After nuzzling on my handkerchief, I started mumbling while watching the shopping list that I've made for today. Suddenly I found my phone buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and mumbled-
" Why mom is calling me right now?"- then I answered the call.
" Hey mom! Is everything okay?"
" Yea, it's all fine here!"- I heard her low voice from the other side.
" Okay. So what made you call me at this time?"
" Um…. Actually I was missing you Hannah!"
" Why mom? What happened?"- I heard my mom's little whimper on the other side.
" Why are you crying mom?"
" No, no, it's okay! I was just missing you and Nadia! She still sleeping nah?"
" Yea mom, she's still sleeping."
"Okay, so how are you my love?"- I heard her nuzzling this time.
"I'm okay mom. It's just all fine here. Nadia is fine as well. So don't worry about us."- I took a pause for a second and then said-
"Well I'm making a shopping list right now. Rita will be here on 05:30 so I've to hurry a little and...."- my words got cut off by my mom's words.
" Did he call you?"- this question of her had annoyed me every time.
" Mom! I told you I'm not gonna..."- I got cut off again.
" It's okay love! I'm not forcing you. All I'm asking that did he call you?"- I took out a big sigh.
I was fully annoyed by this question so I answered her-
"Mom, it's been four years that we've broken up! And he never called me after that."
"Oh! Okay."- I heard her voice got low again.
"Yeah, okay mom, I gotta go now and also have to get her ready for her school. So talk to you later, bye!"
"Yea love bye! Take care of yourself and her, dear! Love you!"
"Love you too mom."- I cut the phone with a lot of annoyance. Was thinking that
'why mom still asks about him? It makes me frustrated a lot I was tryna forget him but my mom makes me remember of him all the time.'
'Diiinnngggg Dooonnnggg' I heard the main doorbell rang out.
'Maybe it's Rita.'
I opened the door and she came in.
"Too late by the way."- I teased her with a smirk.
"It's just 05:27! Three minutes earlier than my regular time."
"Nope, you're wrong. 15 minutes earlier than your regular time."- after this we started giggling together.
"Okay so main thing is, I made a shopping list."- I said it while coming back in the kitchen with Rita.
"Give it to me."- Rita said after she put her bags on the kitchen table.
"Um... Take it!"- I checked the paper for the last time and threw it to Rita and she caught it.
"And I've to go to office a little bit early today so, I can't drop Nadia. You've to take her school and also bring her home too."
"Bring her home?"- she looked at me like I said something wrong.
"Yea. Because I can't come home early today."- I answered to her.
"You promised her yesterday to take her to the Baskin Robins ice cream stall after school."
"Shit!"- I started punching my head.
"I forgot! Fully forgot!"
"Hmm. Hmm. I knew it."
"Hey Rita, could you take her to the stall after school? I'll give you some money to buy her favorite ice cream. Please!"
"Listen Han…"- she was about to say something negative, but
"Okay. Okay. I'll do that."- finally Rita said yes..
"I knew that you'll do it for me! I just love you Rita. Love you so much dear."- I told her this all in a dramatic way with a little bit dancing.
"Yea, yes. Very clean way to ensnare me!"- she pulled out her tongue to tease me and we giggled together.
After that I came to my room. 'She's a great a person with a cool personality. That's why I like her a lot. Thank God that I found her, not as a homemade, just as an elder sister'
I thought it to myself.
I came out from the bathroom after getting dressed for my office.
I switched on my hair dryer machine and started to dry my hair.