Chapter Six

After washing the milk off my skin ,I was put in another pool mixed with coal .It was really black in colour . Again all his eight queens fetched the water mixed in coal and poured it on me indicating that ,my life in Mugal as a queen could be better as hell if I don't obey the orders of the king .I was made to understand that ,I was married to please and entertain the king and nothing else .Anything other than that makes me useless and capable of being tortured like how slaves are treated .

After completing this task ,I was decked up and adorned in jewelries and brought before everyone in the ceremonial hall .I stood there like a statue .When the whole place became silent ,King Duxan began to speak .

I King Duxan ,king of Mugal Kingdom hereby declare Princess Krystal ,daughter of King Abad of Swaji Kingdom as my wife and property because she has been sold off to me .She is now the ninth wife of this kingdom . Henceforth ,this ring will signify that she is the ninth wife of this kingdom ,he says fixing a ring on my ring finger .The people present at the hall began to clap as he made this declaration .

"My wife and property " ,this words got me burning in anger but as usual ,I could do nothing to defend myself from this injustice .I could only clench my fist but I was weak to even throw it on someone .

As the ninth wife of this kingdom ,he continued to speak ,I King Duxan hereby declare Princess Krystal as queen of Mugal Kingdom. He said this fixing a crown on my head and putting me on the queen's throne .Henceforth ,you shall address her as Queen Krystal because she has ordained all the power and authority as a queen in this kingdom .She has the power to command and execute anyone but the only power she can't surpass is my power and that of the head queen's power .She is under the rule of my power and the head queen"s from today on wards .

However ,she will enjoy all the privileges that a newly wedded queen enjoys .So as part of her privileges ,she has the right to ask for anything she wants and just as I go by the word as king ,I will grant unto her ,her wishes and requests .

After this declaration ,all the eight queens presented jeweleries and dresses to me as a form of welcoming me as one of them .

The army and every maid and servant bowed down to me as they swore their allegiance to the kingdom ,the king and to me .

I wasn't perturbed about his actions or his ways of proving his kindness to me because a ruthless man like him will always remain the same no matter the number of times he tries to prove himself as nice .

How disgusting ,I said to myself as I took off my heavy dresses and jewelries including my crown and threw them aside taking time to look at the bruises on my skin when I got into my chamber after the crowning ceremony .I was burning furiously in anger with his words "my wife and property " repeatedly playing like music in my mind .That sour coal poured on me got my soul boiling when I thought about it .In anger and agony ,I threw off the ring on my finger away and sat down and wept bitterly . I missed all those moments when I had someone to lean my head on and clean off my tears .I missed when my mum used to give me a head massage and my sister used to sing to put me to sleep .I missed them a lot and I wished they were by my side .

Laura came into my chamber and gave me a tight hug knowing perfectly well how i needed it at that time .She prepared warm water and helped me take a bath in order to bring down my fever .I was very weak ,yet I stood on my feet in pain to impress him about my attitude so that I don't get tortured anymore.

📚📚Hello everyone ,I hope you are enjoying the book😍

Please while reading ,we should take note that this story has a historical setting so their culture in terms of polygamy and how women and human rights are violated is what they assume is right .

Their way of thinking and settling issues is far different as compared to the modern century we are living in .

So as we continue to read ,I would also like us to set our minds on the times where people especially the vulnerable such as women and children were not given any worth .

You are my inspiration to write this book ." Yes you " ! ,the one reading so thank you very much for your inspiration .

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Love you alllll !