HARRY: Oi, dude, haven't noticed this before, but your earrings are gone, Red.

RED: Oh. Wait, really?

Red touches his ears and as what Harry said, there were no earrings present.

RED: The flesh hole probably closed when I became younger. I wonder where I left those.

HARRY: Never mind that, just get a new pair.

HUMILITY: Come to think of it, we should use our regained abilities to turn ourselves into kids. That way, they won't be able to locate us. Use a summon as a power bank and let's store our extra flare there.


JERICO: Wait...wait...flare?

RED: Mm, you'll understand soon enough.

JERICO: Wait! So Red...did you...did you really love Gabby? And why are they after her? I don't understand. Is it because you love her? Wait...is this some kind of anime-ish plot?

RED:(Can't relate) I...I'll explain once she's safe. Wake Murasaki up. Once we're kids, we'll be vulnerable. The summons must be kept far from us and it will also serve as bait to lure them out.

HARRY: It will make us seem almost invisible to the captors, and once we locate them...boom! We get the summons and our flare back! And we're done!

HUMILITY: What if Gabby's not with them, though?

Murasaki opens the door, with his hair disheveled and his shirt crinkled.

Humility snaps his fingers and with a smile, he now knows just what the human would do to help.


Murasaki felt shocked when Humility called his name.

MURASAKI: I...I..you're back to normal, and all but...me? Me?!

HUMILITY: That's right. Two of our summons will serve as bait. One will accompany you in search for Gabby...but you will only act once it glows as signal.

MURASAKI: I...I don't know man, I don't want to turn into a bird again. I don't want to be chased by that spider lady again.

RED: Remember, this is for her.

Those words were enough to give him courage. Even with the panic and certain knowledge that they're facing some supernatural foe, it scares Murasaki more knowing that Gabby faces this alone. It has been days. Who knew if she eats?

MURASAKI: Fine. Tell me what to do.

He was clearly ready to go all out, but half his mind was wondering of what really happened to her...

Why she was missing, and why her?

And if...they're really not trying to rescue a ghost.



Everything seemed pretty normal. Gabby was playing with the black lab she named Storm.

And was playing fetch. She felt pretty amazed, he was growing more and more everyday.

Gabby never had a pet before, and having one surely amazes her.

Red couldn't help but hear her soft gentle chuckles as she plays with the black lab on her living room. It was very admirable to watch, and a soft heartwarming moment.

She wears a bright smile.

A true smile that could melt anyone.

It had been quite long since he last saw that smile. A smile that wasn't supposed to display or flaunt. It was just a smile...of joy.

And she wears it perfectly.

His heart did no effort hiding his feelings as it was pounding harder and harder every passing second.

His fixated eyes didn't help him either.

She was too lively to take your eyes off.


Unbeknownst to him that time, was an impatient driven act about to start.

Tanken, knowing that she doesn't have much time left before winter ends, chose to do it the hard way. While spying on the two, Tanken and Jinko, were busy thinking of what move must be next.

The Jurugomo was away for now, as she was busy luring men to eat, so as expected, the two were quiet and sort of wary with each other's intentions.

Jinko, although having some clear indication of softness towards Fia, has in no way intended for the everstone to be given to her. Jinko was using both girls for his own pursuit.

But to Tanken, she was using them both to reach her goals. She knows she's more powerful, but Jinko's tactics were better than hers.

Though with the approach of Spring not coming to a halt, she becomes anxious and eventually wanted to do something about it.

She suggested Jinko to use the powerful stone, hoping to use it against Red so he wouldn't be able to summon anyone for help, as she does the killing part.

Of course only Tanken can use it. But Jinko wasn't planning to use it on Red solely. He wanted Red to summon his friends, then punish Humility. Then finish him.

JINKO: If Red was only the problem, I would have finished him a long time ago. Plus, I have the Jorugumo, surely I'll kill him to dust. But he has Humility on his side. That's who I must kill.

Tanken showed great disinterest and disappointment.

TANKEN: But we're running out of time! I...I need him now!

JINKO: It's not our fault that your charm to seduce him failed.

That gave Tanken a powerful blow.

They're right.

She can't get mad. What he said was true. Her charm failed her miserably.

There was no question about that.

She kept quiet. Knowing she have lost.

JINKO: If you stick to my plan, then things would go well for us all.

Jinko tried to sound fair, although he was also thinking of getting rid of her through Humility's strength. It was to no doubt that even if she's aged and experienced, the White Reaper's blinding light and power is still strong enough to perish her.

Deep in his kind blue eyes was a plan of deception waiting to reveal itself, and Tanken, already desperate, agreed on the terms.

She readied herself, forgetting her moral code as she prepares to attack Gabby, and lure the reaper Humility, out of his hiding place.


It was quiet. Too quiet for Gabby. She realized that the wind stop blowing for three minutes now. And that something off is kinda up. She can't describe just what she feels but...it was oddly familiar. It was some sort of...fearful reaction but...why was she feeling this way?

She looks at Red, who was busy looking at her kitchen, probably thinking of what to cook, while she, was wondering just what caused her to feel...endangered.

She looked at the window, and her fear gradually comes to a peak, when she saw a white pale hand waving at her.

Oh no, she forgot to lock it.

She didn't froze this time, and she managed to let out a scream, that was however, quickly covered by Tanken, as she dragged her out of the room, to a portal.

Once the Red Reaper heard her screams, he wasted no time to teleport towards her.

Red grabbed Gabby's other hand, but truth be told, Tanken was more powerful. He managed to summon Harry, but it took a good 30 seconds for him to come. And alas! Red and Gabby, were nowhere to be found when he was already at the scene.

But the proof that chaos did come was the fact that many furniture were destroyed and covered in snow.

Humility, however, was called too. He and Carrie were on the fields of Aokigihara, locating demons and lost souls, when he felt something oddly wrong.

He felt worried.

CARRIE: Hey? What's the matter?

HUMILITY: Red, Red gave a distress signal.

CARRIE: But...but you just...you just got your abilities back. You've barely recovered.

HUMILITY: I...he's my friend. I still need to help him.

CARRIE: Alright, but...make sure you come back.

Humility, now in a rush, only gave her a nod.


Jinko smiled at the discovery, Gabby was successfully abducted, while Red, was knocked out temporarily. And now that he knows Humility was on his way, it's time to reveal his true intentions.

TANKEN: She's here. And now...the deal. The potion you kept telling me before. The potion for him to love me, where?

JINKO: Soon. The deal isn't over yet. Humility is still not here.

TANKEN: Ugh, why is he taking so long? You better not trick me, I can kill you in seconds.

JINKO: Now, now, why would I do that, right?

TANKEN: If...if this don't work, I'll make sure you'll pay for it.

JINKO: Easy, easy. I'll make sure you'll get what you want.

Gabby looks at them with terrified eyes, while still pitying Red, who was by then too exhausted to even open his eyes. He keeps grunting, trying to break free, or even move one muscle, but he was too tired to do anything.

RED: Gabby...sorry I...I failed you.

Back on her apartment room, he did everything he could to have her safe.

He did double than what he usually does, as he was filled with guilt and regret, for trusting Tanken with Gabby's life. But he failed, as he was not strong enough.

Gabby felt no anger towards him. But rather deep thanks that even if she was just a mere soul, he was willing to do all he could in order to protect her.

But no matter how much one tries, goodness won't prevail at all times...

How she hoped Humility and Harry comes fast.

Because the look Tanken was giving her, shouts murder.