Supposed to be here

She groans and rolled around the cold floor. Megan rubbed her eyes waking up to what she thought was a nightmare. How unfortunate, the nightmare was reality, she is still in cave in the North Forrest. The air was chilly as the small fire was put out long last night. She rubbed her sore neck and back as she thinks of how to get some breakfast.

Megan tried reason stuff out, she can't just walk out of the forrest because one she's probably in the middle of it. Two, which direction would she go into? What if she goes west when the nearest way out was east? Three, she only has a dagger with her, what if she gets attack by wolves or other weird beasts on her way out?

There's too much to consider, in the end Megan thought she should stay in the cave for now. She took her dagger and marked one lines to indicate her first day in this unexpected wild adventure.

Megan came outside the cave to look for any streams of water, but before she went to search Megan cut some bushes and leaves and tied them all around her for disguise.

With her dagger on her hands, Megan set out to look for rivers and fishes to eat. Walking she passes by bushes with many berries and mushrooms: Megan picked the fruits and mushrooms and puts it in her pouch to eat later.

While picking her fruits, Megan hears the sound of streams. It was loud so maybe it was a large river. She walked towards the refreshing sound to see a beautiful waterfall with a roundish lake at the bottom. She was standing on a cliff so she saw the magnificent nature scene below her. The lake was surrounded by cliffs and rocks, but there was a hole that lets small amount of water out to make a river on the other side of the tall rocks. Megan took her dagger and marked a tree that she stood next to. She have been marking trees so she would know the way back.

From where she stood the ground was even, then onwards to the right side it was slanted. "Well, how convenient I don't have to climb down the cliff to get to the river!"

Megan walked down the slanted path and got down to the lake. The water was fresh and clear, one can see the fishes swimming in the lake. She bent down and cupped her hands together to bring the fresh water into her mouth. Then slashing the water onto her face, hands and feet. She then took a wood that she found earlier, it was hallow and can used as a cup so she filled it with water.

This lake was massive, Megan was currently standing near the water fall and she could see the water reaching deep into the grounds. She stepped into the lake and vowed not to go pass the water level reaching to her hips. She only came into the water calf level and still see the fishes swimming around her.

"I'm sorry fishies, but I have to eat somehow. I'm still a growing teenager" Megan said to the fishes before stabbing her dagger into one of them. She held onto the bloody fish then killed two more and walked back to the shore.

Megan took the fishes' guts out and cleaned it with the water. "I should've made a basket or two out of vines" she sighed. Megan held the fishes and walked back to her cave.

Collecting more wooden sticks to cook the fish and make the fire, Megan got herself a filling breakfast.

"How the hell am I going to get out of here?" She said to herself.

"You can child" a voice said.

Megan jolted up in horror as she try to find where the voice coming from. "Who goes there?!" She yelled back as she stand her ground with a dagger in her hands.

"Well, that's rude. You came into my cave and made it your shelter and now you're screaming at me?" The voice said. Megan didn't know where it came from, the cave would've had an echo when the voice talked but it didn't. Is the voice in her head?

"Well pardon me if it's rude, but I'm just trying to protect myself from the unknown. I'm lost, I'm not supposed to be here" Megan said gripping her dagger tighter.

"No child, you are supposed to be here" the voice said back softly.