Night clubs always end in disaster.

Emily was always a self-conscious type girl .

Brown hair blue eyes but she just got out of a

Break up with her ex .

Now her friend is sneaking her into the

Nightclub to "have some fun" she says .

Emily rolls her eyes , "this isn't gonna be good"

she mumbles to herself .

When they get in is warm , but Emily can't dicided if it's from the people dancing or from

the large Heating system hanging half way

out the ceilling . She feels a tug on her right

hand and See's her friend pulling her threw

the crowd . She follows as people push

and shove and even another girl started

dancing on her !. Emily feels pressured

and then there it is .

A hug a nice warm embrace , but who's it from

she thinks?? .

She opens her eyes as her vision comes back

slowly she see's her friend she hugs back

quickly and realizes her friends been talking

to her but Emily can't hear anything . She's

about to panic again when her friend slides

something off her head and slowly but surely

Emily can hear , turns out her friend put her

earmuffs on Emily's head .

She likes catching her breath and hugs her

friend "I'm sorry for bringing you here , if you

want we can go home" her friend says feeling

guilty .

Emily thinks , I could go home .. but she already made the effort to bring me and sneak

me in .

Emily shakes her head "no I'll stay "

her friends face brightens with a smile

"yay" she says hugging Emily , "I knew you

wouldn't let me down."

She pulls Emily over to the bar and they take

their seats , they sit on some stools .

Cold from being unoccupied for awhile.

Emily looks around scanning her

surrounding's she notices a few guys talking and one guy hanging back alone just listening to his -friends- talk and have a good time .

His eyes meets her and they just stare at each other . He has golden swayed blonde hair and

dark green tattoos going up his neck , she

can't tell his eye color .

That's when one of her friends laugh while walking up to Emily . He gives a smile

Emily is too familiar with she sighs and acts

like she didn't notice him, that's when he sat

beside her .He leans down and gives her a

smile and gives the bartender a look

asking for drinks .

"I'm too y-" the guy just stares into her eyes as

he puts his hands on her face slowly

caressing her face . She freezes and just

looks at him , before speaking he starts "drink

for the pretty lady " he hands her a cup

a light brown liquid and smiles

she thinks (if I just drink this will he leave me

alone?) she sighs and takes the glass and

downs it less then a minute . The guy stares

in shock "hey that was alot will you be okay

want to come to my place "he says smirking

Emily starts to feel weird

only to receive a

messages on her phone that her friend

went home with a cute boy with a adding text

"sorry emily I couldn't miss my chance!

he's a son of a bank owner !!"

Emily sighed and laid her head on the counter

while she trys not to panic .

The guy put his hand on her shoulder "hey

what's wrong , ride ditch you " he laughs.

"non of your business " Emily snaps

while getting up and making her way threw

the crowd , wanting to pass out she

surprisingly makes it to the door .

Then she feels a feeling of weakness come

over her .

She walks slowly almost falling over only to

hear shouts behind her then everything goes black ...