Chapter 3

The Eta-2 Actis class interceptor came down for a smooth landing on the hangar floor, not even a bump. Pressing the button to open the cockpit canopy, I hop out while leaving the robes and such in the pilot's seat, even the one I was wearing.

Waiting for me was OOM-88 with a datapad at the front of the starfighter. "Welcome back master, you'll be happy to learn that while you were away Group two and I were able to get eighty more droids online. With forty of them being B1, thirty of them being B2 battle droids, five Droideka and five Crab droids. Group one was able to do a complete system check on the ship, the only things that needed fixing is the ships relay to connect to the HoloNet and a few holes in the ships armor that would result in venting decks 3 through 5. What now, master?"

"Good job OOM-88. You know what I'm going to call you 88 from now on, okay?" And receiving a Roger Roger I continue on. "I want you to assign Droideka to guard the hangar doors. Have group one go to the Venator that I was just at and collect all the vehicles, including the ones that are wrecked, all the weapons, armor, download everything on the computer and strip the armored plates of durasteel off the frame of the ship. Then using the onboard ship nano-furnaces to melt down the durasteel to reshape it to fill in the holes in the ship for a patch-up job. Have group two continue to reprogram more droids, mostly the ones in one piece, if you can't find anymore then try to rebuild them. Also, do we have any droid fighters?"

"We do indeed master."

"Have a team of droids make it available for you guys to reprogram droid fighters in here." Getting a Roger Roger from him, and him walking off I turn toward R4. "You need help getting out of there?"

Instead of answering me she popped out what looks to be standard rocket boosters out of her legs and flew upward and landed right in front of me. "Show off." I say with a smile on my face while she beeped out what sounded to me a chuckle.

+So now what?+ She asks as I walk away from the starfighter with her following.

"Now you and I are going to come up with upgrades to this Lucrehulk," Pointing behind me to the Eta-2 interceptor. "and the starfighter. I'm also going to give you access to the HoloNet when the droids fix, deal?" Getting a positive whistle from her, I continued to lead her to the bridge.


A lot has changed since I brought R4 onto my ship's crew a month ago. The first thing we did was plan the upgrades for the ships, the upgrades for the Lucrehulk were really major overhauls. I also found out that the Lucrehulk was a Battleship, not a Droid Control Ship as I first thought it was. So instead of the forty-two Quad turbolaser batteries that were Pre-Clone Wars refitting.

It instead had on the Ring carrier: one hundred and sixty-four Point-defense quad laser batteries, four hundred and seventy-two Assault laser cannons, and forty-eight Turbolasers. On the Core ship it had: twenty-one Point-defense quad laser batteries, forty-eight Assault laser cannons, and three Turbolasers. That was okay with me, so we didn't mess with the weapons but we did use the droid forces to upgrade all the Rendili StarDrive proton engines, the main two and the twelve secondary engines and added the shield generators from the other Lucrehulk wreck to double the shield strength. The old Maximum atmospheric speed used to be 500 km/h, we got it up to 700 km/h using parts we stripped from the other shipwrecks engines.

The biggest problem the ship had was the exposed power generators was solved by moving them into more armored sections of the ship and making sure that each section of the ship was powered by separate power generators. More generators were also added to each section to make sure I don't ever have to reroute power from a different section, leaving me open somewhere else and it also gave me excess energy. One reason to do this is to not let any future ship battles lead me to divert power to, say the shields over the engines need more power because enemy starfighters are focusing on them and having to expose my turbolasers to compensate for the power needed. I kept the ship's old name.

Also using the durasteel from other wrecks, we added on more armor around the weakest points of the ship such as the weapons, the part of the ship holding the core and ring together, and all around the bridge and itself. I ordered the droid force to tear apart all of the wrecked Vulture droid starfighters, Troop carriers, Multi-Troop carriers and Armored Assault Tanks for parts to help repair the ones with only minor damage to them.

The droids also collected from a few Venators two hundred Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters, seventy ARC-170 starfighters, forty Clone Z-95 Headhunters, eighty-eight AT-TE's walkers, and finally eighty Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry ships.

They also stripped the Venators weapons from them: including sixteen DBY-827 heavy turbolasers turrets, four Medium dual turbolaser cannons, one hundred Point-defense laser cannon turrets, and finally thirty heavy tractor beam projectors.

