Chapter Twenty-Five

I wake up and my head feels like I was shot out of a cannon. I groan as I get up out of the bed. How much did I drink last night? Where are my shorts? I wonder as I look around for some pants to wear downstairs and find my shorts in front of my dresser. Okay so I am still wearing panties, so I did not do anything too embarrassing. I find some shorts and put on a bralette under my shirt, so I am not baring it all. I leave the room and notice I am the only one awake it seems, so I start working on some Hangover soup for everyone. The first one that comes alive is Yeosang, and Jongho. "hey guys I am making hangover soup for everyone who needs it and Yeosangs I made you some real breakfast already and the toast is almost done now." I say smiling at them both "You didn't have to make me something special Noona." He says to me smiling. "well you are the only one of us who didn't drink so no reason you should have to suffer. Want to go wake up the other guys for me?" I ask and him and Jongho nod and go to wake up the others. I prepare their hangover soups with a glass of water and Tylenol for headaches for each of them so we can cure it and be done with it. I set it all up on the table and wait as they all start pouring in. Rose and San come in first, San never looks at me and basically pretends I do not exist. Strange. The rest pour in Yeosangs and Hwa on each side of me and we all start to eat everyone half dead from the night before. After we all get done eating, I start to wash the dishes after I get done, I see San and Rose dressed and leaving "Have fun you two!" I say to them smiling and they leave Rose smiling at me excited to have alone time with San. I decide to get a bath. After my bath I change into a pair of shorts and another tank top slide on some socks and go to Yunho's room. "Hey o you guys want to go do some sightseeing and shopping maybe?" I ask and Yunho lights up "let's get the others and lets goo!" he says excitedly, and we go around getting the others who are excited about it as well. I make sure to grab my camera and my purse and we go out. I discover there is a Sea life aquarium in Busan, and I bug the others about going to it and they all agree. Hongjoong asks for my camera which I give him and while we are there, he is taking photos of us all, of course taking a few selfies with us all occasionally. Every time we saw a seahorse Jongho would make a horse noise making us all laugh at him. At the gift store we all bought a little something and I figured since San could not be with us, I would get him a little something. After a while of deciding I decided on a plushie of a turtle because they are cute and well who can resist a cute turtle? It was small, so it was not like it was going to take a lot of space.

After the aquarium we were just wondering around Busan for a bit till we got hungry. We all go a nearby restaurant while we are there, we see San and Rose, but we sit away from them. With time while we are waiting for our food our table gets loud like normal which I am sure is dragging attention to us.


I hear something that sounds like Hirami's laughter and I look over and see everyone laughing, smiling, and cutting up being themselves. I smile not paying any attention to Rose. I mean Rose is great, but she is no Hirami. Hirami is beautiful on the inside and out. I mean she even helped us start becoming idols. She does not need our help anymore, she is a strong, independent lady of her own. Rose is so kind and caring but to be honest I do not even know what she wants with me and why she is still with me. I mean I am good to her, but I am not 100% there for her. My heart belongs to Hirami, but she does not want me the way I want her, and it is not fair to either of them. I do not have a clue as to what to do. Suddenly Rose snaps my attention back to her. "I wonder if they would want to go clubbing tonight?" She asks looking where I was looking. "I don't know we can ask when we go back to the house later. I say smiling at her. I cannot wait to give Hirami the turtle I got for her at Sea life when I went with Rose today.

End of San POV

After we get done eating, we all decide to go back to the house, and we run into San and Rose "hey you guys! How's it going?" I ask and they were cuddling on the couch Rose looks at me "hey do you guys want to go clubbing tonight?" Everyone says yea "I don't have any clothes for that" I say awkwardly. Rose looks at me smiling "Good then it gives me an excuse to not go shopping by myself. Let me go grab my stuff and I will meet you at the door okay?" she says I smile and nod agreeing with her. When she leaves it's just me and San I grab the Sea life bag from my hand and he reaches for something and he goes inside the bag and grabs something and at the same time we bring out what we bought seeing that he also got a turtle for me as well. We both just look at each other smiling and I giggle "Great minds think alike. We are like twins" I give him the turtle I bought and he gave me the one he got for me and I took it to my room and when I get out Rose is waiting for me smiling. We wave goodbyes and we go to go shopping. I was a little worried about being alone with her because I am sure she does not like me or something. When we get to the store with the clothes she looks at me "I need your help picking out something San wouldn't be able to resist me in, and I will help you find something to land you a man" she says winking at me. "I will try" I say to her. "well you are San's best friend you know him better than anyone so I feel like you will be the best." I smile and begin searching for some stuff. I find stuff and she likes it but wants to show more skin I do not think that is what San will like but in my protests she mentions how she wants him to be focused on her and her only. The stuff she is trying on is going to attract a lot of attention. She decides after trying on a lot of things on a low cut crop top that was being held by a small chain leaving her stomach, and back completely exposed with a matching skirt that was barely long enough to cover her bits. She had an amazing body so I have no doubt San would be looking at her, but I fear he might have to fight men off her and it worries me about him getting hurt. I smile at her and tell her she looks incredible and that San is going to have to fight men off of her to which she responds with "now we have to find you something sexy" she says and begins to search and after having me try some things on for what feels like forever we find the right outfit and head back home after paying for our things. Then things get normal and we are all having fun for a week going on like that and everything seems normal. Should have guessed things were going to be different at some point.