Simon's PoV

"You're right. I lied. How'd you know?" I admitted. He chuckled and rolled up his sleeve. There was a dark pink handprint, presumably from where Borya had grabbed and held him. "Oh." I had forgotten about that. "But you-" He simply raised his eyebrows.

"You have some explaining to do and there is no way in hell you are getting out of this. And I want my cookie." He smiled and I smiled back.

"So you mean to tell me that you are the god of creation and you thought it was a good idea to create vampires and now they've betrayed you and are running around the city and-"

He got cut off by the guy at the table next to us, turning and asking, "Sorry to eavesdrop but what the fuck are you talking about?" Kieran flushed.

"Oh! Modified D&D. It's basic D&D but instead of orcs, elves, dwarves, and so on, it has gods, vampires, werewolves, etc." Kieran replied quickly. I quirked an eyebrow. He is a very quick thinker. It's quite impressive. "At least, I don't think there are dwarves. Unless one of you fuckers decide to flip the tables on me. Again." Kieran sneered at me, pointing with playful annoyance.

"That actually sounds really cool! If you ever need another player, hit me up." The guy handed him a napkin with his number on it and Kieran took it. "I'm Neal, by the way."

Kieran smiled at him. "I'm Kieran and this is Simon." Neal returned his smile happily.

"It was very nice to meet you both. See you around. Don't forget to text me, Kieran." He got up and, leaving a five dollar tip on his table, left.

Kieran looked back at me once Neal was gone, playful smile gone. "Anyway. So all this shit is happening and your bright idea was to disguise yourself and go to college?!"

"I was bored." I shrugged. Wrong answer. His eyes narrowed in indignation as he mouthed my response.

Thankfully, a waiter decided this was the time to take our order. "Are you two ready to order?" Kieran's demeanor changed as he looked at the waiter.

"Yes, of course. I think I'll have... an iced peppermint mocha and a slice of lemon loaf cake, please." He smiled and the waiter jotted down his order and turned to me.

"Oh, um, I'll have a cappuccino. And a brownie." The waiter nodded and walked off. I looked back at Kieran who had taken his phone out and was typing quickly. "Kieran?"

He glanced up from his phone. For one second, I was breathless. He really didn't seem to understand how he looked when he did that. His dark hair brushed carelessly over his forehead, dark eyes accentuated by darker eyelashes. I had previously thought his eyes brown but I could now see instead they were hazel. A ring of gold blossomed from his pupil and flecks of hunter green hid amongst the brown. The rest of his face is cast in shadow but that did nothing to mar his features. The one curious thing, that I hadn't noticed before, was a scar on the left (his left, not mine) side of his face, starting below his cheekbone and tapering off below his jaw. I wondered how he got it. "Yes, Simon?"

Like a dumbass, I responded oh so eloquently, "You have a scar. On your cheek."

Kieran took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes. So glad you've noticed."

He sounded bitter but I'm curious. "How'd you get it?"