Chapter 15 - Please Wait!

When Mai walked into the classroom, she was immediately being stared at by her classmates. She can also hear her classmates murmuring to each other. They seemed to be talking about her.

Mai could already smell trouble. She quickens her pace and sat in her seat. After that, she heard the system voice.

[Congratulatio-, or, maybe not. Host, you have discovered two incidents! Also, your daily mission for today has been completed!]

'Huh? Discovered incidents? What does it mean, Ai-chan?' Mai asked the system.

[Umm... Maybe I'll explain from the start. It stated that the host can get incident points from making or solving an incident. But sometimes, someone else makes incidents about you. Because it's not made by the host, you must first 'know' about the incident first, before it can be listed in the mission. Also, if they were the same kind, the discovered incident would evolve your ongoing incident and increased its reward!]

'Ai-chan, can you make an example?' Mai got the gist of it, but she just wanted to make sure.

[Fo- For example, if someone leaked false information that the host is in a... re- relationship with a senpai on your school and was widely spread, it would cause an incident to be made, but the host must know it exists first before you can get the incidents points out of it!]

'Well, if someone actually did that, they'll get a beating session by me,' Mai thought to herself, with a sinister mind. 'Alright Ai-chan, show me what incidents that I just discovered!'

And then, the usual mission screen appeared on her vision.


- Incident: School Idol -> Quirkless School Idol (Ongoing)

Prize: 45000 -> 90000 Incident Points (Collect?)

-Incident: Genius Student -> Quirkless Genius Student (Ongoing)

Prize: 27500 -> 55000 Incident Points (Collect?)

-Daily mission: Gain the attention of 20 people at the same time (20/20) (Completed!)

Prize: 1 Gacha Ticket

Mai can only silently sigh when she saw both the incident's name. 'How troublesome...'


Three kids from the orphanage. They now have matured and know that Bull Ying can't just appear out of nowhere if they bully Mai. They've had a deep hatred for her since their first day at school. Their resentment then increased over time, with Bull Ying, who likes to lash out at them and also forcing them to study diligently so that they can achieve the same feat as Mai, which is impossible for them to do.

Not to mention when Mai's popularity rose to another level. But then they must hide their hatred from other people because of the [Redacted!] existence. Their accumulated hatred gradually changes into envy.

'Why can the quirkless her do it while we can't?'

'Why can the quirkless her be so smart while we dumb?'

'Why can the quirkless her have many admirers while we have none?'

At last, they have an epiphany...

'No! Her circumstances are not right! We must do something so that she can be in her TRUE circumstances...'

When they get into their third year, they decided to start spreading rumors about Mai being quirkless. Of course, at first, nobody believed it. Even when Mai hasn't shown her quirk yet while other students usually use them at school. The students simply think that Mai doesn't use her quirk because she follows the rules so well.

Also, there's [Redacted!] who work hard to suppress the rumors. So the talk about it was few. But when one of the students got curious and asked the teacher in the class about it, they got the answer.

"Yes, from her data, it states that she was quirkless. But don't shift your view on her, okay? She really is a genius. Sadly, she just wasn't blessed to have her own quirk..."

It thus became the talk of many. And that happened yesterday, after the school end. Mai didn't know about it because she immediately went home when it spreads, with Jimmy pursuing her.


When the break time came and the teacher went out of the class, Jimmy took a glance at Mai. She was holding a pencil in her right hand and it immediately snapped. He then instantly jumps up from his seat. "Why are you guys staring at Mai like that!" He yelled at his classmates.

"What? You didn't know?" Asked the girl that sits in front of him.

"Huh? What is it?" Jimmy asked back.

"The fact that Mai is quirkless..." Said the girl.

"What?" Jimmy was shocked. He then fixed his gaze on Mai. "Is what she said right?" He asked her. But Mai just answered him with silence. He didn't know what to do.

The classroom door then suddenly opened. It was the three boys from Mai's orphanage. They made their way toward Mai's seat. Because they look like thugs, no one dares to stop them.

Seeing Mai that was looking down with clenched hands, they felt exhilarated. 'It was a success!' They thought to themself.

"Hey F.r.i.e.n.d-san, how do you feel right now, knowing that most of the school found out that you're quirkless. Is it good?" They asked her simultaneously while grinning like a madman.

When they want to walk closer, they were blocked by Jimmy. "Who are you guys? What is your problem with Friend-san?" He asked while glaring at the three boys.

"Who are we? We were the ones who spread the FACT that she was quirkless..." The leader of the three answered him, still maintaining his grin. "Also, do you still want to defend her even when knowing that?"

Jimmy's glare at them intensified. "It doesn't matter if she's quirkless or not. I'll still be her friend until the end! Also, those who abandoned their friends are worse than scum!" He said to them, with a face full of resolution.

"Are you looking for a fight?" The leader asked while cracking his hands. His two followers observed what their leader's doing and also cracked their hands, resulting in a loud cracking sound combined.

"All right, everybody, can you please get out of class? We'll start our fight right after..." After Jimmy said that, all his classmates except Mai are out of class, but they're still peeping through the windows.

Jimmy can only sigh in disappointment. None of them volunteered to help. One of the classmates starts running toward the teacher's office to inform them about this.

"Friend-san, why aren't you out yet?" Jimmy asked Mai.

"No, I'll stay..." Mai answered. She's not in the mood to move away.

*Sigh* "Alright then..." He then fixes his gazes at the three boys who're gonna be his opponents.

The three boys just stood there facing them. They were relaxed because they know it was three on one. They think that Mai can't fight and just there to be a burden.

It was then that the three boys heard a thudding sound of something heavy falls on the ground. It came from underneath the boy who would be their opponent. 'what's that?' They ask themselves when they see the heavy metal-like objects.

The boy in question, Jimmy, can only glance at them while smiling.

"Oh sorry, Please wait for a moment, can I remove my weight first before we fight? I usually put them both on my hand and legs..." After he said that, he crouches down and quickly removes the 'weight' on his legs. The sound can be heard again, but it's smaller than before because of the difference in the falling force.

For some reason, the three boys felt like they heard a boss theme start playing in the background.