While all that was happening, I used my free time using it either to work on the Force and lightsaber combat against droids with their blasters intensity lowered so that it would only sting me. R4 and I also worked on the Eta-2 Actis class light interceptor, we managed to replace the armor with a higher armor class and upped the power to the weapons. After that I allowed R4 access to the HoloNet once the droids fixed it and she got her proof of the history that I told her of.


R4 retracted her Data probe from the terminal and turned toward me. +The whole galaxy has changed since the last time I was online. How in the Sithspit did this happen to the galaxy?+

Taking a moment to respond. "You remember Supreme Chancellor Palpatine? He was the so-called elusive Sith Master all that time. He was the master of Dooku, the guy in charge of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The whole time he was controlling the Clone Wars, the puppet master, he basically decided on who dies and who lives to serve him. The Empire you saw on the HoloNet, that was his Endgame for the clone wars the whole time."

Her lights dim down for a few seconds as if she was about to shut down, but thankfully she didn't. +What am I supposed to do now? What are you doing now? Actually what are you going to do now with this ship and everything on it?+ Focusing back on me by the end of her questioning.

Sitting in the captain's chair and taking a moment to think, I lean my face closer to R4 and spread my arms out. "The main thing, fight back against the Empire of course and such."

+What? Why would you fight back the Empire? What with all those ships, weapons, and men the Empire has?+

"Because I know some of the horrors the Emperor has personally done and visions shown to me by the Force of future ones." I added on the lie about the Force vision part.

+What is it that your trying to do?+

"Give the Galaxy what it needs, a rebellion. Hope." Taking a breath and saying a quote that I remember. "This is a New Day, a New Beginning."

She rolls real close to me and asks. +And how are we going to do that?+

Eyes widening in surprise, I smile. "We're the spark that will light the fire that will burn the Empire down." Leaning back in the chair and finishing. "We have Hope. Rebellions are built on hope my friend."


After that R4 focused almost all of her attention on getting this ship battle ready. One thing that surprised the both of us, but most of all me, was the total number of droids on this ship.

1,329,000 Million B1 and B2 battle droids, with some other kinds of droids thrown into the mix.

But out of that number only about 935,000 thousand were in working condition and the rest were so wrecked that we either used them for parts on other droids or melted them down.

The second thing that surprised us was that the ships computer core had schematics of about all the ships, space stations, droids and such on that the CIS used during the clone wars.

The droids also came across a few CIS mobile command centers stored deep in the Lucrehulk holds beneath literal piles of droids. Other than the Venator that I ordered the droids to tear apart, they also found a few other republic and separatist ships in various conditions. There was even a Venator that had only the back half of it with the front half missing, from what I thought was an explosion.

But there were three ships that stood out from the rest of the wrecks. Mostly because they were still in one piece and only missing some armor pieces, though there was a little bit of turbolaser scorching in some places. The first ship was a Providence-class carrier/destroyer.


The Providence-class carrier/destroyer, additionally designated as the Dreadnaught-class command ship and also known as the Trade Federation cruiser, the Separatist Star Destroyer, or the Separatist dreadnought, was a series of capital ship models fielded by the Confederate Navy during the Clone Wars. It was originally produced and used by the Trade Federation, hence the nickname.


Designed by the Quarren Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, the rounded, pseudo-organic aesthetic capital ships, influenced by the planet Dac, would be echoed in the design of the later Mon Calamari Star Cruisers. The ships were operated by 600 droids, but commanded by sentient officers.

Providence-class ships were massive, cylindrical 1,088-meter-long warships with a pointed nose that tapered towards the superstructure. Some Providence-class vessels were longer, measuring 2,177.35 meters. These ships were said to be some of the biggest in the Separatist fleet and were capable of holding a planetary blockade almost by themselves. This enlarged model was billed as the "Separatist Dreadnought". Rising from the stern portion of the vessel, was an elongated main communications and sensor pod. The ships, like all Mon Calamari and Quarren designs, were designed to be capable of landing on water in case of emergencies.


The only problem was that the Bridge Tower was missing its transparisteel windows, though the shield doors still worked. The best find in the ship's hold was a Super tactical droid that was lying in the hallway outside of the bridge, with it having no damage done to it.

The second and third ships were actually the same type of ship with them being Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ships with a little bit of turbolaser scorching on both of them.


Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ships, also known as Acclamator-class assault ships, Acclamator-class Republic assault ships, Acclamator-class Planetary Assault Ships, or Acclamator-class battleship, Acclamator-class cruisers, more commonly called Republic assault ships, were military warships utilized by the Galactic Republic for ferrying clone troopers across the galaxy. They were first deployed at the First Battle of Geonosis after transporting the clone army from Kamino, and subsequently carried the Grand Army of the Republic from Coruscant to the various arenas of the Clone Wars, a conflict in which they would see extensive use. Unlike many ships of its size, the Acclamator-class could land on the surface of planets to deploy its forces.


The Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship was developed by Rothana Heavy Engineering, a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards, and had a dagger-shaped design, of similar character to the Venator-class Star Destroyer. It was manned by a crew of 700, could ferry upwards of 16,000 clone troopers, and 48 AT-TEs, 66 LAAT/I gunships, 14 LAAT carriers, 320 speeder bikes, 36 SPHA-Ts, and at least one Nu-class shuttle. In order to monitor ground movements and coordinate attacks, each clone trooper was equipped with a tracking device in their helmet that allowed controllers on Acclamator-class ships to better establish a picture of the combat zone. Their versatility and role as a troop transport proved essential during the Clone Wars.

In order to defend itself against space-based attacks, the ship was armed with twelve quad turbolaser turrets, along with twenty-four laser cannons, and four missile launchers. The quad turbolaser turrets were located on the port and starboard sides of the hull, while the four missile launchers were located in the bow of the vessel. It was also equipped with extraordinarily fast twin hyperdrive engines. A notable weakness, as displayed during the Battle of Ryloth, was that Separatist J-1 proton cannons could easily penetrate the shields of an Acclamator-class assault ship.

Unlike many craft of its size, the Acclamator-class could land on the surface of planets, where it could unload its complement. The command tower was located toward the stern of the vessel, and was 752 meters in length and could achieve sub-light speeds of 1,200 kilometers per hour. It had a ventral hangar opening as well as one in its port side.


-Clone Wars

Acclamator-class assault ships saw extensive use in the first engagement of the pan-galactic Clone Wars, the First Battle of Geonosis. There, twelve Acclamator-class ships were utilized to reinforce the Jedi and engage gathered Separatist forces on Geonosis. Acclamator-class assault ships transported a totality of 192,000 clone troopers, 1,600 LAAT/I gunships, 400 LAAT carriers, 100 SPHA-Ts, and 2,160 AT-TEs, eventually resulting in the Republic becoming victorious.

Acclamator-class assault ships made up part of the fleet sent to participate in the Battle of Ryloth, eventually deploying Jedi General Mace Windu and Lightning Squadron. The ship again saw action on Geonosis when the planet erupted in battle during the Second Battle of Geonosis. One of these ships carried the Republic's 104th Battalion to the planet Aleen on a mission to provide relief aid to the native population. During the Battle of Umbara, Acclamator-class ships served as part of the Republic's campaign to retake the planet.

-Age of the Empire

By the time of the Imperial Era, the Acclamator-class assault ship was an old model. However, at least one, the Lodestar, was still active during the Galactic Civil War, serving as the flagship of New Republic General Hera Syndulla's Barma Battle Group.


The two Acclamators had the forty-eight AT-TEs, fourteen LAAT carries, three hundred and twenty speeder bikes, and thirty-six SPHA-Ts in each of them, with them both missing the sixty-six LAAT/I gunships and only one having it's Nu-class shuttle.

'Holy Sith! This is a lot.' I thought while I was looking through a list 88 put together of all the stuff the droids had found. Looking away from the datapad and toward 88 and R4 standing in front of the captain's chair. "Good job with all the finds 88."

He stands up a little bit straighter and his optics brighten. "Thank you Master."

"You're welcome my friend. Can I have you, once you clear the ships of anything that's considered trash and fix up the broken parts, start to fill the hangers of the Acclamators and Providence with all the gunships, walkers, and what not to clear space in the Lucrehulk?"

Giving me a salute and the classic Roger Roger he leaves to spread the orders, looking back toward R4 and giving her a smile. "Do you have anything to report or need R4?"

+I found a more than a few things that may interest you.+

"Really?" Getting a positive whistle from her. "Hmm, lead the way then my friend." She leads me out of the bridge and into a turbolift headed toward the hanger. After getting out of it and walking toward the entrance of the hanger, along the way we pass groups of B1 and B2 droids hard at work fixing and upgrading the ship. I also see vulture droids flying along the roof on their patrols through the ship and around it.

As we come around the curve of the hanger I'm meant with more than a few ships lined up along the walls on both sides. The biggest ship there that grabbed my attention was a Pelta-class frigate in good shape.


