
Days passed...

Licht who was inside his cell didn't move a single muscle since then. As though he was a monk that attained clarity and learned not to be bothered by worldly matter.

Then he opened his eyes slowly as it glint. Someone's coming...

Then a knock resounded onto the empty cell of his. It was the guard.

The guard opened the metal door and escorted him out towards the Captain Office.

Once there, the Captain instructs him to sign some documents before giving him a few words before parting away.

Outside, Aqua's personal maid, Joana was waiting patiently.

Licht already got information about Aqua's environment. And one of these people who she always got in contact with was her maid, Joana, which also her disciple along with Ryan, the renowned "The Strongest Man In The World"

He and Joana's eyes met. Licht gave him a slight nod but the latter ignored it and proceed to walk outside the Captain compound without saying anything.

She's a woman with only a few words.

Licht evaluates his first impression of her.

Shaking his head, Licht followed Joana inside the palace to meet Aqua.


Inside the Palace of Lightbringer.

Aqua, who is wrinkled and old was wide awake as she lies upon her bed.

There's countless thought inside her head as her eyes who'd glint and glimmer of such thoughts.

20 Minutes Ago...

"Then Master, I shall take my leave for a moment. I need to fetch your guest."

Joana bowed towards her Master and ready to make her exit.

"Hmm...?" Aqua interjected. "Visitors...? If I quite recall...I do not have in this month?"

"You are right, Master." Joana replied.

"Is it an audience, then?"

"Yes. Young Miss notified me 5 days ago. And sorry Master for not telling you the matter much earlier."

"It's alright." Aqua put the matter at the side and did not dwell on her incompetence for such a small matter. "Then, who is this? Someone I knew?"

"I believe not, Master, as far as I know."

"What's the name of the guest, then?" Aqua asked.


Before Joana could even finish pronouncing the guest name, Aqua although rendered paralyzed, drop her cup of coffee on her hand.

Joana, as a professional maid and a powerhouse of seventeen-layers-warrior immediately caught the porcelain without spilling a single drop.

"Is something wrong Master!?"

Alarmed, Joana instantly, without asking permission, injected her mana inside her Master's body to check her conditions.

And it seems her condition is okay, except if she's not adding her Master's current disease.

"...I'm okay... C-continue...I-i wanted to hear the full name of our guest." Aqua said with a shaking tone.

With conflicted looks on Joana's face, she announced the guest's full name.

"Licht, Licht Whiterose."

Hearing the guest's full name, Aqua felt aches inside her heart.

She remained silent after giving Joana permission to meet the guest and guide him into her room.

Alone, Aqua's train of thoughts kept inside her head, fueling what might hope and her dreams to meet her former lover, Licht Lightbringer.

Although, Licht Lightbringer, her lover is not Licht Whiterose, there's still a chance he might know him which probably the prospect of that happening is slim-to-none.


Stone Giant, one of the stronghold fort of Lightbringer Kingdom.

With its terrain of stiff-cliff, and also how the length of its wide, it was a perfect stronghold to stop an army of 60,000 soldiers.

The stiff-cliff became bunkers, where many elaborate and meticulously room for soldiers to maneuvers are inside.

Above it, the actual stronghold castle is built with its imposing and intimidating fortifications of walls and watchtower.

Many soldiers are in full-gear. The whole army was on full alert for any moment of the enemy attacks.

Aqua who just woke-up for the upcoming battle, watches the soldier in the walls on her windows.

After her light meal, she wore her armor and make her way towards the meeting room where many of her generals are waiting.

The room is cramped as others need to stand up so they could squeeze inside. Exceptions of her spot with relatively have wider space for her to breathe.

The meeting ended sooner, as the only discussion they could talk about was to defend, and the deserter will be severely punishable by death on the spot if caught.

Organizing the troops in the walls, the horns in the distance resounded.

The enemies are within their sight.


On the north, somewhere within the mountains, Leon could be seen alone facing the tree's as though he's talking with someone.

"Come out! I know you're there!!" He shouted.

Then someone appeared at the cover of the trees.

It was a man wearing a black suit. Peculiar on what this world fashion clothes are.

"Is there something you need?" The man asks.

"Yes. I wanted to confirm the legitimacy of your words from me. Can you really grant me, on how to become an...Immortal?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then, how will you prove it? Words are nothing, Mister."

Face of such a question, the man momentarily became silent before flashing a photograph for him to see.


Seeing the photo, Leon widened in shock before almost exploding in anger, the man interjected.

"You do not need to ask, how I got my hands on this kind of photograph. All you need to do is to follow my instructions, deal?"

Leon gritted his teeth, and almost growling he said. "Deal...!"

"Good." The man nod. "Well then, let's the party begin!"

Then he vanishes leaving Leon alone by himself.

His veins are visible upon his exquisite face as he grips his hands tightly.

Remembering who's inside the photo, he couldn't help but be worried about his mother.

Because only one who has that kind of portrait and it's his mother, Aqua, for her lover!

His fanciful Father!!