Skyler knocks on Emily's door , "time to wake up " , by the time Emily is up and out of bed Skyler had already gone to the school , Tatum sits on the counter in the kitchen . "so you know I'm not a cat" Emily nods at this . "so what do you think of me , Tatum inches closer and presses himself against Emily . "do you find me attractive" Tatum whispers In Emily's ear . Emily puts her hands on his chest and pushes softly , "I'm sorry but I don't like you , like that" she mutters looking him in the eyes . tatum flicks his tail in surprise "and what if I make you fall for me" "no " Emily says .
Tatum reaches around her and holds her waist . He curls his tail around her thigh , His tail slides up . Skyler bust threw the door and runs over to Tatum and grabs him by the tail and Yanks , only for Tatum to transfer into a cat and claw onto Emily's shirt , "meowww" a loud screech comes from Tatum. "don't touch her , what the hell is wrong with you ??" he throws Tatum to the side and takes Emily's hand and pulls her into the bedroom . "I'm sorry he normally doesn't do this at all" Skyler speaks as he looks at Emily waiting for a response . Emily hugs him tightly "He was just testing me ," Emily mutters , "he didn't mean any harm " she says as she looks up at Skyler
(why lie for him...) Skyler thinks as he looks at Emily , he realizes they've been hugging for awhile now and he awkwardly let's go quickly . "sorry" he says putting one of his hands on his neck as he smiles nervously .