The Pelta-class frigate, also known as Pelta-class medical frigate or Republic medical frigate during the Clone Wars, was a versatile model of frigate manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. During the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance, the frigates were used by the Republic Navy to safely ferry injured clone troopers to medical stations for treatment. They also served as supply ships to deliver armaments, medical supplies, and food rations.

These vessels were vital to Republic operations during the Battle of Ryloth and the Battle of Christophsis, which saw the use of Pelta-class frigates as blockade runners, supply ships, and medcenters. In the latter role, a number of frigates participated in the evacuation of the Republic Kaliida Shoals Medical Center, which was targeted by the Separatist heavy cruiser Malevolence, captained by Supreme Commander of the Droid Army General Grievous. In the second year of the Clone Wars, Geonosian brain worms infected the clone troopers of Tango Company aboard the Pelta-class frigate TB-73. Following the sabotage of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance, a frigate participated in the recovery and rescue efforts. Pelta-class frigates also served in the capacity of supply ships during the mercy mission to Aleen. Jedi Master Kelleran Beq used the Pelta-class frigate Athylia to train Jedi initiates.

During the rule of the Galactic Empire, the nascent Rebel Alliance used Pelta-class frigates as medcenters, with a handful being retrofitted with turbolasers. The Pelta-class vessel Phoenix Home served as the command ship for the rebel Phoenix Cell until it was destroyed by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader during the Siege of Lothal.


The medical variant of the Pelta-class frigate was painted with the characteristic red markings of the Republic Navy. In appearance, the class bore similarities in design to CEC's CR90 corvettes and DP20 frigates, and had a command tower similar to Consular-class cruisers. Medical frigates of this type were equipped with at least 4 escape pods.

In order to maneuver more smoothly through space, the frigate was capable of opening up a set of wings to expose smaller auxiliary engines. The wings were usually folded up to minimize the ship's profile. The interiors could easily be switched out to conform to different mission assignments in a matter of hours.

The frigates had heavy armor, as well 2 light turbolaser batteries, 3 point-defense laser cannon batteries and 3 tractor beam batteries to defend themselves with. The cargo variant sported gray hull plating, contained a large interior for transporting supplies and, unlike the medical frigate, was armed. An example of this frigate was TB-73.


The Pelta-class was often used in conjunction with MedStar-class frigates, leading to them often being called "medical frigates" despite the modular design.

Republic medical frigates in the vicinity of Naboo were often directed to the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center, which could support tens of thousands of patients. They became easy targets during the Malevolences numerous strikes.

Some Pelta-class frigates were still used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.


There were two of those to R4s and my left, with droids crawling over them to fix them. Looking to my right revealed two Consular-class cruisers (Charger c70 retrofit). There were fewer droids crawling over these two than the Pelta-class ships.


The Consular-class cruiser (Charger c70 retrofit), also known as the Charger C70 Combat Refit, or the Republic frigate, was a modified variant of Consular-class space cruiser that saw service with the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Converted from Judicial Forces starships as part of Project Supercharger, the combat-oriented Charger c70 featured new battle-armored hull and laser turrets and proved a mainstay of the Republic Navy during the conflict.


The Charger c70 retrofit, also known as the Republic frigate, was a product of the Corellian Engineering Corporation, based on the hull of the company's earlier Consular-class space cruiser; at 138.55-meters long, it was slightly larger than the original Consulars (at 115 meters). The most important difference between the Charger c70 and its predecessor, however, was its combat configuration. Unlike the unarmed Judicial cruiser, the Charger c70 was equipped with four turret-mounted heavy laser cannons (ventral port and starboard and dorsal port and starboard), a forward-mounted twin light laser cannon, and dorsal turret-mounted quad laser cannon. Furthermore, it was outfitted with forward twin concussion missile launchers as well as armored hull plating.

Like the Consular, the Charger c70 had three sublight engines, though it could travel 1,200 kilometers per hour. to the Consular-class's 900 kph. It featured a forward navigational sensor dish, a port and starboard docking ring, a communications and sensor dish towards the stern, and a deflector shield generator, with sturdier models introduced during the retrofit. The vessel was also equipped with four Republic escape pods and a detachable salon pod in the bow below the bridge for diplomatic meetings.


They looked to be in pretty good condition and such. Turning to look down at R4, I say. "Where the in the Sithspit did you find these beauties and in such good looking condition too?"

