Chapter 222: Ten Thousand Sword Formation

"Boss! Bad news!"

Zhang Ping was knocking on the door to my dorm room the next day. I slowly got up from bed, put on my glasses and staggered to open it. To my lack of surprise, I saw that Liu Yu Feng was accompanying him as well.

"Yun Che is forcing Xia Xing Yue to marry him!" she said when I stared at the both of them, bleary eyed.

"Uh…what?" I was still half-asleep so I wasn't sure what I was hearing.

"It's all over social media," Zhang Ping explained, holding up his smartphone. "Yun Che has announced that he will be marrying Xia Xing Yue today."

"However, Xia Xing Yue refused. She is currently barricaded in her dorm room in Ten Thousand Sword University, but she's surrounded by the disciples of the Sword Saint Palace." Liu Yu Feng looked worried. "They are trying to abduct her for the wedding ceremony."

"…and what exactly is Ten Thousand Sword University doing?" I asked, trying not to sound astonished at what sounded like utter nonsense.