Chapter 1: The Start of A New School Year

Yasuhiro wakes up in the morning, feeling gloomy because a new school year is about to start. "Welp, guess I better wear my uniform now". Once Yasuhiro was done suiting up, he went outside and ran to the school. While running, he meets Yoshihiro, who is also running, "Sup Yasu-san, guess you're also running".

"Yeah." Yasuhiro says. "Well, race ya there!" Yoshihiro says as he runs faster than Yasuhiro. "Hey, Wait!" Yasuhiro said.

Both of them arrive barely on time. " *huffs* Phew, just on time" Yoshihiro says as they now walk inside the school.

Yasuhiro and Yoshihiro are both in their 2nd year in High School, although they're both in different classrooms. Yasuhiro is in Class 2-1 while Yoshihiro is in Class 2-3. In Yasuhiro's class, "Today, we have a new student so please, new student, introduce yourself" The teacher says. The new student stands up and introduces herself, "My name is Hikaru Ozawa, n-nice to meet you," she said. Hikaru now sits down in her seat after introducing herself. "Huh, she looks cute, not even gonna lie" Yasuhiro thought to himself. As time passes by, lunch break starts. Yasuhiro usually eats his lunch with Yoshihiro under a tree somewhere on school grounds. But this time, Yasuhiro stayed in the classroom for lunch. The only person in his classroom who stayed for lunch was Hikaru Ozawa. Yasuhiro finishes his lunch and tries to approach Hikaru, "Hey, Ozawa-chan.". Hikaru didn't respond, "Ah, giving me the silent treatment" Yasuhiro thought to himself. Hikaru thought to herself, "It looks like it's just me and him in this classroom, I can do this!". "H-" Hikaru says. "Ooh, she finally talked," Yasuhiro thought to himself. "Hi, Kawano-kun." Hikaru says. "She's so damn cute!" Yasuhiro thought to himself. "How's your day so far, Ozawa-chan? Since you are new to this school?" Yasuhiro asks Ozawa. "P-pretty good, I guess." She replies. "That's nice to hear!" Yasuhiro says with a smile. The bell rings and now lunch break is over. "Looks like lunch is over," Yasuhiro says. "Hope you have a good year in this school!" Yasuhiro says as he waves his hand and goes back to his seat. As the day goes by, school is over and Yasuhiro is preparing to go back to his dorm. "I heard the new student is in your class, Yasu-san." Yoshihiro said to Yasuhiro. "Yeah, her name is Hikaru Ozawa-chan." Yasuhiro replies. "That's nice," Yoshihiro says. "Anyways, Yasu-san, wanna play some video games in your dorm?" Yoshihiro asked. "Sure, I'll beat you again anyways.". Yoshihiro and Yasuhiro raced to the dorm room and Yasuhiro was first but while racing, Hikaru appeared out of nowhere (Not really) and Yasuhiro tried to stop running but it was too late, he bumps into Hikaru. "I'm really sorry," Yasuhiro says. "EH!" Yasuhiro yells. Yasuhiro got a glimpse of Hikaru's panties. "Eep!" Hikaru screams and covers it up. "Perv!" Hikaru says to Yasuhiro then she ran away to the other side of the dorms. "Oi, Yasu-san, What happened? Why'd you stop running?" Yoshihiro asked him. "Uh, nothing. Let's go to my dorm now" Yasuhiro replies to Yoshihiro. "Ok" Yoshihiro says. "Man this school life is not what I expected." Yasuhiro thought to himself.