Spinning her head to look at me. +The droids I had helping me upgrade the Lucrehulk, I sent them on an errand for parts. They found them in the hangars of other republic capital ship wrecks. We really only had to fix the hydraulics and some armor on them. But there are two more ships further in, follow me.+

She takes off with me a few feet behind her. As we were walking I took a closer look at the ships as we walked by. They truly appeared to be in good condition. Coming around the back of the last in line Pelta-class frigate parked right in front of me appeared two of the most iconic fan loved ships, though one was a different color and the other one a mess of colors. Right in front of me was a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft in perfect condition painted blue and white, with yellow highlights.


The Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, or Firespray-class starship, or Firespray-class interceptor, was a patrol and transport starship designed by Kuat Systems Engineering initially for use by the Republic Correctional Authority. The most well known of the starships was Jango and Boba Fetts ship, the Slave I.


As a prisoner transport, the ship featured numerous holding cells and devices made for the most exotic of creatures. A trademark of the ship was that it landed horizontally with the drive engines facing the surface and the cockpit facing upward. To transition to normal flight mode, the ship rotated so that the cockpit faced forward while the drive engines faced rearward.

The stock ship was well armed and armored for its size, with on-board storage space and room for several passengers and/or cargo. Roughly as fast as Koensayrs Y-wing starfighter/bomber, the ship had more than enough speed and maneuverability to intercept smugglers and other renegades.


Kuat Systems Engineering produced six prototypes shortly before the Battle of Naboo. However, all but one were destroyed when Jango Fett staged a prison break on Oovo IV. Jango kept the sole remaining Firespray, renaming it Slave I. Kuat Systems Engineering, suffering from the financial loss of the prototypes, eventually mothballed the project and concentrated instead on starship upgrades.

Many years later, K.S.E. found themselves on a more secure financial footing, and again desired to enter the starship market. The company then re-introduced the Firespray-class, hoping to build upon the reputation of the remaining prototype and its legendary pilot, Boba Fett.

The new Firesprays were, like the original prototypes, designated as patrol and attack ships and perfectly suited for law enforcement and interdiction missions. With Kuat Systems Engineering keen to expand the market for the ship, they had started to promote how easily the ship could be customized and upgraded to fulfill a myriad of roles.

At least ten were used by the Mandalorian Protectors during the Yuuzhan Vong War. By 137 ABY, these ships were legendary, but regarded as myth. During this time, Deliah Blue found and rebuilt one that was in such an advanced state of disrepair as to be falling apart.


And right next to that was a YT-1300 light freighter painted a mess of red, orange and blue. It appeared to be in good condition other than what appeared to be a little bit of rust on the landing gear.


The YT-1300 light freighter, also known as the YT-1300 Corellian freighter, was a type of light freighter manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation that saw operation in the galaxy during the final days of the Galactic Republic and the reign of the Galactic Empire. By the year 0 BBY, it was considered an outdated model. The Millennium Falcon, a smuggling vessel that became part of the Rebel Alliance fleet, was a YT-1300 of the YT-1300f variety.


The Corellian YT-1300 was used as a freighter and transport, and some saw service as intermodal tugs in orbital freight yards. The vessel's side-mounted cockpit and front-facing mandibles allowed it to push containers, although the design was modular enough to allow enterprising captains to modify their ships. Standard YT-1300s possessed powerful engines and stock hyperdrives. It had a central passage tube that ran from the ventral to the dorsal hull. At each end was a transparisteel window labelled as an observation deck, but weapon turrets could be installed. The YT-1300 was renowned for its durability and its modular design that allowed for multiple configurations beyond the stock configurations designated by the Corellian Engineering Corporation.


Coming out of the shock I was in and slowly turning toward R4. "Where did you find these?"

+They were in a pile of starfighters and small frigates, it looked like they hadn't been touched in awhile. There were a few blasters and a mess of a bed, along with old rations in the Firespray when the droids found it. The YT-1300 appeared to have been cleaned down to the last smuggling hole."

A few seconds of looking it over I had a random thought. "Are they registered to anyone?"

Shaking her head no and replying. +The last person the Firespray was registered to is a weequay bounty hunter by the name of Grez Bleikbalc that was reported to have disappeared on a hunt for a bounty. The YT-1300 was registered to the person Grez was hunting, a Dug by the name of Nirde Ltounroso. The Firesprays registered name is The Predator and the YT-1300 The Duchess.+

I was so happy that I got down on one knee and hugged R4s body. A few seconds later I let go and stood back up with a smile on my face. "How would you like an oil bath my friend?" Her response was to spin her head around and let out a few happy whistles of excitement. Taking one more look at The Predator and The Duchess, I have R4 lead me off to where the oil bath is.