Chapter 183: Stalking

After the treatment, the idiotic trio recovered enough to move, but I had half a mind to leave them behind.

After all, the lot of them was slowing us heavily and dragging us down. At this rate, never mind completing the mission, we were all going to die. Or at least the three would die, and the rest of us would be forced to escape.

That was a scenario I wanted to avoid, if possible. Against a sect the size and strength of Black Venom Cult, I would prefer to retain the element of surprise. I wanted to ambush them while they were off-guard, and wipe them out once and for all.

Now you probably were wondering why I was so intent on their deaths. What exactly did Black Venom Cult do to deserve such hatred and the punishment of extermination? What exactly did they do to earn such a grudge to the point where the authorities would post a request for their extermination? All they did was practice poison techniques, right? Where was the harm in that?