My eyes looks like a dagger when I'm looking at him and that sexy brunette he's talking to in a distance.
She's gorgeous and stunning with a class the way she moves, talk and act in front of Mr. Jordan. Who is she? I think she's not one of C.J Holdings employee.
But obviously, she belongs to Mr. Jordan's circle and society. Are they close? The way they talked, it looks like they're comfortable with each other.
And they look good together. If I'm not aware that Mr. Jordan is my boyfriend— wait. Are we really in a relationship by now? I'm not even sure about it, my gosh!
If someone looked at them, for sure they'll think that they're dating. Even I felt jealousy by just looking at them having a conversation there.
I don't even had a strong will to go there and announce my presence coz I feel like Im not needed there. I might just look like a third wheel ruining their magical moment.