Chapter 2 - Gacha Hell!

While Mai talking telepathically with the system, someone was knocking on her door. She walked to the door and unlock the door before opening it. The caretaker, Bic, was outside.

"Yes, what is it, ma'am?" Mai asked Bic with a flat tone.

"It's your turn to do the measurement for your uniform because you will be entering elementary school the next week. Go downstairs if you're ready..." Bic answered and then walk away from her room.

'Elementary school, huh?' She thought. 'This is going to be boring~' She then quickly go downstairs for the measurement. she saw 3 other children her age that are also going to attend school. She found out that the government is the one who's going to pay for their school fees because they were orphans.

After a few minutes of measurement, she was done and go straight to her bedroom again without bothering to address her fellow soon to be schoolmates. They thought that she was arrogant but they also silently laugh because they know she was quirkless.

When she got inside her room, again, she locked the door and slam herself on the bed. Even though the bed isn't bouncy, she felt relaxed. Because she really has nothing to do, she thought it was better for her to understand more about the system.

'Ai-chan~ Can you explained your features to me? As short as possible, please~' Mai asked the system.

[A- Alright host, I'll... try my best! Ahem!]

[The first one is The Mission. It's not really the main thing here. Let's just say it's just a bonus. You do a mission, you get a reward. Usually, there is only a daily mission available. Only on rare occasions, you will get another kind of mission]

[The second one is The Shop. It's a shop where you can buy Touhou related items with Incident point. The incident point can be gained by making or solving an incident. It can't be earned by doing a mission. There are also other hidden ways to get incident points, but the host must find it herself]

[The third one is The Ultimate Gacha. This is the main feature of the system. It's a place to get Touhou character skills at random. You will also get attribute points when getting a character. Can only be used with a gacha ticket. Gacha ticket can be obtained by doing mission and also by doing the same thing as to get incident point]

[That's it, host!]

'It's still too long though' Mai said to the system telepathically.

[I- I- I'm really really sorry host!]

Seeing the system became flustered, maybe because it's not too focused to sense her real thought, Mai starts laughing in her head. 'Fufufu~ I'm joking. It's just to tease you a little but. You really are cute, Ai-chan~'

[Um... Ummm.... Thanks?]

'There's no way my little SYSTEM can be this cute!' Mai thought.

[A- Anyway! I'll give you this to try and use it!]

A transparent screen then appeared in front of Mai, showing a notification text. She also heard the system voice.

[You have received a gacha ticket!]

'Oh no,' Mai didn't felt happy at all. Instead, she felt some sort of doom is coming closer to her. 'Isn't this the rumored free gacha roll for the first time? It's the ultimate trap that has claimed tons of victims through gacha history. If they didn't calm down their emotion after doing it, they will be stuck on an infinite loop of gacha hell. They will keep taping the gacha button even though the currency for doing gacha has run out. It will unconsciously make their bank account numbers suddenly appeared on the top-up screen just for them to continue the loop. It's the ultimate battle, far more intense than a battle between Madara and Hashirama.

Even though she can be called a veteran at this type of thing, she still became scared of doing it. So she uses her ability (Manipulation of Emotion) to cast {Optimism} at herself so that she didn't become scared and paranoid about doing the gacha. After she does that. Her emotion stabilized a little and she's now ready.

'Alright, Ai-chan! Open the Ultimate Gacha function!' Mai said to the system in her head.

Another transparent screen appeared in front of her. She can see a shrine on the screen. There is a red circle on the center of the shrine's pair of doors with the word Gacha in it. Without hesitation, her finger began to move closer and closer to the circle. But just as it about to touch the screen, she then began to remember something.

'Oh! I almost forgot the most important thing!' Mai thought to herself. 'Ai-chan!' There's a brief silence before she finally decided! 'Put 990 attributes points to my Luck!'

[H- Host! Are you sure?! Then what about your other attributes?]

'Yes! I'm sure!' Mai stopped for a second there, before continuing. 'There are only two options. The first one is to live in danger, and the other is to be tortured by gacha hell, and I choose the former. That is my way of life!' She said that to the system, with pride. 'Besides, I will get attributes when doing gacha right?' She asked the system.

[Y- Yes! That's right, Host!]

'And I believe the rarer I got, the more attributes will increases. Am I right?'

[Y- Yeah! That's how it's work]

'It's fine then! I got a daily mission that gives gacha ticket and the main story will begins years later, according to the date that I have seen. Yup! Just do it, Ai-chan!'


[Luck: 10 -> 1000]

[Attribute Point: 1000 -> 10]

'Thanks, Ai-chan!' She thanked the system before she focused back on the gacha screen. 'Now! Let's do this! For real!' Her index finger moves so fast to the gacha button and at last, it made contact!

The red circle with the word Gacha started to disintegrate into thin air and the pair of doors opened. A ball of yin and yang started to float from inside the shrine to the outside. It keeps getting bigger and bigger. When almost most of the screen got filled with it, the yin-yang ball started to shine.

Because it was the first time she's doing this, her eyes still can't adjust to the sudden light coming from the screen and she covered her eyes with both her hands. When she felt the light fading out, she put her hands away and started to slowly open her eyes.

When she looks at the screen, her face is still the same with its deadpan expression while inside, her (imaginary) eyes widen because of shock!

'There's no way!' she thought to herself. 'How!?'

[Congratulations! You have got 1 Star character: (Wind Fairy)]

[Added ability: -(Basic Wind Magic)]

[Bonus attribute: -Agility(+5)]

[Agility: 10 -> 15]

She felt dejected because she thought that after she put her attribute points to her Luck, she will get something good for her first try. But of course, it's not that easy. But then...

'Oh well, because I got bad stuff now, I'm sure of it, the next time I will get something better!'

Her dejected feeling was quickly swept out by her {Optimism} that she had put herself in. But then she realized that her {Optimism} is still on and quickly turn it off.

'Phew~ my ability is too dangerous even to myself. I felt like my personality changed a little when that {Optimism} was on. Even my other feeling disappear completely. I don't know what would happen if I didn't realize it' She moves her hand to wiped out the cold sweat that appeared on her face.

She decided not to use her emotional ability toward herself anymore under any condition. She didn't want to lose herself. It's good that it was only optimism, not that strong of an emotion. She can still control herself.

What about using it toward others? She felt bad just by thinking of it. If only she has other abilities. Well, she also decided to use her emotion manipulation ability as little as possible. She will only use it if there is no other choice.

With that being said, she set her focus on something else, and that is...

'Ai-chan! Where is my daily mission?!'

It looks like Mai already got addicted to the gacha.