

Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time a time there was a girl, orphaned at a young age, she belonged to a world without, magic or colour, no imagination nor happiness.

She then heard a song, it was quite a simple song at that, at the level of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.

When she heard it, the world gained colors, Her imagination went into a frenzy and she was suddenly happy.

Her orphanage had a piano but it was old and the children weren't allowed to touch it. She secretly started practicing, without her knowledge, she tapped into something inside her.

In time, she could play almost anything she had heard once and could perfectly play a song from a score.

One night, one if the caregivers had stayed up a little later and heard her playing, she stormed into the room only to be enchanted by what she heard, by what she saw.

In that room, there was a girl, alone, in pain. When she stopped plaything the caregiver looked at her, the pain that her playing had conveyed was something that she had never felt.

Because of her talent, she was quickly adopted, at the age of 10, she was known around the world for the beaty of her music.

It seemed like the world itself moved when the music was played.

She was happy for the first time in her life, learning to play more instruments, finally having parents that cared for her and finally just being able to live.

This wouldn't last long though, her new parents died in a villain attack, the next ones killed in a fire, everytime she had new parents they died in some way or another.

This caused her to stop being adopted, this time the caregivers made sure she couldn't play anymore, she had gained everything only to lose.

That's when I came across a recording of her. Now, I know, she was world famous, across the inhabited galaxy even.

I was walking through the streets of New Brussels, a big city on Mars. That's when I heard a TV playing a song, with it, the magic around me also started moving. The few spirits around me started dancing, it seemed to have weakened but even then, it still showed me a weak image of a girl, filled with joy.

I then found her, a sad girl of 14, alone, without anything to live for. No music, no joy, no hope.

I adopted the girl, a process that was faster than it should've been, almost like they didn't want her around.

I brought her to Olympus, I taught her to control it, I gave her the love of a father, and I made sure that she had a good education.

She had been given different names, depending on what her parents wanted, but the thing that had stayed the same, was her artist name.

She had become Crescendo, the magus that made even the spirits move with her music.

She had become my daughter, the little girl that didn't like the design of the Magus robe so she went to Heffy, it's designer and told her she could do better.

Oh I still see the Heffy, fuming in front of me, not because she felt insulted but because the girl had done it, and they were actually better.

The little girl that wouldn't play when I didn't let her go out, or that would play just to appeal to the boy she liked.

The little girl that had melted my heart and that had finally found a home that she didn't lose.

The little girl that decided her real name would Cress Wolfgang James, daughter of Dillon James.

At the age of 16 she joined the Spire officialy at the D-rank an through a grand effort, she become the strongest B-ranked Magus in the Spire.

In the end I hoe she lives happily ever after, enjoying life to it's fullest even when I'm gone, and I hope she forgives me for the fact that I didn't find her faster.

And most of all, I hope that she keeps enjoying music to it's fullest and that she is proud of the music she makes.