Naruto: Konan in Konoha

So, i always felt like Konan could have been a really good character but she didn't get much screentime so I came up with this idea since she was one of my favourite characters.


Instead of being born in Amegakure around the time of the 3rd shinobi war.

Konan will be born in Konoha and will be orphaned just like in the original.

Konan will be the same age as Naruto.

When it comes to pairing, you can do NarutoxKonan since Konan had feelings dor Yahiko and Naruto is like the Konoha version of him.

When it comes to personality, Konan was a female version of Itachi so I would prefer if you could keep her that way.

You can make Konan and Naruto friends since they are both orphans.

When Konan graduates you do not want to put her on the same team as Naruto! Be original and put her on a different team, all the fanfics are the same where the MC somehow ends up on Narutos team. (You can place her on Hinatas team, just make Sakura fail the test and place Kiba on team 7 so it would be 3 man cells.)

When it comes to fighting style, focus on her paper style (I thought it was a kekkei genkai but it apparently isn't.)

Just try to focus on team 8 and their development, try to not focus on the main characters so it seems more realistic.