He turned from the sea. Before he turned, it seemed to him as though he saw a ship coming towards him or something. He couldn't be really sure. He tried to strain his eyes but the vision was blur. He tried to be patient to make meaning of it but he wasn't so sure of what he was seeing.
He then saw a little bit of it. Twas some part of a construction that had been carried by the waves of the sea. Hell! He wanted to spank the sea for deceiving him with such and raising his hope for naught. He couldn't possibly forgive it of course.
He walked away from the sea to where he used to be. He wanted to pick the helmet of Jin and decide how strap it to his back and swim across the sea. He would be the first person to do that. The first person to take that risk. And he would be quite proud enough to made the deal of all the things. He would make it seem as though he was the best thing that would ever happen to the history of mankind.
Then he remembered the Raven. Hell! How could he be so forgetful? The hell was wrong with him? What had be been thinking about?
Truth was, his thoughts had made confetti of him and he had no choice but to sweep the confetti into a whole. But at that moment, things weren't the way they should be. He should be thinking about the creature. He should be thinking about the bird. Even though they had met under a very ugly circumstance.
He could say that twas the same Raven who had hurt him some times back. He didn't want to take the grudge up. There was no point in doing that. He would seem more like childish. He could never put up with such thing. Never could he.
But on quite the serious note, where was the bird? Where had it gone to? Since when had it left him? He remembered that twas with him when he met himself before the shore of the sea.
Oh! He tried to register a function. He didn't take note when the Nymph left him. Probably the bird had left with the Nymph. That was some complex hooey. He didn't want to take it oddly of course.
He didn't know what to think again. He didn't know if he truly needed the bird or not. He browsed his consciousness and memory if there was anything the bird had done for him. He seemed to had been able to collect some data.
Aside the fruit that he had gotten from the bird, there nothing else. Chill! It seemed as though he gained friendship with the bird too. That seemed to make sense to him but there was of course more to it. He was kinda troubled about the bird's whereabouts as he walked to pick the helmet of Jin.
Then his confusion and concern met with another twist soonest. He saw a man sitting where he had stood up from. The psychopath was putting on the helmet of Jin. He wasn't even feeling jumpy for what he had done. He was smiling him nigh.
Ja Lia thought of what to do from distance to the crazy man but he seemed to be clueless. He didn't know if he was going to take things seriously with him or lightly. He felt like pushing the man in the jaw right away with some ferocious punches but that would seem more like a mirage of course.
He drew nearer to the man till he got to where he was. The man was not moved. He was crooning. Lia had no idea what he was singing. He felt like killing him on the spot. But he had no idea what he had done to him.
He had heard that the helmet of Jin was never worn by anyone. He didn't know what the man was doing. He had no idea why he was wearing and what he was thinking. He didn't know what to start with. Whether to ask him what he was doing there, explain to him the implication of the helmet he was wearing or ask him if he knows whose helmet it was.
"Why do you seem really pissed, hey!"
The man spoke. He was amidst smiles and frowned almost immediately. It seemed more like some spell and the odds was not to be rectified anything soon. He was quite sure about that of course.
"Whose helmet do you think you are having on your head?"
The man smirked. He seemed to be finding humor in the things he had been saying. And to him, there nothing goddamn funny about the whole thing. He was really pissed of course but was trying to be sane. He was trying to be cool and he knew that he wouldn't keep to that.
"Of course I know it's some sacred shit but I don't get freaked out by them. Just dipshit!"
Lia charged at the man and pulled him up and reached for the helmet. He removed the helmet from his head but the man kicked it outta his grasp and he lost his balance.
He stood up again but the man was already with the helmet.
"Stay where you are and let's bargain or I will throw it in the sea."
That was an empty threat of course. He knew how costly and sacred the helmet was and would possibly never try shit with it. He was damn sure about that.
He moved and the man warned again. He didn't take it seriously and charged at the man. The man ran towards the sea and was sure that he was quite close when he threw it into the retreating wave.
The wave couldn't take it that time. Ja Lia tried as much as possible to get to it before the wave would return but the man was already there waiting for him.
He already had a plan for the man and was going to knock the hell outta him and kill him with the helmet immediately he had a grasp on it.
Things went odd. As he got to where the helmet was, the was still there and was waiting to be washed off.
Boom! The returning wave was very high and ferocious that time. It covered the two of them and threw them, alongside the helmet into the middle of the sea.
Both made a splash in the water and lost track of the helmet as they were gobbled by the drooling depth of the sea.
Ja Lia seemed to had hear the screeching of the Raven.