
The world came to a halt as the man slowly moved his hands to take off his silver mask. Megan could hear her heart beating rapidly as he took his mask to reveal a devilishly handsome face. His nose stood high combining with his appealing full lips and dreamy eyes... He was God's finest creation. Megan stood there in a dazed as she stared at Victon's beautiful face as the moon shone its light on his contours.

"It's been a long time Megan" Victon said softly with a small smile.

Seeing that Megan was still in a daze, Victon took off her mask, revealing her lovely facial features. He had missed her big grey puppies eyes and her pinch-able cheeks. Victon ran his fingers through her soft black hair and tuck it behind her ears.

"I see you still have the hair pin with you" Victon said.

"Hm" Megan replied.

Megan's face turned red when Victon was playing with her hair. She had a million of things to ask him, but couldn't seem to speak due to nervousness.

"Where did you go?" Megan started to ask with a low voice.

"I was in the war" Victon replied as he looked at her with a loving gaze.

"War? Are you a knight? Did you get hurt?" Megan asked nervously as she realized that he could've gotten hurt. She took her hands to clasps his face, she turned his face and scanned it to see any scars.

"No, I didn't get hurt... and I'm a General, not just a regular knight" Victon responded with a chuckle because of how cute she is.

"GENERAL?" Megan yelled as she retracted his hands from his face.

"Yes, General" Victon said confirming the fact.

Megan didn't speak for a while. She haven't seen Victon over the seven years, but she was stupid to not consider the possibility that he was part of the war.

"That's amazing! You became a General even though you're still young! No wonder your shoulders are so big, you must've trained so much... so when did you come back?" Megan asked.

"Around three weeks ago" Victon answered.

"What?! Why didn't you come by the bakery!" Megan shouted as she pouts.

Victon laughed as he pinched her cheeks, "I did but your brother insisted for me to surprise you."

"Yeah, so much for surprise, you gave me trauma for surprising me in that alley. I'll get you back for that! And Theodore?! He knew that you came back three weeks before, but never told me?!...Wait a minute, if he saw you before..." Megan was putting the puzzle pieces together which revealed something. "Wait, did Theodore asked you to get me a dress for the ball?"

"Wow little Megan became smarter huh. And sorry for that night, I coincidentally saw you going home and couldn't help myself" Victon confessed as he patted her head.

Once again, Megan was dumbfounded. They had planned this behind her back, she swore to herself to get back at Theodore for this.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the ball room Theodore sneezed.

"Well, you became really tall, what did they give you to eat during the war for you to be so tall?" Megan asked looking up at Victon's mesmerizing eyes.

"Eggs, bacon, beans, steaks, soup..." Victon listed the food he had ate.

"HAHAHA! Why are you listing everything you ate? It was a joke Victon" Megan laughed at Victon being so literal and serious.

Victon had a small smile on his lips as he listened to her laugh. Her laughs and giggles made him feel like he never left to war in the first place.

The music coming from the ball room stopped and played another classical song. Victon then puts his silver mask back on and extend his hands to ask, "Milady, may I have the honor to dance with you?"

"I can't promise you that I won't step on your leather shoes Victon" with a giggle Megan puts on her silver mask and puts her hands onto his.

"Step on them as much as you want" Victon replied softly while looking at her.

The two went through the door and curtain that was covering it, then made their way to the dance floor. Victon gently held her delicate hand into his and slithered the other hand onto her slender waist. Megan shivered from his touch as she puts one of her hands on his broad shoulder, then they slowly danced through the dance floor.

They danced and swirled all around as Megan kept accidentally step onto his shoes.

"I'm sorry I never danced with other person before" Megan said with her cheeks red of embarrassment. She heard Victon chuckling as he bent down and whispered in her ears, "I'd rather you destroy my feet, then being in some other bastards' arms."