Jason's POV
Agreeing to go out with Tanya was a huge mistake. I knew Luke would have my damn head for this when he found out. Deep down I didn't regret taking her up on her offer, meeting Stacy, and don't forget... Running down two beautiful women for a cheesecake. It was all fun until it wasn't. Jumping Tanya,I don't know why her instead of Stacy maybe it was protection knowing who I'll be answering to if she got hurt. The only problem was, She wasn't the one that needed it.
Scurrying off the ground stumbling weakly, shocked and numb, I ran over to Stacy who has already fallen to the ground with a gunshot wound to her lower waist, taking my shirt off, I kept pressing down hard trying to stop the blood.
"Hello...We...We need an ambulance, someone's been shot", a stranger spoke in the distance giving information on our location.