Mr. Stan I think a lot of people came and they are shouting various things to the guards who are in the second floor windows "I am not going to go if they want my help they will ask me and I do not want to be part of their games

But Mr. Stan, the gang is preparing to attack the house, they need all the help we can provide "if you go there, you only worsen the results, doing more harm than good, you will only hinder the guards

Inside the house the different groups were stationed between the windows pointing their automatic rifles at the criminals who shouted various slogans against those inside the house, the outsiders are already celebrating victory

instead there were three guys above the house who make their corresponding bets

have MR. J. How will the competition be "it will be very simple each one has to kill as many as possible they must be confirmed that you actually kill them" what happens with MR.S. they will tell you or as always they will leave it out

I think that we are going to leave him out of this MR, K, he always finds a way to win besides that we are betting "right we are going to leave him out of this MR. B. Whoever wins has the right to go to the lair of those misfits to bring what they have of value

whatever you want he will also be busy with other things MR. J. I'm going to enter the bet "everything is ready to start we wait or they will surprise them before they attack which one they choose

because we don't fly the guy they left strapped in the street as a signal to start our competition so no one can have an advantage in the competition

that's the best so everyone can participate in the bet now let everyone know those with the most deaths, accompany me to the den of the homeless "you dream again MR. K. you don't know who will win this time is your server here present "you and your bad jokes look to the street truthfully who is the winner MR. J.

> in the streets in front of the house <

boss, what do we do with all the bodies that are piled up in the street "when they enter that house we will give them a good burial, and when they surrender I will spank them and use them as cargo slaves

also after all the women serve me we will put them inside the service booths so that you can also enjoy them


What are we going to do with the other women who are in that place boss "well, those will be a new draw for the winners, they will have a woman in their homes who thinks about this


well, now they unleash that wretch, he can also take revenge when they enter the place "boss and if they refuse to surrender like they did before" they just have to shoot until they surrender while some attack the front others can go behind and enter the home that's how easy it is to be smarter than them

when the ten minutes are missing "boss is 5 minutes until the deadline" well form pairs to attack although I do not think they will fight against us it is never too much to be prepared to fight

> The tension is very present in the streets while one is waiting for the signal to start a competition, the others are waiting for the surrender to start the looting, there are also those who are afraid of dying, those only hide

The most vulnerable group in these cases are children and the elderly, who are less and less because most cannot survive the difficult times but yesterday they learned of a rumor that was for everyone like a lifeline in these most difficult times

It all depends on the answer they wait to confirm the rumors so they can have a greater opportunity for the whole family, suddenly a sound was heard coming from outside

> "BOOM!" <

the explosion was so strong that all the windows of the house were broken, inside everyone was lying on the ground waiting for the explosion on the other side several members of the gang were killed the boss was left under the rubble with some broken bones in addition to that most gang members are in chaos

the shots began to fall on them being much more afraid because the zombies also began to arrive at the place so that some want to escape from the area

Every moment more and more gang members fell victim to the hail of bullets fired from the house, some were able to answer the shots but they did not last long that was the difference between the people who are trained and those who never attended even a few small courses

Those who were luckier managed to hide among the rubble or some streets but then they were killed by the snipers stationed on the roof of the house to end the attack, they took to the streets to finish off those who had managed to survive

They had the stupid idea that if they gave up they would respect their lives, what a beautiful dream it hurts that ended after a shot between the eyes, of the more than 100 gang members they only left two alive

one who claimed to be the boss who had several broken bones and another who was well hidden between some alleys below some bodies of his colleagues who if he had not spoken they would shoot him in the head to prevent them from turning into zombies just in case

at first like any other prisoner they got brave trusting their courage over what they knew wanting to play their cards to get something good for themselves

But after a good beating where the only bones that he had healthy were broken to the so-called head of the gang, the other began to tell everything he knew so they found out about the base that the gang had

all kinds of things they did from robbery, rape, kidnapping, extortion, blackmail and especially the people they hold captive in the basement within their base of operations

Knowing all the information about their activities, the majority wanted to lynch them but they were arrested to do so in the future, although they were not saved from having the other's arms and legs broken after a good beating by the families

they were divided into two groups, the first one with MR. K. plus two squads of 10 people each went to the gang's lair

the losers of the bet stayed to clean up all the mess they had made with the battle in addition to ending the zombies that were alerted by the explosion and the shots also attend to the bullet wounded although there were only two

while some collect the bodies the others dig holes to prevent more zombies from reaching the place with the smell of blood

the guards are divided into groups of four to hunt zombies although the remedy is temporary the question is obvious to prevent more and more of these monsters from reaching the place

everyone is busy too those inside are busy making their own plans why they realized the reality of the city that not only are zombies or beasts in the city they are also the people who become the slaves of others

They know that they have to learn to defend themselves or they will be eaten by others without the possibility of defending themselves because they never learned to do so if they live in a society with its laws

so they sent one of the ladies to do an investigation with the only person who can help them

With some sorrow but a lot of determination, I enter without knocking on the door, everyone knows that this room is like the most sacred place in the house, the lady was chosen for her excellent figure, and she was also very beautiful.

Upon entering, looking that Mr. Stan was in a meditation session, he did not want to interrupt him so he went to the bed where he began to undress nervously but when he noticed that no one was looking at him, he relaxed

out of nowhere two hands on her shoulders that surprised her "what happens because such a beautiful woman visits me that I did well this time" I want to make an agreement with you to be able to help my family I know from good sources that you can do what

the others can also do it because they don't go with them "it is because I feel more comfortable with you besides that I am never wrong with my choices" well you have all my attention so speak I listen to you

Lord, what do we have to do to help us or how can we win a new life to survive this chaos?

my condition is very simple and it is called "total loyalty"