Chapter Five

Tanya's POV

Still gripped by the arm roughly. I was hurled backstage to meet my buyer. Holding down my head not wanting to see the dirt bag that brought me,I saw two men in suit walking up to me but I decided to continue being the stubborn brat I am , I ignore making any eye contract. I saw an exchange of a small slip pass my me so I stole a quick glance noticing it was a cheque. Feeling myself hurled in some other men arms I huffed in anger about to pull myself roughly from the individual arms when I decided to look up to make a stern eye contact with Maria who was shaking her head at me indicating not to do anything rash to jeopardize my life or anger my buyer since I knew nothing about this physco. Nodding in her direction, she gave a small smile leaving me alone. That was the last image of her as I was pulled away but not as roughly as before, rather this was a gently grip,a hold that I could get use to, it was comforting, a very warm one and safe.

"Oh please Tanya get your fucking head in the game ",My thoughts yelled at me,walking outside with the two men, a rush of cold breeze however hit my bare skin since I was wearing a bathsuit for crying out loud.

"Hey,Are you cold?", One of them asked but acting tough I decided to not answer.

"Luke I think you brought yourself a fucking dummy ",the guy spoke again laughed out.

Feeling a finger poking my face tormentingly I wanted to turn and bite him but restrained, I eyed him side way angrily instead.

"Yep.. You got yourself a dummy" He began laughing even louder.

"Jason am not in the mood for your stupid jokes.... Stop tormenting the girl", The other one spoke serious with clear annoyance in his voice.

It wad smooth, rough in a way but sexy rough if you know what I mean and I was guessing, It belonged to the Luke guy. Looking around my surrounding planning a escape I felt a warm clothing placed over my shoulder,looking up curious I realized I had on a jacket. Deciding my mind I finally looked up to see the face of my buyer. He was serious with no emotional expressions on his face, he was dark in complexion, tall, broad shoulders, thick and sexy.

"T-thank you",I spoke softly stuttering at the sexy God pulling me along with him. Looking away from me, he didn't nod or didn't even answered.

This Jackass

"You know a welcome could be nice",my thoughts muttered out,rolling my eyes I followed Luke and Jason finally stopping by a Mercedes Benz.


Watching Luke opened the door for me pushing me in the back closing the door and entering round by his side. Jason got in the passenger side. Getting a quick glance at the person I assumed was Jason. Wow!.. Stunned by what I was seeing just by side view, he had visible dimples,light brown skin,slim well not much muscle as Luke and definitely not even close as sexy as Luke but still sexy I couldn't believe I was comparing .

"Get a grip Tanya,or so help me God I'll mentally box the hell out of you",my thoughts screamed at me angrily.

Soon the car engine started and we were pulling out of the parking lot of the club I still didn't know the name of. After some minutes we were speeding on the highway debating if whether or not I could jump out of the car like one of those Jet lee or Jackie Chan action movies. It look easy on tv, I mean how hard can it be. Once am out, I can run like hell and stupidly these idiots didn't lock the door.

I can do this

Tanya you can do this

Holy Shit! Please tell me Lord tell me I can do this. Give me a SIGN!!!!

Mentally preparing myself, I looked up to see Jason eyes digging through my soul looking at me like I was crazy.

"I think She's a crack head ", He told Luke whispering

I can hear you dumbass... Who thought this guy how to whisper.

"What?... Why? ", Luke asked confused by his accusations

"She's been talking to herself man... Not too late to refund her ass", He continued.

Refund?... Did he just... Lord please, please Lord, biting the inside of my lips, I gave him my resting bitch face which he saw through the rear view mirror. I wanted to answer him so bad it wasn't even funny. Watching Luke stopped at the lights rubbing his temple frustratingly, he sighed heavily.

Taking off my heels along with Luke's jacket ,I relax my legs telling myself this was going to be a long run. Watching the light turned green, he began driving off indicating right turning in under a bridge which led to a tunnel, I decided to execute my plan. I immediately side closer to the door wasting no time opening the door jumping out making a rough, heavy landing rolling hitting my left hip and side on the asphalt road. This was the moment I knew I fucked up wishing I had thought my escape better since the pain am feeling was incredibly painful.

"God the movies made jumping from a fucking moving vehicle look so easy",I yelled only to myself and no one else loud enough to have my voice echo throughout the tunnel.

Getting up from the ground force my weight on my left leg since my right leg was bleeding badly,I looked back to see Luke's Mercedes benz has already made its stop and Jason who was already out making a run towards me with Luke following behind running like flash. They both had dangerous look on thier faces but I was determining they weren't going to catch me, so I ran, well hop the hell off the ground trumbling down using every bit of strength I had to escape while biting inside of my cheeks to distract myself from the pain I was feeling. Suddenly seeing a bright light appearing in the distance, I smiled realizing it's a gas station. Looking back, they were gaining slowly so I began putting more effort in my speed.

Just a little bit more and Freedom

Turning all my focus on reaching that gas station, I didn't realized I was about to be tackled. In seconds I was flat on my face, feeling a strike of pain lightening speed hit me in my lower back and rib cage. Spitting red liquid from my mouth, my eyes widen quickly knowing it was blood. I tried getting up struggling under Jason's weight especially with him having both of my hands behind my back in a handcuff position.

"Help!!!!!. Some body help me",I screamed out but was cut off when something silky like a tie was placed over my mouth, tied between my teeth in a bow around the back of My head. Kicking, trying to turn from his grip I felt a immediate pain rush through my head because it was slam hard in the asphalt causing my vision to become blurry. I felt Jason weight lift off of me but I was on the edge of blocking out to know who it was.

"We don't hit women Jason the fuck is wrong with you? You want to kill her you damn asshole",Luke voice shouted in the distance fisting him to the ground.

"I have a life and too much to loose to have a nobody like her take it away, am not going to prison for you Luke and that bitch almost got police on our tail",Jason yelled back

"That doesn't mean you slam her head in the asphalt road",Luke yelled flying a kick in Jason's knee causing him to fall to the ground. Watching through blurry vision which was getting worse by the minute along with the pounding headache, Luke turned his attention to me walking over to my Aid.

"I need to get you medical attention ", His voice spoke calmly but his words were fading away in the distance as I fell into darkness. Slowly placing my face in his chest,I couldn't fight anymore, I just allowed my self to welcome the darkness causes by my pounding head and other unbearable pain I was feeling.