Chapter 161: Shang Qiao Jian Sheng

Shang Qiao Jian Sheng was already waiting for me on the stage when I climbed up. He sneered when he caught sight of me, glancing at my friends from both Seven Stars Academy and Ten Thousand Swords University.

"Finished saying your goodbyes?" he mocked me.

"Goodbyes?" I repeated incredulously. Shang Qiao Jian Sheng shrugged nonchalantly, gripping his sword tightly.

"Yeah…because you will die here."

"Isn't the whole idea to avoid killing each other during the tournament?" I asked, doing my best not to roll my eyes. "Besides, the instructors will step in and stop the battle if it gets too…uh, violent."

"Naïve. You're too naïve!"

I didn't respond to that. I waited for Cai Pan to signal the start of the battle before I made my move.