Humility immediately watched out for any incoming feaths from the demon in front of him. He gulped as he was never the kind that could par on a fight involving speed. He's fast alright, as to be expected for rank 2, but not fast enough to actually read the demon's movement.

When he did dodge the first attack, it was for him, a miracle as he could only see him as nothing more but a streak of lines and blurry images.

He tried to focus, to keep on fighting while also conserving energy, but each blow weakens him. Soon he grew tired and was about to fall a couple times. The demon was very powerful and he knew that if it wanted, it would have pulverized him immediately, but why is he not?

The demon may have read his mind because for some reason, it stopped attacking, looking intently at him only, while a grin is present on its face. Humility, now puzzled whether to keep attacking or not, halted as well, not wanting to waste energy if not necessarily needed.

AKIHIKO: Akihiko's the name. If you wonder why I haven't killed you yet is because I'm bored. And if I overpower you for some reason, then I won't be able to eat you. Your quite interesting to watch struggle, so I guess I'll play with you for a bit.


Humility felt very insulted. That had hurt his pride deeply and somehow, the inferiority he felt before from his brother all came back. The old him began to whisper in his ears that he shouldn't let anyone trample at him like that again. And Humility's rage became very evident in his aura that the demon didn't fail to took notice.

AKIHIKO: What's that look, eh?

Humility yelled, and was about to attack with his whip, but it didn't hit. Instead it was blocked by a huge trident, that could only belong to one entity.

HUMILITY: Nha-Nhairon? How...?

NHAIRON: You were the only one not there, of course I'd worry. Now, go back to the spirit realm and heal. You don't look so good.

He frowned, and Nhairon had felt something bad about to happen when he saw that. Humility was not himself.

HUMILITY: I can fight alongside you too! I won't let that brat get away!

NHAIRON: Humility, do you hear yourself?

Then he suddenly snapped back.

Even the demon was confused for a second. The elegance and prince-like presence of the Humility he was fighting a minute ago disappeared for a second. What was going on?

AKIHIKO: Lemme guess? Childhood trauma? Or personality disorder? Well, if you need to sort it out I'll give you like...five minutes. I just hate dramas.

NHAIRON: Humility, listen to me, you have to get out of here. This isn't your fight.

Now reverting back to his usual self, Humility agreed and went back without another word. But that wasn't permanent, as the more he remembers his failures, the faster the old him began to claw it's way out of his heart. He felt irritated, and somehow, he feels like he wasn't supposed to lose to anybody.

He just stared at the Rank 1 reaper as he stands quite confidently, facing the demon. He only felt jealousy, and not even a bit of respect, as he saw how domineering Nhairon looked as he was preparing to strike.

Humility, not bearing the envy any longer, looked at the skies and focused on ascending. But the thoughts did not left him.

Nhairon then looked at the demon, fierce and beastly.

NHAIRON: Let's see what you got.

AKIHIKO: Pff, old man, I can surely destroy you so just speak a little humb-

Before he could speak another word, he was pierced in the chest by the trident, and he didn't even saw it coming. Nhairon was at the speed of light, even greater than his own.

The last thing the demon saw were green lights, emitted by the fireflies Nhairon usually have as company.

Even if he's way bigger, the demon stood no chance against the Rank 1 reaper, whose strength is far more greater than Humility.

NHAIRON: Maybe if you're a little humble, you could have hurt me. But you're talking constantly, it's not very helpful.

Nhairon then looks at the sky, wondering how Humility was feeling right there.


Humility collapsed when his foot reached the spirit realm, and everyone else was shocked.

It's been a while since they saw the rank 2 reaper, whose usually victorious, fall from his knees.

They assisted him up, but the news of his defeat had already spread. And Humility felt quite depressed. He was not usually the one to feel that way, but why of all centuries must he feel this hurt?

Vixen looked at him rather sympathetic.

She tried to talk to him but somehow he was too absorbed in his own thoughts to reply.

VIXEN: Humility, if you want a talk with Carrie I can-

HUMILITY: Not today.

That was odd. Humility would never refuse anything involving Carrie. He doesn't look like blushing either. Which is quite unusual, and more so, kind of scary. There wasn't a trace of softness in his voice as well.

VIXEN: What on earth happened to you?

HUMILITY: I want to be alone for a moment.

VIXEN: Just talk to us so we can understand you, why are you acting weird? What happened back there?

