Immortal Federation


The guard called out.

Soon, a young man with golden hair steps forward in front of an exquisite ancient white gate

The two lock in each other gaze - gauging each other features, no, only the guard.

Although that was the case, the young man wasn't fazed and look back with a kind and polite expression with his piercing blue-eyes and long-eyelash.

"...You're new here?"

Then the guard broke the silence.

"Yes...I think."

"You think?"

The guard gave him a suspicious look because of his vague answer.

"Anyway, what's the matter coming back? Did you already finish your task?"

"Yes..." He paused, but before the guard could ask the same question of why the long pause, he continued. "Actually... here, you know the rest."

The young man flashed a golden card and pass it to the guard.

Immediately after the guard saw the card, his eyes widened but his professionalism took over to himself and he vanishes.

"I greet this Immortal!!!"

The next moment, he was now kneeling in front of the young man face down.

"There's no need for formality. I thought you've been trained; and others too, to salute, not to kneel, right?"


"Then, do it. I'm just visiting anyway."

The guard rendered speechless by how this Immortal was so easy-going before he stood up and salute a proper military salute.

"W-what your business for visiting... Mr. Immortal?"

"Just visiting. Are your general in her office?"


With a few more questions and documents that needed to signed-in, the guard let him in, sincerely.

The lone guard who was guarding the gate was now silent as he looks back to the young man who was an Immortal.

"Licht Whiterose... What a befitting name, Licht, "The One Who Brings Judgement, Lightbringer".

He uttered.


Walking on the wide pavement towards the headquarters, Licht's sight was wandering around.

The city structures were mixed between medieval and modern - close to Victorian culture. But what noticeable in every building is that every property has this aura of a military vibe as the wall is colored on a stylish black and red theme.

This city is called the "Immortal Federation", located on a remote small planet.

What special about this Planet or City is that this is the main headquarters of their family.

His younger sibling, Tanya, is the one maintaining the orders. And her ways of running the headquarters were close to Totalitarian.

But in a soft way, after all, no lie can escape on his younger sister eyes, so no one needs to worry about being accused of a false crime unless you've committed it.

Every citizen on this planet was used to or know what an Immortal is which explained the manner of the guard earlier.

Soldier to lieutenant, Major to General, on this planet every individual is insanely strong. As expected on who ruled them, their family. This is why explained how many soldiers can be seen walking around with him in every direction.

Others must be occupied by a task which the like of, purging a certain corrupt civilization planet, hunting a comrade soldier who succumbed to power, or preventing a planet to be destroyed by some idiotic person, etc.

"How lively." He commented with a smile.


Soon enough, he arrived at the headquarters main building.

Many soldiers sometimes would glance at him because of his peculiar clothes among the soldier's outfits before proceeding onwards on their task. They're not worried someone would have the guts to infiltrate them, the city where Immortal lives.

After all, their first line of defense is hella' tough to penetrate. Mr. K, or known to be "Agent K", is the one guarding the city gate.

You need to be one step closer to Immortality before defeating him which only a few handfuls could achieve, if not, you might have a few screws looses on your head for courting death.

Arriving at the front of an exquisite semi-giant door, two guards standing at the side gave him a sign to stop and he complies.

The procedures for identifying his background and intentions for entering the headquarters was smooth, he just handed the temporary card that he received from the guard earlier gained his entry inside. He didn't give his golden card like earlier this time to not gain any unnecessary attention and just proceed with his intention for visiting in the first place.

Of course, even though he has a temporary card to be cleared of any suspicious ploy one of the guards accompanied him towards the general office room.

Standing at the door; the guard knocked first and proceed to announce his arrival as a guest.

"General Tanya, your guest is here!"

"Come in, thanks for your services." A reply came from inside. The voice sounded childish but very serious command.

Then the door opened without producing and necessary sound and a woman with crimson features came into view. She wore a butler uniform, and her expressionless face looks towards Licht.

There was a momentary pause in their eye contact before she looks towards the guard and said. "Dismiss."

The guard saluted and animatedly walk back towards his duty to join his comrade at the door.

"Come in..."

"Thanks, Alex... How's your-"

"Same as usual. Are you going to come in or not?"

Licht smiled wryly seeing her attitude towards him and sigh.

Looks like she still hates me, huh...

He shakes his head and step inside the office.

Stepping-inn, he saw what's his purpose of visiting, his sister.

He and Tanya locked on each other gazes before one of them broke it.

"How's life brother? Is everything fine? Do you want me to babysit you too?"

She said