sorrow and a cat.

He Carry's Emily to his car , he holds her tightly to himself. It's daylight and if they

get caught well .. he may lose his job

so he hurrys out the school and puts Emily

in the back seat he closes the door and

quickly gets in aswell . Skyler pushes down

on the gas flooring it all the way to his house

he lives near the outer side of the city .

A big house he lives alone besides a fat

cat . Skyler goes and unlocks the door while he goes and grabs Emily and Carry's her into

the house , he scoots the cat back with

his foot . "not right now Tatum ".

The cat follows him into his bedroom as he

Carry's the -strange girl- .

"Tatum not right now , this is Emily

I ..lost control and I'm already I scared her". Skyler speaks with sorrow in his voice .

as he caress's Emily's face softly , "I'm

so so sorry" he says as he examine's the spot

he has bitten . (seems like my saliva does heal.) he thinks rubbing the place with his

thumb , as his cat jumps on his lap .

"hey Tatum , don't scare her just be a

Normal Cat for now" he pets the cats head

as he speaks . "Meow" the cat replys ,

he purrs and rubs up agaisnt Emily

as she mumbles in her sleep .

He gives her a sorrow look , "she will be okay"

Skyler mutters as he gets up and goes out of the room to fetch some water and pills for

when she wakes up.

Emily wakes up slightly

her vision blury , but she swears she see's

a boy with black hair and fluffly ears and a tail

his eyes green with shards of dark blue . She closes her eyes lays her head back down as

it aches alittle , "sky..Skyler" she mutters .

Skyler walks into the room to see Tatum siting in the chair by her side , "didn't I say be a normal cat?" Skyler mutters as he puts his hand on his face . "don't worry she thought she was dreaming or maybe not" Tatum says as he brushes his tail against Emily's face .

Skyler grabs him by his ear, "change now" Skyler demands clearly pissed off . "okay okay"

tatum says as he rolls his eyes , he turns back into his cat form . Skyler grabs him by the scruff "ow ow owww" Tatum wines , as Skyler throws him out the door . "rude!" tatum says as his paws hit the door . Skyler ingored this

and puts his hand on Emily's and caresses her hand (soft) he thinks as he places the glass of water and pills on the stand for later.

"wake up soon , please

I'll make dinner and call your friend

to come check up on you " . He says as he picks up his phone and makes his way

out the door .