
20 minutes ago...

Stone Giant, Lightbringer Stronghold Fort.

The war was raging throughout the land. Both sides were killing each other relentlessly.

Because of the Stone Giant geography, the other side has very big advantages to exploit to inflict great damage on the opposite army, volley of arrows and spells would constantly be seen raining down the enemy below.

The battlefield just began 5 minutes ago but the casualties were soaring in hundreds to thousand already, and it seems it's not halting at all.

Suddenly a powerful influx of Mana exploded through the enemy side and a man with a big broad-sword came flying straight towards the wall!

A powerful fourteenth-layers-warrior!


But all of the sudden, a powerful slash appeared on the walls to halt the enemy's advance.

"What a child play!! Fools-!?"

Surging with confidence, the enemy powerhouse casually disregards the futile attempt to halt him and use his sword to deflect the slash, but his over-confidence would prove to be fatal.

The slash pierces through his broad-sword like a hot-butter and decapitated him to two.

Before his consciousness be flooded by the darkness he saw the one who killed him on the wall. She wore a lightweight armor, looking at him indifferently as she unsheathed her sword to its scabbard.

It was Fiora, the Queen of the Lightbringer.

"Your highness! It's unnecessary for you to make a move, we can take care of this, so please reserve your strength."

Fiora's royal captain guard said.

"It's okay... I can spare some of my energies for insignificant." Fiora replied nonchalantly. "Besides, I need y'all in top conditions, if my brother and I starting fighting, all my attention would be on him and nothing more. So I'm entrusting to all of you the fort defenses. Can I?"

"...Of course! Your Highness!!"

Deeply moved by her trust towards her royal guards, the royal guards knelt on the ground.

Fiora did not reply and just looked at the horizon where 7 powerful figures also looking at her.

It was the Nix kingdom generals!

If it comes to the number of soldiers, details like that were inconsiderable when beyond-twelfth-layers powerhouse clashes. Individuals like her can wipe an entire army if they wanted.

Right now, Fiora's side was outnumbered by quite a margin when it comes to that topic.

She has 2 seventeenth-layers-warrior, 6 sixteenth-layers-powerhouse, 17 fifteenth-layers-warriors, and a bunch more below that level. Whilst the enemy has doubled that number.

However, even that was the case, Fiora could overthrow that odd with relative ease, henceforth that's why the enemies on the other side still not making any big move to change the course of the battle.

Unfortunately, Fiora is also in a similar situation.

If she charges to hunt them all without considering her troop's safety she might find herself in a trap set by his big brother Leon.

She could tell that this simple siege has more cards on their sleeves. Like, hidden beyond-twelfth-layers elite might've been disguising themselves as an ordinary soldier in the sea of enemy soldiers below; ready to attack at any moment given when she's gone.

In fact, she already notices the ploy as she observes the chaos below.

While ordinary soldiers tried to climb the cliff relentlessly she could spot other unnoticed unusual behavior among them. Instead of them climbing the cliff to attack, they are just standing there doing something to blend themselves into the chaos.

As the battlefield goes on, she now has the specific location of these rats.

Without notifying her subordinatess, she vanishes on her spot on their sight.

In the next second, she appeared below the cliff and slash her sword horizontally on the sea of soldiers, and one of those soldiers is a rat.

Not far away, a soldier noticed the jam of movement ahead of him and saw Fiora standing there. He was a rat too, disguised as a normal soldier.

He was aware of what Fiora looks like so he immediately felt threatened by her presence so he tried to warn his comrades of her by shouting, but before he could do so, he was already decapitated without him noticing.

Fiora swiftly maneuvers herself through the chaos eliminating the rats while also killing as many soldiers as she can.

Killing the 7th disguise soldier, the enemy's already noticed her rampage and immediately dispersed to escape.

Noticing there's no use in being discreet Fiora swung her swords to the ground creating big explosions then the slash traveled to the earth leaving fissures on its way.


Then she slashed once again horizontally decapitating every soldier into the surroundings.

The immense force behind her slash can't be stopped!

Out of nowhere, three men appeared right in front of the slash and use their weapons to stop it.

Their combined strength manages to stop her powerful slash despite their hands trembling on such an impact.

"Queen Fiora, do you think you're doing is bullying the weak?" The one with a hammer said. "It seems your nationality of protecting weak is false. What a hypocri-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Fiora already moves and cut his head off on his shoulder.

"Good. Thanks for delivering your head to me."

Then she starts her onslaught. Killing the two Generals also.


"What is the meaning of this!?"

One of the 4 Generals exclaimed, fuming.

Their 3 Generals just now got slaughtered by Fiora's sword without putting a resistance.

The one who spoke then glared at the young man with blue hair, and said accusingly. "Did you plan this!?"

"Why would I?" Leon replied. "I'm on your side, remember?"

"Don't spout that bullshit on me!"

"I'm not spouting crap, General. It's just that it's out of my expectation my sister would kill them mercilessly without considering having a conversation."

Idiots. Who would be talking while fighting anyway?

"Then why you didn't move!?"

The General didn't buy his word.

"Hey, I'm speechless too,"

"You!! Forget it! Do your job and get moving!"

"Yes, yes. Geez." Hehehe, you bald idiot.

Leon is more than happy to see his kingdom's hostile enemy losing 3 sixteenth-layers-warrior.

"Now, I only hope my little sister would go easy on me."

Leon then vanishes on his spot to confront Fiora by the unknown-man task accordance.


Somewhere on the mountain where Leon met with the unknown-man just awhile ago.

He can be seen talking on his phone which an artifacts that don't exist on this planet.

"General, what am I doing on here? Isn't this a violation of the military code? I am literally steering an all-out-war on this planet!"

"Don't worry." Came on the other side. "Just do what I'd tell you to do."

"...Yes..." The Unknown-man said, resigning on the task he had given to him. "But General, is there really a man who would stop this war? I've already checked every corner of this planet but there's no such man in your description."

"There're will be. If he did show up, try to stop him... And, try to stay alive as much as possible before I arrive.

Try to stay alive. You need it."