HUMILITY: I said...leave me alone!

When he looked at her, and locked eyes, Vixen swore it wasn't the same big friendly purple eyes she once always see. It wasn't near anything like that. They were very different.

They looked threatening.

VIXEN: Humi-... Is...is that even you?

HUMILITY: Why? Just because I'm not acting kind you'd all hate me? Am I obliged to be calm-headed at all times? Am I not allowed to feel bad?

That received uncountable gasps from the reapers present in the area. Just who had ascended the realm of spirits just now? Was it really Humility? Or someone else?

The one speaking wasn't him, it was the cocky and self-centered boy back before, who never likes losing.

HUMILITY: Leave me.

Vixen slapped him.

And everyone was in pure shock.

VIXEN: I did that to knock some sense into you. We lose sometimes in our lives, alright? Why are you acting like a child when you're supposed to be hundreds and hundreds of years old, huh? You're better than this.

But he didn't respond to that. Instead, he touched his face and gritted his teeth in anger. Then grabbed her by the collar of her dress. She was too scared to move that she froze instantly.

HUMILITY: How dare you slap me?

Her eyes began to beg and apologize but she saw nothing in his eyes.

Since no one still know about what he went through when he was a child, how he was ignored and treated as nothing, none can emphatize with him.

Maybe he hadn't healed like what he thought.

All the attempts and frustrations he had before was slowly letting out of his system. The selfish brat back then is slowly returning, his more calm self now tired to come out.

VIXEN: Wha...what are you...doing? Put me down, please!

HUMILITY: What if I don't want to?

NHAIRON: Humility! What are you doing?!

Humility instantly lets go of Vixen, who dropped on the ground gasping for air.

Nhairon was not very pleased, and in fact quite confused as to why he was acting rudely.

NHAIRON: Tell me the matter.

HUMILITY: It wasn't my fault.

NHAIRON: She's a lady. You shouldn't act that way!

HUMILITY: Well, I'm sorry you're too perfect!

NHAIRON: What's with the tantrums little shrimp?

That triggered him. Little shrimp was what Nhairon used to call him, but today it felt different and insulting for the reaper.

HUMILITY: What did you say?

NHAIRON: You need to calm down. You're being too sensitive.

HUMILITY: I just told them to leave me alone, is that too much to ask? Then the next thing they did, was ask all this bunch of questions.

NHAIRON: It's because they're concerned about you, what do you want and how do you want them to react, huh? Your behaviour is totally inexcusable. Do you want the Divine Empress to punish you? You're a rank 2, for goodness sake, you should be a role model.

HUMILITY: Well maybe I'm tired to be a lifeless happy little doll for everyone to see. I'm done.

NHAIRON: What did you say?

HUMILITY: I'm done.

NHAIRON: You do not know what you say.

He tried to come closer to Humility but he suddenly summons his electric whip. White butterflies covered him as the rank 2 himself, challenges Nhairon.

NHAIRON: What are you doing?

HUMILITY: I'm done with everyone.

NHAIRON: I'm trying to be patient with you.

HUMILITY: So? Did I asked for this?

Their verbal fight went on that even Tara heard them. She tried her best to move to the front and was surprised to find out who's fighting who.

TARA: I've never imagined Humility to be this sassy. Is he even the same person?

Vixen looks at her and bowed, then whispered.

VIXEN: Don't you like hang out with him too? Can...can you please if you may, stop them? I don't want the Empress to see this.

TARA: Eh...are you sure they won't kill me?

VIXEN: Aren't you like friends?

TARA: I...well, maybe I could try?

And as she walk to the front and saw how Humility's eyes looked at her, oh boy, she regrets even breathing at that moment.


Red senses something not right while Tanken claims victory and kept on telling Gabby her achievements, which amazes the mortal girl so much.

His fears were confirmed when a white butterfly entered the restaurant. It was one of the white reaper's summons calling him for assistance.

He knew instantly it was about Humility.

Now in a rush out of concern and fear, he wasn't able to fully explain to Gabby about the situation, and soon he was left with no choice but to trust Tanken to take care of her.

Gabby, not wanting to be trouble, hesitantly let him go and promised that she'd get along with Tanken.

The two exchanged sincere glances before Red leaves.

And Gabby's fate is now solely on Tanken's hands.

She had never been this excited.