Chapter 1

I walk down toward the door. And i saw a kid wearing a black hoodie. And he is acting weird. And that he was rocking back and forth and giggling over things. That he says that he sees. Ain't we all crazy some how? Like looking

At the freak see? With fox ears. Is forbidden like I know that. I don't talk to him but he looks retarded fuck. I hate him because he is diffrent isn't accepted here. So people behind me where laughing. And that surprising he isn't breaking down. And he was smiling like always. He was nice to them and I figure why he so stupid about him. He doesn't care. "Hey he is some furry" one of the kid.

And that kid. I was talking about. He started to laugh. Like really it's like feel it's nothing? I wonder why that he acts like it doesn't matter. So i went to my social study. And he wasn't there and I wonder why. That he is like this. I don't know. But something tells me that he will get over it. He hangs with some fat ass and a guy that always stinks. They always are together and he looks happy. And very loud. He use to have jokes that he makes up out of no where. But...

Today he is quite until you talk to him. Maybe that he has no one to talk to. Or that no one wants him to live. Or be his friend. It's going to be 3rd hour. And he is in it. And he was sad looking and quite. I sat in the front right where the teachers would go. He ask to go to the bathroom. So did a girl she leaves and He does I started to work. While minutes later he is not wearing his hoodie and he was smiling out of no where. He sat down and the teacher asked him "where is Angela?"

And he looked at the teacher. "I don't know i haven't seen her"

He replied with a frown. I just ignore him. He started to draw pictures and Writing. He started to giggle and it creeped me out and he was drawing a girl getting choked to death and the Writing was in a diffrent language. So to me I couldn't read it. He didn't look back. Then he flips it again and started to draw another picture. I turn to see what he is doing because he is giggling a lot and I see a knife with people that are bleeding. He started to smile. Like crazy and started up laughing at nothing. I was surprise that it seem to be funny. Not to me. The teacher tells him to settle down. His name was Ian. Well he use to act deliriously toward everyone. And he was quiet. The time was about to hit 10 since it's a half day. And he was happy. About something. But I am not sure what that it be. I started to go to lunch and some random kid started to be rude to him and I walk by and looked where he is while he punches his face. He stabbed the bully in the leg and people started to flip out. And he walked to the office. I'm sure he realize what he just did.

And he smiled and people rush to the bully because he was bleeding like crazy. His friend was watching him

And later everyone settled out. And he wasn't in 4th hour. And i was texting my friends. A girl that is blond and she was nice and rich. I looked at her ass. And her boobs was big. I looked at my phone while later on I wanted to leave it was already about to be time to go to 5th hour. I saw his grandma and he started to giggle. It gives me the chills. But somehow. I felt like he was still here. As he left I went to my 5th hour. And people was there already.

Studying and after that I started to play my rap songs. And started working and zoneing out. Into my paper. I just can't stop thinking about his face on that moment he stabbed him. It was so creepy it's like he was enjoying it. Hopefully that he dies right? Well the time is about to hit on the 30. Close to half a hour before I go home. Later on 5th had just ended and and I walked outside and I saw people gathering towards the girls bathroom and some crying. And i saw John. He was sad and I walked towards him and looked at the corpse and it looks like some one strangled her to death. "What happen?" I asked he looked at me. "Sophie died in the bathroom. I'm surprised that no one could find the person that killed her." And by that I figured that Ian did it. Because he was acting weird

But I have no proof that he did it but the way. She looked that she didn't know that she was dying. People talking around me and John was sad. Someone needs to find out who is doing this! Before someone that will be on his list to kill. I walked to language and that somehow. That i saw someone that looks like Ian but taller. I got creeped out a bit by that. I'm terrified by it. I ran towards my class I walk in. The one desk that is at the back. Is where I sit down. And in fact that. I saw Ian's shadow it looked at me blankly and I stood there. Looking at it. As I look at my paper it got closer. Then I look at my friends and look at it. It's in front of me everything turned black while people was studying. And everywhere I look is black. And where I stand got light.