
He's here! Oh my, how do I look right now? Am I good enough to look at? Gosh, why I felt so nervous all of a sudden knowing that he's coming!

I fidgeted on my seat when I saw Cylec coming in. He look so cool and handsome on his school uniform. He look so fresh.

How about me then? I felt conscious. Our chair was too near that the moment he seated on his chair, I smell his enticing scent. Shocks! He smell so nice. What's his perfume? It smells expensive.

I simply sniff on my school uniform. Darn it! It smells so bad. I don't even used a fabric conditioner, what I'm expecting? I don't have a perfume too.

While all of my female classmates wear make ups, accessories and all girls can do to make them looked pretty, here I'am, looked so plain and wearing nothing. My life sucks!

I'm sitting closer next to my crush and yet I felt that he's three miles away from me. He's too good to be true. And I felt like having a crush on him is a sin.

He won't noticed me, so I think it's okay. No one knows except myself, so why worry? It's just a crush. Yeah, a simple crush. Simple admiration. I only admired him. This feelings won't take longer, right?

Then he looked at my direction and stared at me with he's so serious expression. My heart was beating so fast already. I felt nervous and unconscious at the same time.

I smiled awkwardly! I think I looked constipated with that smile, urgh!

"You okay?" He asked.

"H-huh?" I said like a totally dumb.


He said and avoided my gazed. He looked in front of us, staring blankly at the black board. I do the same to calmed myself.

Relax, Cyleen. Inhale, exhale.

That's what I keep on reminding to myself. It's just a crush. It's normal. Get a hold of yourself. Who knows, tomorrow morning when you wake up, you dont have this feelings for him anymore.

According to Webster dictionary, crush is an intense and usually passing infatuation. I'm just infatuated. Sooner or later, this crush will goin' away.

"Good morning, class."

Then our P.E. teacher ruined the whole situation.

"For your preliminary exams, you're going to perform a ballroom dance. I'm gonna divide the whole class in five groups. Each group only have two weeks to practice. Here's your respective group."

Cylec and I are group mates! After the announcement of groupings, our teacher gave the remaining time for us to plan on our upcoming activities.

Sammy Estradez, Shiela Lanuza, Christina Caldova, Eugene Calderon, Ebenezer Climaco, Rico Paraz, Cylec Jordan and I, Cyleen Jaranilla are the group 3.

"Whose going to be our group leader?"

Sammy, one of our prettiest classmate asked.

"Cylec, of course."

Shiela, one of our most talented classmates said. She's great in singing and dancing.

"I don't want to. You lead. You're great in dancing anyway."

Cylec said to Shiela.

"Okay, then. And since I'm the leader, don't ever complain on whose going to be your partner."

Shiela said. Sammy and Cylec are partners while I ended up on Ebenezer.

"Saturday and Sunday is our practice. Everyone is required to attend the practice. And our venue? Jordan residence."

Shiela said.

"Yey! I'm excited on our practice. Let's do our best guys!"

Sammy said while looking at Cylec. She said guys but she's only looking at Cylec. What was that? Don't tell me she had a crush on him too?

"Yeah. Let's do this for our prelims." Cylec said.

Sammy smiled at him. Now I realized how cute they are to looked at. Sammy's beauty is a good combination on Cylec's perfect features. They can be a cutest couple on our section or even at the whole campus. If ever.

Why I felt a sudden pain in my chest the moment I think about it? I'm supposed to be happy, right? I heaved a sigh.

Then, the Saturday came.

"Ma, we have a dance practice for our prelims."

I said while eating breakfast.

"Okay. Just don't stay too late."

She said. I just nodded. After I ate breakfast, I brush my teeth and taked a bath. I just wore green t-shirt, blue skinny jeans and floppy slipper. After a minute, I'm good to go.

Since I don't know where Jordan residence is, Shiela gave her number just in case I've got lost. I asked the tricycle driver if he knows the address Shiela gave me and I felt relieved when he said he knew.

It takes 20 minutes before the tricycle stopped in front of the not so huge gate. I entered coz it's half open. That's when I saw the old ancestral house. It looks 5 times huge than our house but look so old.

It's the swimming pool that caught my attention though. It's the only thing that look so modern here.

Is this what they called infinity pool?

I asked myself. I guess it is! Then I heard a laughter not too far away from where I am. I walked closer to where it was. It's Sammy. She's talking to someone and that someone is no other than— Cylec.

Her eyes sparkled while she's talking to him. So as Cylec. Our other group mates wasn't there yet. It's the two of them only. It looks like they don't want to get disturbed by anyone so I started walking backwards slowly.

Slowly, until I bumped into someone. It's Eugene.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

He said.

"Ahm, I think we're not needed there yet. Let's wait for others outside instead."

I said and push him slowly back at the gate. He scratched his head while walking backwards but didn't complain. There's a bleachers I saw near the gate so I seated there. Eugene followed.

I exhale sharply and absentmindedly looked from afar. Why it felt so heavy seeing him smiling while talking to Sammy? He looked so glad about what their talking that his eyes even sparkling. Are they together now?

Just thinking about it makes my heart ache. Why am I hurting with that thought? Am I— jealous?

No! Of course not! I'm just infatuated. He's just my crush. There's no way I'm getting jealous. I don't have any rights to be jealous. That's so wrong! I'm not supposed to feel it! To feel this way!

"Have you heard the news?"

Eugene asked.

"News? About what?"

I said.

"They said Cylec like someone."

I felt stiffened. He like someone? Why it sounds like a big deal? And why it needs to be announced?

"I don't know about it."

I said. I really don't know. I don't have any idea. But seeing him talking to Sammy, now I realized. He likes Sammy!

"Of course you don't know coz

he's just about to ask yo—."

"We're here!"

Shiela, Christina, Rico and Ebenezer said in unison while entering the gate. That made Eugene shut up. They walked directly inside as if it's not their first time being here. Are they all friends?

I don't know about them yet coz they are not my classmates in elementary. I'm not that friendly in our class either so I don't have any information about them. But the way they treat each other comfortably, I think they really knew each other.

When we reached the pool area, Cylec wasn't there anymore. It's just Sammy. She looked at me from head to toe bluntly. Why? Why she's looking at me that way? I didn't disturb them a while ago. I let them have their quality time. Why she looked so— furious?

"Before we start our practice, there's a changes when it comes to our dance partners." Shiela said.

"Why? We're okay on our partners."

I said.

"Don't complain. It's the final pair." Shiela said.

"Sammy and Eugene, you two are going to be a dance partner."

Shiela said. Sammy rolled her eyes.

"Christina and Rico, while I and Ebenezer." She said again.

Okay. So — whose going to be my partner then? Cylec and I are the remaining who don't have a partner yet. Don't tell me— oh shit!

"Cylec and Cyleen, you two are going to be a dance partner."

My jaw dropped because of what Shiela just said. And that's when I saw Cylec walking towards us. I saw him smirk. And my heart? I think I felt it bounced up and down inside my chest, damn it!