Chapter 6: Yasuhiro's Inner Thoughts

The school day starts as the bell rang. They did their classes as usual. Tomorrow is the Science Assessment, which is the test Yasuhiro is worried about. Even though he is studying with Hikaru, he is still nervous about whether he's gonna pass or fail.

The bell rings and lunchtime starts. Yasuhiro called out Hikaru, "Ozawa-chan! Ready for our study session?" Yasuhiro asked Hikaru. Hikaru nodded. Yasuhiro and Hikaru now start their study session, it went as usual although Yasuhiro isn't really focused on the studies, he's too focused on one person, Hikaru. He is mesmerized by Hikaru's beauty. Hikaru noticed that Yasuhiro isn't focused on the studies and wrote on her phone, "Hey! Focus on the studies please?". Yasuhiro notices it and says, "Oh, sorry!" with an embarrassed smile. Their study session is now done because the bell is about to ring, Yasuhiro didn't really focus on the study, he was putting all of his attention on Hikaru.

The bell rang and now lunchtime is over. During class, Yasuhiro would always get distracted by Hikaru, "Ugh, stop thinking about her, you're getting distracted, Kawano" He thought to himself. During the whole school day, he is getting distracted. "Stop, this can't be, I can't be." He thought to himself. A silhouette of a boy and a girl appears in his memory, "I don't want to feel that pain again," He thought again. Yasuhiro teared up a bit but he wiped it.

It is October 12, 2019, Yasuhiro Kawano is a first-year during this time. "Alright! It's the time of the day, I wanna confess my love to my crush!" Yasuhiro thought to himself while readying up for school. Yasuhiro runs to the school and meets up with Yoshihiro, "So, you planning to confess today, Yasu-san?" Yoshihiro asks. "Yeah and I'm nervous but excited," Yasuhiro answered. "That's good," Yoshihiro says. The school day goes by and now it's lunchtime. "I hope she says yes," Yasuhiro thought to himself. While walking in the hallway, he saw his crush and another boy. They had a talk, Yasuhiro thought they were just friends but, "I love you," the boy said, "I feel the same way too." his crush said. Yasuhiro was devastated emotionally, all of his happiness went away, all of it turned into disappointment and sadness. Yasuhiro walked away from the two and just went back to class.

The school day is finally over and Yasuhiro and Yoshihiro talked, "Yasu-san, what happened? You seem depressed." Yoshihiro asked. "Don't worry, I'm good." Yasuhiro. "Keep it in, keep it in, keep it in," He thought to himself. "Are you sure?" Yoshihiro asked again. "I said I AM!" Yasuhiro yelled at him and closed his locker. Yoshihiro was surprised. "Just keep it all in, Kawano," He thought again to himself. Yasuhiro teared up but he still kept it in, he wiped his tears and ran.

"I don't want to feel that pain EVER again."