Chapter 4: The Deal

Yasuhiro wakes up again in the morning and gets ready to go to school. As Yasuhiro goes to school, he meets up with Yoshihiro. "Hey, Yasu-san." Yoshihiro said. "What is it, Yoshihiro-san?" Yasuhiro answers. "Guess what?" Yoshihiro asked Yasuhiro. "What?" Yasuhiro answered. "A girl got my number and we've been chatting a lot". Yoshihiro said. "Good for you, buddy," Yasuhiro replied. "I'm gonna guess who though," Yasuhiro continued. "Ok, bet. Who is the girl?" Yoshihiro said. "It's Okita-chan, right?" Yasuhiro answered. "How'd you know?" Yoshihiro asked. Yasuhiro put on a smug face, "You do know that I've been seeing you both every time after school or even during lunchtime?" Yasuhiro said. "Have fun with your girlfriend, bud" Yasuhiro said to Yoshihiro. "Ok, wait what?! We're not girlfriend and boyfriend yet, you know," Yoshihiro replied.

The bell rang and now school started. Yasuhiro is doing fine on his grades but one subject that he just can't do is Science.

Here's his report card last year:

Language Arts: A-

Japanese Literature: A

Social Studies: A+

Music: A

Arts: A-

English: A

Science: D-

He just can't do science, It's his weakness basically. But in Friday, there is gonna be a Science Assessment, so during lunchtime, He talked to Hikaru and asked for help since she is very good at Science.

"Hey Ozawa-chan," He said to Hikaru. Hikaru turned to him. "Uh, can you please help me with science?" Yasuhiro asked Hikaru. "U-uh, I don't think I can help you," Hikaru replied. "How about a deal?" Yasuhiro asked. "You'll teach me science and I'll uh.. help you how to talk, how about that?" Yasuhiro continued. "W-wait why are you gonna help me how to talk? Do I look like that to other people, that I can't talk?" Hikaru said while she looked gloomy. "No, it's because you're having a hard time trying to talk to people. That's why I'm gonna help you talk." Yasuhiro answered. "O-oh, alright then," Hikaru replied. "I-i accept the deal, Kawano-Kun," Hikaru said. "Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver, Ozawa-chan!" Yasuhiro says with a cheerful smile. "Y-you're welcome" She replied.

The bell rang and lunchtime was over.

The day passes by as school is now over for the day.

Yasuhiro readies up to go home. Yasuhiro and Hikaru will study at his dorm so he has to go early to prepare some snacks while studying.

On the way home, he sees Yoshihiro talking with Emi. "Huh, what do you know, they're flirting." Yasuhiro thought to himself. "Well, I'll leave them be." Yasuhiro continued.