tampa, she was still in danger she thought. Don had cut her off from all her entitlements and possessions, come to think of it she thought, she didn't really own anything in this big mansion, she only enjoyed everything in it. Same as the other mansions in Spain, Brazil and Ireland nothing had her name on it.

She had signed the prenuptial agreement that allows her to leave with everything she brought into the marriage and now all she had that can't be denied her was all these cloths shoes and jewelries. She stopped parking and walked to the porch of her room and looked out lustfully at the greenery and whistling pine trees all over the vast land Don owned. Rita paced to the railings to get a better view of the property when it struck her that she had wasted years of her life travelling and living a very luxurious life and she didn't prepare for a day when she would be walking out of all this wealth with just her bags of designer clothes.

She looked to her right and saw Don and Rahim having a conversation under a tree alone. She quickly stepped into her room, frightened. 'When those two are alone, they are scheming nothing good.' She thought. What if they are planning something against her, she knows too much and Cash can't just let her walk away just like that, she thought, not after what she did with Daniel.

Rita slip into her trainers and grabbed her purse, she didn't need all these cloths she thought. She still had all the money in her account and she could afford to buy more cloths, her life on the other hand was not replaceable.

It took her less than seven minutes to run from her room on the first floor to the front door, she only stopped just before the main door to the mansion to take deep breaths and calm herself down before steeping out of the mansion. To get off the property she would walk pass the Don and his evil hand Rahim who were still under the whistling pine tree and she needed to be calm and natural to beat their suspicion.

It amazed her that the guards didn't try to stop her as she stepped out of her room; the thought pricked her that she ran across the corridor where over seven men stood guard and not even one acted like they had seen her. Even while she stopped to take deep breaths at the main entrance door, she was practically standing between two hefty men who totally ignored her. What was going on? She asked herself.

Rita composed herself and opens the door; she began to walk down the stairs and headed down the path way towards the gate.

"Going somewhere Madam?" Rahim asked giving his best smile.

"Yes, I want to get something from the mall, won't be long." Rita said increasing her steps to put more space between herself and Rahim

"Why are you walking, you can go in your car." Rahim said "Give me a second I will have one of the boys bring it to you." Rahim had already started dialing a number on his phone and giving instructions.

Rita stopped walking after seeing that is was impossible to get away from Rahim. He walked up to her and both watched as a black sedan Mercedes pulled up beside them.

"Here you go." Rahim said opening the door for Rita.

"I would like to drive myself." Rita said still standing where was.

"Of course, Don have withdrawn you aids, I only talked him into allowing you go with your car, that the best I could do giving that he is angry with you for cheating on him." Rahim said still keeping his smile on.

Rita didn't know what to say, she knew Rahim was been sarcastic but she found the car and him talking to Don on her behalf a total hogwash.

"Don also wants you to have your phone back and he expresses his apology for mistreating you earlier." Rahim took out Rita's phone from his jacket and handed it to Rita.

"Don expresses his apology?" Rita asked "He wants me to have the car?" Rita stuttered not believing a word that Rahim had spoken.

"Yes, Don is not a bad person Madam; I must go back to him now." Rahim said and turned to walk away. "Yes less I forget, he knows you are leaving and this is from me, why don't you check on Daniel at the Hospital both of you really deserves each other." Rahim said smiling as he walked away.

Rita stood there not believing what just happened; she hadn't expected half of the niceties she just got from Rahim, not even the silent insults. She looked at where Don stood looking at a different direction from where she stood, 'Don expresses his apology for mistreating me?' What an unbelievable lie, she thought as she got into the car and soon increased the distance between herself and the Don's mansion and everything in it.

Rahim had been wrong about everything he had said to her but one thing he had gotten right was to remind her to stop and check on Daniel. She hadn't thought about that, Rahim was right for once. She stepped on the gas pedal.


Jason, Sera, Fin and the Janitor were behind the Tampa General Hospital going through the blue print of the hospital structure. They found a crate and spread the wide map as they listened to the janitor, give them a rundown of the whole structure.

"Apart from this emergency exit, the main entrance the only other way of getting into this building is the emergency entrance which is under the building and can only be accessed by our ambulance. Our security won't let even the head doctor use that entrance unless he is in an ambulance bringing in a patient who needs an immediate medical attention." The Janitor said.

Two vans pulled up behind the hospital as the janitor was speaking and eleven men came out of the vans and all walked towards the Jason and the rest.

"Right on time boys, we don't have time so spread around and take the brief." Fin said.

"The Janitor just gave us a rundown of the block, in other for us to properly own the building we will seal off this exit for the duration of this exercise and that leaves us with this and this." Jason said pointing at the main entrance and the roof top, on the floor plan. "Our main focus is the east wing of the second floor, there are about ten private rooms on that wing and we have our primary assignment in the room number 7, that's is the third room on your right." Jason said still pointing at a spot on another plan showing only the floor plan of the second floor.

"These men are not your regular thugs and druggies, we are dealing with ex military and we need to treat them as professionals." Jason paused to look around. "Most of you participated in the Dockyard mission you can tell that they have a setup just like ours and they also have top notch fire power. We must be at our best." Jason said as he flipped to another sheet.

"Fin, we need a sniper here, who would that be?" Jason asked

"Moralez, Alpha One." Fin responded.

"Good Alpha one, you will watch out for any suspicious activity outside the complex, you will alert the team if you spot any possible treat approaching the complex. You are the eagle's eye." Jason said and stood up. "We need two guys at the lobby on the ground floor, that's leaving us with 8 men." Jason placed both hands on his waist and was lost in thought for a while.

"One man on the roof is fine, they won't consider coming from the roof, too much noise from a heli. So one man on the roof is fine but two in the lobby is not, so I would make it 3." Sera said and looked at Jason. "We need two men inside the room where Daniel is, we already have two men on the entrance that leaves us with 6 men who will scatter themselves on the west wing so if we are evaded, and we will be on the defense defense on the east wing and the offence from the west wing." Sera said and got several nods from the guys.

"Paramount is zero civilian casualty, we must make sure we don't put their lives in danger, this is a public place and we have to protect the civilians at all cost."

"We will support the eagle from the second floor and guys keep your eyes peeled, they might already be in as we speak." Jason said "any questions." Jason asked as he looked around him at the eager faces. "Arm yourselves boys."

The men dispersed back to the vans and began to pick their weapons and prepare to take position.