
My thoughts were flashing, what could I do to survive. I tried using astral projection but the knife passed right through. Damnit, don't know how to use it. 

My mind was running through multiple options at once. 

I saw no way out. I closed my eyes and waited for the knife to hit me. 


The sound of metal on metal could be heard. I looked and saw a … a pan between me and the knife. Holding that pan was a woman in a super suit. 

She was wearing a cape in the shape of a tea leaf, her mask consisted of a hood and a face mask also in the shape of a tea leaf, the mask covered her mouth and nose. She was also wearing a skintight suit colored tea green and had a pattern of tea leaves sewed on in golden thread.

"Now, now. Who are you? I don't think we've met before." I knew who it was. A hero who had risen to the demigod rank in 5 years. She had suddenly disappeared after her first mission as demigod, never to be seen again.

"I am The Almighty Tea." I recognized that voice, that was Kirby. When that realization hit me, I wasn't that surprised actually. A high ranking hero had told us to find her specifically so it would make sense if she was something special. 

"Ok, fun. Now stop moving you pan wielding, tea obsessed weirdo." The Dollmaker was getting angry, the kind of angry you become when you made an intricate plan and something went wrong.

I noticed something else, I could move again. "You're a puppet master, able to control living creatures or creatures that died. Organic life puppetry, rare, but I've seen stronger. Your control is very useful for crowd control since you can give them simple commands and organic life can even adapt to the situation if need be, but you have a small problem, you have a hard time controlling the living because they have a mind of their own and you just gave them a shock which pushed you out of their minds."

She pushed me towards him without telling me, she startled me but I used the momentum to attack him. When my attack missed I The Dollmaker pushed me away making me stumble. Thea wasn't doing well, she was surrounded by dolls all trying to kill her and couldn't use her abilities.

Kirby moved towards her, smacking the dolls away with her pan. The thing I noticed was that whenever she hit them on the chest, they stopped moving entirely.

What did electrocution have in common with getting hit in the chest, well it affected the organs inside but they were dolls so … then it hit me like how Kirby was hitting those dolls. Hearts, they were made using real bodies and the parts used were the limbs, the head and the heart. It had been staring me in the face the entire time and I had been too stupid to see it. 

"Focus on destroying their hearts!" My yell confused Thea but Kirby started focusing solely on attacking their chest area smashing the dolls in and destroying the entire doll, I don't think the advice was really necessary for Kirby since she just hit those dolls so hard they broke anyways but I was useful advice for Thea.

Suddenly I get stabbed in the back. "Focus, Little Loin, focus." 

"MOTHERFUCKING, SHIT, AAAAH!" Yeah, not my finest moment. I turned around and started just punching the guy really hard, I cracked his skull, shattered his legs and arms and probably broke a few ribs.

I thought I was finished but the guy just stood up, then he did something unexpected. "Little Loin, say hi to daddy for me." Massive amounts of energy were flowing into his body, he was self destructing. 

The way he said it though, like he wasn't going to die. Then I thought of something and I hoped I was right, I punched a hole in his torso and ripped out his heart. The energy he was gathering dispersed and a smile appeared on his face. 

"I'm happy I got to be the first to fight you, Child of Tomorrow. You are smart and can make quick decisions. Did you like my super puppet, this one cannot be distinguished from a real human and has its own special ability based on the power of the person this was fashioned out of. Sadly for you, you were wrong about the hearts. I only ctop controlling them because they will start rotting and fall apart. But for you, that's all I need."

And just like that, all the dolls started standing up again. "AW, C'MON, you really couldn't just stop?" 

"I already did stop in a way, these super puppets do need a heart to protect the brain from any more damage, since you removed it it's starting to affect my control, that's why I'm not self destructing anymore." I punched his head off. "Oh right. Little Loin, once we meet up in real life for a date, don't rip my heart out please, I just don't like the feeling."