
Nighttime inside the perimeter of the palace under the veil of the night, patrols of guards who constantly will make surveillance in each part of the castle can be seen walking from time to time.

In one of the few hot-spots where guards rest and talk to each other was having bouts their time.

Of course, there are other illegal activities among them like, gambling or playing cards secretly. Actually, it feels like they're not even trying to hide their activity among themselves and just go along with their colleague.

The Captain of the Palace Guards is now in his chamber inside the castle so the Vice-Captain is now in-charge at the garrison.

The Vice-Captain of course knew about all of it but did not do anything to reprehend the accountable for such activities.

His Captain already gave him the consent to ignore such activities as long it doesn't get to the point where their jobs would be secondary before it.

Of course, if he saw it in his very own eyes, he needs to discipline the guard to remind them that such behavior is not tolerable within the guard's conduct.

Within the veil of the night, somewhere in the shadow of darkness, a certain shadow can be seen moving with ease; guards couldn't detect him at all.

He soon reaches the cells where Licht has been detained.

With his devoid body of shadow, breaching any obstacles in his mission is futile to ward him off of towards his target.

Then, after infiltrating inside Licht's cell, he observed him for awhile, whilst hiding in the shadows.

"Mister Licht, your dinner is here!"

A guard called out outside.

The guard stuffed his dinner beneath the door, and walk away without giving any word prior to his request.

Tranquility reign inside the cell with neither both parties making any noises.

For some unknown reason, Guy, the assassin found himself unable to simply breathe calmly. He felt his mouth dry and his heart is beating too much.

Should I strike now?

He asks himself.

Although he knew no one could stop him from escaping if things go vexatious.

Granted, the Vice-Captain is something else too, but they are the same power strength, so escaping from him would be not something to worry about unless someone interferes in that short amount of time.

"Uhmm... Is there something you needed from me?"


Instantly, the time inside the cell stopped as though god permitted it to happen.

Guys heart rate became twice as much as before, and his breathing constantly was escaping from his shadow form.

There's no way he knew I'm here!! Unless he's stronger than me!!? No, that's impossible! He must've just likely talked with himself!

Even though how logical his reasoning is, Licht already felt him and saw him entered his cell from the very first time he tried to detect him if his inside.

After all, "Logic" couldn't imply for someone like him, an "Immortal".

Hence, his little act is just a child play from Licht.

However, Licht didn't kill him, because maybe he just thought he just got the wrong room, or cell.

Licht couldn't care if he'll assassinate someone, he can do whatever he wants, as long his visit is not interrupted.

"Ay, crap. That almost slipped it onto my mind-"

Good. It seems he's just talking with himself.

Guys thought somewhat relieve.

"If you assassinate someone right now, means they can be wary to anyone if someone died within the palace." Licht's eyes that are close turned it's way towards the corner where Guy is. "I can't let that happen, can I?"

"!!?" RUN!!!


Before Guy can even escape through to his shadow technique, something binds him on the spot.


Then with Licht's next word, Guy technique has instantly been canceled by an unknown force.

He stumbles upon the cold stones in front of Licht.

He immediately tried to exert his strength to escape to this unknown force that binding him but it was all futile.

Then heard his target said. "Now, care to explain what were you doing in here?"

His skin hair stood up and his blood turned unbelievably colder, his fear is running too wild instantly.

"I'm sorry, mister! I'd never wanted to target you!! I'd just following orders."


His outburst of plea was greeted by silence from his target, Licht.

"...Er, that's unexpected."


Guy rise his head up to meet Licht's eyes looking at him without hatred or animosity.

"But now hearing that I was your target, I can't just let you waltz out on me, right? Okay, it's decided I'll turn you into a puppet."

"Wait, Mister-"

Before Guy could plead for his very precious life, Licht touch his forehead and said.


Instantly, Guy life vital within his eyes turned glimmer.

He was dead...


He fell down to the cold floor, and his body spasm uncontrollably.

After the body stop spasm, it stood up and knelt towards Licht.

Licht who watches the process smirk slightly.

He said. "After all, I can't let some rat wander inside my former beloved Aqua bed-chamber."